Oyun/Spoken Dialogue

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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

List of dialogue spoken by Oyun. These lines are played when near a character, providing additional insight into the events and characters of the Town.

Dialogue spoken is dependent on both the day and chosen player character.

Pathologic (2005)


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • Suok waits for you.
  • What is this body made of?
  • My hands do not obey me.
  • I do have a heart.
  • She has presented me these legs, instead of being crippled.
  • Was it not the last udurgh?
  • They name it the Land.
  • There is no true Attendant among you.
  • Mother Boddho heats the blood. Vein Boddho feeds them.

Days 1-6


Day 7

  • (Haruspicus) Speak briefly, the Kin’s blood. You are not pleasant to me.
  • (Haruspicus) I shall honor the lines of the ritual. The words have flesh.

Day 8

  • (Haruspicus) You are guilty of all.
  • (Devotress) You do not have to see what happens here.
  • (Haruspicus / Devotress) She is the messenger of the Law. The time of destruction of the ancient god comes.

Day 9

  • (Haruspicus) Hardness is not an attribute of a true force, Kin’s blood.
  • (Haruspicus) Many alive always form one more alive.

Day 10

  • (Haruspicus) Whatever happens outside, it will not concern us.
  • (Haruspicus) Your Devotress prepares for the new deeds. I feel force in her.

Day 11

  • (Haruspicus) You are the only one from the three who know the lines of the Land. It's up to you to decide.
  • (Haruspicus) The mistress has already prepared the first victims.
  • (Devotress) I concede to you, the mistress of Humble. Remember me to her when you return to the Land.
  • (Devotress) The old priest is dead. The new priest triumphs!

Day 12

  • I am a servant. The will has destroyed me.
  • If people like me are enough, the Town remains the former. We shall devote ourselves to Klara. It is not a pity to give a spoiled life to a new Mistress.

Pathologic Classic


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • Suok is waiting for you.
  • What is this body made of?
  • I can't control my hands.
  • I have no heart.
  • She gave me these legs to make up for the crippled ones.
  • Was it not the last udurgh?
  • They call her Earth.
  • There's no true Warden among you.
  • Mother Boddho warms her Kin. Boddho's veins feed them.

Days 1-6


Day 7

  • (Haruspex) Be brief, kindred one. You are unwanted here.
  • (Haruspex) I will honor the lines of the writer. Words have flesh.

Day 8

  • (Haruspex) It is all your fault.
  • (Changeling) There is no need for you to see what happens next.
  • (Haruspex / Changeling) She is an emissary of the Law. Now is the time when ancient gods die.

Day 9

  • (Haruspex) Resolve doesn't equal true strength, kindred one.
  • (Haruspex) The living whole is the sum of its living parts.

Day 10

  • (Haruspex) Whatever happens outside it won't concern us.
  • (Haruspex) Your Changeling is getting ready for new achievements. I feel strength in her.

Day 11

  • (Haruspex) You are the only one of the three who know the lines of the earth. It's your choice.
  • (Haruspex) The mistress has prepared the first sacrifices.
  • (Changeling) I concede to you. The mistress of the meek. Pray for me when you return into the earth.
  • (Changeling) The old priest is dead. Glory to the new one.

Day 12

  • I'm a servant. I was broken by will.
  • If there's enough people like me, the Town will stay the same. We'll surrender ourselves to Clara unregretted. A rotten life belongs to the new Mistress.

Pathologic 2

  • I will honor the lines of the rite. Words have flesh.
  • What does a sinew know of a body? What does a man know of a town?
  • Whatever happens outside, it's no concern of ours.
  • Fire-marks, water-songs, air-light. And Earth's embrace.
  • From the turn of the screw, we will learn what is true.
  • I'm big as a bull. Needed, to pull my yoke.
  • I carry out my duty. I keep my world safe.
  • Grit and toil grind bones into soil. They'll grind you down, too.
  • I'm human. I'm hugh-man. Huge. Man. Man of many hues.
  • Bend a tree all you will, it'll grow towards sunlight.
  • A chain breaks at the weakest link.
  • We've all been through this before.
  • See no evil. Hear no evil. Know no evil.
  • Yes?
  • What?
  • You can bury the truth, but only in your own grave.
  • What is this body made of?
  • I've lost control of my hands.
  • Mere words are neither priceless nor worthless—mind their purpose.
  • I have no heart.
  • She gave me these legs, to make up for the mangled ones.
  • Was it not the last udurgh?
  • They call her Earth.
  • There's no true Warden among you.
  • Mother Boddho warms her kin; feeds them from the bosom of her veins.
  • She is a herald of the Law. Now, we come to the time when deities begin to die...
  • You need not see what happens next.
  • I concede to you, Mistress of the Meek. Pray for me when you descend again into Earth.
  • You have brittle bones. Watch yourself.
  • Quickly, Kindred. I like you not.
  • Being stubborn is not the same as being strong, Kindred.
  • I am a servant, broken by another's will.
