Pathologic Wiki talk:Community portal

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Route summaries?

It would be nice to make route summary pages (for the 2005 game). I've been copying down Bachelor route quest logs (both main and 'other tasks') and letters and I've also found an old walkthrough that appears to list all quests and variants (as usual I'm playing the second translation as we use that translation for character and place names on the wiki).

I think there's some old pages that we were trying to put route summaries on but at that time due to technical difficulties I didn't have access to the game. We had much fewer people working on the wiki as well. Now though I think it should be possible!

Ideally we'd have all quest logs and letters listed on their respective pages. Probably not quest markers on the map, though.

Does anyone else want to work on this with me, maybe with another route? 1smalldragon

I can help out. If you're working on the Bachelor, I could do the Changeling for now, as I have saves for all days. Edit: Oh, it's here. — Southquarter (talk) 19:48, 15 December 2016 (UTC)

Formatting and Streamlining

Impostress, Paralarva and I spent a LOT of time fixing this wiki from its previous state (very, VERY dusty and almost entirely empty); now that there's actually a small active userbase (!) I would appreciate discussion on the Community talk page before changing any formatting, especially of stuff (like userboxes) which may affect the wiki as a whole. Thx 1smalldragon

Characters: Original and Updated

Are we going to keep updating the character's profiles with the remake's information and pictures, or is the a way too keep both versions separate? I don't have a preference for either way, but it's possible that the the character's bios might suffer changes. — Southquarter (talk) 22:48, 10 December 2016 (UTC)

Beats me, up to the mods I guess - ComradeCarl
Impostress and I have been talking about this; we're probably going to begin duplicating the 2005 version's character pages (for basic information about the characters' backgrounds etc.) and adding the demo info/images to the new pages--eventually grouping the actual Stuff From The Remake with the demo. Sound good? 1smalldragon
I'm okay with that. If I understood it correctly, I'm just wondering on a technical level, how will the new pages be named? For example: Aspity_2017? — Southquarter (talk) 18:39, 14 December 2016 (UTC)
I was thinking Aspity_(2005) and Aspity_(2017) -- that's the same format we've done with the games so it seems appropriate 1smalldragon (talk)

Minor Characters

Sorry its been so long since my response, ive been extremely busy with work and as it appears as though my email notifications were turned off. Nevertheless nice job adding all the quotes for each character, beat me to the punch with that. So I guess now at this point we are finished with the quotes, I have several ideas for the wiki as to make info more available to newcomers. I have started adding/linking some, but I think that a lot of it still needs to be optimized better

Speaking of which, firstly I am hoping to fix the Minor Characters page bu creating separate pages for each character, and when finished adding to the "Character" category page linked on the main page. the Minor Characters page dosent have to be deleted, it just needs to either have move info or for me own idea, link to a separate page with more info. Anything that is added to these pages before I add info will be much appreciated. Specifically info added to the character links below. this is just what I think though, so Let me know if anybody has any suggestions. - ComradeCarl
Personally, I'd rather keep the Minor Characters page as is, as most of the characters on it have little/no dialogue and not even unique character images. Although additional information about their backstories would be appreciated 1smalldragon

Willow (Vera)




Barley the Barber

Wiki main page

Mentioning (I hope it works) Impostress, 1smalldragon and Paralarva.

I worked on a an updated front page that can be seen here:

Basically, what I did was use a section-based layout that I've seen used on many wikis, as well as update the remake's screenshots. Rearranging the boxes should be easier, too. What do you think? I believe the front page we have now needs a little facelift. — Southquarter (talk) 19:07, 12 September 2017 (UTC)


Hi everyone! I've written to a few of you on your userpage and Southquarter is already on, but if you're interested the invite for the gamepedia slack groupis here and it would be probably a lot easier to chat in the #pathologic channel. I'm also planning a few skin changes (to update it a bit better) and I'd love your input if you want to give it. Cheers! --Z3ther (talk) 08:33, 16 December 2016 (UTC)