The Bachelor's Route/Text

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This entry refers to content from the original Pathologic (2005) and the Pathologic Classic HD remaster. It has nothing to do with the sequel.

The history of humanity witnessed a number of catastrophes that have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt the pettiness of human achievement and the triumph of the invincible Evil. Outbreaks of infectious diseases that have from time to time wiped towns and cities off the map are undoubtedly among those. However smart and virtuous, the people caught up in these destructive events have repeatedly come to the conclusion that it's no use trying to fight these circumstances; the best you can do is bite the bullet and cope with your losses.

This is the story of a person who has managed to work a miracle and defeat a seemingly unvanquishable foe.

The Invisible Enemy

Daniil Dankovsky, a Bachelor of Medicine, was brought here by circumstances most unfortunate. Dankovsky's lifework, his theory challenging the existing notions of human mortality, is being harshly persecuted by the Powers that Be. Suddenly, a letter arrives from a colleague, suggesting that there is previously undiscovered evidence which may support Dankovsky's claims.

There is a settlement, the letter says, rule by an extraordinary man who may well be seen as objective proof of Dankovsky's daring hypothesis. Grasping at straws of hope, Dankovsky decides to follow what he believes to be a sign of divine providence. Without further ado, he sets off for the settlement.

Late at night, the Bachelor arrives in the Town. As he seeks room and board, he gets to know a girl called Eva Yan and stays at her place till dawn.

Day One

Day One, by the end of which the Bachelor finds himself battling a truly unvanquishable foe.


As of today, my mission remains obscure. The examination of Simon Kain--who is rumoured to be a man of incredible longevity--may shake the very foundation of modern thanatology and challenge the existent notions of death itself.

However, even if this undying leviathan proves to be more than a fairy tale, the mere confirmation of his existence won't suffice to prevent the powers that be from shutting our laboratory down.

I need to figure out the most fruitful approach. Simon is a well respected man and if he mistakes my interest for effrontery it would be nigh impossible to convince him to help me break new ground in the field of human vitality.

Today's Quest -- 'In Pursuit of a Killer'

To find out who killed the immortal Simon Kain? The dead man's family may not want it more than I do. I have an abiding desire to punish the murderer, to eradicate them, no matter if they were acting on their own account or at the behest of the Powers That Be. Whoever they were, they picked the moment far too well...

My gentle associate, my selfless advisor Isidor Burakh was the last person to see Simon Kain alive. If it wasn't for Burakh's guidance, I never would have come to this backwoods domain. All the more reason to start my pursuit with him.

Isidor Burakh was murdered. The local authorities have sealed off his house. Alexander Saburov, the head of the Saburov family, has taken control of all proceedings regarding law and order in the town. The Saburovs are one of the three families that govern the town and Alexander was the person to take immediate measures after the discovery of Isidor's body.

If this Yulia Lyuricheva is genuinely capable of rational thought, then she is more astute than the majority of her contemporaries in this town. There are those who would believe that if I am unable to pinpoint the murderer by nightfall, then I am destined to become the next victim. If my encounter with death is so inevitable, then I should prepare myself for it. As ludicrous as it may be, the thought sends a chill down my spine.

I am following in Isidor's wake, certain that the trail of his footsteps will lead me to the Crucible. There is little doubt in my mind that Isidor was well acquainted with each and every family in power, but it was Olgimsky that held Isidor's leash; a relationship rooted in unbreakable familial loyalty. It is with the Olgimskys that I must make my next destination.

A cunning lot, aren't they? The older Olgimsky does his best to avoid any mention of his household. When I asked him what his son was doing, the honourable stock-breeder momentarily lost his temper. I think that the son knows just as much as the father, and it will be easier to get him talking. But where can I find him?

The investigation of the double murder has introduced a few additional considerations. It is highly possible that Simon died to some unfamiliar disease. Stakh Rubin, the town medic, should be warned at once. If he touches the body he may contract whatever disease still remains there.

We have identified the killer, although we've yet to apprehend him. Rubin will collect the necessary equipment to protect him as he works with the bodies. In the meantime I should inform Georgiy Kain of what the primary investigation has shown.

*** The initial findings suggest that Simon Kain was killed by a highly contagious disease. It seems I will not be the first to meet the killer; Doctor Rubin has better chances at that. I just cannot help but think that were Katerina's prophecy to come true, it would have made the situation even more convoluted than it already is.

Other tasks

"Version: The Many-Legged Fugitive"

What kind of games are the local children playing? Lara is worried about them. Or she is worried about the mysterious “shmowders” they seem to have discovered. It would put her mind at ease if I could get my hands on it and wrest it away from them. I know where they keep it. I can see the stash from my window in the Stillwater; in a house by the staircase ruin.

The children had already looted the cache. Now the poison itself is out on the streets; dozens of packages of it. I've got a sample of the 'shmowder'. Lara would be happy to take a look at it.

*** I decided to keep the poisonous “shmowder” for myself. I have a strange feeling that it might be useful soon enough.

*** The 'shmowder' turned out to be a lethal mixture of powerful medicants. Lara was smart to burn it, but I can't help feeling like I should have kept it. The children were adamant that these shmowders are absolutely essential in some cases.

"Version: The Blood-Covered Fugitive"

Could it be that the killer is hiding in the Willows, where the singer Anna Angel resides? After all, someone covered head to toe in fresh blood was recently offered shelter there.

Everything in the house is suspicious. There is too much blood on the corpse—and hardly a drop of it belongs to the dead man. The vagrant thespian has an enormous mansion to herself and keeps averting her eyes when addressed directly... Victor Kain must be informed of these findings.

*** Victor believes that Anna Angel's guest has nothing to do with Simon's murder. Rather, we should be searching for someone cryptically referred to only as “she”; a particularly eerie specification if you ask me. True, it does halve the number of possible suspects, yet I can't say I relish the idea.

It is unlikely that Simon's murderer had broken into the thespian's house. Her gaze may be unkind but she isn't guilty of killing Simon either. If I am going to help her dispose of the body, I will have to come to a covert agreement with Grace, the cemetery caretaker, and hope that she is a child capable of keeping a secret.

These greedy gravediggers aim to make as much as they can by providing unwarranted burial services. Two thousand. And the rascals had the temerity to suggest I pawn some of my belongings to round up the cash.

*** It is done. The gravediggers will help Anna bury the corpse.

"Version: The Beastlike Fugitive"

The younger Olgimsky exhibits a genuinely tradition kind of filial piety. Or is he pursuing some projects of his own? One way or another, he is determined to get rid of the beastlike troublemaker. I wonder what the creature—whose death has no legal consequences—looks like?

*** I had to kill the butcher. Olgimsky's son, Vlad the Younger, will surely appreciate this turn of events.

It seems that reciprocal hatred is not in Eva's heart. My soft-mannered host wants to shelter a runaway serf from the punishment that the authorities would mete out on him if he is caught. It would appear I am not the only person chasing a criminal tonight...

*** She who gives shelter to runaway workmen will lead the butcher deep into the Steppe. May this be comforting enough for kind-hearted Eva.


The Letter from the Powers That Be

Bachelor Dankovsky,

By what seems to be a very lucky coincidence, you have found yourself in a town that is wrought by some very worrying occurrences. Reportedly, there is an outbreak of dangerous disease in the vicinity. There is also an opinion that the outbreak is a falsification staged deliberately for the purpose of concealing a murder.

In consideration of your outstanding analytical capability, we delegate the investigation to you. If there is an epidemic, it must be halted by any means necessary.

You should l as much information as you can, we suppose, and then make a decision in line with our own professional ethics and moral beliefs. In order to implement your strategy, an Inquisitor endowed with unrestricted authority will shortly arrive to join you. In the event that you are unable to curb the outbreak before their arrival, all power over the situation will be reassigned to them.

P. S.

It has come to our attention that you have recently requested permission to continue with you own research. The decision of whether or not such permission will be granted depends on the results of this assignment. Your success, therefore, has a bearing on your scientific reputation and your further academic career.

Professor Telman

The Body is Isolated


The body has been isolated, as far as I know. Rubin conducts the examination of it.

Nevertheless, keeping in mind your discovery, I would advise you to see me in the Rod first thing tomorrow morning. There is a matter of crucial importance that we need to discuss.

Alexander Saburov

A Letter From a Colleague in “Thanatica”

Daniil, I am writing this in a hurry, so do forgive the uncustomary brevity.

The Powers That Be are closing in on us. They persecuted us before, as you know, but now they are set to utterly exterminate us. We may yet be able to persevere, but you, my friend, are in grave danger.

It is almost as if your destination was chosen to be the place of your burial. They say there is some kind of disease in the town, of a most lethal variety; perhaps Plague itself.

I have little doubt that the Powers That Be have set up your whole journey. Telman, that vermin, wants to get rid of you more than he wants to cease the outbreak. I wouldn't be surprised if it transpires that there are no medical personnel whatsoever in the town. They will use it as pretext to delegate the whole mess of it to you. If this is the case, I urge you to keep out of trouble. Stay safe, Daniil; wait for the sanitary teams. They will arrive sooner or later.

Take care, my friend. If they tell you to engage the Plague by yourself, refuse it, even if your principles enjoin you to do otherwise. Our research is what matters the most and we will not be able to go on with it if you are dead...

Yours, A

Katerina's Warning

You must make haste!

The sun will set in four hours. Unless you are able to recognize the shabnak's guise, she will kill you before nightfall. Tarry not, I beg you! I am the only one who can tell you what the monster looks like.

Meet me in the Rod, outside the Tanners district.


A Reminder From the Kains

Venerable Doctor,

There must have been a mistake of the most regrettable kind. I was duly informed that you arrived in town last night. Unfortunately, my servants must have missed you at the station and were unable to guide you towards Bridge Square. I urge you to see me in the Crucible, my mansion, at your earliest convenience.

Respectfully eager to meet you,

Simon Kain

Isidor Burakh's Message

My dear Bachelor Dankovsky.

It was most disconcerting to learn that the Powers That Be have the intention of shutting down the laboratory that owes its fame largely to your own research in the field of thanatology.

Is it true that your detractors have branded your studies “scientifically stillborn”? Rejoice, Bachelor, for there is an observable case that would quell the obscurants that reject the research of death, aging, and necrosis as a subject that lacks academic viability. This case, were you to document it, would go a long way towards restoring your reputation as a scholar.

The subject in question is Simon Kain, who has ruled the town where I live for as long as I can remember. This man's longevity transcends the boundaries of what is plausible. It is phenomenal, no less, and I struggled to give an explanation of it with what scientific means I have at my disposal. Make no delay. There is a sensational discovery to be made here, a breakthrough that will not only save your laboratory, but also revivify your studies and greatly increase your scientific renown.

Your humble servant and faithful colleague,

Isidor Burakh

P. S. I spoke to Simon on your behalf and he has kindly agreed to facilitate your effort. Daring ideas and far-fetched projects are traditionally very well respected in our neck of the woods.

Day Two

Day Two, in which the Bachelor gets to restructure authority as an equal and accept emergency powers.

Today's Quest -- 'The Conflict'

The ruling families should stand together in the face of a common threat. Saburov should be granted the full extent of governing authority, but the families are not yet convinced that the plague is spreading. This obstacle is not insurmountable, however. If only I knew what it was that scared Anna Angel so much...

In addition to tales of "the maneater", the streets are rife with rumours of strange places and suspicious houses. It occurs to me that the children—swarming in the gutters and listening in from the shadows as they do—must learn of these places firsthand. It may be worthwhile to speak with their confidant: Victoria Olgimskaya.

Victoria told me of the dubious endeavours of Sticky, a street urchin. Apparently, the little rascal was quite distressed by the yield of his own exploits. If I can get my hands on him, then maybe I can shake out the location of the "Silent House".

I have to enter the "Silent House" if I am to confirm that the disease that killed Simon is spreading. Who other than Bachelor Dankovsky is qualified to make that kind of verification to the local authorities? Of course, I must be careful. Rubin told me that the local drugstores are running out of immune system medication.

What is this house? What is the nature of that filth, and of the inflammation that covered the poor woman's body? If the rulers require proof, then this is it. I will present Saburov with the key; a grisly memento that unlocks the secrets contained within this diseased place.

My hypothesis was true. However two-faced the Powers That Be may be, their information was correct. There is an outbreak of highly contagious disease in town. Georgiy Kain and Vlad Olgimsky are at the head of the ruling families. They will need to be notified before anything else, and then I can take up my duties.

*** For the time being, the power struggle between the ruling families has ceased. They have appointed Alexander Saburov as Governor and granted him full civil and judicial control over the town. As such, he has declared a state of emergency. They will quarantine the town—and now everyone is looking to me to suggest a further course of action.

Other Tasks

"Let's run!"

I should flee the town while I still can. Andrey Stamatin, the architect from the Capital, is the man who can help me escape.

A man of class... It was a pleasure to meet someone of my own standing here, and it would be twice the pleasure if he would agree to join me and leave this place together. It is nothing short of remarkable that the creator of the Cold Hall turned out to be my former University peer. Nonetheless, I doubt he would ever go anywhere without his brother.

Peter is completely off his rocker. His mind is too clouded with twyrine for him to consider the consequences of his actions. Does he seek this self-bedazzlement on purpose? How can I possibly come to terms with such an obstinate man?

It would appear that possession of authority is not enough for Saburov. He doesn't just want to hold the power; he wants to use it to its full extent. Will he be able to resist the temptation of settling a personal score? I should definitely share these thoughts with Peter.

Peter has agreed to flee the town with us. I must let Andrey know in good time; I leave him with the responsibility of sobering up his bibulous brother.

I will need to find a gun and enough ammunition to last me through such a long and perilous journey, if I am ever to escape this place. Rumour has it that goods of this kind—the illegal kind—can be procured from the ringleader of the local outlaws. His name is Bad Grief.

We have armed ourselves. This weapon will suffice to fight my hidden nemesis that stalks this place. Now I can return to Andrey.

It is done. The only way out of town is to sneak through the quarantine. If we can make it to the railway station, we can escape. The meeting is set to happen at ten, an hour after dark.

*** Our attempt to flee the town has failed. Someone compromised our plan and the patrolmen had blockaded all possible routes out of town.

*** It didn't work out. I was silly to let it out...

"The House of the Living"

Lara reads too much classic literature. She wants to create a shelter where her friends and intimates will be safe while the outbreak is seething through the town. Vlad the Younger, Maria Kaina, and Yulia Lyuricheva are willing to provide the wherewithal to buy all the necessary provisions, but it comes down to me to source them. I need to buy several loaves of bread (3), a few bundles of dried fish (3) and some legs of smoked meat (3).

*** The House of the Living will be established in Lara Ravel's mansion. From now on I will always be able to get room and board here.

*** Even though Lara's request was nothing more than a grocery list, I wasn't able to help her.


The Evening Letter from the Powers That Be, Day Two

To facilitate your assignment we will be sending a special train carrying medicine, sanitary equipment, and personnel. We expect the train to arrive in four days.

The Inquisitor (allegedly Mark Karminsky or Peter Kroy) will travel separately. If the sanitary trainr eaches the town before the Inquisitor, the personnel and equipment therein will be yours to manage.

The person in charge of the sanitary expedition will be duly instructed to collaborate. We hope that by that time you will have exhaustive information as to what the nature of the disease is.

Sent of behalf of the Manipulatory Laboratory

Eva's Note

They told me what kind of a killer it was that you caught yesterday. No one believes you yet, but I... I will always believe anything you say. And, since you may not possibly be wrong—we must escape! We must flee the town immediately, this very minute! Come back to the Stillwater, please! I am desperate to see you...

Eva Yan

Lara Ravel's Invitation

I have heard of your discovery. I believe in you! Because of this, I need to make some urgent household arrangements. Please come to the Shelter as soon as possible. The prices are rising by the hour, we need to hurry!

Yours, L. R.

Saburov's Morning Note

As I have already informed you, I have a request to make. It is a matter of utmost importance.

I will elaborate on the situation in detail as soon as you come to see me in the Rod. In the event you consider our requests to be outside your area of responsibility, I will have to contact someone else with this. However, there is little doubt in my mind that the incompetence of the volunteers I would recruit will result in them losing their lives.


Day Three

Day Three, in which the Bachelor is offered to hunt the elusive enemy and evaluate the chances of necrosis.

Today's Quest -- 'Enemy Unseen'

If I am to eradicate the enemy, I must study its habits and capture it. This will be no mean feat. As is customary, we will need to perform an autopsy on someone who has already succumbed to the Sand Plague in order to procure a specimen of infected tissue. First and foremost I need to secure Saburov's consent, lest any of the usual complications linked to working with dead bodies should arise.

If I can reach an agreement with the concealers then the runaway butchers might help provide dead bodies for my autopsies. I have heard rumour of a house here, somewhere in Earth, where the criminal workers of the Abattoir go into hiding.

They have no great regard for human life, it seems. Three lives were given in exchange for Olgimsky's promise to cease the persecution of the runaway tradesmen.

Olgimsky has become strangely pliable. Apparently, he is mostly troubled by the Termitary. It has become a kind of Achilles heel to him. It is interesting to note that he asked me to solicit for young Burakh as he stands accused before the Kains. Could it be that something is wrong here?

The Skinners district is contaminated. I hope that one of the three butchers that Aspity dispatched there is able to return with a suitable specimen. There is no time to procrastinate.

The body that the butcher had cut open was taken to the cemetery.

*** The tissue extracted from the corpse did not contain the microbe; it perished together with the host. I have come to the conclusion that it may be possible to curb any spreading of the disease. Full isolation will be essential. Mere walls, perhaps, may offer some kind of protection. Glass walls in particular.

*** I wasn't able to examine the tissue.

Other Tasks

"The Body of the Immortal"

The disappearance of Simon's body seemed to greatly trouble the Kains. Could it be that a powerful, burly man like Rubin fell victim to some mysterious body-snatcher? Maybe Victor would have some insight into where I should start my investigation.

Vlad the Younger may have some more information. I need to know the place where Rubin took the body, and the locations of any other such places. I also need to ascertain whether the son of Isidor Burakh—widely known as "The Ripper"—has anything to do with it.

The young Olgimsky—being a respectful son, as he is—has a cunning way of concealing his failures. He has agreed to provide the information I need, but only if the Kains withdraw their demands from his family. Meanwhile, Victor insists that I investigate the Termitary as soon as possible.

Victor agreed to withdraw the demands at once. He does not want the Tower to be implicated. They seem to be hiding something there, but whatever it is, it is clearly not the disease. Moreover, I don't think I am the one they are trying to deceive. Perhaps I could use this whole affair as an excuse to sneak into the mysterious tower across the river. I can speak to Vlad about whatever secrets I uncover there.

The child speaks like a grown man. His manner leaves an impression. Could it be that Olgimsky is right? If the Termitary is protected from any external influence as diligently as this Tower is, I can exclude both buildings from my inquiry for now.

In all likelihood, the runaway butchers are hiding the body they stole in the house pinpointed by Vlad.

The body has been found. Is it Simon?

*** It is a bitter errand to be the bearer of bad news. Although the body has been discovered, it had been mutilated beyond all recognition. Georgiy would be thankful for any news at all, however dire it may be. Yet something does not feel right...

*** I was unable to help Georgiy.

"Off to Battle Went the Boy"

Capella requests that I find the little boy who ran off to the infected district. She wants me to take the "shmowder" from him. It is reasonable to assume that the child is to be found somewhere close to the Silent House.

Apparently, I have no other choice but to test the "shmowder" myself.

*** The shmowders are extremely detrimental to one's health, but they do eradicate the infection. Is this a mere coincidence, or did the children compound a cure? We will never find out...

*** I was unable to help Capella.


The Evening Letter from the Powers That Be, Day Three

Insofar as the victory over the enemy is comparable to learning its nature, we see you as our champion as well as our scholar. We think it would be appropriate to inform you of the conditions of your victory.

We hope you appreciate the fact that the disease is nothing more than an unfortunate coincidence. You should treat this as a basis for your research, for if the outbreak is entirely accidental—as the lack of any outside influence on the town suggests—then it should be comparatively easy to handle.

Avoid multiplying casualties. Seek an answer is unorthodox methodologies. The cause of the outbreak is not of a fundamentally familiar nature, so you may need an... adventure, of sorts, to remove it.

CONFIDENTIAL NOTATION (Written on Your Recommendation; Sent for Approval)

The Annotation for Patrolmen, Couriers, Executors and Sanitary Personnel

In order to prevent panic, this annotation is classified and its contents should be under no circumstances disclosed to the civilian population.

The disease is incurable. There is no vaccine, neither here nor in the Capital. However, there are a few positive facts:

  1. The probability of contracting the disease is significantly lower for someone who has taken immune system stimulants. As of now we believe that A-pills and B-pills (yellow coloured and blue coloured pills, respectively) provide the best protective effect. Excessive doses of these medicants may be detrimental to one's health.
  2. Additional protection is afforded by synthetic clothing. Woolen garments are strictly off limits (parasites). The clothing should be changed as often as possible.
  3. IMPORTANT! The disease develops sporadically. At its initial stage, it does not progress in any significant way, especially if antibiotics are taken. However, if contact with the infection reoccurs, the development of the disease becomes extremely rapid.
  4. The disease is not transmitted by means of droplet infection. As of now, we've yet to find out how it is contracted. Preliminary tests suggest that the disease is not contagious at early stages, therefore there is no need to isolate the sick person immediately after the appearance of the symptoms.

App. The Executors:

In consideration of your particular line of work, we believe that you will not be able to avoid infection. If you have contracted the disease, do not give in to despair. It would have happened sooner or later anyway. Try your best to conserve the infection at its initial stage. Take antibiotic medicine. Consider using the "shmowders": they are extremely dangerous, but they help curb the infection.

EPIDEMIC (Written on Your Recommendation; Sent for Approval

Attention all citizens!

Following the outbreak of a lethal disease commonly known as "Sand Plague", "Sand Pest", and "Sand Dirt", the town authorities hereby declare state of emergency.

The disease is extremely contagious. There is still ongoing research as to how the disease is transmitted, but cases of contact and droplet infection have been confirmed. There are currently no vaccine solutions in the town and none are to be expected before the regular train arrives. Please be extra careful!

The townspeople are forbidden to leave their homes unless under special instruction. Remember: the possibility of infection is much lower for those who stay indoors. The citizens are advised to sterilise their household wares, boil their clothing, and exterminate as many vermin as possible.

Do not panic! Medics, couriers and executors will take care of mail delivery, as well as the distribution of drinking water, provisions and medicine. Requests should be written down and slid under the door for couriers to collect.

This address was composed on the instructions of Bachelor Dankovsky and ratified by the State of Emergency Town Governor Alexander Saburov. It is compulsory to follow every advice herein.

Rubin's Letter

We need to plan the battle in advance. "The battle" being the task that lies ahead of us. I will not give up without a fight, even if everyone else has come to terms with their own mortality. We need to join our forces, Bachelor, and combine our diverse skills.

Our enemy is invisible, ubiquitous, dissolved into the very things that we will need to purify. The enemy seems invulnerable, but it is not imperceptible, and whatever terror it instills in us is explained simply by our lack of knowledge. If we are to destroy the enemy, we need to study it first. For this, we need to capture it. This is our first and foremost priority.

Please forgive my reiteration of self-evident things like these. My only reason for spelling it all out is to better understand it myself.

Our goals are not quite the same. I strive to save as many lives as possible, whereas your purpose is to put and end to the outbreak. I've been told of your abiding desire to uncover the truth. I would gladly help you with that, if you will help me achieve my goal. Together, we can eradicate the disease, and save everything that might still be saved.

Stakh Rubin

P. S. You will find me at my secret prosectorium in the Warehouses district. The map is on the reverse of this letter.

Lara's Note

[Sent if yesterday's quest accepted and not fulfilled]

I didn't expect this... I was absolutely sure you were in trouble, yet here you are, safe and sound. Have you any idea what I had to do for the money that I've asked you to collect?

L. Ravel

A Worrying Message from Georgiy Kain

Please visit me at the Crucible at your earliest convenience. Another misfortune has befallen us—and again it concerns the person whom you have travelled so far to see.

I hope the woes of our family are still of some importance to you.


Day Four

Day Four, by the end of which the Bachelor realizes that the town is unprepared for an epidemic of this scale.

Today's Quest -- 'Sanitary Procedures'

Defending the town is the primary concern. Olgimsky had plenty enough time to create several safety zones. Nonetheless, he thought it better to use Lara Ravel's mansion to isolate those who ventured into the infected areas of the town.

Lara told me that the town waterworks ceased to function last night. Perhaps Vlad the Younger will be able to shed some light on the situation. He seems to be the man in the know when it comes to the town water supply.

An irreversible hardship has befallen us. Something has destroyed the town waterworks. Without water, all semblance of personal hygiene, sterilisation, the quarantine itself are as good as gone. We won't be able to keep the people indoors anymore. I should inform Olgimsky as soon as possible.

Some of the larger buildings draw their water from natural springs (the Theatre, the Cathedral). I should investigate the sanitary viability of these buildings as they may be my only available choice. If they meet the most basic requirements then I am empowered to use them for medical purposes.

*** The Cathedral and the Theatre will be used as an isolation ward and as a hospital, respectively. The beak-headed Executors have taken up their duties. The masks will take care of the distribution of medicine as well as any postal deliveries. Furthermore, they will supervise compliance with the quarantine and the isolation of infected townsfolk.

*** The volunteers were acting on my behalf. Until further notice, the buildings will be repurposed for necessity until the state of emergency subsides.

Other Tasks

"Testing Drugs"

Vlad the Younger will inspect what is left of the medicine supply. He has delegated the testing to four women; Yulia, Anna, Lara and Eva. I wonder if he appreciates that one of them may decide to test the solution on herself?

Hardly a surprise. What else could have possibly occurred to them? From here on, I will handle the matter myself. I should test the pills in a contaminated house chosen by the Executors.

An hour has passed. I can leave. The Executor is waiting outside.

*** These medicaments are to be taken in volumes that could hardly be considered safe for one's health. Further to this, their effect is only temporary. The protection granted by immune system stimulants is insubstantial at best, whereas the antibiotics can slow the development of the disease and may, in some cases, destroy the infection altogether.

*** I was unable to test the medicine. There is no choice but to go along with whatever conclusion the girls have reached.

"Villains at Liberty"

The governor has failed to stop the spree of outlaws that rampage the town. However, Alexander is certain that Bad Grief, the head of the warehouse smugglers, is responsible for organising their movements.

Bad Grief insists that he is innocent. Even if there is not a grain of truth to it, we will be able to use the villains feud for our own ends. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to tell Saburov about Barley's secret hideout. The confrontation was a failure; the patrolmen suffered a brutal defeat. However, they did succeed in slaying many of the barbers in the attempt. The underworld is awash with blood. If there was ever a perfect moment to storm Barley's lair and emerge victorious then this may well be it. Taking advantage of all this chaos may just give me the leg up I need. My little ace in the hole, so to speak. We have laid waste to the den of Barley's outlaws and extinguished what remained of the barbers. Now it will be easy to deal with Alexander and Bad Grief. N/A
*** It remains to be seen whether these measures will curb the escalation of robberies and killings. A punishment like this is bound to give pause to anyone considering murder as a means of making a living. *** I failed to put a stop to the criminal outbreak. An impossible task for one man.

"The Blockaded District"

Victor said that my word would suffice. Still, I think he would appreciate if I provided some evidence of how thorough the inspection was. I believe that a dead looter's belongings will serve this purpose just fine.

*** The district is hazardous still, but for reasons other than the disease. Fortunately, the looters are much easier to get rid of. This district will be repopulated soon, as will many other ones. What Victor did is a laudable accomplishment, no less.


The Evening Letter from the Powers That Be, Day Four

We have been informed that you have composed a set of instructions for the civilians and initiated the preparation of the town to combat the epidemic. You have ordered the establishment of a hospital and an isolation ward, and are working on setting up other institutions—the morgue, to name one—that the town was previously lacking.

These decisions place you in the context of higher responsibility. No longer an army of one, you have decided to mobilise the population to fight the disease alongside you, since your personal accomplishments were not enough.

We expect that the measures you have taken are temporary. Speaking of what may be described as the microclimate of the town, we don't want any irreversible changes to take place. In particular, we hope that the instructions you have issued would not lead to any undesirable moods among the local townsfolk. We would rather avoid mass psychosis, depression, or panic that are sometimes characteristic of situations like this.

Please keep in mind that when we offered to cease the persecution of your laboratory and to facilitate your research, we meant that as a reward for you being able to find a surgically precise solution to the problem. It is of no importance to us if you do it yourself or instigate the Inquisitor to do it on your behalf.


The following sanitary precautions are hereby announced:

There are citizens—so-called "Bound"—who seem to be extraordinarily involved in town happenings. They are regularly contacted by people of different lines of occupation and social standing, including your two colleagues. They also try to compensate what they believe to be your inaction with their own efforts. In consideration of that, the Executor Committee has decided:

  1. If a Bound person falls ill, the door to their home should be guarded by an Executor.
  2. While the Bound person remains conscious, the Executor should collect mail deliveries from them and pass over to them the provisions and medicaments delivered by the couriers.
  3. In exceptional cases it is allowed to visit the patient. To enable communication with the Bound person, the Executor should resort to higher efficiency antibiotic medicine (feromycinum).
  4. Vaccines, serums, and other such solutions should be administered, if available, in the same manner as all of the above.

Executors Committee

Alexander Saburov's Invitation


A detachment of our volunteers were ambushed and massacred by a band of armed marauders. If you have any information at all with regard to the so-called "barbers", I request that you pass it to me without further delay. It is imperative that we put an end to this criminal syndicate as soon as is possible.

I would also like to inform you that in order to fight the criminal spree of robbers and looters, I had no other choice but to withdraw significant numbers of patrolmen whose previous orders were to cordon off the infected districts.


Victor Kain's Invitation

I was informed that our major concern today is to prepare the town to defend itself in the face of the calamity that has befallen us. Although it is the Olgimsky family who are in charge of these issues, we would like to contribute as much as we can. Besides, something tells me you are not going to be all that happy with the yieldings of Vlad's undertakings.

Please find a moment to discuss a certain idea with me.

Victor Kain

Vlad Olgimsky's Report on Sanitary Precautions

Doctor Dankovsky,

As of today we are ready to provide you with the premises where you will be able to establish a hospital, an isolation ward, and a morgue. Please see me at the Lump to discuss further details.

Vlad the Heavy

Day Five

Day Five, in which the Bachelor regrets his affection for the living and would very much prefer to like the dead.

Today's Quest -- 'Vaccine'

The disease has evaded us twice already, but now it is firmly within our grasp. All we require is a heart that contains the living pathogen. They say that Burakh is a virtuoso of the scalpel, so I merely need Olgimsky to introduce us.

Lara Ravel has informed Olgimsky of Burakh's capture by Saburov's people. Now Burakh is on death row, if Saburov has not already executed him. Saburov has a well known habit of jumping to conclusions. It wouldn't surprise me if he accuses Burakh of Isidor's murder. Either way, if Burakh is still alive then it may be worthwhile to help him out of jail, insofar as he may be of use to us yet.

Katerina was unable to contain herself. Her ramblings gave her away. According to her, Burakh is held near his own hideout, the house across the street, perhaps? There is another, though; a witness of him being arrested—one of Lara Ravel's friends.

Burakh is somewhere in the Works. There are quite a few separate workshops there. With all the information I have collected, finding him shouldn't be that much trouble.

The soldier gave me a good idea. If the thieves are so mad at the patrolmen, then why not let them do the dirty work for us? I need to talk with Bad Grief about it. If I deal with these people myself, Saburov will surely put me in pole position on his extermination list.

That does it; there is no time to spare. I will have to meet with Burakh at once; before my associates are done with their ungentlemanly assignment. Otherwise we will have to undertake this cat and mouse chase throughout the town once again.

I have arranged to meet with Burakh at nine in the Blind Backyard. Or somewhere in the near vicinity if something scares him away. I hope he has something for me.

*** We've caught the bacteria! The blood is teeming with these voracious monsters. If Rubin manages to produce at least a single dose of the vaccine by morning, I won't have to face the Inquisitor empty-handed. With a weapon like this we may be able to stop the outbreak. Only one small task remains...

Other Tasks

"The Innocent Ones"

Saburov was driven to paranoia by the barbers, so much so that he organised a raid. Half the town was in attendance and many innocent people were killed or wrongly imprisoned. While the dead cannot be helped, I could still try to give the survivors their freedom.

Apparently, appealing to a higher justice is futile. The rapacious Executors demand a ransom. I wonder what use these fearless corpsemen even have of money? It is worthless these days anyway... This whole day has been most absurd.

*** Saburov has set free the people who were wrongly incarcerated. Or at least those who did not die in prison. Unsurprisingly, the survivors are bitter beyond belief. Our governor's preventative measures may bring about the opposite result than intended.

"The Arsonists"

I can't help but remember one gut-wrenching old story. There was a travelling circus known as the "Ace of Diamonds Caravan" who were—allegedly—kidnapping small children and turning them into monsters. Anna advises that we try and profit from the situation; that we might blackmail a good deal of money out of that hunchbacked usurer.

The hunchbacked fire eater—or whoever he was back in the day—has a heart. I wonder what kind of relationship he has with his daughter, as I detect a lecherous undertone beneath the worry in his voice. Either way, he clearly wants to have his daughter back. I wonder what Anna could reveal on this matter...

The daughter had a traditional circus upbringing. What her father doesn't know is that she is working as a dancer in a twyrine shebeen. But why doesn't he know this? Is he disillusioned with the Caravan to such an extent that he wants to wipe the slate clean? Either way, I should talk with the daughter myself.

The girl has agreed to meet me at nine, in the place that we discussed. It is clear that there is more to her story than immediately meets the eye, but the circus performers were reluctant to indulge any information to me. Could it be that I am walking into a trap? A risky move, but I am not so naive as to not see it coming.

*** An unexpected denouement. The girl is dead and the Hunchback is out of his mind with grief. He is working to gather a mob of supporters with the intention of razing the entire town to the ground. A band of blood-crazed arsonists is the last thing this town needs! All because of me. Oh, how the Inquisitor would approve...


Rubin's Note

My source is almost depleted.

After many futile attempts, I am quite confident that the bacteria can be isolated. The enemy can be captured - though you are likely to be terrified by what it would take.

Come see me as soon as you can. The hunting parties that track me down are liable to discover my hideout any moment. I am on my last legs...

Stakh Rubin

The Evening Letter from the Powers That Be, Day Five

And so the microbe was captured. The formula for the vaccine has been discovered. Judging by the reports we have received, this is the keystone of your strategy to halt the outbreak.

However, if you would allow us to remind you the conditions of our agreement; your strategy should also accomplish the final goal, which is to reveal the source of the disease and destroy it, to make reemergence of the epidemic impossible.

You gave your word that you will wipe the disease from the face of the Earth, and this is something we would like to count on. Even more so since your investigation of the carrier hypothesis suggests that the outbreak was a matter of contingency.

We approve of the direction your investigation has taken; everything seems to be in line with the expectations we had of you. The only circumstance we find regrettable is that you did not manage to destroy the creature earlier.

We hope you will deal with the source of the infection tomorrow. After it is done, you should report your success to the Inquisitor and return to the Capital. Back at the Thanatica laboratory, you will find a special decree permitting you to proceed with your private studies as well as equity to provide for whatever research costs you may incur.

Rubin's Evening Note

Now we know what the Sand Plague bacteria look like. If only we knew five days sooner, we could have captured the shabnak. The blood of the maneater—if it indeed exists—should be full of this microbial filth... as well as the antibodies with which to counter the infection.

Either way, I strongly doubt that the maneater is more than a frightening rumour.

...I am in tremendously low spirits.

Come see me one last time tomorrow.

Stakh Rubin

Anna Angel's Invitation


As I sat down to remember the horrors I had to endure yesterday, a scintillating idea occurred to me. A tiny affair, really, nothing to talk of, no troubles, no undercurrents, no strings attached, nothing, not a trifling. But, if it comes to pass, we will both come into a spectacular amount of money!

What are you waiting for? Hurry to the Willows!

P. S. Please don't tell anyone about this letter.

P. P. S. Don't ever speak of our affairs in public.

P. P. P. S. Keep strictly incognito!


A. A. A.

Day Six

Day Six, in which the Bachelor is offered several possible sources of the infection to choose at his discretion.

Today's Quest -- 'Witch-hunt'

There is only one thing left to do; I must locate the cause of the outbreak. The unusual nature of contamination throughout the town, the rumours of the maneater, the tragedy at the cathedral—there is no shortage of evidence to support the "carrier" hypothesis. No wonder Olgimsky has something to say on the matter...

We have caught the bacteria. Now we know what the blood of an infected man looks like. We have learned what the Sand Plague does to its victims as it thrives within their bodies. The rulers have chosen to take advantage of these findings in order to reignite the witch-hunt. Only this time it is with the carrier instead of the maneater. I need to talk with Saburov about it.

There is a terrifying rumour spreading of the carrier in the Cathedral. It has put everyone into a state of trepidation. Saburov places the blame on Yulia and Lara. The experiment that Rubin and I conducted was a success. The truth should be easy to establish; we only need to test the blood.

Olgimsky is certain that both Anna and Aspity are guilty. Could it be avarice that drives his conclusion rather than common sense? Perhaps he is right, to an extent. Both women are indeed suspicious. I must examine their blood against the sample that we obtained yesterday. Everything will come to light then.

Lara did not hesitate to give me her blood. I need to study it under the microscope.

Yulia volunteered the blood of her own accord. I am slightly suspicious of her self-awareness.

Aspity gave her blood with derisive confidence; self-assured, perhaps, in the way of steppe-woman trickery. Nevertheless, the microscope is immune to magic. It sees through all charm and deception.

So that's who the night-time visitor was! That's why Lara and Yulia's belongings were found in the Cathedral! That's who Alexander was trying to protect all along! And this extraordinary girl is the very person I would have started with. There's too much fervour in her—a fervour which was mistakenly thought to be of a sacred nature... I get the feeling that Clara's blood has a lot to tell.

I squeezed out a drop of Anna's blood. I will need to study it under a microscope as soon as possible.

Grace, the deranged daughter of the cemetery caretaker would know where Clara may be found.

Clara's blood is in my hands. She seems confident and not in the least afraid. I cannot help but feel as a sceptic would feel when an illusionist offers him a seemingly empty hand.

*** Something is wrong here. True, Clara's blood is indeed unusual, but it is also clear of any infection! There is no plague carrier. The primary assumption proved incorrect; the cornerstone of my theory has crumbled. I failed to discover the source of the infection and I was unable to finalise the treatment methodology. What am I going to say to the Inquisitor tomorrow?

*** It is decided. Clara will have to stand before the Inquisitor. This is the sacrifice she herself has offered, I merely accepted it. My report is concluded. There is some comfort in thinking that my falsification was performed in the name of the greater good... But what kind of man does this make me? Tomorrow will tell.

Other Tasks

"The Thing from the Steppe"

Sticky has managed to track down a creature that very much resembles the notorious demon! It was last seen skulking around the Abattoir and it looks like it will be staying there for some time. Could it be the carrier? Or is this another wretched imitation with which fate mocks me.

The Albino is dead. Should I tell Sticky about it? The mind boggles... Is this really the maneater Shabnak-Adyr, the spawn of the Steppe, crafted lovingly from bone and clay, by will and reason of an ancient chthon?

*** Just as I thought. It was nothing but a mirage, a farewell memento from this bizarre place that is—beyond a shadow of a doubt—merely a respite on my way to the netherworld. Every time we think that we have accomplished what we sought, it turns out to be an illusion... Or am I the only one who suffers this?

*** The steppe creature has slipped away. Somehow I get the feeling that meeting it would have changed nothing, one way or another.

"They are going to burn the Termitary down"

The exterminators—led by the desperate Hunchback—are conspiring to raze the infected Termitary. The assault will commence after dark. Vlad the Younger is hoping to prevent it, but his eyes betray some hidden intent. I need to talk to the older Olgimsky.

What is happening with this family? What are they trying to cover up? The younger acts as though he is ashamed. And the older fails to convince me of his ignorance. Apparently, I will have to take care of the Hunchback myself.

News of the Hunchback's demise would please Vlad the Younger a great deal. He will have no trouble buying himself out of any sensitive questioning. But that said, he will have to face a judge before long, and a judge would be much less lenient than I.

*** The assault has been called off. The Hunchback is dead. Of course, there is a sense of justice in it, since I am responsible for this whole incindiary spectacle. A small personal victory amongst all the chaos that has been wrought upon this town. Nonetheless, I am sure the Inquisitor will take it into account.

*** I failed to stop the exterminators. No man can do everything himself, can he? Tomorrow the Inquisitor will arrive and this task is more appropriate for him. I only hope that the Termitary won't be razed to the ground before then.


The Evening Letter from the Powers That Be, Day Six

We are disappointed to say the least. You have only one opportunity left to emerge victorious. You must submit to the Inquisitor immediately.

In addition to that, we would like to remind you that although the first and foremost responsibility of the Inquisitor is to halt the outbreak no matter what it takes, we have reason to believe that her particular skillset will allow her to accomplish victory with as little collateral damage as possible.

To clarify our instructions we would like to specify that by "no matter what it takes" we mean that human casualties should not be taken into consideration. Even if every single person in the town dies, the outcome will be fully acceptable as long as the pestilence is eradicated.

The town itself, however, must survive. Not even minor damage to the settlement will be condoned. The loss of the town would make everything else totally pointless. Because of this, we request the Cathedral to be brought back to its original state, and the Theatre to resume the staging of plays.

Remember: No matter what it takes.

Sticky's Note

I've found the carrier of the disease; I've tracked the carrier down! Come at once, while it's still relevant!


P. S. I went outside 'cause they brought me yesterday's vaccine... Otherwise I wouldn't have left the room, I swear! Sitting tight now...

Maria Kaina's Caution

I must warn you, while I still can. Later today, the governor is going to play a disgusting manoeuvre in which you are assigned the role of a hanging judge. Be on your guard! Do not let them seduce you with whatever tempting defendants they will parade before you. They are innocent, of this I have no doubt.

I will tell you the details the moment I see you. Is this all right?


Capella's Morning Note

My father will be looking for you today. Please come see me before you see him! I have something very important to tell you. Rivers of blood were already spilled, and more will be spilled today. What if one of the victims is someone you care about?


Olgimsky's Morning Note

Artemy Burakh, with whom we share a relationship based on mutual trust, has told me that you have the key to the mystery of Shabnak-adyr. Does this mean that you have identified Simon's killer?

If that's the case, doctor, allow me to request your assistance with a sensitive matter... upon which many innocent lives depend.

Respectfully yours,

Vlad Olgimsky

Victor's Note

Troubling news, Bachelor.

An accident of disastrous proportions has taken place in the Cathedral. At least a thousand people have died. The town is ripe for another murderous witch-hunt.

Please come to see me as soon as possible.

Victor Kain

Day Seven

Day Seven, in which the Bachelor gets a chance to uncover the truth and find an invaluable ally.

Today's Quest -- 'Lies, Truth, and Everything In-between'

The Powers That Be had dispatched at least three watchers to spy on me—to gather any valuable information they could find. The town is crawling with serpents in the skin of Executors. I should get acquainted with them. Collecting their reports for the Inquisitor might be a good place to start.

They don't seem to trust me. I will have to resort to deception. I will have just one question to ask each of them; a question to which they may tell the truth or tell a lie. There is no room for error here, however, so I must first solve the puzzle myself! If only I could pass for one of them, it would be easy to unveil the traitor. They know very well which one of them is.

The renegade was uncovered and is liable to whatever punishment the Inquisitor may choose. It will feel particularly rewarding to bring the coward to justice!

*** Since the moment I arrived in town, the watchers have been there to spy on my each and every step, all in accordance with instruction from the Powers That Be. I am simply an out of favour bachelor, in over my head. This all seems too much for a small-town-backwoods-place such as this. What are they really looking for?

Other Tasks

"Eva is No More"

Where is Eva? I am not the only one worried by her absence. Andrey Stamatin is completely beside himself. I wonder who told him of her disappearance.

Andrey has gone to the Steppe, where the odonghe gatherers set up their tents. He thinks that Eva was kidnapped and has became a "Worm Bride".

*** Eva is no more. All she wanted was to put a miracle into practice and become the living soul of the lifeless Cathedral. Could it be that she chose the most terrible act imaginable to accomplish this? Eva... Eva... There is an enormous gap between self-sacrifice and suicide.

"The Mask and the Raiment"

The demand for the Executors' terrifying garb is unexpectedly high. How convenient the costume department of the local theatre could have been, if only they had a spare costume available. I should look for one by the common grave where the caretakers were working. Or perhaps now would be a good time to ask Saburov about them.

I have the raiment. The lining is thick enough to keep a soul locked-in. I see now why the Executors chose this as a suitable outfit for their job.

Peter has been given charge of all burials and cremations. An absurd command, or well-planned revenge? Either way, this may be a good pretext for interrogating him as to why the governor hates him so much. I sense a hidden secret there.

It was a case of revenge—aggravated by treachery. If only they knew how easy it woud be to keep the former governor in check. He is unlikely to go against the Inquisitor's orders. Having said that, the brothers were a force to be reckoned with. An artist who trusts the genius of a colleague to the extent where he is willing to kill for it, is not a common occurrence. A dangerous duet indeed.

The Inquisitor is inclined to become the most powerful of my allies. Aglaya has vetoed the governor's murderous instruction. I need to let Peter know as soon as possible.

*** I have obtained the mask of a thespian and the ceremonial raiment. By wearing these I will be able to pass for an Executor, or even a Watcher. Sometimes it is convenient to become a pure function without a face—to take on the position of the puppeteer, instead of the actor.

"The Family Meeting"

So the elder girl did something that scared the younger and then grew up to become an Inquisitor? No wonder the younger girl misunderstood the situation. But now, the prejudice Maria Kaina seems to have against Aglaya Lilich may have a bearing on the town politics. I have to try, though. Blessed are the peacemakers.

What is on Maria's mind? Where did she go, in disregard of all my prohibitions? It appears she was careless enough to let her father in on her plan, and that he told her to forget about it at once.

Is today the last chance for the father to see his beloved daughter? Could it be that the most reasonable of the town rulers is drifting towards expiration? Doesn't look like it. Rather, it seems quite the opposite. But then, what did he mean? And Maria, what would she possibly want with Peter Stamatin?

I think I should pay a visit to Peter. After all, Maria deserves to know the real reason of this incidental family meeting. It would also be interesting to learn the result of it. I feel I will have to spend a hefty measure of smelling salts to find out.

*** Hmm... It seems that setting up this meeting was not such a good idea. But why did Aglaya say that the fate of the settlement depends on what she and Maria will have to tell each other? Apparently, this situation is less of a family affair than it first appeared...


The Evening Letter from the Inquisitor, Day Seven

Yes, they've played a cruel joke on us.

You know, Dankovsky, there are costs involved in being who we are. People like us, ingenious to an extent of being dangerous, are always put on the frontline. They set us goals which are as pointless as they are impossible to achieve, in a desperate bid that we figure out how to deal with them. We are a low value card which may be of use if it wins and worth no regret if it is beaten.

Having been made aware of this attitude we have no choice but to avenge it. I detest hypocrisy, as do you, I believe... Let us make the hypocrites regret their sanctimony. Their smug self-assurance is based on their deluded belief that we will not be able to carry out their orders. Did they advise you to deal with the plague in a manner your conscience would suggest? Do that, have no fear. I've been told to eradicate the disease at any cost, and as elegantly as possible.

This is what they are going to get.

We'll discuss the matter tomorrow, however. This was my desperation speaking. Burn the letter.

Aglaya Lilich

Burakh's Note


Two days ago I did you a favour. I ask that you return it today. I am in dire need of an undertaker uniform, which is to say a cloak and a mask of a kind worn by the Executors. It has become all but impossible to get your hands on these lately. Perhaps there are some in the Theatre still, but that is a place I am not allowed to enter. Get a cloak and a mask for me, please! I'll give you anything in return.


* The Changeling is very likely to make the same request of you. Take my advice and decline her. She'll trick you. Don't tell her I warned you though! People will die if you do.

The Changeling's Letter

Eva stood on the edge of the balustrade. She raised her hands up into the air and stepped forward.

The wind did not carry her. She did not fly. The miracle did not happen.

I know why Eva did what she did. Would you like me to tell you? Aglaya is not the new guest. It is not the pestilence in the Cathedral that is blasphemous. The true blasphemy is your negligence. You were meant to achieve victory yesterday. You did not.

Perhaps your latest muse will do better than the late one? She was setting up the place in your heart where the new guest will stay.

Put your mind to it, when at leisure.

Clara, the Harbinger

The Inquisitor's Orders

Bachelor D. Dankovsky, personal delivery, confirmation upon receipt.

I have studies the materials you have collected. I insist that you visit me to receive further orientation. You may find me at the Cathedral.

Kind regards,

Aglaya Lilich,

Government Inquisitor

Eva Yan's Farewell Letter

My time has come.

I need to purge every trace of the sacrilege. I have to prepare room and board for the new visitor. I want the miracle to happen.

Farewell, my Daniil.

Be happy. Everything is for the better. I never wished to die a better death.


Big Vlad's Letter

Dear Doctor,

The Termitary is open. Nothing bars your passage inside... I beg your forgiveness for having concealed the true purpose of the blockade. I am guilty indeed, but whatever I have done, I was acting in good faith and with good intentions.

Vlad Olgimsky

Day Eight

Day Eight, by the end of which the Bachelor can prove once again that the Earth is never up to any good.

Today's Quest -- 'Subterranean Rot'

Aglaya has briefly studied the evidence and concluded that the bacteria are of mineral origin. Now that I think of it, it does seem plausible. Vlad the Younger has agreed to help us follow up on this hypothesis. It's about time I found out what he is using his well for.

Enough! It's time to bring the Olgimsky family out into the open. I could easily find common ground with Aspity, however disagreeable she may be. She is rather loquacious and she let slip that the protector of the Kin has an axe to grind with the Olgimskys. Aspity is not so good a liar that I couldn't see right through her.

The whole thing proved to be a trivial affair, but no less terrifying for it. When Isidor informed the Olgimskys of the impending outbreak, it was the younger who did what the elder did not dare to. But as the consequences became known, it was the father who shielded his son from the ramifications. A double deceit. This being known, I am in a strong position to speak with the Olgimskys.

The mistress of the Termitary is unhappy with the living toys she has. She wants another toy—a new favourite one. Were I to assist in the acquisition of such a toy, she has agreed to grant me entrance to the Abattoir, where the bowels of the earth will reveal their secrets to me. Truth be told, I am not looking forward to going there.

The Mother Superior will grant me passage into the Abattoir. The central entrance—used normally by the workers—will open soon after dark.

Other Tasks

"Panacea Black Market"

Yet again they substitute a useless fake for the precious solution that many would describe as the epitome of life itself! There is a group of Worms in the Termitary, who brew some atrocious swill that they peddle for outrageous prices. All under the cover of Isidor Burakh's name. Just wait till I get to them...

Well would you look at that... Vlad the Younger has entered the panacea market! The man won't let a single penny past his purse! It occurs to me that he is no better than Bad Grief. I need to find out how he set up his trade. Could be the Worms trying to frame him for their own profiteering.

Yes, people do change a lot. Before, I was convinced that this man was beyond salvation. I thought that nothing less than death could make the leopard change its spots. But I see a new man before me now. His former self has died; but not before he gave the entirety of his panacea stock to Mark Immortell.

*** What is going on? Are they playing tricks on me again? It shouldn't be hard to tell... Mark gave the panacea to "those whose lives are in most immediate peril"; namely to Lara, Yulia, and some individual who "expressed a desire to remain incognito". Honestly, she didn't have to take the trouble, this "individual".

"The Mysterious Sample"

The vial that Burakh gave me is strangely heavy and warm to the touch. I wonder what is inside? I need to study the contents under the microscope immediately.

*** That crafty Burakh... No rest for the wicked! I wonder where he found a monster like this. I never saw a blood of this kind before. Is this the main ingredient for his panacea?

*** I did not examine the blood in good time. It is too late now; it has changed.

"Between the Polyhedron and the Termitary"

The emissaries from the Tower request that I leave the Tower and its residents alone. As if I was pestering them all this while! They say that everything is perfectly well inside the Tower and that Olgimsky's daughter will confirm it. This serves more to increase my suspicions than curb them. Only yesterday the same kind of assurances were offered with regard to the Termitary. I need to speak with Capella.

Capella asked me to give the medicine to warden Tycheek's little daughter, this extraordinary child whom the "beastly crowd of primates" obey and serve as they would serve a little goddess. Apparently the children's mysterious influence in the town extends much further than the Kain family.

*** The Termitary and the Polyhedron... These polarised structures stand at opposite ends of the town. They are antithetic of each other, regardless of your perspective. I failed to protect the Termitary and I have neglected the Tower of Children. I can only hope that it does not fall to the same mistake...

*** I failed to pay sufficient attention to the affairs of the children.


The Evening Letter from the Inquisitor, Day Eight

The army will arrive any moment now.

I am worried about Block. There is a good reason people compare him to Attila the Hun. But with all that, he is a man of honour. If he finds out that his orders were issued with the sole purpose of creating an illusion of safety and care for the common benefit—he may decide to punish the Powers That Be by carrying out their request as literally as possible.

This kind of decision on his behalf is bound to interfere with our plans. Please keep this in mind when you speak to him. Undoubtedly, he is going to tell you that I am pulling your strings... that I am not a person to be trusted. Do not oppose him. Agree with anything he says insofar as it helps you drive his thoughts away from vengeance. It seems that I am slightly more humane than I thought, so I would rather avoid having to destroy the town completely.

I think you would concur that the less collateral damage there is—the better. The town is not a pleasant sight, I grant you, but still it is alive.

Take care,

Aglaya Lilich

The Haruspex's Choice

The truth reveals itself to me, oynon. I have claimed my father's grievous inheritance. I have made my choice.

I believe that the settlement can be saved. It is alive. The Kin still lives, even though my father, who was destined to lead it, has died. The Kin is nourished and sustained by the earth. The earth that knows how to breathe. A new harvest may be nurtured here.

I devote my life to service of the Kin, just as the lines of my family enjoin me to. I will change this town; it will be reborn to live anew. Victoria Olgimskaya, the White Mistress, will breathe life into it. The fallen families will be replaced by those marked by the sign of the spirits. Children they are, Taya Tycheek, Chieftain Notkin, blessed Grace, urchins Murky and Sticky, and, possibly, one more whom I did not yet get to meet. He goes by the name of Khan.

If they survive—so will the town. If you want the town to live, just like I do, then help me, or at least don't interfere with my actions. Woe is you if any one of the children dies. For they are meant to inherit the earth.

Artemy Burakh, the Haruspex

It Rots from Within

I have examined the data that the Watchers have collected and compared it to your own conclusions and suggestions.

Once again I was pleasantly surprised by your insight. Did you ever consider becoming an Inquisitor yourself?

We have to conclude the conversation we held yesterday and to decide who our real enemy is, and what the target of our next strike should be. The goals are consistent, I think. It rots from within.

Waiting for you at the Cathedral,

Aglaya Lilich

Note from Ayan

Strange guests are walking all around your house. I am uneasy around them. Please come back soon!


Vlad the Younger's Letter

Take this news as a matter of urgency and importance, Bachelor.

Some inconceivable filth appears to be seeping from within the Termitary. Your good name and even your academic reputation may come under fire because of it. You've planned to visit that house of woe, as far as I know. Please oblige me with a little chat beforehand.

With all due respect,

Vlad Olgimsky, the Younger

Day Nine

Day Nine, in which the town is occupied and the worried children ask for the Bachelor's help for the first time ever.

Today's Quest -- 'The Miracle of the Children'

As long as I have been here, it seems the Tower has remained completely untouched by the disease. Even so, it does not escape the scrutiny. The Inquisitor has tasked me with its investigation; an untainted appearance will not suffice. Only Victor's son, Khan, is able to let me inside the Polyhedron, but rumour has it that Victor no longer holds any influence over his son.

Apparently, Khan wants to play soldier. He may be a child, but he speaks in a manner beyond his years. What could he possibly want with five rifles? I refuse to believe he would be so irresponsible as to exchange fire with the entirety of General Ashes' artillery. Regardless, if it is five rifles that will get me inside the Tower, then so be it.

*** The Polyhedron is clear. But what is the nature of it? It appears as if it was built of a dream, a vision of itself... The children do say that it can capture a reverie and make it reality. I wouldn't believe such a thing, if I hadn't seen these paper constructions with my own eyes.

Other Tasks

"The Messenger"

The Haruspex buries himself deeper into the body of the town. It makes Aglaya nervous, wondering as to how the messenger is doing. This is convenient. I will ask him to do what I could not; to see if there is some kind of wormhole down below, where these horned bacteria may thrive.

Haruspex is determined to carry on. He wants to be left alone and says he will notify me himself. All for the best; I'd rather return to my own research, without him prowling around. Why did he give the Inquisitor the attitude though? Would he be as daring if she was stood right there next to him?

*** Burakh went deep. On the one hand, I hope he emerges with some useful data. On the other, I would be the last man to mourn him if he does not.

"The Three Parcae: Lara Resorts to Murder"

Lara wants to kill somebody. She asked me to bring her a smaller pistol, for she is unable to handle that of a regular size. Who does she want to shoot? Even with the tiniest firearm imaginable her escapade would prove to be nothing but a suicide attempt.

*** The deed is done. Everyone chooses their own fate.

"The Three Parcae: Yulia Plays with Fate"

It is clear that Yulia wants to shield Lara, even though she tries her best to make it look as though she expects to benefit from it. Is she really inclined to play this kind of game with Fate? Her strategy is simple: she will let the Commander know that the mysterious avenger is none other than her. She expects to suffer the consequences.

With hardly any consideration, the Commander sent an outfit of his riflemen to Yulia's place. Could it be that she merely wanted armed protection around the clock? If this is the case I'd better take the panacea from her. Who knows if her academic fervour will compel her to test the cure on one of the guards?

*** The deed is done. Yulia's fatalism was further reinforced. It appears that everything she does is a part of some intricate plan. Her restless mind is constantly occupied by some furtive activity, invisible but no less dangerous for that.

"The Three Parcae: Anna Participates"

Anna asked me to give a small pistol to Lara, ostensibly for protection, but the reward she is promising is too much for such a simple errand.

I need to bring it up with Anna. After all, her request is suspicious; as is her knowledge of Lara's affairs. Something is definitely wrong here.

*** The deed is done. At least the panacea is in good hands now. I will find a better use for it.


The Evening Letter from the Inquisitor, Day Nine

I've been thinking about what I've learned today and I think I could use your advice... Or, putting it bluntly, it would help me if you agreed to conduct a detailed inspection of the Tower. I trust the construction was brought to your attention before, one way or another.

If you have indeed established that the walls of the Tower provide effective isolation from the disease—why didn't you elaborate on this possible solution? If you have found that the construction is too unstable, why didn't you evacuate the children? I am looking forward to hearing your opinion on the matter tomorrow.

Aglaya Lilich, Inq.

The Changeling's Choice

I know you have been told that I am a witch, not a saint. They may have even told you that I am the Sand Pest itself, wearing the masquerade of flesh and blood. They certainly must have told you that I save the castaway and condemn the ingenious. They said that I break the courageous and force them to submit to the plague.

But let me tell you one thing. Saints and miracle-workers are always covered in blood and filth. Their acts are not necessarily comprehensible to the common folk, who expect kindness instead of good and courtesy instead of love... This is not who I am! I know what will happen in three days. I will be able to avoid the contradictions that keep you and the Haruspex in the dark.

Remember, I will perform a miracle in the end. I will perform it with the help of the outcast and the evil. Bad Grief the Thief, Foreman the Villain, Alexander the Cruel, Katerina the Deceived, Lara the Vengeful, Yulia the Unbeliever, Anna the Egotist, Aspity the Heathen, and Rubin the Oathbreaker. They will survive in order to die and upon dying they will claim life everlasting. I need them for the miracle to work.

Remember that.


Yulia's Note

Allow me to invite you to the Trammel, Bachelor. For your own benefit, of course, since the matter I'd like to discuss has a bearing on yesterday's happenings. Make haste, Bachelor, time is of the essence. Three more parties are playing this particular game and we may easily find ourselves outpaced.


Anna's Note


I sincerely urge you to see me at the Willows as soon as you can. We have serious business that needs taking care of. Pay no heed to those slandering me—everything is different now! The fact of the matter is, we have an opportunity to save the life of one of your closest associates.

A. A. A.

Lara's Note

Please do come to the Shelter. I know how preoccupied you are, how exhausted, but the matter is of great importance. I hope this will be the last thing I ask of you.

Your Lara

Victor's Invitation

I wish I could start this letter on a happier note, Bachelor, but I am utterly crestfallen.

There is hardly a more harrowing discovery than to look back on the life you have lived and to see how little you have managed to do. I am almost out of time and the only thing I want is to pass whatever it was that gave meaning to my existence on to somebody else. Unsurprisingly, I see no better man to confide in than yourself. Please come to see me when you can.

P. S. I hope that the Tower will open up before you. It is very important.

Aglaya's Invitation

Because of what happened yesterday I can't help but feel worried about you. Please don't rush headlong into your independent investigation. Keep in mind that the army is a force to be reckoned with, and any mistake we make may well be our last.

What we need to do is to wait and to collate our observations. I will be waiting for you at the Cathedral.


Day Ten

Day Ten, in which the creators of the impossible take the stage to discuss captured miracles.

Today's Quest -- 'Clarity and Focus'

Aglaya has taken an interest in the Polyhedron. She says that it is too unusual to exist. Yet there it stands, no mere imaginary construct. How can she dismiss it so easily, what with all the children living inside? Only Peter Stamatin—the architect of the Tower—will have the answer to the puzzle.

So they decided to get rid of Peter after all? What does Andrey have to say on the matter? I'd like to hear him boast now of how he cares for his emotionally fragile sibling. I must find Peter before he does anything reckless, like burn any evidence of his work. He must be hiding somewhere in town... but where?

Peter has requested five bottles of twyrine. With these, he plans to kill himself. His request, however, provides me with much needed time to delay. The main thing of course is to prevent him from burning his designs...

I have recovered the priceless designs. I should take them to the Inquisitor immediately.

*** We should give no heed to rumours and hearsay. These manuscripts and these designs are the work of a restless genius. They are erratic, spontaneous and incoherent... Hopefully Aglaya will be able to unpick their meaning. I am sure there is a deep-seated, rational explanation behind it all.

Other Tasks

"Chimerae: The Kains' Madness"

According to Katerina, Simon Kain has returned to the Crucible. She swears she can feel his presence! How is this even possible? Did she transport herself completely into the world of her chimeras? Only Rubin can answer that. He was the last person to see Simon alive.

Rubin gave me his word that Simon Kain no longer exists. He claims to have burnt every particle of Simon's body that was not processed to create the vaccine. In this case the answer is to be found in the Crucible. Let the Kains themselves explain what is going on there.

Something strange is happening here. Everything I see in the Crucible bears a trace of insanity. Victor says I should trust Georgiy when he tells me of his own madness. But is it even remotely plausible that a madman would corroborate his own condition? Not at all. What is it then?

Georgiy is free of any mental disease. However... This is not the same Georgiy I knew. Something has changed. Is this some kind of a game? Or does he genuinely believe he is his own brother? Perhaps he is misled by an ill-conceived sense of moral obligation? Aglaya Lilich is the last oasis of reason amidst all this madness. I should tell her about Georgiy's request.

*** I shouldn't have put my trust in Aglaya. Contrary to what I expected, the conversation with her did not set me at ease. In her eyes I caught a glimpse of the strange flame that was illuminating Victor's gaze as we spoke. Did someone say they were related? I think I am going insane as well.

"Chimerae: The Pictogram"

A sacred sign was revealed to the people at the Bone Stake Lot. Mark looks worried, which is not like him at all. I should go take a look...

What a monster! Still alive, no doubt, albeit it may shortly breathe its last... No wonder these simple minds get so agitated; they see this as a symbol; a message. The Worms look shifty, however. I have the feeling this celestial revelation was set up by a human being and meant to serve a mundane purpose. I wonder what Mark Immortell has to say about it?

It seems that someone is planning to use this as a decoy to cover up their own escape and to lay a blow on the Kains whom they must be in some ideological conflict with. This is when the soldiers come into play! This incited crowd should be burned down; the sooner the better!

*** The dying bull was destroyed by the soldiers. There will be no riots.


The Evening Letter from the Inquisitor, Day Ten

Just to remind you: any news from Burakh yet? Any luck proving the mineral origins of the bacterium? Last time we spoke, Burakh did his best to assure me that the Abattoir is clean of infection. Tomorrow he is supposed to present me with evidence of that.

As of now I have no reason to suspect him of being short-sighted, let alone dishonest. I understand him right, the character of the local soil renders geodesic reports unnecessary. Both the earth and the water here appear to be pure.

But what caused the outbreak in this case? I'd rather not recur to the carrier hypothesis. After all, we only have one day left.

A. Lilich, Inquisitor

Katerina's Unexpected Invitation

I beg you to believe what I say. These recent events are... monstrous. My hands tremble so much I can hardly write... He is here again. Come to the Rod, please, I need you...

Katerina Saburov

Aglaya Lilich's Letter

I am in urgent need of your help, Bachelor. The circle of suspects is getting smaller.

I urge you to put off all secondary matters that are dividing your attention. There is no time to spare. My hands are tied by General Ashes.

Remember, we must hurry if we are to cease the outbreak and avoid unnecessary casualties. The muzzles of their artillery are still obedient to the voice of reason.

Looking forward to meeting you at the Cathedral as soon as possible,

Aglaya Lilich

Day Eleven

Day Eleven, in which the Kains' mission reveals its new and quite unexpected aspects to the Bachelor.

Today's Quest -- 'The Foundation of a Miracle'

How in the world is this building supported when the very nature of it is insupportable? Perhaps the staircase itself is a form of reciprocal frame on which the whole thing rests. Perhaps it is the complete opposite. The base of the building is not a structural support, but instead an anchor to hold this floating structure to the earth in the way of a stepladder thrown from a dirigible.

Andrey Stamatin—the last architect daring enough to reject the fundamental laws—has been brought before the firing squad. They took him out to where the cannon is parked at the stand-by railway and then shot him. A symbolic gesture if ever there was one; a testament to the construction of destructive artillery while they demolish the creator of inconceivable edifices.

I have unearthed the basis of the miracle... In order to support the Tower, the spire was drilled precariously deep into the earth. The consequences of this are most dire. I should take the designs to the Inquisitor.

*** The very soil on which the town is built is seeping with poison. The construction of the Tower had uncovered something that was laying in wait. The cause of the outbreak is clear now; it is a systematic certainty. Does this mean, however, that we must destroy the Tower? This dying town is already beyond salvation, but the Polyhedron—this epitome of human aspiration—may be saved...

Other Tasks

"The Accusers"

Aglaya does not trust the Kains. She wants to use the little Khan to get to Maria and has asked me to give the panacea to him in exchange for some information that may be used to incriminate his sister.

Khan says he would have gladly provided information that would have helped to compromise his sister. The problem is, he doesn't have any such information. Quite convincing. It seems Vlad the Younger is the only witness left.

*** What an idyll! The haters rest their case, the victors adopt the faith of those they prevailed upon. Everything seems to confirm that Maria is pure as the driven snow. I cannot even imagine all the adoration her subjects will shower her with if she becomes the ruler of these places.

"The Execution"

There was a riot at the Bone Stake Lot yesterday. The revolters killed fifteen soldiers and the local authorities have arrested those charged with inciting the disturbance. They are liable to face execution at the hands of the firing squad. But where will this execution take place?

*** The townsfolk were saved. The soldiers were slain. It could have been the other way around, but there were some people that carried guns, and others that did not.

"Getting Ready for the Coronation"

These Kains are a strange lot. The decline of the family is apparent. You can almost see the enormous cloud of foreboding that sprawls over the roof of the Crucible. Still, they seem to rejoice in understanding that their imminent death is nothing compared to the bliss that the birth of a new Mistress will bring. Victor says that the attributes of her power should be collected from Capella... and from the Changeling?

Capella has embraced the rule of the future Mistress. As a token of her love and obedience she has offered her mother's necklace to Maria Kaina.

Clara has embraced the rule of the new Mistress. As a token of love and obedience she has offered her foster mother's ring to Maria Kaina.

I can take the relics to the Crucible. Maria is waiting.

Maria has left the Crucible. But the relics must be given to her in person! Where did she go, I wonder?

*** So these are the steps of the Mistress... These are no longer the decisions of a child in exaltation, but strategies worthy of a ruler! I won't hesitate to lead the children out of the Tower at her behest, but the source of the disease must be eradicated first!


The Evening Letter from the Inquisitor, Day Eleven

So be it. Tomorrow they are going to pay the full price of their arrogance. Each one of us will keep their word and fulfill their duty. We will appease the higher justice—and in doing so avenge ourselves.

Not one of us is going to act against the Truth.

Congratulations, Dankovsky. Our elegant manoeuvre was a success. We took the winnings, and placed our opponents into a position in which they have no other choice but to vanish.

The Council is tomorrow. Legal considerations require it be held in the presence of someone serving as a representative of the local authorities. The three ruling families are completely bankrupt, however, so the so-called "Mistress" will attend the council in their stead. She will vouch for our intentions before the townsfolk.

Do you have any binding obligations towards the families in power? If so, this may become an issue tomorrow. It would be a shame if you weren't allowed to attend the proceedings. Alas, the law is the law and I won't be able to do anything about it.

Aglaya Lilich, Inq.

A Warning from the Changeling

Your nemesis is breathing down your neck. Look behind you, before it's too late!

She donned the mask of justice, playing skillfully with your desire to uncover the truth! She has abused you, made you a tool, forced you to create more lies. Dark passions and thirst for vengeance are poor companions for people like her.

Find me at the Commander's headquarters if you wish to know more. It is sad to see how easily she has tricked you, what with me thinking you were a geometrician and a strategist of no small standing.

Clara, the Harbinger

A Warning from the Haruspex

I have news to share, oynon. I've found the thing that you were looking for the day before yesterday. Please avoid any rash decisions, at least till you've spoken to me.

Meet me at the Works, in a vault beneath the Corpulent Workshop.

Artemy Burakh

Invitation from the Kains

The time has come. She is calling for you. If our hopes come true, the new Mistress will return to the town, and in so doing, signify the end of the pestilence.

We put our trust in you. We love you.

N. and S.

Aglaya's Invitation

I have examined the blueprints. They seem to be lacking one crucially important detail.

Our time has come, it seems. I would rather abstain from any conclusions, and allow you to come to them yourself.

Please see me at the Cathedral for the final meeting.

Aglaya Lilich

Day Twelve

Day Twelve, in which it finally becomes apparent what it was all about.


Indeed, it was a sandbox plague. The children who were playing there must have been on their way home from the funeral A sorrowful game may have seemed an appropriate diversion to them, or maybe they simply felt their childhood was slipping away?

One way or another, the hero... the hero has been bitterly deceived!

All this time, the hero took himself to be a living man who was trying to rescue his fellow hum beings. Beyond doubt, this belief has filled him with fervour; helped him to reach the finale, and even be somewhat triumphant.

In vain, it was all in vain. The hero was but a puppet, striving to help the imaginary population of a town that was nothing more than a drawing.

Strangely, there is still not a word to be heard from the Powers That Be. Perhaps they became bored of it all... or were called back home for supper.

Today's Quest -- 'The Final Proceedings'

This is the last day we have left. The choice has to be made.

Only the Haruspex will be able to convince the Chess Queens that his solution is the correct path. Before he attends the final Council in the Cathedral, he will have to make sure that his Bound are alive. They are: Murky, Sticky, Notkin, Grace, Taya Tycheek, Khan, and Capella.

The Bound of the Haruspex are alive and well. May he be comforted by that. He should have enough time to prepare his argument for the proceedings.

Only the Changeling will be able to explain the advantages of her paradoxical solution to the Chess Queens. Before she attends the final Council in the Cathedral, she will want to make sure that her Bound are alive. They are: Bad Grief, Rubin, Aspity, Anna, Yulia, Lara, Alexander, and Katerina.

The Bound of the Changeling are alive and well. May she find comfort in that. She should have enough time to prepare her argument for the proceedings.

Burakh will come to the Cathedral. If I will allow him to pass the ultimate judgement, he will destroy the Polyhedron so that the town may survive at the cost of its uncommonness. Once again, the town will become the same backwater hole it was before. The hippocratic oath enjoins us to preserve the life of a genius by means of curative lobotomy. Vigorous applause.

Clara will come to the Cathedral. If I will let her make the ultimate decision, she will force the Commander to withdraw his troops and the current situation will remain unchanged. Yet, might a refusal to interfere be seen as a decision in itself? In this case, the town will remain a machine of death, no matter how pretty.

Fine. Let the Town remain. Let the broken circles come whole, let the interrupted processes resume. The wisdom of life is superior to that of people, so life should be allowed to proceed in its due course.

The Utopia is doomed. Feeble men should not be tempted with miracles. There is no point to forcibly preserve something whose very idea is destroyed by any kind of coercion. The Tower, the reason and the outset of the calamity, will be demolished.

Let the Tower remain; whatever the cost. Nothing like it will ever be built again. It is not a mere a building, but a symbol. It allows us a hope of a possibility that some false-truths of our ill-fated epoch might be overthrown.

It is a delicate fortress that holds veritable proof that however well-established our notions of possibility are, they still fail to account for what may or may not exist. This is the bastion I am willing to fight for.

As for the Powers That Be, they are going to regret their hypocrisy. They were so determined to force me to observe the promise I gave not to disappoint. The town they are so fond of will be reduced to rubble. This I have spoken.

The Polyhedron will not survive without the Town. If the children no longer come to play inside its walls, then it will expire. Its light will snuff out if the simple-minded townsfolk no longer see it as a source of illumination; a miracle; a door to the other world.

True, the town is hardly more than a machine, pumping death from the very bowels of hell. This, however, is the only town where the Polyhedron could possibly exist. Let things remain as they are. The constant threat of pandemic is a fair price to pay for the chance of something like this Tower to appear.


A Letter from the Makers

Please do come by to meet us at the Theatre if you have a spare minute.

We'd like to have a rather inconsequential but mature talk with you.

We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

The People Who Executed the Whole Things

A Letter from the Powers That Be


We thought we should write, because you don't seem to be listening to what we tell you! You've gotten out of hand!

As of late you keep doing whatever you please. This is unacceptable. You are spoiling the game.

If this letter reaches you in good time, do come to the Polyhedron. They will let you inside. Keep your eyes tightly closed, descend to the bottom, and say: "Three, four, five." Open your eyes.

We'd like to have a little chat with you.

The People Who Own You

Inquisitor's Reminder

Tonight at seven, proceedings will be held at the town Cathedral.

I earnestly request your attendance. You will introduce your argument before this obtuse Commander in order to substantiate your—our, I should hope—decision.

I also ask you to put all your current affairs in order before the proceedings. The situation is at a stalemate; whatever authority I wield is not enough to guarantee that the right decision is enforced.

P. S. I rely upon your discretion, as well as your decency.

Aglaya Lilich, Inquisitor

The Changeling's Request

Do you remember the letter I sent you? The time has come.

The victory I am trying to lead you to is not enabled by reason. It is made possible by faith alone. You cannot prove it, you only can feel it deep within your heart.

I am in the left wing of the Termitary, so come along if you want to talk. My plan is the only one that will work.

Nothing has to die.


The Haruspex's Proposal

I was told you were looking for an alternative way, oynon.

I know what we must do. We have no other choice but to offer an inordinate sacrifice. Doing so is still the most humane thing that can be done. If you think you could trust my judgement, come see me and I will tell you the details of it.

I am running out of time. So much has happened recently that I feel as if I am being torn in two. Help me.
