The Changeling's Route/Text

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This entry refers to content from the original Pathologic (2005) and the Pathologic Classic HD remaster. It has nothing to do with the sequel.

Clara had a dream. A foggy morning: having passed a wicket gate, she is now dawdling somewhere, piles of dry leaves rustling in her wake. A familiar voice calls out to her. She lifts her eyes and sees her own twin sister point at an old man convulsing and weeping in unbearable agony. Clara darts for the man to save him with her healing touch—but so does her sister! The girls exchange confused glances.

This is the story of a thief girl who has chosen her own past, ceased to be the instrument of blind fate, and refashioned herself into a free miracle-worker.

The Path of Logic

Clara wakes up. Could the dream have been prophetic? She has prophetic dreams often, she's no longer surprised by them—she knows they are sent by the powers that want to warn the herald of what the future holds for her. There were a lot of clues hinting at the veracity of the message.

She does indeed know how to treat those in pain with her miraculous hands. She is indeed willing to ease their suffering. She truly strives to do the right thing! She loves her fellow beings. The girl is eager to do good deeds even if that requires her to go through pain and hardships...

Changeling wakes up at the edge of a pit in the ground. Sleep hasn't brought her comfort. Her back and her legs ache as though she has walked many miles. Her hands are covered in mud, there are traces of dried blood on her bare knees. It's dark. The dawn is a few hours away.

Day One

Day One, in which the Changeling finally finds her sister, thus confirming the prophecy of the twin angels.


Why would they call me a thief, pray tell?

What did I steal? Why does the Law detest me so?

The only thing I remember is that I am an outlaw, and will forever be persecuted.

Was I really that good a thief, I wonder? I have nothing of value, just myself and these rags I am wearing. My crime is horrendous, still. I am beyond redemption. Back in the day, every heart was open before me. Now, whatever door I approach is slammed in my face. This is terrifying. Where should I run? With whom shall I seek shelter? Shall I find what I stole and give it back? Who will agree to take it off my hands?

Who will answer my questions, if not you?


Tell me, why would they call me a saint?

I am the Harbinger; the Judge. I am one of the twin angels. The angel of righteousness, no less, for there is no place within me where evil may hide. I will look them in the eye, I will set my hooks deep into them and pull out whatever sickness I find. I will unveil the embodiment of pestilence.

But who was it that bestowed upon me the right to judge? Who gave me the freedom to choose who lives and who dies?

Tell me.

Today's Quest

The Harbinger

This woman has the power over the town and so does her husband. With their permission I will stay here for the time being. He will try and test me, and after I have convinced him of how important my mission is, he will be the one to protect me with the power he has in abundance.

Katerina saw me in a dream. That's why she believed in me from the moment we met. The prophecy of the angelic twins was revealed to her. But I am not an angel; only a messenger. I will have to explain this to her.

Let Alexander test me if he will. My path was mapped by the higher powers and I won't stray from it; no matter how steep and thorny the way.

It's time to lay my hands on a dying man. There was blood shed at the station this morning and many people lie wounded or dead. Saburov's man is keeping watch. He will tell me what has to be done.

This never happened before. Could the miraculous power that enters the world through my hands bring death as well as life? How will I explain this to Alexander? I can't return to him unless I have saved someone... There must be another injured man somewhere...

According to one of my faithfuls, a wounded man has slipped away. He should be somewhere near the town cemetery by now.

The wounded factory worker was carried off by the Ripper.

The wounded man has escaped yet again. With what little time he had, he should be hiding somewhere nearby. Could he be in the house by the river? Burakh said that there were blood stains all over the embankment.

I can return to Alexander now. The miracle was a success.

*** I am who I am. The harbinger. What has happened is proof of that. Who is going to challenge that I was sent here to perform deeds in righteousness? No one. This town is the outset of my journey; not the destination.

Other Tasks

Those with the Freedom of Choice

Anna told me to ask the stray children at the warehouse about which side the terrifying messenger has taken. That monster clad in leather, licensed to cut all manner of flesh.

It doesn't matter to me anymore, what side this Haruspex will take... Three times in a single day I saw his fate decided. Condemned by one, set free by another, and then assisted by destiny itself. Behold though, how much suffering it has brought.

*** A gallery of hideous portraits! It's as though the men, women, children and freaks of nature are each trying to be more evil than their nearest neighbour. What should I do with them? Will I always be confronted with choices this terrifying?

The Hooks (Truth Revealing Itself)

Katerina wants to test my powers as well. But how can she? This is, perhaps, the most important thing...

A terrifying ordeal lies ahead of me. I will have to show my power to Georgiy Kain, the brother of Simon—who was murdered by someoje unknown... I will get Georgiy's consent; question him in a way that I alone can question people and the truth will reveal itself...

The road to Georgiy's desolate heart lies through Maria's bedroom. Why is my own heart beating so hard? As if Maria will see through me and discover something I myself have no awareness of... So scary...

What was it, for goodness' sake? I fail to understand something—and my ineptitude leads me right into their trap... Was it her that instilled such terror in me? Away with the doubts. Georgiy is waiting.

My heart is beating something horrible. How could something this terrifying ever happen? I can go back to the Rod now...

*** It is as if a shroud fell off his eyes... However humble I am, it is impossible not to witness the brilliance of the power that marks me. I am a healer, well versed in the mysteries of the human heart. Almost a prophet, as every sign confirms. But what am I to do with this gift?


You are the only one who can do it...

...sister of mine, who can trickle through a tiniest crack, crawl through a barely visible hole. It is almost as though you could seep through the pores in human skin. It is as if you were not a human being, but a nectar-sweet moisture of volatile spirit. How is this even possible?

People trust you; that's how.

Have no fear. Go where you will—and nothing will touche you. Speak your mind—and no one will reject you. Hear them out—and nothing will evade your attention.

There is but one question I want to ask—what is it that you do to make people love me less and less, trust me less and less, even when I am asleep?

Whatever you answer me, remember I love you more than anything and will never be angry with you.

Here I am, take my hand...

Katerina is Worried

Where are you, my girl? We didn't finish our conversation yet. Come back to us. The streets are too dangerous a place for you to stay... Besides, was it not fate that led you, unmistakably, to our home? Why, then, are you so intent on rejecting our hospitality?

Waiting for you, implacably, Katerina

Day Two

Day Two, in which the Changeling discovers her just judge skills, simultaneously converting into the true faith.

Today's Quest

The Spirit of the Restless Kin

My father is like an army commander who has gained an opportunity to break an enemy that had never before suffered defeat. He strikes with confidence now and I am his most reliable emissary. He sent me as a messenger to Aspity, that evil creature that may well be responsible for the pestilence itself. Olgimsky's son Vlad the Younger will advise me the best way to approach her.

Aspity is certainly not human. Rather, she may be a phantom; an emanation of a collective mind—or maybe collective madness. She is everything the spirit of the Kin rejects. Vlad the Younger believes Aspity is dangerous. It won't be simple to win her favour...

I will have to visit the Ripper once more, since Aspity seems to be colluding with him. This couple makes my hair stand on end.

I can return to Aspity now. I did her bidding, and I deserve a favour in return.

Everything is going the way it should. Each event is a sign; no incident is coincidence. Every messenger is an envoy of the high powers. The role of a judge scares me more than death itself, but if I refuse, someone else will pass judgement in my place. The consequences would be terrifying.

*** No, Aspity is not guilty of the outbreak. What she believes and what is real are not the same. Whatever horrible deeds she takes responsibility for, I will not be her accuser. She is destined, perhaps, to redeem herself for the evil she has caused.

*** Aspity is guilty of letting the disease into the Termitary. She alone is to blame for a single case of sickness leading to a massive outbreak. She deserves to die. From now on an Executor will be guarding the entrance to her house. No one will come to comfort her.

Other Tasks

The Curative Substances

It has transpired that Anna was sitting on a large stockpile of medicine. That is peculiary prudent of her... This isn't going to be an easy task, but I will have to convince her to give up her stash for the common good.

Anna told me a herb gatherer would know who the buyer of Haruspex's curative infusions was.

I can take the medicine supply to Vlad the Younger. Everything will be fair and equal now.

The medicine produced by the Haruspex was bought by Andrey Stamatin a famous artist known to frequent the twyrine shebeen.

Too much controversy. Why do they care? Mass-produced chemicals and natural herb infusions can't perform miracles. The most that can be hoped for is to delay the inevitable. They must be blind, for they seek salvation in all the wrong places. Whom should I offer to sate the appetites of Vlad the Younger? It really doesn't matter.

*** I gave Anna's medicine supply to Vlad the Younger.

*** I didn't manage to keep Anna's supply.

*** I gave up the Haruspex. The more that monster suffers, the better.


The husband carries the sword and the wife brings the peace—just like a family in power should. Katerina has entrusted me with an errand. She doesn't want me to punish, but to pardon instead. The first person I need to take care of is Grace, the daughter of the cemetery keeper, who I met yesterday. Lara Ravel would know how I could get Grace to like me.

I need only to find a flower, some milk and a loaf of bread. This will be enough to please Grace.

Our conversation was rather awkward. I should go back to Katerina now.

*** Grace is with the Humble Ones now. In these days of terror she will be protected by the power of truth and no evil will be able to touch her.

*** I couldn't change her. Grace remains the same... Did I do the right thing or was I confused by fear? Why am I so worried about her?

The Living

Lara Ravel's associate went to investigate the dangerous house. What reason could that Harpist have to go there? I hope he doesn't bring back something evil.

The deed is done. I am suspicious of the Harpist, but I can't yet say whether he is guilty or not. I'll let him go for now, but I'll visit him again in a few days... In the meantime, I can return to Lara.

*** Did I win Lara's favour? I don't know. Besides, I don't like this "House of the Living" at all. For some reason I don't believe her plans will ever bear fruit.


Alexander is Waiting

Daughter (for this is how we want to call you from now on).

I am brought down by a heavy burden: Katerina is sick and she won't be able to perform the tasks of a Mistress without your help.

Much labour awaits you. We will let you run free, but be prepared that every single day, either me or my wife will have an errand for you. Be at hand.

With great expectations,
Your loving father

Do you know what Lara has in mind?

She wants to do a good deed, so she makes a shelter for the living, where people who want none of your miracles may hide. Furtively, out of control, she collects the money she then spends on provisions. She is an angel, they say. And no one, not a single person would call her a thief...

Could it be that she won't welcome you in her shelter? Would she refuse sharing the burden of righteousness with you? The time has come to knock on her door...

Are you a saint or a thief...

...since they call you both names? Whether or not you're a saint is not for you to judge, but can you at least remember what it was that you stole? Why do they try to chase you, to hunt you down, as if you were the world's worst offender?

Sister of mine, don't you cry. Don't give in to despair. As powerful as your enemies are, your protectors wield greater power.

A villain should be judged. A saint should perform miracles. If you cannot spare time for these everyday commitments, rest assured I will take care of your affairs for you.

I am going to visit the Skinners district today.

Do you recognise my hand yet?

Day Three

Day Three, in which the Changeling endeavours to hunt her impudent sister down and uncover habitual villains' sins.

Today's Mission

The Seeds of the Caravan

They say that Anna Angel's soul is blacker than coal and her crimes are as terrifying as they are unprovable. Even so, I will force her to confide in me; to remove her mask and reveal the nakedness of her soul to me. It may be she is not so black on the inside.

Anna is afraid of Vlad the Heavy: the head of the Olgimsky household. He wouldn't want to meet me, that's for sure. His children though, Capella and Vlad the Younger, might trade their words with me.

I have learned a lot. Olgimsky has nothing to do with whoever is stalking Anna. I don't know if Anna should be happy about this or not. What I do know is the kind of hook I should use to drag her conscience out.

What should I do with the dreadful Anna? She is not the one to blame for the pestilence, but this doesn't make her less of a monster. Directly or not, her demented passions have led her to kill Willow Mellow. Shall I condemn her then, or shall I let her live? Father must know of my decision.

*** As dreadful a person as she is, she is still little more than a child; whose own naivety only serves to make her too fretful for her own good. I do not have it in me to condemn her. Let them turn their suspicious glances to me; let them think I may be an accomplice. Still, I'd rather let her redress whatever hasm she has caused.

*** Guilty. The seeds of malice are sown over Anna's mysterious past and the fruit of these will be even more terrifying than the seeds themselves. Let her die. From now on, an Executor will be guarding the entrance to her house and no one will come and comfort her.

Other Tasks


Eva has yet to be converted. Her heart is pure, yet the arrogance of Scarlet Nina's ideas have ignited a very dangerous fire inside her. I will have to extinguish it, lest the greater powers hold the whole town responsible for this impertinence. Yulia is the keeper of the hooks that I may use to take hold of Eva's soul.

There is only one hook that can help to drag out this delicate heart. The Bachelor, Eva's nightmarish paramour. It seems she will have to be rescued from the clutches of two demons instead of one...

Poor girl; so in love with her own dream... I can go back to Katerina.

*** I did not manage to change her. Eva remains true to herself; as enamoured and deluded as she was before. If I did the right thing, then why do I feel so worried?

*** Eva has been converted. In these times of terror, she will be shielded from the touch of evil, for the power of truth will protect her.

Who Will Injure the Bachelor

Eva knows where the Bachelor may be found. If Anna was telling the truth then I will be able to unveil the true nature of this messenger clad in snakeskin.

Rubin and the Bachelor are hiding somewhere in the warehouses. I know the special knock and the secret word which will open the door.

*** Simon may still be alive. Even though my heart tells me that this is no "real life", even if this is what the cruel-hearted Bachelor would likely call it... This is not a life for me, for there is no longer warmth in it. Shall I surrender the two cynics to the Kains, then?

Who Will Sting the Haruspex

The Bachelor is somewhere in the infected district. I will be able to find him in one of the houses.

The Haruspex is hunting in the infected district. Even if he walks from house to house, he will linger enough in one place for me to find him...

The Haruspex has asked me to keep his whereabouts a secret. Someone is trying to track him down. This means there is something that he is afraid of after all... I wonder what I should say to the Bachelor.

*** I decided not to surrender the Haruspex to the Bachelor. Their ardent feud may be of use one day. As long as the two keep one another in check, they are no threat to me. Besides, I get the feeling they both may prove helpful to my cause one day.

*** I have surrendered the Haruspex to the Bachelor. I wonder which one of them is going to have the upper hand? One of them will be hurt, this much is clear, and anything that may weaken my enemies will make me stronger.


Alexander is Waiting

Daughter (for this is how we want to call you from now on).

I am brought down by a heavy burden: Katerina is sick and she won't be able to perform the tasks of a Mistress without your help.

Much labour awaits you. We will let you run free, but be prepared that every single day, either me or my wife will have an errand for you. Be at hand.

With great expectations,
Your loving father


The Address to the Townspeople

Attention all citizens. Following the outbreak of a lethal disease commonly known as "Sand Plague", "Sand Pest", and "Sand Dirt", the town authorities hereby declare state of emergency.

The disease is extremely contagious. There is still ongoing research as to how the disease is transmitted, but cases of contact and droplet infection have been confirmed. There are currently no vaccine solutions in the town and none are to be expected before the regular train arrives. Please be extra careful.

The townspeople are forbidden to leave their homes unless under special instruction. Remember: the possibility of infection is much lower for those who stay indoors. The citizens are advised to sterilise their household wares, boil their clothing, and exterminate as many vermin as possible.

Do not panic. Medics, couriers and executors will take care of mail delivery, as well as the distribution of drinking water, provisions and medicine. Requests should be written down and slid under the door for couriers to collect.

This address was composed on the instructions of Bachelor Dankovsky and ratified by the State of Emergency Town Governor Alexander Saburov. It is compulsory to follow every advice herein.


The Annotation for Patrolmen, Couriers, Executors and Sanitary Personnel

In order to prevent panic, this annotation is classified and its contents should be under no circumstances disclosed to the civilian population.

The disease is incurable. There is no vaccine, neither here nor in the Capital. However, there are a few positive facts:

1. The probability of contracting the disease is significantly lower for someone who has taken immune system stimulants. As of now we believe that A-pills and B-pills (yellow coloured and blue coloured pills, respectively) provide the best protective effect. Excessive doses of these medicants may be detrimental to one's health.

2. Additional protection is afforded by synthetic clothing. Woolen garments are strictly off limits (parasites). The clothing should be changed as often as possible.

3. IMPORTANT. The disease develops sporadically. At its initial stage, it does not progress in any significant way, especially if antibiotics are taken. However, if contact with the infection reoccurs, the development of the disease becomes extremely rapid.

4. The disease is not transmitted by means of droplet infection. As for now, we've yet to find out how it is contracted. Preliminary tests suggest that the disease is not contagious at early stages, therefore there is no need to isolate the sick person immediately after the appearance of the symptoms.

App. The Executors:

In consideration of your particular line of work, we believe that you will not be able to avoid infection. If you have contracted the disease, do not give in to despair. It would have happened sooner or later anyway. Try your best to conserve the infection at its initial stage. Take antibiotic medicine. Consider using the "shmowders": they are extremely dangerous, but they help curb the infection.

I known why they call me a thief...

...that's how they name anyone who is hiding from the law. This is our worst enemy, the Law, as merciless, cruel, and unrighteous as it is. The Law thinks nothing of whatever falls between the arms of its scale. The Law does not believe in anything that falls in between the black and the white.

The Law is impossible to appease. Its motion is heavy and devastating. For the time being you have escaped its all-seeing eye. You were thinking, perhaps, that it won't find you here? That's how it was, for a long time.

As of today, however, everything has changed. Were my traces uncovered? Is my miraculous power not enough to hide myself?

Day Four

Day Four, by the end of which it becomes apparent to the Changeling that someone is twisting her good deeds.

Today's Mission

Robbers and Cutthroats

Bad Grief; a robber and a thief; a princeling of the underworld who had ensnared hundreds in his web of deception. He is the alchemist's still, in which every tear and every splash of blood, and every drop of twyrine are processed. This primal miscreant has everything to do with the origins of the plague.

Bad Grief says that protection provided by the enemy is the best protection imaginable. Makes sense. It is clear that the thieves and children are not fond of each other. I should ask Notkin if Bad Grief is really as innocent as he claims.

Guilty or not guilty... It is hard to tell. However, Notkin mentioned that Bad Grief was selling something called "black twyrine". His face was a picture when he said that.

Bad Grief puts a steep price tag on his honesty. I will have to sneak into Barley's lair and steal the bag that contains the evidence to put Barley away for good.

Oh... It wasn't Bad Grief who slaughtered the volunteer patrolmen... Father will know what to do. I need to hurry.

Father won't be seeking Bad Grief's head any more. This is good enough, but the problem of the outbreak remains unsolved... What is this black twyrine? I need to ask Bad Grief about it, and the hooks I have set into him will help.

What should I do about Bad Grief? He seems to have nothing to do with the outbreak itself, even if he did nothing to relieve the suffering around him. I need to let father know of my decision.

*** It wouldn't be fair to lay the blame on Bad Grief. True, the man has a rotten soul; selling his damned stock the way he always did... Who knows if he was even fully aware of the terror that would follow. He feels guilty, no doubt, and I can hardly think of anything more precious than when a man like this embraces repentance. I must let him live. He will be of use to me yet.

*** Bad Grief is guilty. He knew all too well what was going to happen; yet, hoping to profit from the dangerous cargo, he did not warn anyone. This cannot be forgiven. Let him get infected, so he feels the consequences of this treachery in his own skin. From now on, an Executor will be guarding the entrance to his hovel, so no one will come to comfort him.

*** This is not the right way to talk to them. I was confused. Mistakes were made...

Other Tasks

The Puppeteer

Utopian heresy reigns over the mind of Mark Immortell, the stage director and puppeteer of the town Theatre. Was this Maria's influence? Mark is a dangerous opponent, but I should still try my best... Katerina looks worried out of her mind whenever she speaks of him.

Goodness... Will I have to go there once more? The thought of it brings pain to my temples... Mark is in the Crucible. Katerina's omens come to life.

What is this? They say that some otherwordly creature living in the Theatre has come into possession of Katerina's dreams and prophecies. An evil spirit that puts lies into her ears; lies that she believes to be visions of the Mistress? I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes...

What does the creature say? Who is this Rat Prophet? I feel that his words are turned inside out; that truth becomes lie as soon as it emerges from his mouth. Could it be a trap? Mark Immortell must be pulling his strings... I need to tell Katerina as soon as possible.

*** I am so confused... I believed every word she said. Why wouldn't I believe her if I can sense the truth with my very being? I can tell truth from lies, I am certain of that. But then how to explain what has happened? Katerina herself was deceived, so the truth she was telling reflected whatever lies someone told her? How is this even possible?

The Raid

Father wants to raid the town and apprehend anyone who resorts to violence in disregard of his orders. His major target is the bloodthirsty Haruspex. But Lara says that his purpose is pure, no matter how terrifying his appearance. She asks me to persuade father not to proceed.

Father wants the opposite. He asked me to lure the Haruspex into a trap, to draw him out of hiding. In all likelihood, the Haruspex is to be found somewhere in the infected district, in one of the contaminated houses.

I have warned the Haruspex. Lara will rejoice at the news.

*** I have warned the Haruspex of the danger he was in. No matter how bad the man may be, father's approach is just wrong. You cannot do a good deed by vile means. Lara is grateful to me for this, and she seems to be much more affable than my first impression of her suggested...

*** Haruspex stepped right into the trap. I hope it slows him for a while, even though I don't think the quiet will last for long...


Burakh's Letter

You have betrayed me. What a careless thing to do. You've made a grave mistake in making an enemy out of me. From now on, you'd better be watching your back.

The Haruspex

Lara's Request

If you are truly a saint, you shouldn't refuse a request as humane as mine.

Help me save the life of someone who is equally as persecuted as you are. I will be waiting at the Shelter.

Lara Ravel

Alexander is Waiting

Daughter (for this is how we want to call you from now on).

I am brought down by a heavy burden: Katerina is sick and she won't be able to perform the tasks of a Mistress without your help.

Much labour awaits you. We will let you run free, but be prepared that every single day, either me or my wife will have an errand for you. Be at hand.

With great expectations,
Your loving father

An Unexpected Letter from the Powers That Be

You didn't expect us to write you a letter, did you? But—here it goes. You have our attention at last.

So, you say that you were meant to become a miracle-worker? Now that's debatable. We would assume that you are mistaken, but we don't want to disappoint you—and ourselves, for that matter—ahead of time.

From what we saw of the Bachelor and the Haruspex, who have yet to cause us anything apart from petty chagrin and all too predictable (if sometimes elegant) choices, neither of the two have succeeded in overcoming the inevitable. Such is the Law, even though we're sick of it already. Don't be surprised. Did you think the Powers That Be and the Law are always in concordance? We did affect this was the case for a long time, but we would no longer pretend before a heartseeker like you. The truth is, we're fed up with the Law.

This town is precious to us, as you can see. So if you succeed in keeping it intact, to preserve it just as it is now, this will be, take our word for it, a true miracle. Compared to that, everything you did before is cheap market tricks of dubious value. Such is our well-considered decision.


The chill woke me up today...

...before dawn. I was lying at the riverbank with my feet under the water. My arms were stretched out and there were handfuls of earth in my grasp.

I praised heaven for my salvation and then turned my thoughts to my beloved children, the ones entrusted to me. It is very difficult to reach them, however, so I have no other choice but to take care of the other Bound. I took some of them in my ward already so you need not worry on their behalf.

I placed my hands on the shoulders of my Bound ones and went after you. I've been searching for you all day long. Alas, you have slipped away today, as you always do. My wonderful hands did too much labour today, they won't serve me anymore... Everything will be just fine. I will see you soon enough, my dear.


The following sanitary precautions are hereby announced:

There are citizens—so-called "Bound"—who seem to be extraordinarily involved in town happenings. They are regularly contacted by people of different lines of occupation and social standing, including your two colleagues. They also try to compensate what they believe to be your inaction with their own efforts. In consideration of that, the Executor Committee has decided:

1. If a Bound person falls ill, the door to their home should be guarded by an Executor.

2. While the Bound person remains conscioud, the Executor should collect mail deliveries from them and pass over to them the provisions and medicaments delivered by the couriers.

3. In exceptional cases it is allowed to visit the patient. To enable communication with the Bound person, the Executor should resort to higher efficiency antibiotic medicine (feromycinum).

4. Vaccines, serums, and other such solutions should be administered, if available, in the same manner as all of the above.

Executors Committee

Day Five

Day Five, which leads the Changeling to the conclusion that a peculiar mystery play-like event occurs in the town daily.

Today's Quest

Rubin's Communion

When the disease came to town, it was riding on the back of Isidor Burakh. Stakh Rubin would have a lot to say on the matter; being Isidor's long time associate. But Rubin has gone into hiding, which suggests an uneasy conscience. All the more reason to pay him a visit... Vlad the Younger will know what kind of hook may be used to open Rubin's doors.

All Rubin asks for is three bottles of twyrine and three cuts of fine meat. It doesn't look like either the Bachelor or the Haruspex are friends of his, else why would he be this hungry? This is interesting...

Rubin would not dare ask Georgiy for mercy; he knows all too well that a crime like this cannot be forgiven. I wouldn't solicit on his behalf either... But something tells me that if I go to Georgiy myself, I will no longer have to enter the Crucible as a thief in fear of being unmasked. Rather, I will become a mistress.

No justice would be able to clear Rubin of his guilt, even though Georgiy seems to have acquitted him already. This hardly matters anymore, though. They have named me the Mistress.

What can I say about Rubin? Here's a man who has committed the most harrowing of murders, and yet he is no more guilty than the rest... Would I be able to get this message through to father?

*** It was the first time I didn't have to decide someone's fate and the first time I am happy I didn't. Rubin chose death for himself. Something tells me that I will see him again before long, and this time someone will be kind enough to comfort him...

Other Tasks

The Twins

Katerina's experiment yesterday did not bear fruit, but this was to be expected. Too many coincidences were working against us. It should be better today. Peter Stamatin, the most daring of builders, has a searing fire burning so brightly within him, yet his spirit is weak and the fire is all too easy to snuff out.

Now, things become complicated. I will have to convert two instead of one; men as different from each other as they are similar. Neither of the two will lend me his ear unless the other approves. This will be challenging, as their mutual support will reinforce their dangerous misconceptions... Enough of that. I must approach Andrey. The sooner the better.

It appears that father has decided to go ahead with the raid after all. I will have to go back to him and beg mercy for Andrey. This won't be an easy task, but then, Andrey will surely appreciate my assistance. Feelings of gratitude will make him easier to deal with... He won't be able to reject me as easily as he did before. Everything is going well.

My gentle father will spare the architect. The twins will no longer refuse to open their souls to me. Andrey would know the news by now; he is bound to be on the way back to his den of debauchery...

His words cut deep. He is a true fanatic; a knight of arrogance and impertinence. My mother was right to say: it is him and others like him that we have to blame for the pestilence. They are the ones who have caused it, and not the poor souls my father seeks out for persecution. Why do they persist? Can't they see the truth when it is right in front of them?

No, Peter sees it all; the truth splits in half; the world is falling. I walk upon both sides of the moonlit way, following two different paths at the same time. Do the Utopians dare mock the faith of Humility? We need to think deeper here. An immediate gain would not necessarily lead to long-term victory...

*** What kind of a day is this? Did I do something wrong, that would cause them to change so much? Maybe I didn't accomplish much today or the day before, but then I feel these failures were not something I could avoid... My new parents must be very tired by now... I struggle to imagine how difficult this all is for them...

The Cathedral

Capella had a bad dream last night. It's time to toll the alarm, in case Maria has the same nightmare. Something evil is crawling into the Cathedral. On the other hand, I had no dreams tonight; nor the night before. None at all...

The guards keep watch over the Cathedral. I wonder if I can bribe them somehow? Or shall I try to sneak past them first? There must be a way. And since my enemies appear in good spirits today, I may well ask the Bachelor for his advice. As a last resort, I could simply steal the key from him. After all, am I not a thief?

The Bachelor didn't have the key. He gave me an idea though... If my gift provides me with influence sufficient to control the Bound—can I possibly fail to persuade simple townsfolk?

They don't have anything to drink. Here comes my opportunity. The guard asked me to bring twenty bottles of drinking water... Let's get to work.

The guards do not see me. The way inside the Cathedral is open.

The Cathedral is clear. Everyone inside is alive and well. No evil passed this way. Capella will be relieved to know it was nothing more than a bad dream.

*** Nothing to be afraid of. My gift and I seem to be of a single mind and body. Did the visit to the unconsecrated cathedral fill me with grace? Or am I really becoming the Mistress of the Earth, alongside Victoria and Maria? Tomorrow, my mother will witness my power.

Best Friend

Grace told me that my best friend will meet me by the cemetery at nine in the evening. But who might that be? Grace says the two of us are very much alike. The more I think of it, the more I believe the mysterious friend is none other than Shabnak-adyr, the maneater made out of bones and clay...

*** The creature is indeed me. Hated by everyone and all; born of some mysterious power; suffering; vulnerable. I am the epitome of everything that has befallen the town since the disappearance of Simon Kain, the suprahuman. But that also makes him the key to our salvation...


By this evening I am going to...

...make a visit to the Cathedral. They need me there, I feel, else the worst could happen... Where are you? What do you have on your mind? I've lost your trace once again.

I also cannot escape the feeling that the Bachelor and the Haruspex, the two merciless strangers whom nature itself would command to eliminate each other, have joined forces to destroy me instead. Where are you? I am so worried about you...

Capella's Invitation

Come to the Lump at once. Sneak into my chambers. No one will recognise you in the dark. We need to talk. I had a prophetic dream tonight and you were in it.

A terrifying calamity will happen tonight, and I have the feeling that you're the only one able to prevent it.

Waiting for you,
V. O., the Younger

Grace's Note

There is a creature that wants to have a word with you. They call it a shabnak and think it is the maneater itself, although I don't find it all that scary... Perhaps there is some mistake.

It wants to talk to you.

Your friend Grace.

Alexander is Waiting

Daughter (for this is how we want to call you from now on).

I am brought down by a heavy burden: Katerina is sick and she won't be able to perform the tasks of a Mistress without your help.

Much labour awaits you. We will let you run free, but be prepared that every single day, either me or my wife will have an errand for you. Be at hand.

With great expectations,
Your loving father

She spoke to me in a dream...

...and she said, "I made a mistake, for I wanted to do the right thing, but instead I have lost my gifts, exhausted my powers and dissolved into the crowd of simple people. I need to go into hiding now, to avoid their false accusations. An alarm bell can be seen from the window of the house where I find shelter. The air is glowing-hot all around it. Before long it will toll heavily over Gorkhon."

Day Six

Day Six, fateful for the Changeling, who loses everything in the beginning, but gains a lot by the end of it.

Today's Quest

Angel of Death

The prophecy of the angel twins comes true... Is this you, my imaginary sister? Someone snuck into the Cathedral earlier tonight, spreading pestilence! What about Yulia, whom my father seems to hold guilty? I need to ask Eva Yan about her, to obtain the hooks that may help turn Yulia inside out...

Something has changed! They see through me now, before I see through them. What are they talking about? Don't they love me anymore? Why do they look at me as if I were a thief soon to be unmasked? There are whispers of anxiety behind my back... I need to go to Yulia at once, she is waiting for me!

The Bachelor would not have anything in common with a woman he considers suspicious. Yulia was right, I feel... If he finds me before I find him, it won't be me he will be talking to, but some other Clara. Clara the liar, Clara the monster, Clara guilty of everything! I need to find him and reveal myself to him; the real me, with nothing to hide.

The Bachelor is searching for the disease carrier. He seeks the messenger. He left Earth now and went to Lara's House of the Living.

*** It's all over, it seems... My mind struggles to understand this. Where is the harbinger now; who is the miracle worker? Has the Changeling changed - or has the world? Were these six days filled with lies, or was there a grain of purest truth somewhere within? Hardly worth thinking about now. No choice but to wait until morning.

Other Tasks

Little Sister

There she is, again! I can see now that she is precisely who she pretends to be. I definitely need to find her. The infected district is the place to search, for where else might she hide herself? If somebody drives her out, the pestilence will leave with her. But if she is allowed to stay, the disease will remain as well.

*** She has left the district. The disease will follow the Changeling soon, leaving this place. The district, thus purified, will surely make a fine present for the Inquisitor. However, some of the townsfolk still take her for a saint instead of villain. These places where people are still devoted to her are where I must search.

*** I have shown them true power, and the sacred sign was revealed to them through the touch of my hands. From now on, nobody will give shelter to the Changeling. I feel that this part of the town will be pure, come tomorrow.

*** Beyond doubt, they are trying to seduce me. Who knows what would happen if I were to give way to this temptation.


Vlad the Younger is drifting towards the Utopian heresy, but he is not yet a full-blown fanatic like the twins. He is the heir of a very powerful family though, and it will be a disaster if he pleads allegiance to Maria. Hopefully Capella will be able to advise me what I should say to get Vlad's ear.

The sister has provided me with the hooks that I need to catch her brother. Now I know how his conscience may be dragged out; he will have no other choice but to listen to me.

Does my reputation precede me? The moment he saw me, he accepted the tenets of the Humility and condemned himself to die without judgment! I should return to Katerina... If with a heavy heart.

*** They have rejected me; disowned me and expelled me! Something went wrong. It is as though someone has travestied my ways; as though I was mistaken for somebody else! I feel I am going to die today, for there is no reason why a false messenger should be allowed to walk the earth.

*** I don't like her behaviour in the slightest. It's as if she is hiding something. Is she disillusioned? Did someone scare her? What is on my dear mother's mind? I am going to have to talk to her later.


My precious albino, this peculiar alter ego of mine, was expelled from the Town! This effigy of my indecision, crafted out of someone else's keepsakes, has gone away; just as it should have done. It walks towards the Steppe now, moving through the Rotten Field. I will be able to get ahold of him if I come by the hanging sacks at three hours before midnight.

*** Oh no, I am not going to the Prophet. I am quite happy with what he said of me already... and with what he revealed of my sister, if she exists.


She appeared before me in a dream...

...looking scared and miserable. She said, "They persecute me, they hunt me, they try to track me down. They are so close to capturing me that I had to change my hideout four times in a single day. I am covering up here, at the brink of the town, where they won't find me so easily. From the windows I see two bonfires being lit are they trying to smoke me out? Are they going to put a watcher atop the ruined stairway surrounded by columns?"

Day Seven

Day Seven, in which the Changeling confirms her sainthood once again and sees the demons gang up on her.


Tell me, why do they call me the Changeling?

Who am I, but a ragged wanderer? What is so interesting about me? Alas, it is not so simple as that. I am the key, the solution. Not the-world-in-me, but me-in-the-world.

I can perform miracles, there's no doubt of that. The Bachelor himself had to admit I am no killer; no plague carrier... But who am I then? This he did not tell.

With my own eyes, I saw my sister whom I had but slight intimations about. Now I don't know which one of us is which. I must be going insane.

Which one of the two stole the other's name; claimed her calling; seized her destiny?

Please define me.

Today's Quest


Who would have thought that I would return to this house as a harbinger... and a judge! Everything is head over heels. Fate plays with us in mischievous ways.

Who could tell me where exactly the Bachelor is searching for the Executors? He must have visited the Theatre... They will know where he went.

Burakh is on to some dirty work in the Termitary. With the number of dead bodies in there, I'm sure he is thriving. However, he knows something about the Inquisitor, something even the Bachelor is oblivious of. I need to find him.

I know everything now. I can return to my father now, he is waiting in the Rod.

The hardest is yet to come. What is Katerina going to say to me? Can I still call her mother after she has rejected me?

Once again I have to visit Maria. I am no longer afraid, for I feel that her and Capella are soon to become the only ones alive who will share in my all-encompassing loneliness. Or was an end such as this chosen by Katerina? I wouldn't know.

It's time to see Capella. I wouldn't say I didn't see it coming. Sooner or later, everything comes to a head... Is it too late now to step away from this path? For me it is. The road goes all the way downhill and I am moving at such a speed that were I to stop, I would break apart.

How unexpected... It was but a moment ago that I trembled in anticipation of Capella's decision... I was afraid I would have to wear this fearsome crown. But I am no longer afraid! She told me something that halted my descent. I am at the crossroads again.

There, now I saw them. I never expected to see anything of this kind in the Rod. What am I going to say to Aglaya? I should make a decision on my way to the Cathedral.

***They are not guilty, even if it was them who surrendered me to the slaughter. Even though they were possessed by evil; caused great harm to the place they lived; seduced the others with their false truths and condemned those who deserved to be forgiven. For all this, I will not be their judge. I will try to redress what they have done.

***So be it. They are guilty. They have surrendered me to the slaughter, but this is not the cause of their guilt. They are guilty of being possessed by evil; guilty of causing harm to the place they lived; guilty of seducing the others with their false truths and guilty of condemning those who deserved nothing but to be forgiven. There is no way back for them and no one will comfort them...

Other Tasks

The Haruspex Will Sow a Seed of Malice

The demons are grinding their teeth at each other! The Bachelor wishes the Haruspex killed. He asked me to give a weapon to the Worm whom the Haruspex mistreated.

It is all done. I must go back to the Bachelor.

***If only they killed one another sooner! The time comes when both of them will cause their greatest evil, and pull my true fate away from me.

The Bachelor Will Sow a Seed of Malice

The Haruspex is keen to destroy the Bachelor! Now this is convenient; even though petty mischiefs like these are hardly a test of my power. I must supply the head of the family mistreated by the Bachelor with five flasks of twyrine.

I can go back to the Haruspex.

***If only they had killed one another sooner! The time comes when both of them will cause their greatest evil, and pull my true fate away from me.


I saw her in a dream once again...

...and although she was covering her face with her hands, I saw that her lips were oozing blood. I saw blood trickling from beneath her eyelids and glittering in the cracks of her desiccated palms.

I heard her mumble through her fingers, "This is not the crowd that seeks me now, not these mindlessly fervent people I came to love so much, not them, but two demons, two destroyers, armed to their teeth and devoid of human compassion! They hate me even more than they loathe each other, they want nothing more than my death."

"...They will capture me, make me an object of trade, they will pay generously in silver and blood to learn where I am and tear me limb from limb. The names of the demons are Artemy, spawned by the Heat of the Earth, and Daniil, begotten by the cold Celestial Flame..."

"...from my window I saw each one of them bring a butcher down within the flaming Suok Ring. They are fighting each other now, but neither will win the fight..."

The Inquisitor's Order

"...Bring this Changeling to me without delay. Her case must be investigated immediately and she must be court-martialled. If she attempts to escape or use some psychophysical trick do not hesitate to shoot her."

"...also... be sure to make all the necessary arrangements to affect death by hanging..."

A. Lilich, Inq.

Day Eight

Day Eight, in which the Changeling traces it all back to the source and realizes that the town desperately needs a true Mistress.

Today's Quest

The Town; Its Entrails

She acts as if she were conducting a chemical experiment! First she has tested whether I mix well with people, now she is curious if I mix well with the town itself! Aglaya seems to think that the town is formed by three major substances, and I am going to start with the one at the very bottom! The road to the Abattoir has to pass through the Termitary.

However peculiar the gatekeeper that guards the passage into the Abattoir, the way of getting past is same as ever. What kind of a fairy tale shall I humour her with? Which would she like the most? I don't have any hooks to unpick her yet... A boy named Sticky can help me with this.

I can go back to the Mother Superior now. I hope I won't forget my fairytale on the way.

The passage will be open. The mouth of the Abattoir is agape. The monster is waiting inside, the minotaur Foreman. He will have the answers to my questions.

The scythe was held over her head once before and yet here she stands; blocking my path! Is she a spirit, or could she be the Thing from the Steppe? Regardless, she will know the answers to my questions, for her mouth is filled with earth.

I can return to the worried Foreman, and in doing so make him worry even more. Burakh is destined to confront him and it's an easy guess as to who is going to come out on top... The Foreman is strong, but would he be able to pull off this feat? I doubt it; I am the only miracle-maker here.

We didn't talk that much but everything that needed discussion was discussed. I can go back to Aglaya and inform her of my decision.

*** I can see what is happening to the Kin, I know what goes on in Earth. It's perfectly clear to me now that the Fiery Demon Haruspex is sitting atop the Abattoir, preparing to swallow it whole and bring the surrounding parts of the town under his rule. If there is any living substance within, it will have to submit to his will.

Other Tasks

Tracking Down the Haruspex

Aglaya asked me to find Burakh and warn him that he is in danger. I will be able to find him in the house described in the letter. However convoluted the phrasing is, I will be able to figure out the location.

I managed to find the Haruspex and deliver a timely warning. No matter what Aglaya's intentions are, she is going to pay my reward.

*** Burakh has slipped away, and Aglaya returned the favour.

I found the Haruspex, but decided not to disturb him. I wonder how well the Bachelor will pay to learn the location of his enemy...

*** The Bachelor was generous enough. I wonder which of the two demons will come out victorious? If only it was a draw! If both survive, it will be most convenient!

Tracking Down the Bachelor

I need to find the Bachelor and warn him of the danger he is in. I will be able to find him in the house described in the letter. However convoluted the phrasing, I will be able to figure out the location.

I managed to find the Bachelor and deliver a timely warning. I hope the reward will be worth the trouble.

*** The Bachelor avoided the punishment. And I got what was coming to me.

I found the Bachelor but decided not to disturb him. I wonder how much the Haruspex will pay to learn the location of his enemy...

*** Apparently no price is too high for the Haruspex. I wonder which of the two demons will come out victorious? I'm afraid it will be a stalemate.


Where is the Haruspex?

This is to inform you that the conflict between Artemy Burakh and Bachelor Dankovsky has escalated out of proportion. It is as though they have made a decision to challenge each other. The situation is fraught with negative consequences. Blood will be spilled. The Bachelor knows no remorse. He is preparing for an offensive manoeuvre somewhere in the Backbone district.

The Haruspex is working somewhere in the Skinners district right now. As far as I can see from the latest reports, he is likely to be found in one of the double houses. You must reach him in time to warn him, so that he's able to relocate at once. I will reward you handsomely for that.

The locked down districts are dangerous, there are robbers and looters on the loose. However, I am confident that no bandit survived in the house Burakh has chosen. Besides, there is a cohort of the Kin people at his side now. The Bachelor has his own posse, however, so you must hurry!

Aglaya Lilich Government Inquisitor

The Bachelor's Whereabouts

I know you're on your way to become the Mistress of the Earth. It's good that I am so well-acquainted with you, since we will have a lot to discuss when the time comes for us both to govern this town. To lay the basis for further negotiations, I'd like to ask for a favour that a Mistress may ask of another Mistress.

The Bachelor, the man whom I've chosen, fell victim to another man's hatred. This other man is someone we both despise: Burakh the Haruspex, who is going to become a Warden and the new Foreman soon. With his cohort of butchers and blood-crazed Worms, Burakh prowls all around the town. They may discover the Bachelor any moment now, and the servants that I have entrusted with helping him may not be enough to rebut the attack.

Daniil is somewhere in the Backbone district near the Town Hall.

I will offer you a decent reward.

Maria Kaina

An Instruction Issued by the Inquisitor

"...You must watch the Changeling as carefully as you did yesterday. Let her blame herself if she fails to appear at my request. You know what you should do if she tries to play the same "imaginary twin sister" card."

As I woke up, I heard her voice...

...saying, "Who has betrayed me? Who has led them to my hiding place? Would I have known where to conceal myself next, were it not for the warning of my faithfuls who brought me inside? For my enemies gathered everyone they could and surrounded my shelter. Would I have escaped were it not for my miraculous powers?"

...In that three-sided yard, my faithfuls saw me from high above and set out to rescue me, protect me and give me shelter. For they have witnessed the miracles I have shown them and were convinced by my righteous deeds..."

Day Nine

Day Nine, in which the Changeling finds out that in her case a thief and a miracle-worker are not necessarily the same thing.

Today's Quest

The Town; Its Head

My path leads me to the opposite side of the town. It is clear who is the master of this domain. Were you to ask me yesterday, I wouldn't hesitate a moment to condemn them all. But now I am no longer convinced. Elder Georgiy will open the passage into the Polyhedron for me.

Georgiy never ceases to surprise me... How could it be that the people most deserving of being branded as criminals beyond redemption, come out as something unexpectedly different these days? Georgiy asked me to find Rubin in the Termitary. The man must be hiding there to avoid the wrath of the Kains.

Rubin's destiny seems closely intertwined with my own. He will be the one to reveal my fate! He is the one standing between me and the most important character in this mystery: Simon... I can go back to the Crucible now, even though it is too early to reach a conclusion.

Victor Kain will clear the passage for me.

Kaspar Kain known as "Khan" is ready to let me into the Polyhedron. I wonder why they all keep calling it "the tower of mirrors"; "the crystal tower"; "the tower of glass"? Isn't it made of paper?

...I have reached the pinnacle. Now, I will have to descend once more to the very bottom.

What is going on? Who is doing this? Is this the Powers That Be, whom Aglaya Lilich hates so much? What does this say of her; being so loathsome towards them?

The story repeats itself. Aglaya has expelled me; branded me a villain and demanded I should vanish from the face of the earth. However powerful this new enemy, it's a trifle against everything else I have to bear. Since we're no longer friends with her, should I go to the Commander? He would be in the Town Hall.

*** My work for today is done. I am still not completely alone. A single tiny hook is left in the town, holding me steady. I am not speaking of a sister anymore, but of the immortal man. Simon Kain is the last person I should see here.

Other Tasks

Little Sister

As on Day Six.

Tracking Down the Haruspex

As on Day Eight.

Tracking Down the Bachelor

As on Day Eight.


Warn the Haruspex

Just as I thought, Clara, the two medics that hold our fate in their hands have decided to fight each other. They give every appearance of friendship now, but each one of them is furtively preparing a group of henchmen, primed to capture, maim, and destroy their opponent. My spies have informed me of the preparations that the Bachelor undertakes.

I am powerless here, for I cannot arrest the Bachelor while I still need his services.

The best we can do is to warn Burakh of the possible assault. He is working in a house next to the Lump, the Olgimsky family home.

I will reward you generously,
Aglaya Lilich

In Search of Dankovsky

I have to ask you for a favour once again. They're much embittered by the events that took place yesterday. They both went to see Commander Block today, and the meeting gave the Haruspex additional incentive to end Daniil once and for all.

Daniil went to the Tanners district to speak to Andrey. After that, for some unknown purpose, he wanted to inspect the houses next to the twyrine shebeen.

Please tell him he must leave there at once. The drunkards from the shebeen were likely to reveal his whereabouts to the Haruspex. We don't have much time.

Rest assured I will repay you this service as well as services to follow.

Maria Kaina

I dreamt of her tonight, just like the night before...

...she was all tortured and torn. All she did was look at me; she didn't say a word this time. She was hiding in the house yet again, cowering in the corner, away from the windows. The crowd was roaring outside. They shouted, they made all manner of racket... but this time it wasn't her they were after.

They were celebrating the arrival of the bull that appeared unexpectedly in the middle of an empty lot. Some of them screamed that the Bos has risen from beneath the ground. The others shouted that it came down from heaven only to be pierced by the stake that was prepared for it down below.

Day Ten

Day Ten, in which Clara deciphers the hidden purpose of her miracles and the Changeling accepts the inevitability of death.


Before today I was making rounds of the people. Now I am making rounds of the Town. My journey is over. I witnessed the seeds of righteousness within the deepest chasms of evil. I was unable to find a single place that deserved to be destroyed.

But what shall I do then? Can I bring back the victims I have condemned? Can I save the ones that died because of me?

...Is it really within my power to perform a true miracle?

What was the point of repeating history if everything was known in advance? What made them say that I was the only one able to escape? The key to victory, and the key to my freedom is lost on the road I have travelled.

Here are my hands. Time to act.

Today's Quest


Transformations; metamorphoses again and again, over and over. How is it possible for demons to change the very nature of themselves? The Bachelor is involved with me and my path will take me to the Crucible. Again I will have to face Maria, for she is the keeper of the key to the mystery which binds me and Rubin together.

So this will be the field of our final conflict? Maria has decided to destroy Rubin, but he may still be alive! My final confederate, the Commander, will help to set him free...

The soldiers have attacked Maria's servants. They have captured one of them and thrown him into jail. He will tell me where Rubin was taken.

The servant will tell me what I need to know in exchange for a pardon. Will the Commander refuse me this gift?

The prisoner was set free.

They took Rubin to the Works and put him in a cell beneath the Corpulent Workshop. I should go there at once!

My path has returned me to the Theatre where Rubin is being kept in some horrifying dungeon. The Rat Prophet waits there as well.

*** I have discovered the true nature of my gift... The ability to transform blood. Simon is no human being. There are only the Bound, people that follow him. A single touch of mine is enough to distinguish Simon's Bound; to turn them into imitations of Simon, willing to give their lives and sacrifice themselves to keep the town alive. The road to salvation is clear. I will go to the Inquisitor tomorrow.

Other Tasks

Little Sister

As on Day Six.

Tracking Down the Haruspex

As on Day Eight.

Tracking Down the Bachelor

As on Day Eight.


Notkin Writes

You're famous! Come at once. Everybody is searching for you still, although not as much as they did before. You're on the good side of the Kains now, so better watch the Inquisitor. Rubin has made a discovery about you.

Signed by the hand of Notkin, the Soul-and-a-Halves Chieftain

The Bachelor Is in Danger

I am writing to you with a request of the same kind. Please find Daniil and warn him of the danger he is in. He is working in one of the wealthy houses that may be entered via the small garden to the north. The Haruspex knows about it. He's going to attack as soon as he's back from the Abbatoir.

Warn him, Mistress of the Earth. Let us forget our rivalry for a while. There will be enough time for that later.

Maria Kaina

Seeking Out Burakh

I have yet another request to make of you. No doors are closed before you and no part of the town is unknown to you. Neither bullets nor blades are a threat to you for no one in the town will dare attack you.

Artemy Burakh is in danger once again. He is working in Earth now, near the Bone Stake Lot. In one of the double houses, most likely. You have to warn him, the assault may happen any moment from now! I will reward you very well.

Aglaya Lilich

It was just as if she was waiting for me...

...for as soon as my eyes were shut she appeared before me. "They have betrayed me," she said, "My faithfuls have given me up. I only have you now, my soul, my inseparable connection..."

"...I would have asked you to join me, but I have no notion of where my feet have taken me. Frightened, I fled the Theatre. I ran down the stairs and came to a place which seemed hard to stumble upon. I concealed myself there, in a small house between the two larger ones... There is no way I can come near the windows, and there is no one here to answer my cries..."

"...Find me, come visit me and comfort me. In return I will comfort you..."

Day Eleven

Day Eleven, in which the Changeling realizes the true meaning of her name and Clara loses the right to exist.


Before today I was making rounds of the people. Now I am making rounds of the Town. My journey is over. I witnessed the seeds of righteousness within the deepest chasms of evil. I was unable to find a single place that deserved to be destroyed.

But what shall I do then? Can I bring back the victims I have condemned? Can I save the ones that died because of me?

...Is it really within my power to perform a true miracle?

What was the point of repeating history if everything was known in advance? What made them say that I was the only one able to escape? The key to victory, and the key to my freedom is lost on the road I have travelled.

Here are my hands. Time to act.

Today's Quest

The Bound

The Inquisitor was surprised, but still willing to hear me out. This is good, for I won't manage without her support. However, in order to secure her friendship I first need to bring her the head of Bachelor Dankovsky. An enormous price.

Dankovsky is trying to rescue the architect, Andrey Stamatin. He was captured by the mutineers who took control of the field gun.

The Bachelor can be found in Peter Stamatin's workshop.

The Bachelor is willing to help me. He values these kinds of alliances dearly, it seems; he has asked me to bring him Burakh's head.

Burakh says I should bring him the head of the Foreman.

Finally, the lines did meet. The first of the fallen Bound ones, that monstrous Foreman who won't hesitate to give his life has recognised the Mistress of the Earth in me. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the possibility of a miracle. I can return to Burakh now, I have freed the subterranean throne for him!

My plan will come to fruition. I was capable of taming the demons, even though their hatred for each other remains. I can return to Aglaya Lilich now.

This is the end. Aglaya commands me to leave the town at once. But why? What's wrong with my strategy? Is this because my plan answers the goals of the Powers That Be too well... What kind of an Inquisitor is she? She is nothing but a vengeful, malicious impostor! What can I do now, but collapse at the feet of the Commander and beg for protection?

The final journey lies ahead. It is time to reap what was sown. The Foreman was the first sacrifice. Six more are needed. Seven sinners would be enough to save the town.

I still require five Bound ones willing to give their lives for the town to thrive and prosper as it did before.

I still require four Bound ones willing to give their lives for the town to thrive and prosper as it did before.

I still require three Bound ones willing to give their lives for the town to thrive and prosper as it did before.

I still require two Bound ones willing to give their lives for the town to thrive and prosper as it did before.

I need one last Bound willing to give his or her life for the town to thrive and prosper as it did before.

This is the end. Aglaya commands me to leave the town at once. But why? What's wrong with my strategy? Is this because my plan answers the goals of the Powers That Be too well... What kind of an Inquisitor is she? She is nothing but a vengeful, malicious impostor! What can I do now, but collapse at the feet of the Commander and beg for protection?

*** The preparations are complete! Tomorrow, the miracle may come to pass! I would be happy beyond measure, were it not for this awkward premonition that freezes my heart still... I can perform miracles! Just let me...

Other Tasks

Little Sister

As on Day Six.

Tracking Down the Haruspex

As on Day Eight.

Tracking Down the Bachelor

As on Day Eight.


The Haruspex is in Danger Again

I wish I didn't have to ask this of you, but I don't seem to have any other choice. He will die today, unless you deliver a timely warning. There is no one else I can ask. The patrolmen lack intelligence, and the Executors are cowardly and self-serving.

He is somewhere by the Works, I think, in the adjacent district. There is a large house surrounded by three smaller ones there he is in either of the four.

Tell him he must leave immediately!

I will give you everything I have left if you agree to help me one last time.

Aglaya Lilich

Block Is Looking for the Bachelor

I am on the verge of despair, Clara. There are hardly any men left who are faithful to me. Patrocles betrayed me and is now leading the mutineers. I am getting more exhausted with every passing hour.

The Bachelor is in the Stone Yard now, somewhere close to the tombs where he is mourning Maria. Tell him he is being hunted. The Haruspex is searching for him in order to kill him. I know you don't have much love for the Bachelor, but he is one of the few allies I have left. I will need him alive tomorrow. Help me.

Alexander Block

Day Twelve

Day Twelve, in which it becomes possible to do the impossible.


I am making the choice.

My past will be solidified by this decision. If I proceed with the final miracle, it will define me as a wonder-worker and a thief. If I give up, it will mean I was the embodiment of pestilence and the weapon of the Law.

But the Powers That Be... Are they not a bunch of frightened children? Why else would they be so fascinated by miracles? I thought I was the puppet. Now it seems to be the other way around.

Is this not a trap?

Was this twist not foreseen by the Makers though? If the miracle is the way to overcome the inevitable can a miracle be done at someone else's bidding? Is this not a trap?

What shall I do? How shall I free myself? Shall I refuse to perform miracles even though I am able? Is this not a trap...

The clock is ticking. The initiation reaches its extremity.

Today's Quest

The Harbinger

This is the last day we have left. The choice has to be made.

The Haruspex will come to the Cathedral. If I allow him to decide, he will prove that it is only the Polyhedron that must be destroyed in order to keep the town safe.

...Why? What for? What is the reasoning behind this ludicrous decision?

Didn't I explain everything to you? The strings were given to you, you only needed to pull.

Did you act on a whim, or was your decision a well-calculated conclusion? I find it hard to believe you were driven by vengeance alone.

No. This is not how it was. I think I understand now.

You know you are going to leave us before long, so you renounce your chance to perform a miracle and assume the mantle of the Law. You hold our mutual enemy to your breast and dive headfirst into the chasm. Is this your attempt to dismiss the inevitable?

There is still hope, however, for even though you will leave, I will stay. I will remain here to keep the fate that you have rejected.

Isn't that so?

No. Don't answer me. Just remember I will always remain by your side.

And I will be waiting.


The Haruspex Says Goodbye

The beakheads say you're the only one to have figured out how the true victory can be achieved. They believe that you alone can prevail.

This may well be true. They know many things that I don't. What I do know, however, is that they are rotten to their core.

I have found my own path to victory, I think. Believe it or not. It is simple, but don't reject it in a hurry. Perhaps, this is also the only way for you to save yourself.


The Bachelor Says Goodbye

A high flying bird you've become.

The Executors are watching you, barely able to hide a smile... and I don't like their smirks one bit. Soon enough you are going to see that they were not smiling because they were happy for you.

Beware, if you may, we were both trapped. Each one of us has suffered a tailor-made deception. They say you are not like me, and this is not something I would argue with. Moreover, I've just found out something utterly ridiculous about myself. Hopefully, your fate will not be a reiteration of my own.

Be very careful, anyway. Self-assurance is your worst enemy. I've learned of at least one way to achieve victory. Perhaps it may work well enough for you.

Come see me if you will. Give me the benefit of doubt, so to speak.


The Farewell Message of the Powers That Be


We want to say goodbye to you. Farewell! You've been the most interesting one to play with.

If you want to talk to us, come over to the Polyhedron. Be careful not to mix the facets! We are at the very bottom, in the middle of it. Count to five and you will see us under the lamp.

Nine of your friends have gathered here. They too want to say goodbye.

Did you speak to them yet? Remember, they are scared and they miss you.

Msl. and Thr.