Alexander Block/Spoken Dialogue

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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

List of dialogue spoken by Alexander Block. These lines are played when near a character, providing additional insight into the events and characters of the Town.

Dialogue spoken is dependent on both the day and chosen player character.

Pathologic (2005)


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • In fact, there are other healers here besides you.
  • I have a fever.
  • I am suffocating!
  • Well, I shall break down soon.
  • My hands bend badly.
  • It is high time for us to go to the front.
  • It is necessary to strengthen the guard of the gun.
  • Where are the idle orderlies?
  • The world is ruled by destiny and whim.

Days 1-8


Day 9

  • (Haruspex) Whose will has sent us this plague-hole? We are needed now at the front.
  • (Bachelor) Whose will has directed us to this plague-hole? We are needed at the front, now.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) They want to turn us from heroes of defensive war into a punitive expedition, into hospital attendants!

Day 10

  • (Haruspex) We have two days left. The day after tomorrow it is necessary to make a decision. This is the order of the Authorities.
  • (Bachelor) We have two more days left. The day after tomorrow a decision must be made. This is the order of the Authorities.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) We did not hold council with The Inquisitor, though this is against the rules. I rely on the doctors.

Day 11

  • (Haruspex) So... the soldiers have risen. They fill up the numbers of marauders, thinned by our efforts.
  • (Haruspex) I cannot wait any more. In two days I’ve lost two-thirds of my army!

Day 12

  • They try to manipulate us.
  • It is impossible to allow a deceiver to play with our free will.

Pathologic Classic


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • You are not the only healer here.
  • I am feverish.
  • Mm, hm, I'm suffocating.
  • That does it. I'm going to break soon.
  • My arms are stiff.
  • We need to go back to the front.
  • Weapon security must be tightened.
  • Where are the orderlies? Those lazy bastards.
  • Luck and temper rule the world.

Days 1-8


Day 9

  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Whose will was it that sent us to this plague-ridden hellhole? We're needed at the front line.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) We fought a just defensive war and now they want to turn us into a punitive expedition. Into corpsmen!

Day 10

  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) We have two more days. The choice has to be made the day after tomorrow. This is the order of the Powers That Be.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) The Inquisitor and I haven't held council even though it's against the rules. I place my trust in the doctors.

Day 11

  • (Haruspex) So... there's a mutiny. We thinned out the ranks of marauders... but now they've got new blood!
  • (Haruspex) I can't wait any longer. I’ve lost two-thirds of my troops here in two days!

Day 12

  • We're being manipulated.
  • We can't let cheats play with our free will.

Pathologic 2

  • We have two more days. Day after tomorrow, a choice must be made. So say the Powers That Be.
  • I can't wait any longer. I've lost two-thirds of my troops here in just two days!
  • Who decided we should march to this plague-ridden hellhole? We're needed at the front!
  • We fought a just war and now they want to turn us into a sanitary expedition… into a death squad!
  • Yes?
  • What?
  • A man like this can't command a regiment! If he wasn't such a wastrel, maybe…
  • This is, after all, artillery. Fire from the heavens.
  • War consumes a man like no other occupation.
  • And so they attack, while our flank lies open. If our line breaks at Bronnik, we'll lose the fourth division…
  • For each traitor in the senior army staff, there's a coward, two drunkards, and three idiots. And I'm not sure who's worse.
  • Where did half the regiment go? God knows! Our couriers vanished into the fog of war…
  • …A Brigadier General at twenty-seven. Still weighted with captain's bars…
  • What do you call such a man? A slave. You call him a slave.
  • An army marches on its stomach… and right off a cliff if need be.
  • I make no promises regarding the taste. But it is warm.
  • I feel feverish.
  • Plans are worthless, but planning is priceless.
  • The feet go slow when the head's full of snow.
  • Worst of all, a coward. Always was a coward. Oh, how I hate it…
  • I've had enough… I'm going to break, soon.
  • My arms are stiff...
  • We need… we need to get back to the front!
  • Where are my aides? Where's my batman?
  • Foolish, foolish. How foolish I was…
  • The Inquisitor and I haven't held council, against protocol. I place my trust in the doctors.
  • A man's nerves can only take so much.
  • And the rain! The goddamn rain, does it ever end? Pouring and pouring and pouring and pouring…
