Alexander Block

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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Alexander Block (Александр Блок)
Commander (Полководец)
General (генерал)
General Ashes (генерал Пепел)
Queens (Marble Nest)
Deceased (Marble Nest)
Town Hall
Russian Voice
Alexander Hoshabaev
English Voice
Tom Tucker

Alexander Block is the General and Commander of the Western Army.


A character inspired by Antonius Block from The Seventh Seal, Alexander is fairly young for his rank—a “thirty-year-old general”. The country’s military top brass really is pushing him to join their conspiracy, while the powers that be seek to tarnish his reputation. Block is strung out, his nerves are frayed, and his heart, already hardened. He’s trying to keep his feelings to himself and especially to prevent his emotional instability from claiming a random victim. Nevertheless, his nervous tension takes its toll, and by the time the Gorkhon operation begins, he is already on edge, about to snap any moment.
From the game's design documents

A hardened military man, Alexander Block is strict and disciplined. He is a man of formality and does not act without concrete proof. He commands respect from civilians and yet finds himself losing that of his own soldiers. Though he is well loved, he is also described by some as being a beast of a man. He is infamous both for his deeds and for having claimed such a powerful position at a young age.


Block is the beloved Commander of the Western Army. He is renowned for his leadership during the Battle of the Fords. Following the Battle of the Fords Block issued the order for Captain Ravel's court martial for insubordinate conduct, which lead to his sentencing and execution. Prior to the beginning of the Sand Plague outbreak Block and his army were being send to the Southern Front.


Alexander has black hair which he brushes back in a dignified trim. His eyes are blue, and his skin is notably very pale - he has the shadow of a stubble on his face. He wears the red coat of the Western Army, with black-and-gold epaulettes and large silver buttons. His coat hangs open, showing a formal black shirt with similar buttons and a large silver belt buckle wrapped around his stomach. His collar is pulled up to his chin. He wears black pants and steel toed boots.


Haruspex Route

Alexander Block is instructed to visit the Town to determine the most important course of action regarding the plague outbreak. His army is on orders to arrest or eliminate Inquisitor Lilich, though he himself seems initially intent on taking action on the Town. During his stay in the Town Alexander is torn between the orders he was given - to deal with the Inquisitor, and the Town - and his morality, having to go against his morals in order to carry out the instructions of the Powers That Be. Similar to the Inquisitor it is believed that Alexander and his army was sent to the Town not to assist, but to perish in the epidemic as they arrived without a medical team.

Immediately after his arrival, he can be found in the Town Hall across the table from Yulia Lyuricheva, Victor Kain and the Bachelor. Talking to soldiers reveals that already it seems there is dissent among his men, with many siding with Captain Longin. All the way up to Day 11 there is evidence of infighting and conflict among the troops. It is unknown where Alexander is for much of the outbreak as he often cannot be found in the Town Hall and the men left behind lie about his whereabouts as they instead wish to follow Captain Longin's command.

Lara Ravel eventually discovers Alexander is the one responsible for the death of her father. By chasing her to the Town Hall where she plans on murdering him, Haruspex is able to talk her down from committing a crime that will have her killed.

In the late days of the outbreak Alexander evacuates all of the children from the Town, taking them to neighbouring towns. He also takes control of the Fund as the doctors of the Town are now to report to him.

On the final day, if the orders to destroy the Polyhedron are delivered to him, the Haruspex will discover Alexander Block has been allying himself with Changeling and her 'magic powers'. In spite of her protest, Alexander commands his cannons to destroy the Polyhedron, resulting in the Diurnal Ending. It is unclear of his fate within the town afterwards if this choice is made.

The Marble Nest

Birdies, birdies... gather ye here, round the marble nest...

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest. Read at your own risk.

It is revealed by a sentry that Alexander perished from the Plague prior to the events of Pathologic: The Marble Nest and was succeeded by Captain Longin. It is also rumoured that rather than succumb to the Plague, Alexander ultimately hung himself with a tourniquet noose, though the Bachelor doubts the method of suicide.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See The Commander/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Some individuals refer to Alexander as Commander, while others refer to him as General, including in his infamous nickname, "General Ashes". His official military rank is General Alexander Block, alongside the title of Commander of the Fourth Army.
  • Depending on actions taken in the story - neglecting to treat the children on Isidor's list on Day 10, allowing infected characters to die, taking specific actions that directly result in certain character's deaths, as well as discovering Aglaya Lilich's body - Alexander Block can be one of the only five remaining named characters in Town on Day 11, alongside the healers and Mark Immortell.
  • Alexander is not present on the Haruspex's People page, but is present in the People tab for the Bachelor in Pathologic: The Marble Nest.

Alexander Block (Александр Блок)
Commander (Полководец)
Town Hall
Russian Voice
Alexander Fisenko
English Voice
Titus Adam (Pathologic Classic HD)

Alexander Block is The General and Commander of the Western Army.


Alexander Block is the draftsman of the military reform which improved the effectiveness of the Army to the prejudice of the ruling top's interest. Some speak of him as an honest and noble man, and a true knight. Others mention his brutality and ruthlessness.


Alexander Block comes from a town similar to the Town.[1] At some point before the events of the story, Alexander ordered for the death of Captain Ravel, the father of Lara Ravel[citation needed], for allegedly disobeying orders. He has been at the forefront of the southern front in the ongoing war outside of the events of Pathologic. Alexander's troops were headed to the southern front when they were sent to the Town to fight the plague on the Powers That Be's orders. Being the artillery, the soldiers were likely sent to level the Town as a transport junction and settlement, and then create an exclusion zone.

After several days in the Town, the Army lost three quarters of their men to disease and combat. The losses and dissatisfaction with the actions of Alexander leads Captain Longin, who controls the flamethrower corps, to start a mutiny and seize the long-range artillery weapon brought with the Army. Though challenged with the loss of many of his remaining men, Alexander remains steadfast in his purpose of arrival: to ensure the death of the Inquisitor and eliminate the Plague outbreak once and for all.


Alexander's hair is brown, which is cut in a formal military trim. He has light coloured eyes and a wide jaw, as well as a stubble. He wears a formal red uniform of the Army, single breasted and buttoned across his chest. Two rows of silver buttons line his coat, down to a black belt with a large golden buckle. He wears matching red pants and black leather boots.


Alexander will only arrive on Day 9 alongside the rest of the Army.

Bachelor Route

On Day 9, the Bachelor will wake at 14:00 in the Town Hall, having been rescued by Alexander and the Army from the Abattoir. The Bachelor is asked by Lara Ravel later for a gun to kill Alexander, with Yulia Lyuricheva and Anna Angel attempting to stop her. No matter the outcome of the Bachelor's decision, Alexander will not die. If the Bachelor assists Yulia and tells Alexander that she plans to kill him, Alexander will send soldiers to the Trammel to isolate Yulia, and to ignore the "gentle women" of the Town attempting to 'assist' Yulia, referring to Lara. He may also choose to lay blame on Anna, or give Lara a jammed gun that will not fire when she arrives. He may also speak with Alexander on matters of leaving the Polyhedron alone for now, by request of Khan. Alexander insists that his men are willing to defend themselves even against children, but that no child will be shot by his men.

On Day 10, the Bachelor can tell Alexander about riots in the Town, which Alexander dismisses as a job more suited for the Inquisitor. Alexander will warn the Bachelor to beware the Inquisitor, as he does not believe she can be trusted and that she is attempting to orchestrate any means necessary to secure her own life. The Bachelor may also tell Alexander of a bull corpse at the Bone Stake Lot by request of Mark Immortell, which Alexander will tell Captain Longin to bring flamethrower soldiers to the Lot to burn the corpse.

On Day 11, The Bachelor discovers Andrey Stamatin has been taken away by soldiers. When questioned, Alexander will say that he didn't order Andrey to be arrested and agrees to help the Bachelor rescue him, but directing him to the Train Station and giving him permission to deal with the soldiers by any means necessary.

On Day 12, the Bachelor will tell Alexander of his decision on what to do with the Town.

Haruspex Route

On Day 9, the Haruspex receives a letter from Alexander, and meets with him at the Town Hall in the morning. Alexander attempts to learn more about the work of the Haruspex, while informing him that his successes means the Inquisitor's presence no longer is necessary, and that her trial will continue as planned. They are able to speak about how the creation of a cure is only enough to eliminate Aglaya Lilich, and the lack of supply is not enough to call the Army's bombardment of the Town off. Alexander grants the Haruspex access to the Abattoir to speak with Oyun in order to continue his research for the Panacea.

On Day 10, the Haruspex informs Alexander that mutineers have taken Grace for trying to protect the Cemetery from being burned. Alexander tells him to find Captain Longin near the cannon, wher the officers' quarters are stationed, giving him a password to guarantee that Longin will comply.

On Day 12, the Haruspex will tell Alexander of his decision on what to do with the Town.

Changeling Route

On Day 9, the Inquisitor attempts to banish the Changeling, saying that her role is no longer needed. The Changeling will seek shelter with Alexander in the Town Hall.

On Day 10, the Changeling asks Alexander if he arrested Stanislav Rubin, which he denies, saying that his men arrested someone trying to capture Rubin instead. She convinces Alexander to release that man. Alexander warns the Changeling that the jail is very dangerous, as there are infected inside, which she proudly states she cannot get infected.

On Day 11, the Changeling asks Block for help in finding the Bachelor, and he tells her the Bachelor is at the Train Station trying to save Andrey Stamatin from the mutineer soldiers. Later, the Inquisitor tries to banish the Changeling again, furious that she has gone against fate to protect all three facets of the town. She seeks shelter with Alexander again and he accepts her solution, where seven people will be chosen to save the Town. After picking the Bound she will sacrifice, she returns to Alexander. Alexander tells the Changeling that he will give her whatever she needs, and that he has become inspired by her actions; he insists she has become his guardian angel. That same day, Alexander sends her a letter later asking her to find the Bachelor. When she tells him he's safe, Block will give her 5000 money and a Delta-Tablet.

On Day 12, the Changeling will tell Alexander of her decision on what to do with the Town.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See The Commander/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original English translation of the game, his name was written as "Alexander Blok."
  • The appearance of The General belongs to Peter Potapov, Ice-Pick Lodge's Technical Director.
  • Some individuals refer to Alexander as Commander, while others refer to him as General, including in his infamous nickname, "General Ashes". His official military rank is General Alexander Block, alongside the title of Commander of the Fourth Army.
  • Despite being a well-known member of the military and playing a part in several important events in Pathologic, Block notably does not have any portrait quotes.


  1. "I was born and raised in a town like this one. Firing at it is torture for me. But that isn't the main reason..." Changeling Route, Day 10