The Haruspex's Route/Text

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This entry refers to content from the original Pathologic (2005) and the Pathologic Classic HD remaster. It has nothing to do with the sequel.

How do they call upon the menkhu, the faithful of a Warden kin? Known by their hands, for they are butchers; known by their eyes, for they are surgeons; they who follow the lines; they who are the leaders of the Kin; they who speak to udurghs; they who know the secret art of haruspicy. What is a haruspex? Reading the future in the entrails, he knows that a body bears semblance to the Universe. His scalpel follows the lines of the body; his steps follow the lines of his kin's fortune. A haruspex that can tell a true line from a false one is entrusted with power. A haruspex who is confused by his path gets buried into the deep black flesh of the Earth.

This is the story of a person who has avoided the contradiction eager to rip a doomed life apart, masterfully fulfilling his true purpose in the process.


Artemy Burakh is coming back to his home town after an absence of ten years. Born to a family endowed with a caste right to cut living beings open, he was preparing himself for this line of work since childhood. Artemy's father, Isidor Burakh, a wise man and a philosopher well-respected by the locals, had admitted to the limits of traditional knowledge and sent his son off to study modern medicine in the academy.

Artemy has been travelling from town to town learning theoretical and practical surgery for several years now. Suddenly a mysterious letter appears with his father giving him notice of his impending demise and begging Artemy to return and accept succession. Unwilling to wait for a regular freight train, Artemy follows the rails through the Steppe until he's caught up with by a small shunt locomotive. This is how young Haruspex arrives in the Town.

Day One

Day One, in which the Haruspex turns from a rightful heir into a dangerous criminal.


From this point forward, I am the eldest member of the Burakh family. A menkhu. I am the heir to my father, Isidor Burakh; a Warden of the Kin; the supreme menkhu of many years.

The inheritance of my father will nourish my mind and my body alike. It is a question of life and death for me to claim it, for it will imbue my dissolute existence with reason.

I am one of the menkhu; those who know the lines; those who open up the body; those who link the earthly to the under-earth. The duty of the menkhu is to serve the children of Boddho; to interpret coincidence; to point out decisions informed by wisdom. The very reason of my existence is to carry out this duty.

Who will I become if I will fail to bind my destiny with my father's calling?

Today's Quest -- 'The Killer of Simon; The Killer of Isidor...'

They say I am a patricide. The whole town has risen against me. Who would agree to talk to me now? Who is going to teach me how to defend myself? Olgimsky suggests that his children may have some valuable advice: Victoria and Vlad the Younger.

Capella told me my fate was linked to that of these peculiar children. Apparently, they stood beside my father as he was breathing his last. I need to talk to Notkin and Grace about it. I also have to pay another visit to my father's house, since the children seem to have frequented it.

*** The ghastly accusation was refuted. My innocence has been proven. It is only a matter of time now before my reputation is fully restored. I can lay claim to my father's inheritance and feel worthy of his name.

Other Tasks

"The Filthy Little Toad and the Waifs"

The homeless boy, Notkin, who leads the Soul-and-a-Halves gang, has beseeched me to find the doghead renegade in the steppe. Behind the good nature of his face, I know that he wants the traitor dead. He will regret his cruelty soon enough.

*** Compassion might be the most sincere emotion a human being is capable of. In my case, it is also of practical use. Killing would have gone a long way to support my new reputation, but I chose to leave the target alive. I am not a murderer.

*** Even if Notkin regrets what was done, this changes nothing. If I'd have let the creature live then it would have caused as much distress to someone else.

"The Filthy Little Toad and the Smugglers"

Bad Grief has asked me to slaughter some doghead boy. He takes me for an outright lowlife.

*** Compassion might be the most sincere emotion a human being is capable of. In my case, it is also of practical use. Killing would have gone a long way to support my new reputation, but I chose to leave the target alive. I am not a murderer.

*** What a vile creature! I had no choice but to teach him a lesson. These goons will know better than to cross paths with me now.

"The Survivor"

The last of the men who laid the ambush for me is dying inside the cemetery gatehouse. If he survives he may help to clear my name. I will require some blood though. Which may be supplied by the hunchback that lives in the Stone Yard.

I struggle to imagine how a blood transfusion could be done under these circumstances. Nevertheless, Grace, the daughter of the cemetery keeper, says she is more than capable of performing the procedure if I bring her the blood.

*** I have done a good deed. The factory worker has become my advocate, rather than my detractor. Now the more he talks, the better.

"The Family Home"

The guards that kept watch over my father's house at night have gone to the Termitary. I wonder what they need there? Was there a murder? It wouldn't surprise me; the doss-house it is... The guards have the key to my father's house.

*** The boy was spying on the house... Someone called Murky was following my father that night... A ghost of a woman was seen in the house... What does this all mean?


The Misunderstanding has been Partially Solved

Bachelor Dankovsky has managed to uncover the truth. Simon Kain fell victim to some unknown disease. Since the connection between the killings is evident, it is clear that your revered father, Isidor Burakh, had died of the same cause.

Your name will be cleared, if gradually. However, we'd like to warn you that people with a certain bias are likely to deliberately ignore the facts. Then, there are the simpletons who will disregard the facts out of stupidity.

Take care. Each one of the families in power will play their own game and pursue their own purpose.

Always at your service,


On Stakh Rubin

Stakh Rubin, your childhood friend and the most faithful student of your father, has sworn to kill you as he learned that you murdered your father (his master) over an inheritance dispute.

Beware of this man. He is blinded by fury, despair, desire of vengeance, and self-righteousness. He is very dangerous.

Always at your service,


The Letter Concerning the Inheritance

Artemy, my son,

I am at my deathbed. Before I die, I need to speak to you with regard to your future, and to pass to you whatever meagre property I have.

I must warn you that I had to participate in some mysterious and, as my experience suggests, unfortunate events.

I took an enormous responsibility upon myself. I am no longer my own master.

Therefore, if you choose to reject my inheritance with what obligations it entails—I will understand your choice and will not begrudge you that.

I don't have much time left. Please make haste. I want to see you one last time.

What a pity I did not spend more time with you while I still could.

Your loving father,

Isidor Burakh

P.S. If you don't make it while I am still alive, go straight to Vlad Olgimsky. He will accommodate you and inform you of my latest affairs in as much detail as he is able to.

Day Two

Day Two, in which the Haruspex under any circumstances gains more than he loses—for the first and the last time.


Behold the Sought One. The Named One; marked by the Brand. He is sick. He is dying. The earth has come up to his waist.

I must complete the task that my father left unfinished. I have yet to find out the identity of my patient, but I already know the answer to how his life may be prolonged.

There's talk of a Sand Pest outbreak. I don't know who is dying yet, but I know what they are dying of. The enemy that was once defeated by my father has returned with a vengeance. I wasn't left this box for its mundane value. There is more inside it than this unfinished deed; this unfulfilled duty.

There is knowledge inside; the formulas; the compoundings; the keys to create the only solution by which the Sought One may be cured; a panacea. I don't know yet who is at their deathbed, but I know how he may be brought back to life.

Two journeys await me. The first will lead me to the Sought One. The second will teach me how the panacea can be made.

It is time to depart.

Today's Quest -- 'The Inheritance of a Warden'

My father's house is sealed off; his property arrested. These days it is Alexander Saburov who handles these kinds of matters. If anyone is able to give me the keys, it would be him.

Saburov has advised me to see a woman named Aspity. She is the one who took care of my father's accounts and affairs and is apparently the best person to help. Yet, something feels strange. Saburov could have simply given me the keys.

There is a lot of confusing data... more of a chemical, than of a surgical nature. It seems worthwhile to consult with the Bachelor. Let's hear what his take on the matter would be.

The Bachelor was interested to learn more about our family brews. I mustn't disappoint. Not that I remember the exact formulas, but that's what muscle memory is for. First and foremost, I will need the distilling equipment and some twyre.

*** And so, I came into my father's inheritance. As was to be expected, there was a debt inside, along with the key to its repayment. The recipes of twyre decoctions. The diaries that will surely take days to read through...

Other Tasks

"The Herbsman Bride"

As far as I can remember, these twyrine brides nurture the herbs and apparently provide a much better harvest. These brides may be sold and bought, or even borrowed, which is not considered inappropriate. Their odonghe profit from them. So, when this Bog-Worm asks me to bring his bride back, he is simply taking care of business. There is little emotion involved.

*** Let the situation remain unchanged. The bride will be returned. The odonghe are an intrinsic part of ichor and sap circulation between the Earth and its children. They do not belong to themselves—and neither do their brides. Private considerations should not disturb the harmony of this sacred communion.

*** They say that these odonghe Worms take part in the circulation of ichor and sap between the Earth and its children. They do not belong to themselves—and neither do their brides. However, the Earth is wiser than its children. Likewise, the brides are more sensitive to the Earth's requests than the odonghe. If she has chosen to leave, then such is the will of the Earth.

"The Brown Twyre"

The architect whom I met in the shebeen wants to buy ten stalks of brown twyre.

*** He is ready to pay an arm and a leg for this twyre! Why would he need the brown variety? It causes nightmares, they say.

*** The noblewoman makes a better offer. Who knows, this may well give us a reason to see each other again?

"Plain as Day"

I struggle to imagine that he will refuse to leave the place because of some wretched herb... No harm in trying, though.

So Andrey will stay after all. Everything seems to be plain as day...

*** Why would she need an intermediary like this? Or is the whole point that it was me; a menkhu; a man of the Kin?...


Isidor's Diaries. An Extract About the Final Duty [p. 133]

My life has come to an end. It may run me down any moment now.

Whatever the cost may be, I took it upon myself to protect the following people:

  • The daughter of the Olgimsky family—she will inherit the earth.
  • Kaspar Kain—most definitely (angry).
  • The girl from the van (she knows when?).
  • The freckled snooping boy (backdoor).
  • The Chieftain of the Soul-and-a-Halves (Artist the c.?).
  • The daughter of the cemetery caretaker.

Who else?

[V], whose brand is in the box. This one is the most important of them all.

Such is my pledge.

I have to write another letter to my son. Could it be that neither one of the three letters I wrote before has reached him?

I need to talk to Simon. He knows. The Copious Taglur does not consist solely of the Bound.


So it seems that the only way to fulfil the duty of the son is to help the mysterious patient recover. Although the sick body itself is not yet known, the disease is manifest. You should immediately proceed to research the panacea.

Have no doubt, the Powers That Be would be willing to facilitate the project, regardless of whether you will do it alone, or with help. No price is too high as long as there is a chance to compound the cure. With the vaccine in your hands you will soon become a man able to relieve the suffering of the townsfolk... or ignore it.

A lucrative opportunity, is it not?

Always at your service,


Vlad the Younger's Invitation

We need to talk in regards to your accommodation. I am in charge of the excavation works being conducted in the derelict house to the west of the railway station. You will find me there.

V. Olgimsky, the Younger

P.S. The place is rather ill-kept, but there is one important advantage. Back in the say, Isidor had installed a few units of machinery there which may be of use to you.

Andrey's Invitation

I've been told you're one of the few odonghe to have survived the massacre yesterday. Come to the riverside shebeen. Let's talk.

A. St.

Rubin's Threat

The Olgimskys are covering for you. They need you, for some reason, so they would never tell me where you are hiding. But I need neither formulas nor money. You are not going to escape.


The Bachelor's Invitation

I kindly request that you visit me anytime after seven in the morning. We have things to discuss, and in part this may greatly increase the value of your inheritance.

Your friend (hopefully),

Daniil Dankovsky

P.S. If my findings are true, this disease is genuinely terrifying. My hair stands on end when I think of what lies ahead of us.

Vlad Olgimsky's Invitation

The issue with your inheritance has been resolved. See me for additional instructions. Take great care.


Day Three

Day Three, in which the Haruspex uncovers the intricacies of the secret Steppe code at a great personal risk.

Today's Quest -- 'The Brand'

If I am to figure out the mystery of my inheritance, I will have to pay a visit to Aspity—this time disguised as a traitor. However, she seems to be wiser than the rest and doesn't necessarily disapprove of me. Perhaps I should put my trust in her.

Aspity gave up the life of the butcher, albeit reluctantly... So my birthright puts me in charge of the children of Boddho—as long as whatever I do is meant to serve the common good? I need to find the fugitive to be sure.

I'm starting to get the picture. Only one of the menkhu, someone who knows the lines, may become the Foreman of the Abattoir and make sure that the killing is performed in strict accordance with the ritual. He is the ultimate sacred authority. He rules the Kin. The only thing left is to find out who holds this position these days. Vlad the Heavy will tell me the name. He will know everything about the Bull Project.

*** What kind of creature hides beneath the brand? Is it someone who has no name whatsoever and is thus defined by a symbol? Or is it terrifying to such an extent that it is forbidden to speak its name? Is this knowledge sacred? Whatever the reason, it is clear that special measures were taken to keep the identity a secret. I will have to postpone the meeting with the Foreman. The mystery of the Sought One is yet to be deciphered. The panacea still has to be made, so I have to keep working.

Other Tasks

"Dead Tissue"

The Bachelor needs a sample of infected tissue. A specimen of infected blood may come in handy too.

*** The tissue was placed under the microscope. I wonder what kind of conclusions he will reach.

"Capella's Trouble"

Vlad the Heavy's daughter takes good care of her friends. Although, strange perhaps that she calls her friends "the Bound". Her intuition suggests that Notkin, the leader of the homeless children, is in some kind of trouble. Something worth checking out.

These cutthroats are mistreating the children! I had no choice but to kill the scoundrels. Perhaps I should check on the boys to see if everything is all right.

Bad Grief agreed to let the urchins be, on the condition that I bring Bachelor Dankovsky to him. I wonder if he will be able to get over his arrogance for the sake of a few homeless children.

Bachelor Dankovsky promised that the meeting will happen. He gives every appearance of a man who will keep his word. I can return to Bad Grief now.

Bad Grief will call off his thugs. I can check on Notkin's den to see if everything is all right inside.

For the time being, Notkin won't have to worry about the safety of his shed. I think I'm deserving of young Capella's gratitude for this.

*** Capella was glad to hear the news, but her joy was a bit... awkward. It's as if she made the decision to take care of him out of duty, and not out of true friendship. Makes me wonder, what kind of games do these children play?

"...By the Burakh Family Recipe"

It appears that Notkin plans to set up some dangerous reconnaissance operation. He says he will share some valuable information in exchange for ten immune system stimulants. Burakh's knowledge of medicine is still held in the highest regard. I will have to gather enough herbs and distill some brews that might help to immunise the body.

*** Apparently, the disease is spreading in sporadic enclosures, hardly ever crossing the border of an infected district... Notkin's stray children are planning to investigate these hazardous places. Starting tomorrow, they are going to draw a map of whichever districts are attacked by the sickness each day. This will be useful.


Isidor Burakh's Diaries. Extract About the First Outbreak [p. 29]

Crude Sprawl, houses: 2,3,5,7-11,13

As of 16-00: 118 sick, three deceased.

As of 19-00: 281 sick, 99 (!) deceased.

Houses 1,6--everyone died, everyone except the Korov., Ubhon., children unkn.--quarantine.

Houses 12, 14—boarded up.

The disease is rapidly spreading. The mortality rate is nearly one hundred percent. Only a miracle will save us. Should be localised with whatever harsh measures required. "The Black Quarantine."

Skinners district, houses 2,7 (adjacent to Crude Sprawl), uncharacteristic indications, boarded up.

Crude Sprawl, as of 2-30: 51 sick, 217 deceased, no one uninfected.

Did not contract after taking "petrel formula": myself, Uprin, Rubin.

Contracted after taking "quick brew": Obodn., Nurkh., Bodea

Cured with "dead gruel": Nurkh.

These signs indicate her proximity... Suok. The time will come when the starving Ancient Mother will devour her offspring. The depth of her gullet cannot be measured, the searing heat of her cavities cannot be quenched. The soil, the mud. The dense darkness. The horror.

Notkin's Invitation

Come to our headquarters. We've a good deed to do and we won't manage without you.

The Chieftain of the Soul-and-a-Halves and Artist


The Annotation for Patrolmen, Couriers, Executors and Sanitary Personnel

In order to prevent panic, this annotation is classified and its contents should be under no circumstances disclosed to the civilian population.

The disease is incurable. There is no vaccine, neither here nor in the Capital. However, there are a few positive facts:

  1. The probability of contracting the disease is significantly lower for someone who has taken immune system stimulants. As of now we believe that A-pills and B-pills (yellow coloured and blue coloured pills, respectively) provide the best protective effect. Excessive doses of these medicants may be detrimental to one's health.
  2. Additional protection is afforded by synthetic clothing. Woolen garments are strictly off limits (parasites). The clothing should be changed as often as possible.
  3. IMPORTANT! The disease develops sporadically. At its initial stage, it does not progress in any significant way, especially if antibiotics are taken. However, if contact with the infection reoccurs, the development of the disease becomes extremely rapid.
  4. The disease is not transmitted by means of droplet infection. As of now, we've yet to find out how it is contracted. Preliminary tests suggest that the disease is not contagious at early stages, therefore there is no need to isolate the sick person immediately after the appearance of the symptoms.

App. The Executors:

In consideration of your particular line of work, we believe that you will not be able to avoid infection. If you have contracted the disease, do not give in to despair. It would have happened sooner or later anyway. Try your best to conserve the infection at its initial stage. Take antibiotic medicine. Consider using the "shmowders": they are extremely dangerous, but they help curb the infection.


Attention all citizens!

Following the outbreak of a lethal disease commonly known as "Sand Plague", "Sand Pest", and "Sand Dirt", the town authorities hereby declare state of emergency.

The disease is extremely contagious. There is still ongoing research as to how the disease is transmitted, but cases of contact and droplet infection have been confirmed. There are currently no vaccine solutions in the town and none are to be expected before the regular train arrives. Please be extra careful!

The townspeople are forbidden to leave their homes unless under special instruction. Remember: the possibility of infection is much lower for those who stay indoors. The citizens are advised to sterilise their household wares, boil their clothing, and exterminate as many vermin as possible.

Do not panic! Medics, couriers and executors will take care of mail delivery, as well as the distribution of drinking water, provisions and medicine. Requests should be written down and slid under the door for couriers to collect.

This address was composed on the instructions of Bachelor Dankovsky and ratified by the State of Emergency Town Governor Alexander Saburov. It is compulsory to follow every advice herein.

Capella's Letter

Come visit me, please! Something really awful is going to happen and I cannot do anything because I am forbidden to go outside.

V. O.

Rubin Keeps Threatening

They try to convince me that you are not guilty. I'd like to believe this, but I cannot. Your advocates reek of self-interest and deception. Not the kind of peacemakers I'd trust.

The harder they try to acquit you, the more suspicious I get. Where are you hiding?

Another Invitation from the Bachelor

I came upon difficulties of a very peculiar sort. They keep obstructing my work with their constant references to local superstitions. I don't think I'll manage without your assistance. Please come see me, if you can, I will be working in the premises where I stay.

D. D.

A New Invitation from Vlad Olgimsky the Older

Incidentally, I have learned of the difficulties you face in figuring out the mysterious subject denoted by the ancient sign. Did Isidor's inheritance make reference to it? I think we have a lot to discuss. Do pay me a visit.

Always at your service,


Day Four

Day Four, by the end of which the Haruspex makes a friend and finds the half-dead enemy.

Today's Quest -- 'The Mysterious Blood'

The Bachelor is a man of principles. Apparently, he doesn't want to take responsibility for whatever consequences may arise from my meeting with Rubin. Because of this he has advised me to ask Lara Ravel about Rubin's whereabouts. And Lara is likewise a principled person. I am not even sure she will agree to talk to a Ripper like me.

Rubin left his hideout right after the carnage at Barley's lair. He must be doing rounds now, somewhere at the derelict warehouses by the Works.

*** So this was how the Suprahuman Simon died... To give him credit where credit is due, he did prove that a man can beat the Sand Pest. His blood is proof of this. I wonder if a cure could have been made of this sacred ichor.

Other Tasks

"The Looters"

That desperate Notkin has a peculiar idea of taking good care of his friends whom he orders to delve into the infected parts of the town. He has assigned a reward for every four crowbar brought to him. And there is no other way to get these crowbars but to kill the looters that carry them.

*** The looters were taught a lesson. That should cool their temper for a while.

"The Weapons Stash"

By the cemetery, one of the homeless children will meet anyone brave enough to enter the house where weapons are hidden.

*** The stash was discovered. The children wouldn't dare challenge the outlaws anymore. Because of this, a few more lives will be saved.


Isidor Burakh's Diaries. An Extract About "Dead Gruel" [p. 41]

We call these primitive antibiotics "dead gruel." They enrich the blood with the antibodies required to fight the disease. This is not even close to a panacea, though. It will take a number of exceptionally fortunate coincidences for the dead gruel to clear the infection completely (Rubin, myself).

The dead tissue was mixed with the solutions: "amber", "jade", "basalt."

"Basalt": brown twyre + black twyre + swevery (immune system 80 / harmful 15).

"Jade": swevery (3) + brown twyre (immune system 100 / harmful 15).

The highest concentration of the bacteria is to be found within the major circulatory organs. Liver—unpredictable. Blood offers the purest specimens available. Rubin suggests the arch.--won't do.

19. IX The blood of Bud.--enriched, starts to consume the infection, then nothing. ?

27. IX The blood II—enriched much too slow.

2. X The bst. blood—different! Blocks cellular transportation? The infection is not soaked...


The findings: a medium with high particular density is needed. More tests to be done! Applying the solutions of the "thick group" to infected organs may allow us to produce the vaccine-gruel. It will cure someone infected with Sand Plague—however late the stage.

The apprentices call it the Panacea. Praised be the one who manages to bring it to life.

The Results of the Analysis of the Mystic Blood. Of Our Progress

Regardless of whose blood it was that Rubin has stolen—the results it affords are spectacular. The new vaccine is so much more powerful than the one we made yesterday. The protection it offers is still temporary, but much more efficient.

Make sure to have ample supply of "blue vials" if you're going to come in contact with the infection.

The tests have proven the efficacy of Rubin's methodology, that is, I believe, identical to your father's. I feel rather optimistic now, which means I am confident your project will be a success as well.

D. D.


The following sanitary precautions are hereby announced:

There are citizens—so-called "Bound"—who seem to be extraordinarily involved in town happenings. They are regularly contacted by people of different lines of occupation and social standing, including your two colleagues. They also try to compensate what they believe to be your inaction with their own efforts. In consideration of that, the Executor Committee has decided:

  1. If a Bound person falls ill, the door to their home should be guarded by an Executor.
  2. While the Bound person remains conscious, the Executor should collect mail deliveries from them and pass over to them the provisions and medicaments delivered by the couriers.
  3. In exceptional cases it is allowed to visit the patient. To enable communication with the Bound person, the Executor should resort to higher efficiency antibiotic medicine (feromycinum).
  4. Vaccines, serums, and other such solutions should be administered, if available, in the same manner as all of the above.

Executors Committee

Notkin's Invitation

We've updated our map of the dangerous districts. We can make copies of it too. Pop by if you're interested, or at least let the reliable people know. We're setting up a mutually beneficial trade!

Notkin and Artist

The Pistol was Utter Garbage

And yet Buddy got ahold of the blunderbuss! Wasn't lying, was he? He's stashed the piece in our secret place. Sticky doesn't think our attack will succeed. That cheeky lad... He knows where the stash is, but he won't leave the house. He's tied down there. Anyway, the time is the same as planned. Let us reap the benefits of a surprise attack.

Death to the Dogheads! Salute to Notkin.

Maestro and Rex

The Bachelor's Invitation: What is Rubin Hiding

It appears that our mutual friend was not to be trusted after all; he has concealed a crucial piece of information! Come to see me as soon as you can. I think that his work will prove to be of use to you as well as to me. I will tell you more when we meet.

D. D.

Day Five

Day Five, in which the Haruspex gets a chance to grab Her Highness the Elusive Sand Plague by the tail.

Today's Quest -- 'The Quivering Heart'

The Bachelor has concluded that the only way to isolate the Sand Pest is to obtain a still beating human heart. There is something in the blood of the steppe people that does not allow the infection to spread. Could it be that a panacea could be made from it? Would Aspity offer one of her butchers for this purpose? Or would Andrey agree to sacrifice one of his dancers?

The runaway butchers have left the town. For some reason they were on their way to visit the herb bride, who lives with one of the twyre-gathering Worms. I can still get ahold of them there.

The dancer, Willow, is meeting the Bachelor in the Blind Backyard tonight. It will be dark, and she will be there all alone...

      • The quivering heart is in my hands. The Sand Pest is inside, along with a few spontaneous particles that have appeared as a result of humanity's hopeless struggle with the sickness. Being called "The Ripper" is a fair price for the chance to hold something like this.

Other Tasks

"The Well"

Vlad the Younger has made an incision upon the skin of the Earth. Apparently he didn't expect to find anything alive inside; else, why was he so taken aback by the screams that followed? He offers a rich reward to anyone capable of conducting a detailed investigation of the entrails he has exposed.

Some strange entities are dwelling in the Bowels of Boddho. But what kind of creature was it? A ghost? An apparition brought forth by my own restless mind? It is said that a large number of rats may be able to instill the most bizarre thoughts into a human being... Maybe that was the case? I feel a whiff of fresh air from somewhere above. I can go back to Vlad the Younger.

*** Vlad the Younger was satisfied as I broke the news to him, though he didn't want to continue the discussion. I got the impression he thought that our conversation would be overheard. There is a mystery here. I wonder what he knows of the creature and how did he come by this knowledge?


Isidor Burakh's Diaries. Extract About Primitive Immune System Boosters [p. 55]

When concocted in the right proportion, twyrine extracts offered some kind of protection. I am now able to outline the basic logic of how these compounds should be prepared. If only the Worms did not obstruct my work! However, here's a few important results I have accomplished:

Swevery would almost invariably boost the effect.

The clear group

The following herbs were combined:

"Amber"—brown twyre (2), swevery (2)

"Tar"—brown twyre (2), swevery

The astringent group

The following herbs were combined:

"Bitterness"—black twyre, brown twyre, swevery, white whip

"Smoke"—brown twyre (3), swevery

The earth gives birth to both herbs and plague. Beneath the ground, roots bind what is then released by sunlit seeds. Whenever nature enforces its will upon us, we must take heed to seek the way. Whoever says we should submit is unwise.

The Results of the Analysis: Human Antibodies

The vaccine is working! Using living blood led to astonishing results. The bacteria breed with staggering intensity.

Regrettably, there is still no good news for you. The antibodies do eliminate the infection, but the problem is that there's not nearly enough of them. The bacteria propagate much faster than they die; I see no way to reverse the process.

The regrettable conclusion is that human blood is not enough to produce a panacea by the method you described.

D. D.

Vlad the Younger's Invitation

I have an appreciably profitable offer to make you. It has to do with that well of mine. Please treat it as a matter of urgency and importance.

V. Olgimsky, the Younger

Anna Angel's Invitation

I hope a destitute entertainer like myself would not be crossing the boundaries of what is acceptable, were she to invite the gallant doctor for a cordial conversation? I've recently become aware of your projects and I find them most intriguing!

Looking forward to meeting you,

Anna Angel

Rat Race

This is to announce that there is money to be made by anyone who comes into possession of a rat (especially that of significant dexterity). Come to the Works, Warehouse Two. Confidentiality guaranteed.

The Bachelor's Invitation. Vivifying Medium (Important)

Eureka. It seems that the nutrient medium that may produce the antibodies we need is the real deal. There is one way we can attain it... a rather gruesome operation which is, nevertheless, rather customary for someone of your background. Come see me and we will discuss everything in detail.

I urge you not to linger. Put off any other business you have if need be. My situation is precarious to say the least; there is not much time left...

D. D.

Day Six

Day Six, by the end of which the Haruspex finds out just how important a role mythical creatures can play in our lives.

Today's Quest -- 'Bull's Blood'

The Bachelor was unable to recover the necessary antibodies from human blood. The panacea can't be made from this kind of material. It's time to try the same with the bulls. In truth, we should have started with them to begin with, though it is nearly impossible to find one these days. Most of the cows were slaughtered to prevent a famine. I wonder if even a single animal was left alive?

Tycheek's daughter—who is now lauded as the Mother Superior by the Kin—will be waiting for me in the Termitary's Short Block. She knows where I might find a bull.

Tycheek's daughter has asked me to gather fifty yellow immune system pills for her butchers. She doesn't want anything else; they only believe in the power of "vitamins".

Worms are getting ready to sacrifice a bull at the Ragi Barrow, between the Abattoir and the cemetery.

To recover the antibodies from the blood of a bull, we will have to infect it first. To do this we will need an already infected organ. The Bachelor thinks that a heart would suit best.

*** It seems that a panacea can't even be made from the blood of a beast. Tomorrow will tell, but I have a bad feeling about it. The Bachelor is convinced that the experiment was a failure.

Other Tasks

"The Changeling Seeks an Answer"

Clara is desperate. Everyone has turned their backs on her. Even the dark underground creature won't have anything more to do with her... It would be interesting to learn what the Prophet has to say.

The girl is not as simple as she seems... It makes me wonder if each of us might prove to be a different person by the end of the day... Besides, the Rat Prophet seemed to be telling the truth. Should I reveal this truth to Clara? This decision will take some careful consideration... Fate has burdened me with a difficult choice.

*** What is done is done. Whether or not she believes me, she will have to make her own decisions from now on. We will part ways... Although I doubt my word will be the last.

"They Call the Mistresses Out"

The young Maria Kaina asked me to recover her mother's diary from the crypt. The crazed mob is calling for the burning of the Mistresses' graves. What for? Do they feel that the Mistresses are no longer protecting the town? I remember them both, Nina and Victoria. They were women, not goddesses. The dead will remain oblivious of the commotion. They are not even there, in their graves...

I should go back to Maria. She will know about the mysterious power that the crazed arsonists are hoping to evoke.

*** Maria is an interesting woman. Awe-inspiring, with considerable allure. Women such as her are destined to rule. A single glance is enough to drive men to follow her to the end of the world. For some reason she reminds me of little Capella.


Isidor Burakh's Diaries. Extract on Inevitability [p. 29]

"She is coming towards me with celerity greater than the howling wind. She gathers her brittle fingers together, as she goes. She braids her intricate bones, and breaks her lissom limbs. There are no eyes on her black face and her white face has no nose. The two of her heads are ever in conflict."

This is what the Tale says.

I will do what has to be done, before her shabnak rises up from beneath the ground.

[V] is the only one who must survive, whatever the cost. Enough gruel must be made for his enormous body to be fed!

The Results of the Analysis: Human and Bull's Blood Synthesis

Bulls contract the infection too, but the antibodies in their blood do not allow the Sand Plague to survive and propagate. On the other hand, the antibodies present in human blood are not fast enough to eliminate the infection before it spreads and enters terminal stage.

I am going to try combining the two! Will spend a night trying that. There must be some result, however pessimistic I feel about it.

D. D.

Victor Kain's Invitation

The man who stole my brother's body gave himself up today. It is our utmost desire now, to atone for the unjustified suspicions we had of you. I hope you will acknowledge the dreadful state that the Kain family was in after Simon's untimely demise and that you will find our shortcomings understandable, if not justifiable.

Having said that, from now on we will be the first to rise against anyone who dares to call you the Ripper.

Please come to see us, if you bear no ill will. We would like to become better acquainted with you.

Respectfully and remorsefully,

Victor Kain

Clara's Invitation

The time has come for us to look each other in the eye. Come to Grace's lodge. I will be waiting for you there.

It came to my attention that you intend to open up a bull. Curious as to what's inside?


The Bachelor's Invitation. Bull's Antibodies

My previous observations were supported; the Steppe people do indeed die of the same disease. What a pity. The blood of a human can cope with the bacteria, up to a point, but the antibodies are not nearly powerful enough to clear the infection. Even the antibodies contained in the blood of a Steppe person won't suffice to eliminate the sickness. The disease acts much faster than human organisms can react.

I have another idea how to handle it, though. Perhaps today we will discover a new material with which the panacea can be made.

Come see me and we will discuss the matter,

D. D.

Anna Angel's Invitation

You must be very angry with the poor singer? So unfair...

Regardless of what libel the Bachelor is spreading about me, I am simply too afraid to plot any manner of mischief. There is a lot going on right now. This terrifying child... this angel of death has descended to my humble abode. She won't leave. I think she is hiding somewhere in the house at this very moment.

The healing saint doesn't look as saintly as she used to. Not a Supreme Judge, but rather the opposite. She is exhausted, ragged, and worn out, her clothes are soaking wet as though she has been crying for a week. If this is you she is trying to hide from—then come and take her. I will hold her, at least until the evening.

Yours as may be,

A. A. A.

Day Seven

Day Seven, fateful—which is to say, crucial and life-changing—for the Haruspex.

Today's Quest -- 'Neither Man Nor Bull'

I'd rather reveal my purpose to the Inquisitor before one of my detractors does it for me. I need to arrange a meeting with her as soon as possible.

The Inquisitor is investigating the claims of abuse of power in the Termitary. I wonder what the Kin have told her about me? It seems worth my while to ask Tycheek's daughter about this.

The Inquisitor is investigating the claims of abuse of power in the town jail. I have no reason to be afraid; my conscience is clear. I'm sure my visit to the jail today will be the only one I will have to make.

The Inquisitor aims to put an end to the exterminators' revolt. As such, she has paid a visit to the Hunchback's hovel. This is troubling. I'm sure he will blame me for whatever his usurer mind can dream up... and I'm sure some of it will sound believable, too. I've got to hurry.

Victor Kain has his own assumptions on the Inquisitor's real purpose. His advice might be beneficial to me; before I walk right into the tigress' open maw.

The Inquisitor is waiting at the Cathedral. I could avoid the meeting, but there's no telling what the consequences would be... There's no use trying to hide from her though, yesterday is proof enough of that.

Unbelievable... Am I really that lucky? The blood of a human; the blood of a bull... I had a feeling that these two lines would cross at some point! Perhaps the Foreman is in possession of the creature that the Bachelor thought to never have existed. I will go to him immediately!

And so, I am ready to proceed with perhaps the most important deed of my life. I have to collect the purest twyrine decoction and prepare the purest "death gruel" imaginable. I'll make the panacea—a natural vaccine based on the blood of the Aurochs. When the precious potion is ready, I will give it to Aglaya Lilich.

*** I was able to produce the cure. The weapon of victory has been forged! However, it proved to be a double-edged-sword... The Inquisitor—Aglaya Lilich—has condemned herself. Why would she be willing to sacrifice her own life? ...Something is amiss here.

Other Tasks

"The Sacrifice"

The frightened odonghe are hiding in the Termitary. If I can reach them, then I can find out what that farce of a ritual yesterday has yielded.

Now I will be able to learn what Tycheek's daughter has to say on the matter.

*** Yesterday's sacrifice was not a mockery of the Rite commonly held within the Abattoir. Most likely it was the other way around. The odonghe brutes at the Ragi Barrow have managed to accomplish more than the fearsome Foreman Oyun. This does indeed lead us to an obvious conclusion...

"Testing the Panacea"”

I need to test the serum. An Executor should be waiting for me in the Theatre. It's convenient that they seem to have absorbed so much filth in their occupation that it should be easy to contract the disease.

The infection is evident. I need to cure myself now and then head back to the Cathedral. Or maybe I should wait a bit longer, to allow Aglaya to witness the horrors of the Sand Pest first hand.

*** The panacea works! If I only had more of this extraordinary blood, then I might have saved the whole town! Perhaps it's not too late...


Isidor Burakh's Diaries. Extract on the Challenge for Foreman Oyun [p. 131]

The Kin are dangerously close to rebellion. The beasts anticipate the catastrophe. Fifty eight brown bulls had to be slaughtered because of this.

I am going to challenge the Foreman. Rising against the order is a crime, but it is twice as criminal for me to keep avoiding my lines. Oyun should not be allowed to rule the Kin any longer. This helmsman was unable to pilot the ship in calm waters, many a squall was risen because of his ineptitude. In a storm like this he will drown us all.

I am going to let him know of what I have decided, and then I will go to the Steppe to hear what the swevery fields have to tell me. I hope that while I am talking to Boddho, Oyun will acknowledge the truth of my way and will speak to boös Vlad of the necessary changes. He will have to vacate the stones for me by the time I am back. Otherwise, the Kin will rebel.

Why isn't my son by my side yet? Where are you, my boy? Who other than you will offer me a hand in these times of horror...

Aglaya Lilich's Letter

Your visit to the Foreman has drawn me towards a fascinating conclusion. The blood is still warm, is it not? It seems alive, as though it was extracted moments ago.

However, the blood we're speaking about belongs to a bull that was slaughtered the day before. Foreman Oyun has travestied the ritual. Why don't you ask him where the blood comes from next time you see him?

P. S. Lend your ear to the Bachelor if you please. He acts in accordance with my instructions and I consider him worthy of my trust. He will help you finish what you've started, provided you require any assistance.

P. P. S. I got wind of your forthcoming appointment as the new leader of the Kin, who will establish the new order in the town. This is a reasonable, subtle solution that I am very likely to welcome. The time of the three families has passed. We need to think about the future. Am I making sense to you?

A. L.

Vlad the Younger Writes about the Morning Interrogation

Father came back from the Cathedral. The Inquisitor's methods of investigation are indeed harsh. No omissions or innuendos could survive her questioning.

You may want to experience this firsthand. Everyone does their best to protect themselves. Everyone tries to manipulate the facts in a manner which makes it possible to hang the responsibility onto someone else. In light of these self-serving strategies, your role in the recent events looks progressively disagreeable. The best you can do is talk to the Inquisitor yourself and explain yourself to her before one of your detractors does it for you.

V. Olgimsky, the Younger

P. S. Tread lightly with her!

Capella's Letter

Georgiy and Victor Kain were interrogated by the Inquisitor yesterday. According to Maria, you won't survive this meeting. The Inquisitor has proven too intelligent to believe the Ripper tales, and astute enough to acknowledge what kind of discovery you are set out to make.

Long story short, the Kains believe that she will have you killed as soon as you tell her you know how a panacea can be produced. I am not sure what the logic behind this may be, but they're positive of their suspicion.

Speaking of panacea, do you really know how to make one? I for one would be most pleased if you did! Be very careful with the Inquisitor. She is in charge of the patrolmen now; they follow her orders.

V. O. (the Younger)

P.S. The Mother Superior wanted to meet you. Please do not leave her if you learn that she may be in danger! She is a very, very unhappy child, but she has a heart of gold. It is imperative that she survives. The Inquisitor will open the Termitary today, I think...

The Bachelor's Letter

Regrettably, artificial synthesis is not an option. The ingredients do not match.

The only solution is to obtain a natural hybrid of man and bull. However, insofar as such a creature does not exist, all we have left is to acknowledge the imperfection of the world and to mourn the failure of our intentions.


Daniil Dankovsky

P.S. I'll have you know that my own mission of identifying the disease carrier was likewise a fiasco. Apparently, the creature I am trying to catch does not exist either. A feeble consolation, I know, but perhaps it'll help you see how much I feel for you.

You may want to hurry if you want to talk. The Inquisitor has summoned me for an interrogation. In all likelihood, this will be the last you ever see of me.

Day Eight

Day Eight, in which the Haruspex gets the idea of who He Who Was Marked by the Secret Sign may be.


Who will the Sought One be? Whom are we going to cure? Ever since I was a child, I knew that sacrifice is the only way to proceed.

This has nothing to do with superstition or with the prophecies of the Mistresses. This is just a fact: a sacrifice will have to be made. This sacrifice is what enables the udurgh to live. This has nothing to do with the ritual, but is rather suggested by the law of a higher justice. There is a sacrifice I should make, and I know what the offering is. This will be my only destination, regardless of the path I take. The offering dies, the Sought One lives. There is no other way.

Having said that, I remember that a Warden might appoint the offering himself, as long as the conditions are met.

The offering, the rules dictate, should be appropriate. It should be proportionate. It should be linked closely to the one performing the sacrifice. Otherwise, what sacred power will the sacrifice bring forth? None whatsoever...

So be it.

Today's Quest -- 'Whose Blood Was It?'

The sacrifice was a failure. Or could it be that the ritual never even took place? But if that's the case, then whose blood was it? Why was it piping hot as if extracted only a moment earlier? This has to be investigated. The way to the Abattoir passes through the Termitary.

Tycheek's daughter is not a fretful child. She seems confused, as though the Changeling has bewitched her with whatever sorcerous power she is possessed of. The fairy tale holds something of importance, and the girl is keen to hear it all. A childish kind of magic, regardless of its efficiency. I need to talk with Clara... And with Capella.

*** Clara refused to tell me how her story ends.

I can return to Tycheek's daughter and conclude the fairy tale. I don't know what her reaction will be. Maybe Clara made fools of us all.

The passage into the Abattoir is clear. Taya Tycheek's power is immense. I hope the girl herself is unaware of the true extent of her influence. While she is still a small child, the Kin will go out of their way to fulfill her every whim, pampering her as they did her grandmother.

This means I didn't claim the entirety of my father's inheritance! Symbols, symbols! Everywhere I look there are signs to be deciphered. Did Aspity lie to me? I can't believe it... But then why do they all avert their eyes whenever I mention my inheritance?

I'm getting closer to the answer. Aspity tries to take care of me. And the Foreman... He acts as if he is waiting for me to strangle him with my bare hands. I should return to him... with this horn.

So the bowels of the earth beneath the town are filled with the smallest arteries, transporting the sacred blood. The whole place is saturated with it. As far as I know, they could have been pouring blood into the earth for thousands of years, but why is the blood still hot? What keeps it alive? I should talk to Aglaya about it.

*** My search has come to an end. The answer is an Udurgh; "The Body that Contains the World". A living creature that my father vowed to protect. The settlement nurtured by animal husbandry. One thing seems dubious though. What kind of sacrifice could possibly be proportionate to such Sought One?

Other Tasks

"A Son Will Not Be Punished For His Father's Sins"

The real cause of the Kin's terrifying demise has been unveiled. Georgiy has asked me to inform the governor of these unfortunate events. Though, I'd rather not walk right into the wolf's open maw, even if the teeth have been removed. Instead, I will talk to the wolf's wife.

So, Vlad the Heavy surrendered himself to Tycheek's daughter? It's clear enough that he isn't the real culprit... I only have to decide if I should tell her the truth. I wonder how that story ends...

No. Let Big Vlad die. I should inform Georgiy of my decision.

*** I wouldn't describe Vlad the Heavy as a sentimental man. If he chose to die, he must have had good reason to. Or could it be that he thinks he deserves the punishment?

Yes. Let Vlad the Younger die. Whoever makes a decision will be held responsible for it.

*** With every passing day, I feel that the life of the Kin is my own life. I must protect it and avenge its suffering. Whatever fate had in store for these few thousand people, Vlad the Younger is directly responsible for their death.

"Below the Ground"

Vlad the Younger is right to treasure his manuscript... Much of the knowledge of Steppe tradition that I seem to be lacking is collected in there. To get my hands on the book I will have to gain entry into the well. Perhaps the Rat Prophet will be able to help.

I found it. An interesting anthology; particularly impressive for having been written by hand. However, it is filled with nothing but dead legends, fables and tales of ridiculous rituals. This is hardly more than a thin layer of foam on the surface of the Steppe's fathomless wisdom.

*** ...So, Vlad the Younger has managed to reach beneath the ground as well. Is he trying to emulate what I am doing? He has found life down below, just like I have. Some creature dwells within these subterranean capillaries. Alien entities thrive in the generous bloodflow. The ancient wisdom of the Kin was concealed there, locked away until the moment I unearthed it. I'm almost amused by the coincidence.


Aglaya Lilich's Letter: On the Beings of a Higher Kind

The Foreman claims that the Earth is nourished by blood. Could it be that this is the Udurgh your father wrote of? There are miraculous creatures all around us, I think; some of them so great that we cannot even feel their presence. How can we possibly recognise them? A man would only accept something that he is prepared to acknowledge as a fact.

Nevertheless, the town is alive. It has a head, a heart, and a belly. There are veins running through its massive body. The town has its own memory; it breathes, it thinks, and it feels fear. Who knows, perhaps the town can even feel love?

A world in which towns have a heartbeat is the world I want to live in. I want to feel the earth tossing and turning beneath my feet.

Georgiy's Invitation

Dear Master Burakh.

I assume you already know of the fatal transformation that has happened to the family of Vlad Olgimsky, your father's friend and benefactor. A cunning intrigue has led the head of the Olgimsky family to be judged by a crowd of blood-thirsty butchers. Before long, every one of them will tremble at the sound of the boös Vlad's name.

I kindly request that you find a moment to visit the Crucible. I am in possession of some crucially important information that may, perhaps, save the life of the man whose hospitality you've recently enjoyed!

Georgiy Kain

Capella's Request for the Lives of Her Bound to be Saved

A lot has changed. We now face a different kind of peril. New actors have ascended to the scene, announcing that the time is ripe for the heroes of the preview play to bow out. And I don't want my friends to vanish into oblivion!

Aglaya states that the three families are no longer in charge. She is wrong! Perhaps, you are willing to share her delusion? The time of the Kin has come; we descend back into the Earth, right?

However elaborate your plans, you will need a Mistress. There is more than just the Kin here; there is also the town. Its civilised people can only be governed by a ruling family.

Do not reject us in a hurry!

Side with me today, and before long I will help you fulfill your destiny to the fullest extent.

V. O.

The Bachelor's Choice

The military will be here tomorrow. They come to raze and demolish. Due to this, we can't avoid making the important choice, for it depends on us whether anything here may be saved. My choice has already been made.

I am going to champion the dream that is doomed to lose its battle with history. From now on, I will use whatever agency I have left to save the condemned creators and their creation, whose sentence was spelled out by evolution itself. I am speaking of the so-styled "Utopians." The four Kains, the architect twins, my good Eva, and, hopefully, Vlad the Younger.

If these people survive, I may be able to preserve one of the most fascinating miracles of this world. I don't have much hope for your assistance, but I urge you not to obstruct me! Beware my wrath if any one of my utopians dies! I am going to fight fiercely for my doomed sovereign.

Bachelor Dankovsky

The Bachelor's Invitation

I have found out that the kind of medium that may allow our bacteria to flourish is most likely below the ground. The local hearsay has led me to believe that the most intense interaction between human beings and the earth takes place in the Abattoir.

According to the Inquisitor, you are the only person who is allowed to enter the Abattoir unhindered. If this is the case, I urge you to contact me as soon as possible. The importance of the matter should not be underestimated.

Bachelor Dankovsky

P.S. I am worried by Aglaya Lilich's behaviour of late. She was asking me of your whereabouts. It is clear that she wants to talk to you, but, for some reason, she would rather not make an official request of your attendance. This is suspicious. You may want to be doubly careful these days.

Day Nine

Day Nine, in which it becomes apparent that the Haruspex will have to fight for the Kin and the land of his ancestors.

Today's Quest -- 'The Defilers'

I need to talk to the Bachelor if I am to learn the details of last night's intrusion into the Abattoir.

The Bachelor did not return from the Polyhedron. Apparently, the mirror tower is no less dangerous than Suok's caverns. And I thought I was the only one risking my head.

Khan's Dogheads have captured the Bachelor and are keeping him in somewhere below the sausage production line.

Thirty rounds of rifle ammo should be plenty enough to set the Bachelor free.


The Bachelor is free again. I don't suppose he was able to sneak into the sanctum of the Kin and steal the sacred blood, but he might know someone who did...

With the circumstances of the sacrilege established, I believe the Bachelor can be trusted. The time has come to relay the story to Foreman Oyun.

*** The Foreman needs more time to come to terms with what he has learned. It seems he is less shaken by the theft of the blood than by the treachery of the faithful. Tomorrow, the story will continue.

Other Tasks

"The Signal Fires"

Capella thinks that Sticky has something to do with the signal bonfires being extinguished. She is also convinced that the boy's life is in serious danger.

The spot by the cemetery wall must be a customary meeting point for Sticky and his friends... I might find someone there right now.

Sticky's friend has promised to light four bonfires in the Earth. Somebody else will take care of the Knots and Stone Yard. The mysterious saboteurs seem to have left, but I would expect to encounter them soon enough.

The bonfires are burning again. Sticky must have returned home by now, I should let him know.

Three bonfires left to light.­

Two bonfires left to light.

Only one bonfire left.

Every bonfire has been lit. Anyone who travels from the Steppe tonight will see the signal fires.

Sticky is still away. I will have to inform Capella of these worrying developments.

*** Why would anyone want the signal fires extinguished? I won't be able to tell until I know exactly for whom these fires were lit. Someone is watching us from deep within the Steppe; but who? Could it be that the real Shabnak-adyr comes to town each night to cover the windows of the houses she has chosen in pestilent grease?

*** The boy is dead. I won't be able to light the bonfire without him.


A Letter From Aglaya Lilich. On the Sacrifice that was Prophesized

I know the ritual of proportionate sacrifice very well. To keep something precious that is condemned to extinction a sacrifice of equal value must be offered.

What is this offering that you are meant to make? Nobody knows. Be very careful, however. There are many people these days who crave destruction. Many people will want to lead you down the wrong path, or to use you to their own benefit.


Capella's Letter

A remarkable guest has come to see me. She is asking about you.

V. O

The Changeling's Choice

I know you have been told that I am a witch, not a saint. They may have even told you that I am the Sand Pest itself, wearing the masquerade of flesh and blood. They certainly must have told you that I save the castaway and condemn the ingenious. They said that I break the courageous and force them to submit to the plague.

But let me tell you one thing. Saints and miracle-workers are always covered in blood and filth. Their acts are not necessarily comprehensible to the common folk, who expect kindness instead of good and courtesy instead of love... This is not who I am! I know what will happen in three days. I will be able to avoid the contradictions that keep you and the Bachelor in the dark.

Remember, I will perform a miracle in the end. I will perform it with the help of the outcast and the evil. Bad Grief the Thief, Foreman the Villain, Alexander the Cruel, Katerina the Deceived, Lara the Vengeful, Yulia the Unbeliever, Anna the Egotist, Aspity the Heathen, and Rubin the Oathbreaker. They will survive in order to die and upon dying they will claim life everlasting. I need them for the miracle to work.

Remember that.


A Message from the Temporary Headquarters

Artemy Burakh, the surgeon, is hereby requested to report for service. Present yourself immediately at the headquarters of the Fourth Army Commander (located at the Town Hall).


Major General Alexander Block

The Bachelor's Letter. The Army and the Inquisition

It is not simply the future of the town that we are to decide on. It's not merely the fate of a random settlement that hangs in the balance, but the fate of one of the last places left where this rapidly disappearing culture has survived. Societies that are able to direct their efforts to creating impossible things are obliterated within the merciless passage of history.

The rulers lack even the nominal kind of authority. Aglaya's hands are tied. While she is still alive, she won't let the Commander raze and demolish at will. However, keeping the military in check is a task that will claim the entirety of her attention. There are not that many people left here who are able to make meaningful decisions.

This puts great responsibility on us both.

I suppose, unless one of the chess queens is removed from the board, their conflict will end in a stalemate. This will give us the opportunity to influence the ultimate decision. This may also lead to our demise. Be very careful.

Day Ten

Day Ten, in which it becomes apparent that the Haruspex's victory will be defined by him making the right choice.

Today's Quest -- 'The Udurgh'

The Bachelor thinks that I should address the Foreman with the question of my father's inheritance.

I should go to sleep at the Ragi Barrow. The dead will tell me of whatever routes the fugitive worms have taken.

The spirits of the dead have visited the Ragi Barrow. They told the sleeping man where the Worms may be found, within the rotten corpse of the town.

The punishment of blasphemers and defilers is a deed worthy of a Warden. Foreman Oyun will be glad to hear my story when I return to him.

I wonder what the Bachelor has to say on the matter?

Who or what do the little Capella and the dying Katerina think to be my udurgh?

*** Reality has split in two. The sign conceals two opposing truths: The spirit of Suprahuman Simon—enclosed in the Tower; or the Town, nurtured by the Earth, formed in the mold of Bos Turokh. These are the only two udurghs.

Other Tasks

"Who is Going to Feed the Dolly?"

Murky is worried; she wants to get outside. What could have possibly made her this agitated?

The doll is fed by one of the "bull barrows". Father said that these stones were here long before the first cattle-breeders arrived. The stones were used for some ritual needs and the bones that lay beneath make them easy to see.

It seems that this horrible freak of nature is none other than Murky's precious dolly. She looks well-fed. I may return.

Blood is emerging from beneath the Children's Tower? But where did it come from? Was this blood spilled within the Tower? It makes me wonder who resides there...

Murky was telling the truth. This is amazing; the blood doesn't appear to be human... Nor does it seem to be leaking from inside the Tower... I should ask Murky if she knows anything else about this.

*** The story suggests a number of different conclusions... But something tells me this is not the time to jump to any of them. As the good old Bachelor would say: "Let us just make note of the facts."

"Bos Turokh is Coming"

They say there was a miracle at the Bone Stake Lot. An awkward place for a miracle; I've been told people were executed there before... Shall I go take a look?

The coming of the bull is a riddle and no one knows the answer to it better than the children. Notkin has already called for a meeting, and the Worms are waiting for some other children to bring them the news. It appears that every stray child here has his or her purpose.

Notkin believes that the bull should be saved, whatever the cost. These are the exact words I am going to say to the odonghe.

The coming of the bull is a riddle to which only children would know the answer. Sticky has something to say on the matter and it seems of crucial importance. Who would have thought? He doesn't look anything special.

Sticky asked me to protect the bull. I can tell this to the odonghe.

The coming of the bull is a riddle to which only children would know the answer. Murky—the girl who can hear the earth—has something to say on the matter. This is interesting...

Murky doesn't want the bull to leave. I can relay this to the odonghe.

The coming of the bull is a riddle to which only children would know the answer. I believe that Grace would be able to see through the puzzle better than anyone else. The children will inherit the earth.

Grace thinks that the bull must survive. This is what I will pass to the odonghe.

*** The bull is in a dreadful state. I will have to remove the bone splinter and try to compensate for the loss of blood. The odonghe say that someone will come to assist me tomorrow; they will help me lift the bull off the stake... Could it be that the bull is the udurgh itself? Tomorrow will tell.


A Letter from Aglaya Lilich. More on the Forthcoming Sacrifice

I am now fully convinced that I was right.

The town is your udurgh. The murderous Tower is your sacrifice. I've been thinking a lot, and it cannot be a coincidence that so many threads of fate were connected to a single knot. You cannot untie this knot; it must be cut. The puzzle has only one possible solution.

The town does not know what is killing it. It thinks it fell victim to some distorted contingency. It is afraid. Its corpulent body is shivering. The town dreams of itself seven years later. Protect it! Allow it to live!


The Letter from the Mother Superior

We didn't kill the prisoner yet, because he said he needed to pass some really important information to you. This is all because of that bull at the lot.

Signed by a fingerprint,

the Mother of Bulls

Capella's Invitation

I need your help yet again. Same as ever; a friend is in danger. I am still forbidden to go out.

V. O.

The Bachelor Unveils the Mystery of the Udurgh

I have made a staggering discovery. I think I understand now what your father meant when he spoke of the udurgh. Come see me and I will tell you everything about it.

Day Eleven

Day Eleven, in which the Haruspex finds himself trapped, for his dilemma consists of mutually exclusive truths.

Today's Quest -- 'The Ultimate Trial of the Warden'

*** ...How do they call upon the menkhu, the faithful of a Warden kin? Known by their hands, for they are butchers; known by their eyes, for they are surgeons; known by their deeds, for they follow the lines. Freezing within the burial hole, silent at the threshold of non-existence, the Kin do not greet the worthy Warden. If only you arrived earlier.

It was a rash decision. Now I will never know what I could have learned today.

To learn who the appropriate sacrifice is, I will have to descend to the very bottom of the inner cavity within the Womb of Suok. Getting there and back again is my ultimate trial.

Foreman Oyun had killed Isidor Burakh the night before my arrival.

Only he who delivers the Kin from an unworthy Warden—and takes his place—will gain access to the bowels where the sacred blood flows.

*** ...How do they call upon the menkhu, the faithful of a Warden kin? Known by their hands, for they are butchers; known by their eyes, for they are surgeons; known by their deeds, for they follow the lines. Freezing within the burial hole, silent at the threshold of non-existence, the Kin do not greet the worthy Warden. If only you arrived earlier.

Oyun, the unworthy Foreman proved to be a disproportionate sacrifice.

Other Tasks

"Bos Turokh Departs"

What could have happened to the bull last night? Could it be that the children were wrong in the first place?

I can't believe it... The last of the bulls that were older than our settlement have been burned by the mutineer soldiers. They referred me to the instructions issued by the new officer in charge: some "Captain Longin".

So, Bachelor Dankovsky was the inspiration for this crime? I wonder how he will justify his wrongdoing...

*** If we could look soberly on the matter, everyone did just as they should. The Bachelor was doing his duty. Still, the resolution of this story has a strong air of sacrilege about it.

"The Spirit Will Bow Before the Power"

The Bachelor knows how to get inside this wretched Tower. He has been to the very bowels of it... which is something I do not require. I only need to go as far as the threshold.

The Kains are plotting something. They are a large family, and each one of them wants to live by their own will. It seems that both Capella and the Bachelor know of the intrigue these power games entail, whereas I don't give a damn.

Kaspar Kain doesn't look a pleasant fellow. I wonder what this hero will be like in ten years time... He has potential, but it suggests he should be held on a short leash. I can go back to Capella now.

*** So, the matchmaking was a success. Capella has moved the final figure on the board. A sad move... She was clearly trying to pick the lesser of two evils. It's strange how calm and collected the lad was. As if he always knew what was going to happen.


A Letter From Aglaya Lilich. Tomorrow's Council

This is to remind you of the Council tomorrow. Commander Block and I have reached an agreement. He will hear out any reasonable suggestion of how the town may be saved. Owing to your efforts, we have a suggestion, don't we? After that, we will hear out the Mistresses.

The young Olgimsky girl and Maria Kaina were invited. I guess Katerina will tag along. Are you in any way related to Capella? She says she will lend her support to our cause. Is she all right?

We won't be able to resolve the proceedings without the Mistresses. They are the guarantee of the town's obedience. Those wielding emergency authority will leave soon enough, and the Mistresses will remain. It isn't possible to keep the town in submission unless the population behaves; quiet, as to not evoke the ever present threat of death.

P. S. Block doesn't know that we've met or exchanged letters. He also doesn't know of your friendship with Capella. This could be important.

I put my trust in you!



On How Your Precious Aglaya Lilich Lied To You

Your sacrifice is Aglaya Lilich. I don't know how exactly you're supposed to kill her, but there's little doubt that the offering is her. I am telling you this in my capacity as a true Mistress. Treat this as the first of my prophecies. This is the truth. The reason why Aglaya Lilich deceived you was that she wanted to save her own life.

Don't try to prevent the destruction of the town. By this, the prophecy will be fulfilled and the Kin will accept you.

Ask her yourself. I doubt she has what it takes to deny it.

The Bachelor. Proof of Aglaya Lilich's Deceit

Aglaya Lilich made fools of us all. Both of us were pawns in her terrifying manoeuvre.

That's the way it is. Ask her yourself. Block and I have her cornered. We have completely disarmed her, so she has no choice but to confess. My dear Burakh, she is your sacrifice!

I don't think it is at all necessary to slit her throat with your own knife. You see, if the town is destroyed, the head of Aglaya Lilich will be separated from her shoulders in less than a day.

It has transpired that this whole situation affords her a stay of her death warrant. If she presents the town entirely purged of any disease to the Powers That Be—she is granted pardon. The issue is, it is impossible. The disease has soaked the town, it keeps rising up from the very roots of it.

It is doubly deplorable that when she deceived you, she didn't merely save her life. She pursued her own purpose, too, which is to destroy the Polyhedron.

The disease can be destroyed only if we destroy the town. There is no other option. By your own reasoning, I cannot be wrong about it, can I? Please take this into consideration if you come to the Cathedral.

Bachelor Dankovsky

Capella's Invitation

My final request is of a tragic sort. I didn't want to bother you with something like this, but... all our plans are at stake. Please come see me if you can.

V. O.

Notkin's Letter

Where's the bull, Burakh? Did you take him off the stake?


Clara's Invitation

Please make sure you speak to me before you go to the Abattoir. I will be in the cemetery lodge with Grace. They will attempt to take your life today. I can tell you how you might survive and lead your opponents into the trap they themselves have set.

Day Twelve

Day Twelve, in which it finally becomes apparent what it was all about.


Is any choice right as long as it's willed?

The lines did cross; the two opposite truths formed a line with a single surface. My victory will be flawed, regardless of the choice I make.

But how can they possibly manipulate me, a Warden? What do I, the Haruspex, have to care about their petty affairs? The Warden will make the choice suggested by his conscience, and what happens next is of no great importance. They may say I am predictable, but no one would ever say I am easily controlled.

If I will sacrifice my offering, that doleful woman I have summoned, then I will become one with the Kin. I will take the burden of their suffering on my shoulders and provide for them.

But if I keep the word I gave to my father and allow the offering to live, this will mean I have strayed away from the path I was chosen to follow. Not only will I reject the destiny meant for me, but also for the rest of my kin.

It is time to choose.


Indeed, it was a sandbox plague. The children who were playing there must have been on their way home from the funeral. A sorrowful game may have seemed an appropriate diversion to them, or maybe they simply felt their childhood was slipping away?

One way or another, the hero... the hero has been bitterly deceived!

All this time, the hero took himself to be a living man who was trying to rescue his fellow human beings. Beyond doubt, this belief has filled him with fervour; helped him to reach the finale, and even be somewhat triumphant.

In vain, it was all in vain. The hero was but a puppet, striving to help the imaginary population of a town that was nothing more than a drawing.

Strangely, there is still not a word to be heard from the Powers That Be. Perhaps they became bored of it all... or were called back home for supper.

Today's Quest -- 'The Final Proceedings'

Only the Bachelor will be able to convince the Chess Queens that the Utopian solution is the right choice. Before he attends the final Council in the Cathedral, he will have to make sure that his Bound are alive. They are: Georgiy, Victor, and Maria Kaina, as well as Peter and Andrey Stamatin.

The Bound of the Bachelor are alive and well. May he be comforted by that. He should have enough time to prepare his argument for the proceedings.

Only the Changeling will be able to explain the advantages of her paradoxical solution to the Chess Queens. Before she attends the final Council in the Cathedral, she will want to make sure that her Bound are alive. They are: Bad Grief, Rubin, Aspity, Anna, Yulia, Lara, Alexander, and Katerina.

The Bound of the Changeling are alive and well. May she find comfort in that. She should have enough time to prepare her argument for the proceedings.

The Bachelor will come to the Cathedral. He will stand up for the Polyhedron if I will allow him to make the ultimate decision. Should I? The Tower is alive, one might say, what with the soul of Simon forever sealed within it...

Could it be that the Polyhedron is my udurgh?

The Changeling will come to the Cathedral. She is adamant that she can perform some kind of miracle to protect us all.

I have no proof of this possibility. Her miracle is an act of blind faith. And if I know anything about miracles, it's that they are all too often rotten on the inside.

I have made my choice. I have decided what the offering will be.

Aglaya will live. The Powers That Be have nothing to hold against her, now that the cure for the Sand Plague has been found.

It's of no importance to me what the Kin will think of my choice. If my refusal to offer a human being as a sacrifice means that they won't let me anywhere near the veins of the udurgh—I will find a different source of blood with which to make the panacea. The Polyhedron will be brought down and rivers of blood will spout from the gaping hole that is left by its foundation.

The prophecy was fulfilled. The lines have led me to the place where my path as a Warden will commence. My father would be proud of me, I think.

Any choice is right as long as it is willed. This is how it is.

The tangle of lines has formed an intricate ornament. Something that before seemed quite obscure is now illuminated with meaning.

By the will of my father, I should take care of these few children; my Taglur, as Victoria would say. However, it is not either of them that my father was referring to when he spoke of an udurgh. Rather, he referenced the town itself. The town, which exists only by feeding on the will of its inhabitants, just as these children were intended to be fed upon. They were destined to grow up to become the brain of the town, its lungs, and its heart.

If these children see the Polyhedron as their home, it must be protected. Any choice is right as long as it is willed. This is how it is.

The town I remember so well has become a chimera. It is like a golem these days; a creature made of many parts; each part trying its best to destroy the other. Still, none of the parts may be removed: take an arm or a leg and the whole creature will perish.

All my life I've been taught that nothing may come to pass without a sacrifice. Imagine a famished woman that goes into labour. Which one of them will live: the child or the mother? A choice must be made, otherwise both of them will die. This is—we're taught—the way of the world. There is never a third option.

As I recall these tenets today, I feel all the more confused by their message. Perhaps Clara is right and the miracle is possible? Let it happen then, even if death will breathe down our neck ever after, waiting for a single misstep to plunge us into non-existence. Still, any choice is right as long as it is willed. This is how it is.


Aglaya's Letter

Our fate will be decided today.

There are so many things I want to tell you, but would never dare to utter... I'd rather not write you at all than influence your decision. The one thing I am fully convinced of is that your father's inheritance, denoted by the sign of the Udurgh, is the town itself; the settlement made of three parts: Earth, the Knots, and the Stone Yard.

Everything else I would expect you to know already.

We won't see each other before the Council. This is how it has to be.

Whatever you choose—I will understand it.


A Letter from the Makers

Please do come by to meet us at the Theatre if you have a spare minute.

We'd like to have a rather inconsequential but mature talk with you.

We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

The People Who Executed the Whole Thing

A Letter from the Powers That Be


We thought we should write, because you don't seem to be listening to what we tell you! You've gotten completely out of hand!

As of late you keep doing whatever you please. This is unacceptable. You are spoiling the game.

If this letter reaches you in good time, do come to the Polyhedron. They will let you inside. Keep your eyes tightly closed, descend to the bottom, and say: "Three, four, five." Open your eyes.

We'd like to have a little chat with you.

The People Who Own You

The Bachelor's Letter

This is to remind you of how the Inquisitor has deceived you in regard to the udurgh, which is none other than Simon Kain, the last patient your father ever had.

I am well-prepared to explain the situation to Block, although as of now I have had no such possibility because of the mutiny. The logic behind the whole affair is quite straightforward: if we destroy the town, the Inquisitor dies. If the Inquisitor dies, the Polyhedron will be saved.

Every fibre of this woman's being is dedicated to one purpose: eliminating the Polyhedron. She would not hesitate to die if this would lead to the destruction of the Tower. No one can vouch for its safety while she is alive.

If the Polyhedron remains intact, Simon's existence would likewise be protected, and the supreme creature your father spoke of will be formed. You will fulfil your father's dying request and in doing so resolve the whole situation.

I hope you may see that my logic makes sense, even if my presentation is muddled.

D. D.

P. S. Please find an opportunity to see me if you require further proof of my correctness.

Clara's Letter

I know you are interested in pairs, oppositions, and other meaningful similarities, so let me remind you of something.

The first pair should be read as follows: if the udurgh your father spoke of is the town, then the Polyhedron is your sacrifice. There is no other way, since the two are correspondent to each other. Crush the Polyhedron—and rivers of blood will flow, the underground ichor emerging from within the hollow rod on which the Tower stood.

The second pair means: if Aglaya is your sacrifice, then Simon is your udurgh. In this case you have no other choice but to protect the Polyhedron.

I am staying in the left wing of the Termitary, come and see me if you please. My plan is the only one that is feasible.

Nothing will have to die.