Haruspex/Spoken Dialogue

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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

List of dialogue spoken by the Haruspex. These lines are played when near a character, providing additional insight into the events and characters of the Town.

Dialogue spoken is dependent on both the day and chosen player character.

The Haruspex's English voice is provided by Martin Cooke in Pathologic Classic HD and by Tom Zahner in Pathologic 2. In Pathologic (2005), he is voiced by an uncredited actor from the Bronx.

Pathologic (2005)


  • What is this?
  • What is that? Nothing, it seems.
  • Huh?
  • I can hardly walk! Probably it's enough for today.
  • Ah, I'm pretty tired.
  • This wound hurts.
  • It is necessary to sleep well today.
  • I have cramps in the cheek bones from this.
  • I would like to eat something decent.
  • The fever starts, it seems. Or not!
  • Again, blood is running!
  • It is better to give up.
  • More haste, less speed!
  • Yes?
  • There is nothing more for us to talk about!
  • Actually, we are not powerless, we are weak-willed.
  • The town must be kept. If only we could eliminate the reason of the infection's renewal.
  • The town can be cleared. Now I know how to make enough quantity of panacea. The tower has to be destroyed so we will get water.

Day 1

  • (Devotress) They're catching Shabnak-adyr. I remember, this is something from the local legends.
  • (Devotress) This visitor, he will make a lot of trouble.

Day 2

  • (Devotress) Why did everything become so expensive? What's happening?
  • (Devotress) These worms, herb gatherers, hardly resemble people!

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) I never expected to find such a thing here. The childhood was already forgotten!

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) What are you gonna do now?
  • (Devotress) You were noticed in two places at the same time!
  • (Both) Where do they bring the dead?

Day 5

  • (Bachelor) I shall make panacea. Without it, I cannot execute the duty of my father.
  • (Bachelor) Go, Onion! I need to collect the tools.

Day 7

  • (Devotress) What does the Inquisitor ask about?
  • (Devotress) But in fact it could be Herman Orff. He is said to be cruel.

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) The Inquisitor has turned her look at Abattoir. No... This will bring no good.
  • (Bachelor) The Devotress spoke with the Elder Oyun. Did he really recognise something familiar in her?

Day 9

  • (Both) A right place for such a general is at the front. Who has charged this shameful mission to him?
  • (Both) It seems to me this General is an honest man. If we prove that rescue is possible, he will spare the town.

Day 10

  • (Devotress) I hope Aglaja will find a way to keep the town. At least because of her stubbornness!

Day 11

  • (Both) The soldiers have risen against each other. They say this is because of the bull on the wasteground.
  • (Both) The main thing is not to hurry. I have to solve the last riddle, and a thousand lives will be rescued.

Pathologic Classic HD


  • What was that?
  • What was that? I must be seeing things.
  • Ugh.
  • I can barely walk. Enough for today, eh?
  • Ugh. I'm tired.
  • The wound hurts.
  • I need a good sleep today.
  • My teeth hurt with all the grinding.
  • I'd give anything for a decent meal.
  • I think I have a fever. Or maybe not.
  • I'm bleeding again.
  • Just wash your hands of it.
  • Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Yes?
  • What?
  • Slow and steady wins the race.
  • There's nothing to talk about now.
  • In truth, we're not powerless. Just will-less.
  • The Town can be cleansed. I know how to make enough panacea now!
  • Their Tower will have to be destroyed. That's how we procure ichor.

Day 1

  • (Changeling) They're trying to catch a shabnak-adyr. It's a local fairy tale, as far as I remember.
  • (Changeling) This outsider... He's bound to mess up.

Day 2

  • (Changeling) Why did the prices soar? What's going on?
  • (Changeling) These herb-gathering Worms have little in common with men.

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) It won't be easy for you to get used to our traditions.
  • (Bachelor) I wasn't ready for all this either. Childhood is a thing long forgotten.

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) What are you planning to do now?
  • (Changeling) You were seen in two different places at the same time.
  • (Both) Where do they take their dead?

Day 5

  • (Bachelor) I'll make a panacea. It's the only way to fulfill my father's duty.
  • (Bachelor) Go, oynon. I need time to pick up my tools.

Day 6


Day 7

  • (Changeling) So what's the Inquisitor's line of inquiry?
  • (Changeling) They could have sent Herman Orff instead of her. Word is he's heartless.

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) The Inquisitor has turned her gaze to The Abattoir. No good will come of it.
  • (Bachelor) Changeling spoke to the Foreman. Could it be that he had accepted her as one of his kind?

Day 9

  • (Both) A commander like this belongs to the front line. Who sent him on this inglorious errand?
  • (Both) The general seems like an honest man. He will spare the Town if we show him that it can be saved.

Day 10

  • (Changeling) I hope Aglaya finds a way to preserve the Town. And for no other reason than her stubbornness.

Day 11

  • (Both) The soldiers rose up against one another. They say it's because of that bull in the Lot.
  • (Both) Just give me more time! There's merely one last puzzle left to crack. The solution will save thousands.

Pathologic 2


  • It'll be difficult for you to get used to our traditions.
  • I wasn't ready for all this, either… childhood is long behind us.
  • In any case, it's nice to be home.
  • My poor town. Torn apart.
  • Stakh, poor Stakh… we tried to convince him, but he refused to believe us.
  • Get over it.
  • "And I covered all in deathly mist…"
  • Huh?
  • What?
  • Yargachin, yargachin… still self-taught.
  • Mendee!
  • Mes za-slym emch…
  • (Heavy sigh)
  • The damn wound… it's burning.
  • If only I could get a good sleep.
  • Can you feel it? The ground trembles.
  • Any choice is right, so long as it's willed. That's the truth.
  • This calls for a surgeon's precision. Step aside.
  • I sense something out of place…
  • That which is torn must be tied, and that conjoined—split apart.
  • Without luck, you can't catch a fish in a flood. Without love, you can't divine truth from blood.
  • You, too, can look. But you can't see the Lines.
  • Don't walk in front of a bull, behind a horse, or around a thief, from any side.
  • The stomach isn't a mirror; fill it with hay, no one will see it.
  • Mister Carp, Mister Carp, turn yourself into a harp.
  • Look into your soul to steady your hands.
  • Words, too, break bones.
  • (Bachelor) Go, emshen. I need time to collect my tools.
  • (Bachelor) You might be a doctor, but you're certainly no teacher.
  • (Changeling) This outsider… he'll make a mess of things.

Day 7-11

  • She has her eye on the Warrens… no good will come of it.
  • And yet, she has a good heart. A kind heart.


Night 1

  • How should I act then?
  • And why is that?
  • Where are the other two? The bachelor and the girl?
  • You know the future? What's mine, then?
  • Uh… what do you mean?

Night 2

  • Local medicine… can do a lot. Although, while studying, I started to see it as backwards. But it did work at times.

Night 5

  • I don't like you, either, girl of faith. But not just you. I'm not sure I know how to love.

Night 9

  • What can I say? I said everything yesterday. It's strange to hear—I thought you were supposed to be the genius.
  • It's outside everyone's capabilities. But I thought that's exactly what inquisitors were for.
  • I get what you mean by "ampuled," but… how do you "solve" a town?
  • Well, we have the panacea. As for the General… cheer up. We'll see how things go.

Dream Sequence

  • You're talking past each other. Ah, everyone does. The organs are what matter, and blood. Blood is the bond between us.
  • You can't change someone against their will. Only will matters, which proves this is all about blood.
  • Make up your mind. Otherwise, the Town will die.
  • Nine hundred and twenty-two. It will be more than a thousand, tomorrow. Nokhoin duun oyrto-o.
  • Let's go. The clock is ticking.

Butchery *

  • This is my own voice. My inner voice.
  • Listen to the Town’s pulse. It’s calling…
  • Like a drop of blood tracing a vein.
  • Here somewhere…

These phrases weren't included in the final game, but still exist in the files.
