Khan/Spoken Dialogue

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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

List of dialogue spoken by Khan. These lines are played when near a character, providing additional insight into the events and characters of the Town.

Dialogue spoken is dependent on both the day and chosen player character.

Pathologic (2005)


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • Only children can live in this Tower. Others are not allowed here.
  • The seam has opened.
  • So I may go to pieces.
  • What shall I do if only cloths are inside?
  • That's all. No play now. Nobody needs us.
  • As I have told, it will be so.
  • The worst is still ahead.
  • Why are they as little girls?
  • This Tower is a present from my mother.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) I wonder what my father will do now.

Day 2

  • (Haruspex) Sister Maria already tries Mother's crown on.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Adults do not see what's there inside. You will simply not make it.

Day 3-6


Day 7

  • (Bachelor) Our Tower is able to work wonders. Father named it a thermos, but we know it's a rose.
  • (Bachelor) This Clara is haughty. Has she already imagined herself the successor?

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) The time of destruction of ancient gods comes.
  • (Bachelor - unused?) In our town the children were always afraid of Abattoir. We've got used to thinking that the fear lives there inside.
  • (Bachelor) Abattoir is fated to fail under the ground.

Day 9

  • (Bachelor) Clara will return life to Simon? Fools! Actually, she wants his place.
  • (Bachelor / Changeling) Our Polyhedron trembled when they brought this monster. Tell them to get out of there!
  • (Changeling) We can protect ourselves. Let them only appear here!

Day 10

  • (Bachelor) Sister is grown up. Soon she can reach stars with hands. "Dark Mistress", no.
  • (Bachelor) Is it true that Father agrees to part with his life voluntarily?

Day 11

  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) We shall oppose her conditions from our power. Now I am the last from the Kains who could take care of the shape of our world.
  • (Changeling) Has the Bachelor found out where the source of the illness is?
  • Sister would like to take me away from here. Now our Tower will be protected by someone from the seniors. Simon or Mother, someone from them.

Day 12

  • My branch was named 'Feast'. If not the pestilence, I would revolt against the adults. Would establish here the dictatorship of the childhood. Capella has thought up better.
  • If such children, the castaways as I, survive, the Town becomes the Town of People. Capella will entrust it to us. We are the future of this land.

Pathologic Classic


  • Yeah?
  • What?
  • Only children can live in the Tower. It's off-limits to the rest.
  • My seams are running.
  • It's only too easy to fall into pieces.
  • What else should one do if he's filled with rags?
  • This is it. No more games. No one needs us.
  • It will be as I say.
  • The worst lies ahead.
  • Why are they acting so girlishly?
  • This Tower is Mom's gift.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) I wonder what my father is going to do now.

Day 2

  • (Haruspex) Sister Maria's trying mom's crown on already?
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Adults can't see what's inside. It won't work for you.

Day 3-6


Day 7

  • (Bachelor) Our Tower can do miracles. Father calls it a vacuum flask, but we know it's a rose.
  • (Bachelor) This Clara puts on some serious airs. Thinks she's an heiress already?

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) Now is the time when ancients' gods die.
  • (Bachelor) They're always told spooky stories about the Abattoir to the kids of this town. We're used to thinking fear lives there.

Day 9

  • (Bachelor) Clara will bring Simon back? Those fools. She's aiming for this place!
  • (Bachelor / Changeling) Our Polyhedron trembled when this monster was dragged in. Tell them to go away!

Day 10

  • (Bachelor) Sister's all grown up. She'll be able to reach for the stars soon. 'The Dark Mistress'. No.
  • (Bachelor) Is it true that Father is planning to willingly give up his life?

Day 11

  • (Changeling) Did Bachelor find the source of the disease?
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) We'll meet her power with our own demands. I am the last of the Kains who is willing to take care of the real world now.
  • Sister would love to have me removed from here. One of the adults will take care of the Tower now. Simon or Mother, one of them.

Day 12

  • My path was called 'High Day'. If not for the plague, I'd rebel against the grown-ups. I would have instilled a children's dictatorship. Capella's idea was better.
  • If we, the outcast children, live, the Town will grow to be a Town of Men. Capella will entrust us with it. We're the future of this land.

Pathologic 2

  • My sister Maria is trying Mother's crown on already. But it may be too heavy for her…
  • You'll just fail.
  • Looks like I'm the last of the Kains willing to tend to the real world, now.
  • When the cat's away the mice will play.
  • Our Tower can perform miracles. Father calls it a greenhouse. But we know it is the rose itself.
  • What if I just end up folding?
  • What do people become when they grow up? Think about it.
  • "A firebox for a heart," they say… but in truth, what you need is a compass.
  • A brood of pheasants always broods.
  • Whichever finger bleeds, the whole hand aches.
  • Every dog has his day.
  • We can hold our own! Let them try!
  • Hide and seek, tag, hopscotch… or we could play "duck and cover."
  • Just stay away from me, this time of year. Come to think of it, keep your hands off anything here.
  • All in all, girls know better than boys. We'll leave the boys out.
  • I won't grow at all. I haven't grown an inch in fifteen years.
  • I'm listening.
  • What?
  • Only children can live in the Tower. It's off-limits to the rest.
  • I'm fraying at the seams.
  • It's all too easy to unravel into shreds and patches.
  • What should a man do once his guts have turned to rags?
  • This is it. No more games. No one needs us.
  • It will be as I say.
  • The worst is yet to come.
  • This Tower is a gift. From Mother.
  • Our Polyhedron shuddered when this monster was dragged in. Tell them to leave. Now.
  • Adults will find nothing here. Only walls without doors.
  • I'm sorry about your father, Burakh. He was a man of great humanity.
  • My path was called '"The High Day."' If not for the plague, I'd have seized power from the adults and instituted a dictatorship of the juveniles. But Capella… Capella had a better idea.
