Victor Kain

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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Victor Kain (Виктор Каин)
Pieces (Marble Nest)
Deceased (Marble Nest)
The Crucible
Nina Kaina (wife)
Maria Kaina (daughter)
Caspar "Khan" Kain (son)
Georgiy Kain (older brother)
Simon Kain (older brother)
Aglaya Lilich (sister-in-law)
Russian Voice
Andrey Barkhudarov
English Voice
Tom Zahner

Victor Kain is an elder of the Kain family and the husband of the late Nina Kaina.


Victor Kain is a calm and pragmatic man. He is intelligent, but does not flaunt it. He follows the strict morals and ideals of the Kains and does not shy away from the mysticism that his late wife and his daughter possess. He is quick to take responsibility, and fast to act.


Victor is a visibly aged man with short black hair that has been brushed back to show his hairline. He has light coloured eyes and a somber expression. Victor wears a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black dress pants, and matching shoes.


Though Victor was born in the Town, he spent most of his youth in the Capital. Later, Victor Kain returned to the Town with his wife, Nina Kaina, who he brought with him from the Capital. There, he allowed her spirit to run free, allowing the terrible Nina to mould the Town however she wished and generally without hindrance. After Nina Kaina died, he became dedicated to keeping her memory - and perhaps more - alive. He made the clocks which can be found across the Town.


Haruspex Route

My path was called "The Mistress." I tried to anchor the memory of my unearthly wife here in this town.

Following the outbreak of Sand Plague, Victor Kain takes it upon himself to set up the structures to fight the outbreak, working with the two other Ruling Families in order to create the Hospital and the Fund for the healers of the Town.

During the outbreak, Victor is responsible for keeping his children in line - in the ways he can, at least. Maria Kaina may have been susceptible to his suggestions of order but his son, Khan, spends so much time away from the Crucible in the Polyhedron that Victor's relationship with him is strained. Though he loves his son, he was warned by both Simon Kain and Georgiy Kain not to interfere with the development of the children of the Town, Khan included.[1]

On Day 5, the Haruspex talks to Victor about a Chemist who has been embalming bodies. In order to protect the Bridge Square from infection, Victor asks the Haruspex to mark infected houses with a piece of Chalk. While searching for the infected houses, the Haruspex comes across Maria who has been marking uninfected houses. He may choose to tell Victor about what his daughter has been doing.

After the Inquisition arrives on Day 7, he can speak of his work on the clocks scattered around the Town and their relationship with the Cathedral.

On Day 9, Victor may be found at the hospital within the Theatre. He may also be found at the Town Hall facing Alexander Block alongside the Bachelor and Yulia Lyuricheva.

In the Diurnal Ending, Victor can be seen near Georgiy Kain and Eva Yan, overlooking the river in the Bridge Square. He is planning to cross it with the other Kains in order to create a new Town on the other side.

In the Nocturnal Ending, Victor flees the Town alongside the Utopians and many of the Humbles.

Pathologic: The Marble Nest

Footsteps can be heard from Victor Kain's house, even though I've personally declared him clinically dead.

Victor Kain perished prior to the events of The Marble Nest. It is noted that footsteps are heard from his wing of the Crucible.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Victor Kain/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Victor Kain can tell time perfectly without having to look at a clock.[2]
  • On Day 9, Victor Kain will only appear at the hospital in the Theatre and at the Town Hall if he was not infected at midnight.


  1. ...Simon was adamant that we do not hinder the children in any way. Claimed this was the entire reason for the construction. But… I want my son back.
  2. Touch description for the Pocket Watch

Victor Kain (Виктор Каин)
Deceased (Bachelor Route)
The Crucible
Nina Kaina (wife)
Maria Kaina (daughter)
Caspar "Khan" Kain (son)
Georgiy Kain (older brother)
Simon Kain (older brother)
Aglaya Lilich (sister-in-law)
Dark Grey
Body Part
Russian Voice
Dmitry Polonsky
English Voice
Titus Adam (Pathologic Classic HD)

Victor Kain is an elder of the Kain family and the husband of the late Nina Kaina. He is one of the main source of tasks for the Bachelor's route.


Appearance: Strong, sharp face with lively fiery eyes. He has a dimple above the bridge of his nose and another one on his chin. Of average height, but strong as if cast out of metal. Sloping shoulders, a strong neck, and a straight back.

Pose: Seated with his head down, a sharp look from under his brows, words hissed through clenched teeth.
Personality: Victor is quite pragmatic, unlike Georgiy. He is in charge of the affairs of the Household, so he pays a lot of attention to politics and increasing the power of the Kain family. He dotes on his daughter Maria, but considers his son Caspar to be too malicious and doesn't feel much tenderness towards him. On the contrary, he emphasizes his sympathy in relation to Victoria Olgimskaya Jr. Like every other Kain, he takes the small world that was built by the Town's children close to his heart. Victor doesn't play around with the children, on the contrary, he treats them like adults, thus earning their respect.

From original Pathologic character concepts [1]

Victor Kain is a calm and pragmatic man. He is intelligent, but does not flaunt it. He follows the strict morals and ideals of the Kains and does not shy away from the mysticism that his late wife and his daughter possess. He is quick to take responsibility, and fast to act.


Though Victor was born in the Town, he spent most of his youth in the Capital. Later, Victor Kain returned to the Town with his wife, Nina Kaina, who he brought with him from the Capital. There, he allowed her spirit to run free, allowing Nina to mould the Town however she wished and generally without hindrance.

After Nina died, he became dedicated to keeping her memory - and perhaps more - alive.


Victor has short black hair, green eyes, and a long face. He wears a grey suit, a black dress shirt, and matching dress shoes, with a black belt. He is usually seen with a somber expression, and is often noted as being deep in thought or considering his options when presented with an issue. He is of shorter stature than most men.

Portrait Quotes

YuliaHDportrait.jpg "A new structure of power relationships is being established in the town. Personally, I would have preferred the next triumvirate to be led by Victor. Alas, Victor is utterly loathsome of anything that has to do with fame, authority, or public adoration. He has every right to claim the throne, but he will hand it over to his daughter. Just like he did before, when his terrifying wife was still with us."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on him.
AndreyHDportrait.jpg "Victor was the only person who could control Nina the Wild. She obeyed Simon and Georgiy too, but that was only out of respect for the family's strict morals. And yet Nina followed Victor's word unquestionably—although he never demanded that from her. It's all very mysterious. How did he tame the demon and why did he allow her complete and unrestricted freedom?"

- Andrey Stamatin's take on him.
"A new structure of power relationships is being established in the town. Personally, I would have preferred the next triumvirate to be led by Victor. Alas, Victor is utterly loathsome of anything that has to do with fame, authority, or public adoration. He has every right to claim the throne, but he will hand it over to his daughter. Just like he did before, when his terrifying wife was still with us."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on him.
"Victor was the only person who could control Nina the Wild. She obeyed Simon and Georgiy too, but that was only out of respect for the family's strict morals. And yet Nina followed Victor's word unquestionably—although he never demanded that from her. It's all very mysterious. How did he tame the demon and why did he allow her complete and unrestricted freedom?"

- Andrey Stamatin's take on him.


Bachelor Route

This entry is written half-heartedly. It should be reworked.

On Day 1, after talking to Georgiy about Simon's death, he is told to meet Victor Kain, who suggests going to the house of Isidor Burakh. When the Bachelor returns at 21:00, he will find Rubin in Victor's home. If the Bachelor refuses to help Anna Angel bury the dead man, he will speak with Victor to report what he saw in Anna's home. Victor tells him Anna had nothing to do with the man's death, while explaining some information about Anna's nature and background. He warns the Bachelor to be careful if Anna asks him for help again.

On Day 2, Victor will donate 5000 money to the House of the Living if Saburov already has emergency powers.

On Day 3, Georgiy tells the Bachelor to speak to Victor Kain for information about Simon's missing body. Victor tells him to speak to Vlad the Younger and ask about the Termitary. The Bachelor will return to Victor after speaking to Vlad and tell him that Vlad doesn't believe the Termitary is any less safe than the Polyhedron. Victor is then forced to withdraw pressure from the Olgimskys. He also tells the Bachelor that he suspects that Isidor Burakh's son killed Isidor and Simon and also stole the body.

On Day 4, Victor will send a letter asking to speak to the Bachelor. He asks him to inspect the Skinners district. The Bachelor must kill a looter and bring back a Crowbar to Victor.

On Day 5, Victor will pay 25,000 money to free innocent prisoners. If the Bachelor completes the quest, he will give him 30 reputation.

On Day 6, Victor will send a letter telling the Bachelor about the Cathedral infection.

On Day 7, Victor will tell the Bachelor Maria will probably visit Peter Stamatin.

On Day 9, Victor will send the Bachelor a letter. When spoken too, he reveals that he believes all the Kains will die soon. He begs the Bachelor to guide Khan wisely and stop him from angering the soldiers.

On Day 10, the Bachelor is asked to investigate if Simon is alive. When he asks Victor, he explains but asks the Bachelor to spread a rumor that Georgiy is going insane. If pressed, he will give the Bachelor 7000 money.

On Day 11, Victor Kain asks the Bachelor to obtain tokens of acknowledgement from the other mistresses for Maria.

On Day 12, if Victor is infected, the Bachelor will have to heal him. Victor will tell him about the new town, and, if asked will talk about Nina.

It is heavily suggested that Nina remains in Victor's body following the end of the Bachelor Route, regardless if the Utopian Ending is chosen or not.

Haruspex Route

On Day 6, the Haruspex will receive a letter from Victor asking him to speak to Maria.

On Day 7, the Haruspex seeks out the Inquisitor and eventually makes it to Victor's house. Victor tells him the Inquisitor returned to the Cathedral.

On Day 12, Victor may be infected and have an executor standing outside his door. If the Haruspex wants to invite the Bachelor to the Cathedral , he can give Victor a cure.

Changeling Route

On Day 3, if the Changeling speaks to Victor about Rubin, he says he will not arrest Rubin and thanks her for her honesty and give her 2000 money or 5 reputation if she refuses.

On Day 9, Georgiy advises the Changeling to ask Victor about entering the Polyhedron.

On Day 12, Victor may be infected and have an executor standing outside his door. If the Changeling wants to invite the Bachelor to the Cathedral , she can give Victor a cure.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Victor Kain/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • Victor's appearance is based on Tomas Motskus, a Russian actor [2].
