Kusegoto/Pathologic 2

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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Mark Immortell (Марк Бессмертник)
Pieces (Marble Nest)
Russian Voice
Alexander Dziuba
English Voice
Simon Law

Mark Immortell is the director of the Municipal Theatre.


He has no past: he is the Theatre incarnate, its spirit materialized in a carbon-based avatar. No one in the town knows where he came from; perhaps he just sprang into existence in the Theatre the same way you get mice where there are pantries. Even if he did actually disembark from some train, valise in hand, nobody saw it happen.

He has no private life. If he’s suddenly found sipping tea in his apartment, it must be a set scene and he’s just waiting for one of the characters to turn up. Should he fall ill, it will probably be a trick as well. No one’s definitely going to see him dead.

Mark is a harlequin, but he only plays the part with his face. There’s no need to dress him in motley.
From the game's design documents

A cryptic and philosophical force, Mark Immortell owns the Theatre in the center of town. The Theatre provides the costumes the Executor wear as protective gear in infected districts. At night, the Theatre also performs pantomimes and productions, though the surrealism of these productions leaves one questioning what plane of existence they may be on. Immortell appears capable of metaphysical powers, placing limitations on the player as punishment for failure as with every death, the player will find their survival meters (health, hunger, exhaustion) limited, regardless if they "redo their work" (reloading save points).


It is unclear exactly where Mark Immortell came from. His history is that of the Theatre's. In a conversation with him, it is revealed the work of the theatre has been limited recently, but the "coming events" will change that.


Mark has wild grey hair brushed back, sideburns on his cheeks, and a goatee on his chin. His eyes are a bright grey, with arched eyebrows and a sinister smile. He wears a green suit that has begun to tatter at the hems over a purple damask vest. A green cravat is pinned beneath a colourful scarf of purple, blue, green and yellow. He wears striped black pants and white-black wing tipped shoes. His cane appears to be made of steel, with a rounded handle.


Haruspex Route

I had several paths and liked none. One had me as a beast-man; another as a hunchback; the third... as the indentured servant of some outside force.

Upon the start of the game, Mark is presented as both a character in the story as well as an observant outside force that can directly manipulate the events that the player experiences. He appears to the player as a judge, presenting them with the opportunity to understand the philosophy of death: in alignment with the Utopian form of thinking, one may be able to transcend their existences limitations upon 'solving' death, much like crossing a river. He is further observed during "death sequences", where upon the player's death through regular gameplay (such as starvation, dehydration, exhaustion, or disease), he converses with them and discuss the events leading up to their death. It is up to the player in dialogue options if they are the chosen character or a force controlling them, like an actor.

During the events of Pathologic 2 Mark Immortell can be visited in the Theatre prior to the outbreak, where he will have a discussion with the Haruspex regarding the purpose of the coming events. After the Plague begins to infect the town, his Theatre is turned into a hospital.Following the arrival of the Inquisitor he is seen standing outside the Cathedral, potentially alongside Yulia Lyuricheva and the Stamatin brothers, waiting to be interrogated by the Inquisitor. He seems to imply that the Inquisitor is herself also an actor in his performance, and urges the Haruspex to improvise. Mark is only ever otherwise seen in game during sequences involving the player's death.

Mark is in all endings, residing in his usual place in the Theatre. If the player has chosen to take the Fellow Traveller's deal prior to the ending of the play Mark will become enraged, furious that the Haruspex - and the player - would do something so foolish. If the player has not taken the Traveller's deal and has instead chosen another ending (and was not late) he will speak to the Haruspex concerning the ending of their performance. He will speak through the Haruspex to the player, asking how many people were truly here playing the Haruspex. The player can then choose to remove the mask, or free the Haruspex from the actor and let him back into the Town, or take over his place in the Theatre.

The Marble Nest

A new pantomime is being rehearsed at the Theatre.
Bachelor's Pathologic: The Marble Nest map hover

During the events of Pathologic: The Marble Nest, Mark Immortell is in his Theatre in the condemned part of Town. He is alive, but in danger.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Mark Immortell/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Mark is one of the few characters in the game who is unable to fall ill to the Sand Plague. The other characters are Bachelor, Changeling, Stanislav Rubin, Aglaya Lilich, and Alexander Block.
    • In The Marble Nest, he is outside of the Stone Yard quarantine. Though marked as 'In Danger' on Dankovsky's map, it is unclear if he is actually ill.
  • Mark is the only character in the game who uses a cane.
  • Mark's surname, Immortell (Бессмертник), is similar to the plant Helichrysum italicum, known as immortelle[1] (also known as 'everlasting') and is spelled the same in Russian[2]. It also resembles the title of the folkloric villain Koschei, called "the Deathless" (Кощей Бессмертный).[3]
  • There is an open acknowledgement of the progression of time and/or change between Pathologic and Pathologic 2. Nikolay Dybowski noted that Mark's change in character is explained as having once been content with playing a fool and is now set with a personal goal in mind.[4][5] This “goal” seems to be in line with the Utopian manner of thinking, where one can transcend their limitations through literal and theoretical means. He refuses to compromise on his ideology, and even berates the player should they act ignorant to what he tells them.
  • Mark is a smoker, as both the Fellow Traveller[6] and the Rat Catcher[7] make comments about him "stepping out to have a smoke" when speaking to the Haruspex in the Theatre of Death.


  1. Wikipedia - Helichrysum italicum
  2. Wikipedia - Бессмертник песчаный
  3. Wikipedia - Koschei
  4. Онлайн-встреча с Ice-Pick Lodge 03.09.2017 - Link to VK event thread
  5. Онлайн-встреча с Ice-Pick Lodge 03.09.2017 - Google Docs documentation
  6. Haruspex: Where's the director?
    Fellow Traveller: The director went out to have a smoke. Got exhausted watching your torture. - Theatre of Death, Pathologic 2
  7. Rat Catcher: Because the director went out for a smoke—four hours ago. Anyone would get sick from smoking a cigarette that long. And he took the coat!
    Haruspex Is he, like… gone gone?
    Rat Catcher: How should I know? I'm a junior prop designer, no one reports to me. But the Theatre is empty now. Do not come back. -Theatre of Death, Pathologic 2