Mark Immortell/Spoken Dialogue

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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

List of dialogue spoken by Mark Immortell. These lines are played when near a character, providing additional insight into the events and characters of the Town.

Dialogue spoken is dependent on both the day and chosen player character.

Pathologic (2005)


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • We are all strong enough to bear a misfortune of the next.
  • While someone is able to do good, he is not threatened to face an ingratitude.
  • Sometimes it is enough to be rough to avoid a trap of a sly.
  • Having lost the hope to find a reason in those around, we already do not try to keep it themselves.
  • People who more likely agree to slander themselves, rather than be silent about themselves.
  • Wreck of all man's hopes is pleasant both to his friends and enemies.
  • Real crafty is the one who is able to hide the cunning.
  • Only knowing our destiny beforehand we would be able to warrant our behavior beforehand.
  • Even the most reasonable people are reasonable only in insignificant matters. In the significant affairs, the reason usually fails them.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) Today the whole day is a dress rehearsal.
  • (Bachelor) Simon is dead? so, the town will accept death from the murderer of Simon.
  • (Haruspicus) You think to escape with your destiny is as simple as from your mission? no. you will be convinced.

Day 2

  • (Bachelor) The Devotress has gone to dangerous and suspicious citizens as a messenger of death.
  • (Bachelor) The heads of families feel the rulers of the world. they have got spoilt here! in isolation.

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) A wrong place greatly promotes approach of lethal.
  • (Bachelor) Send my condolences to the new commandant.

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) It would be interesting to look now at Simon.
  • (Bachelor) How the town changes. Bodies have changed, new organisms appeared.

Day 5

  • (Bachelor) They are absolutely mad. They behave like children! You will have a lot of effort spent with them.
  • (Bachelor) It's a town of freaks. All of them are equally doomed.

Day 6

  • (Bachelor) It is hardly possible to stop the illness. your task is to survive.
  • (Bachelor) Tomorrow the Inquisitor arrives! They know what to do.

Day 7

  • (Bachelor) She has punished only murderers and madmen. But it is a prelude. The game is ahead!
  • (Bachelor) They say this Burakh has managed to create panacea.
  • (Haruspicus) Now Klara will follow in the Bachelor's footsteps. All have caused much harm.
  • (Devotress) Haruspicus is not so simple as he seems. He has some plan.

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) Tomorrow the army arrives. so, we waited for the regular train.
  • (Bachelor) The Elder has hooves instead of legs. Those who saw that, told.
  • (Haruspicus) Something is being concieved. It seems the balance of power changes.

Day 9

  • (Bachelor) The General and the Inquisitor did not talk with each other. A bad sign.
  • (Bachelor) How this Devotress has changed. Assured of herself. She plays the end spiel.
  • (Devotress) Haruspicus thinks that this is an ordeal. He does not know at all how we live.

Day 10

  • (Bachelor) I involuntarily get the impression that the population of the town has increased greatly... Well, lets not talk about it. It is bad.
  • (Bachelor) The Devotress is most fair. She saves some people and dooms others to death. At least she knows what she wants.

Day 11

  • (Bachelor) All was arranged. Klara was agreed about all with the General. Guns will not shoot if we confirm to him we shall transform the town into an altar.
  • (Bachelor) The orphan, in the meantime, has become a significant figure. It is possible to tell, he has reached the limits of power.

Day 12

  • Of these children, someone has died. I know, because they are better heard in the Theatre than in the Tower.
  • If we have the majority, the fragile Polyhedron will not be touched. We can support life in it. Maria is able to work.

Pathologic Classic HD


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • We have sufficient strength to support the misfortunes of others.
  • We find very few ungrateful people when we are able to confer favors.
  • It is sometimes necessary to play the fool to avoid being deceived by cunning men.
  • When we do not find peace of mind in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
  • A man would rather say evil of himself than say nothing.
  • Our disillusionment is often a delight to both friends and enemies.
  • There is great ability in knowing how to conceal one's ability.
  • Only knowing our fortune in advance could we predict our conduct.
  • Even the wisest of men may be so indifferent in ordinary matters, but they are seldom so in their most serious affairs.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) All of today is a grand rehearsal.
  • (Bachelor) Simon is dead. So, the Town will meet its death at the same hand as Simon's.
  • (Haruspex) You think escaping your fate is just as simple as escaping your purpose. Not so. You will see for yourself.

Day 2

  • (Bachelor) Changeling went to the dangerous and the suspicious as an envoy of death itself.
  • (Bachelor) The house-fathers think they rule the world. Self-isolation breeds self-delusion.

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) A wrong place invites a fatal turn of events.
  • (Bachelor) My condolences to the new governor.

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) It would be curious to take a look at Simon now.
  • (Bachelor) The Town is undergoing a vicious transformation. Its internals have changed already, giving birth to a plethora of juvenile lifeforms.

Day 5

  • (Bachelor) They are, shall we say, both puerile and demented. A real piece of work.
  • (Bachelor) It's a town of freaks. And they're all doomed anyway.

Day 6

  • (Bachelor) I don't think the disease may be stopped at all. Survival is your main concern.
  • (Bachelor) The Inquisitor arrives tomorrow. They'll know what to do.

Day 7

  • (Bachelor) She had made an example of murderers and madmen. That was merely an overture. The game itself has yet to begin.
  • (Bachelor) They say this Burakh has managed to make a panacea.
  • (Haruspex) Clara will follow in Bachelor's footsteps now. All of you have done much harm.
  • (Changeling) Haruspex is not as simple as he looks. He has an agenda of his own.

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) The army arrives tomorrow. That's not the train we were waiting for.
  • (Bachelor) The Foreman has hooves for feet. Someone who saw it told me he does.
  • (Haruspex) Something's brewing... the balance of power seems to be changing.

Day 9

  • (Bachelor) The Commander and the Inquisitor haven't had a meeting? A bad sign.
  • (Bachelor) This Changeling has changed. So self-assured! She's playing the endgame.
  • (Changeling) Haruspex thinks it's a trial. He doesn't have the faintest idea how we live here.

Day 10

  • (Bachelor) Inadvertently, I get the feeling that the population is actually growing. Although... let's not go there. Bad joke.
  • (Bachelor) Changeling is the most sincere of them all. Some of them she saves, others she condemns to death. At least she knows what she wants.

Day 11

  • (Bachelor) Everything worked just fine. Clara has made a deal with the Commander. The cannons will be kept at bay as long as we agree to turn the town into an altar.
  • (Bachelor) Meanwhile, the orphan has become an important figure. One can say he's attained ultimate power.

Day 12

  • These children have had someone die on them. I know that for sure. You can hear them better in the Theatre than in the Polyhedron.
  • If we're in the majority, the fragile Polyhedron will be left untouched. We'll manage to sustain life in it. Maria can do miracles.

Pathologic 2

  • Mm. You think escaping one's fate is as easy as fleeing one's purpose.
  • The fence is as guilty as the thief.
  • Something's brewing...
  • All of today is just dress rehearsal!
  • We're not puppets. A puppet is of value, at least, to the puppeteer.
  • Actors are desperate, hungry creatures. Ready to trade off mother and father for another round of applause.
  • The play is afoot!
  • To climb out of the pot, you'll have to burn your hands.
  • The show must go off!
  • Mind you don't step off the stage and break something.
  • Shall I sing you a song?
  • I'd be curious to see what Simon looks like now.
  • The Town is undergoing a vicious transformation! Its guts have been rearranged already, disgorging a plethora of neonates...
  • They are, to put it bluntly, both puerile and deluded. A tough crowd...
  • A town of creepy children and masked freaks, all doomed.
  • Swing and a miss... swing and a miss... mm, are you even trying now?
  • Hope springs eternal. But the water runs through your fingers.
  • She made an example of murderers and madmen. That was merely prologue… the game itself is yet to start.
  • You need an upper hand. A foot in the door! A head... let's leave that one screwed on for now.
  • The Army arrives tomorrow. There's our regular train!
  • See no evil, hear no evil, display no evil.
  • One got a nod. One got a wink. The third one gets the hint, already.
  • This is all a retread, isn't it?
  • I don't know about the story, but I hope you enjoy the play.
  • I'm the only one alive in this town.
  • A good joke doesn't need a punchline. It needs... structure.
  • I always tell my cast to knock 'em dead before they come onstage, but... perhaps tonight it's in poor taste.
  • Yes?
  • What?
  • We're all strong enough to support one another's misfortune.
  • All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
  • It is canny to conceal that one is uncanny.
  • These kids have had someone die on them. You can tell from their buried anguish, better heard here than in the Polyhedron.
  • I had several paths and liked none. One had me as a beast-man; another as a hunchback; the third... as the indentured servant of some outside force.
