Alexander Saburov

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This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Alexander Saburov (Александр Сабуров)
Governor (Комендант)
Pieces (Marble Nest)
Deceased (Marble Nest)
The Rod
Katerina Saburova (wife)
Clara (adopted daughter)
Grace (adopted daughter*)
Russian Voice
Dmitry Polonsky
English Voice
Tom Tucker

Alexander Saburov is the husband of Katerina Saburova and is in charge of the Town's order and criminal prosecution.


Saburov is stern, forthright and dour. He comes from a noble, honest, but unhappy family. He wants to fulfill his duty, set things in order and not mess up. To show those Kain and Olgimsky nutjobs how you do the right thing right—and to push them away from power, using the epidemic both as a pretext and as proof that their ambitious plans lead to horrible consequences. It is Saburov who says, “This is the price we have to pay for your experiments”.
From the game's design documents

Saburov is a quiet, intelligent man who prefers to listen rather than speak. He believes he is an honest and stern ruler and is eager to prove himself to the Town as such - even to the point of endangering others. He believes in rules and order above all. Many Townsfolk dislike his ruling style as they believe that his bark is much worse than his bite, believing that he is weak and powerless compared to the Olgimskys and Kains. He, alongside his wife Katerina Saburova, makes up a third of The Ruling Families in The Town. It seems, to him, that the whole world is against the House of Saburov. Though a relatively rational man, he believes wholeheartedly in the Mistress mysticism of his wife.


Alexander Saburov has been Governor of the Town for at least five years, and has had little to do in terms of ruling since the First Outbreak. It is implied that Saburov lived outside of the Town for some time when he was younger, marrying Katerina Saburova while away. He returned to the Town with Katerina by his side.[1]


Alexander is a man of rather short stature and firm posture. He has short brown hair that he brushes back and bright blue eyes. He wears a double breasted green coat with black buttons and white cords across his body. The coat has folded cuffs with white trim, similar to his collar. He wears a purple cravat tucked into his collar, which obscures the white shirt beneath. He wears black pants and matching black shoes, which are laced neatly. He wears his wedding ring on his left ring finger.


Haruspex Route

My path was called "The Restoration of Power." I wanted to return strength and dignity to our country. I could have become the Ruler were it not for the plague.

After the death of Isidor Burakh, Alexander Saburov locks Isidor Burakh's House until a new owner can be found for the building.

Following the death of Isidor Burakh, Saburov, as the Town's Governor, becomes responsible to finding the perpatrator. He, like many of the Townfolk, believe the Haruspex is the culprit. If the Haruspex attempts to approach Saburov on the day of his return, Saburov will throw him into the Town Hall's jail, thanking the Haruspex for making his job easier by coming to him. Saburov is later forced to free the Haruspex on request of the powerful owner of the Bull Enterprise, Big Vlad.

In order to protect the Town following the shocking murder of Isidor Burakh, Alexander sets up a patrol of watchmen. They become responsible for the Town's safety and maintaining order. All men eligible of work are encouraged to join the Watch - so long as they do not appear to belong to the Olgimskys.

As head of one of The Ruling Families, Alexander is among those who appear in the Town Hall meeting to discuss what to do against the outbreak of the Sand Plague. As part of his duties he had a hand in assigning gravediggers and other personnel to the Bachelor during the epidemic.

Some time before the beginning to the epidemic, the Saburovs take the Changeling as a daughter. Alexander protects her from the suspicious eyes of the town until he can no longer push back against their doubt, and casts her out. Even after ejecting her from the Rod, Alexander still deals with mobs who arrive outside of his door demanding the Changeling. He asks for the Haruspex's aid in dispersing them, asking him to remind them of the outcome to the earlier hunt for the Shabnak-adyr. Later, he also requests the Haruspex's help to deal with Katerina sickness. He desperately wishes to help her, but does not understand the nature of her ailment. He explains that he doesn't ask the Bachelor for aid (despite working more closely with him than with the Haruspex) as he knows Katerina's problem is not something that can be solved through conventional means.

During the epidemic, Alexander makes numerous attempts to find the man responsible for Isidor Burakh's death after becoming doubtful of the Haruspex's guilt. He is consistently unsuccessful, finding thieves and witnesses to Isidor's death, but none of them the murderer he so desperately wishes for.

In the Diurnal Ending, Alexander is found alongside Katerina in the Bridge Square. Just as she is no longer a Mistress, he is no longer a Governor. Together, the Saburovs adopt Grace as their daughter, regardless of her adoption status with Peter Stamatin.

In the Nocturnal Ending, Saburov can be found fleeing the Town alongside many of the Utopians and Humbles.

The Marble Nest

Alexander Saburov went down with this town.
The Bachelor's map details on Alexander's wing of the Rod

Alexander Saburov died prior to the events of Pathologic: The Marble Nest.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Alexander Saburov/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Alexander once attempted to outlaw Morphine in The Town in an effort to alleviate his wife's addiction to it, according to the Pathologic 2 demo. He was unsuccessful.[2]
  • Alexander also once attempted to outlaw Tourniquets in The Town in an effort to alleviate his wife's addiction to morphine. In this he was also unsuccessful.[3]
  • In unused dialogue from a Reflection, it is suggested that, like the Kains, the Saburovs also have a share in the wealth of the Bull Enterprise.[4]
  • Alexander is also able to hear the Rat Prophet that speaks to Katerina Saburova, implying that the Prophet speaks aloud to her. [5][6]
  • In the Day 7 Pantomime, when Aglaya Lilich calls upon Alexander, his English voice lines are instead spoken by Simon Law, who otherwise exclusively voices Mark Immortell in the English translation.[7] The reason for this is unknown.


  1. When Saburov returned with his young bride, my Katerina, there was no place for her in such a scheme.
  2. "Unsuccessfully banned within the limits of the town by governor Saburov, who was trying to alleviate his wife's addiction[...]" - Morphine Touch details, Pathologic 2
  3. "Alexander Saburov hoped to outlaw tourniquets in a desperate attempt to protect his Katerina from morphine addiction. What a silly idea. One can't just outlaw bands made out of rubber and leather." Tourniquet Touch details, Pathologic 2
  4. Inflation will be tallied up with care. There's yet plenty of heft to Master's purse, and more gold yet from Kains and Saburovs: They share in the Bull Enterprise. - Unused Reflection text for Big Vlad
  5. Alexander: I think she… communicates with something, some being. I'm not used to speaking about these matters. My mind tells me she is imagining it, but at times, I can hear it respond to her.
  6. Katerina Saburova is sick. And it seems like the governor can also hear the voices in her head. The power of love? Or something shadier? - Haruspex's Mind Map details
  7. All Pathologic 2 Pantomimes

Alexander Saburov (Александр Сабуров)
Governor (Комендант)
The Rod
Katerina Saburova (wife)
Clara (adopted daughter)
Body Part
Russian Voice
Dmitry Polonsky
English Voice
Titus Adam (Pathologic Classic HD)

Alexander Saburov is the husband of Katerina Saburova and is in charge of the Town's legal matters and criminal prosecution.


Appearance: A very tall man of a massive build, short black hair, rough features, usually a mocking expression on his face.

Personality: A composed intelligent man, who’d rather listen first, then express his opinion (not always in words). Rules exactly the same way. As a man who was granted with much authority from the very start he had enough willpower and wisdom not to lose it. An analyst with a good sense of humor. It might seem strange at first, that the ruler of the town de facto supports the Humbles, “the Plague’s faction”. Due to the current circumstances always rational Saburov started feeling insecure: the mystical origins of the events were too apparent. The misguided sense of responsibility got in his way: the ruler washed his hands of it and left all the decisions to the mystics, who should be more qualified to deal with all that’s happening.

From original Pathologic character concepts [1]

A quiet, intelligent man who prefers to listen rather than speak; he analyzes all interactions. He is an honest and stern ruler. Saburov is described as having a special kind of heroism, owing to his sense of incorruptible justice. Saburov first gained renown and respect after a large fire in the Skinner's district: he broke into burning houses, armed with nothing but a gaff, and extinguished the flames. He did not personally tell anyone about the incident—it became known by accident, along with his notoriety. He believes that any criminal must be punished fully and he does not let his own personal feelings affect his rulings or punishments.

While he is a rationalist, he shows a strong belief in the mystic powers of his wife. He has great respect for Katerina and consults her on all important matters. He takes her prophecies very seriously, and often forms opinion based on her visions.


The Saburovs are said to be a long lasting clan in the Town; however, only Alexander and Katerina currently remain. Many townsfolk see them as having fallen from grace; Katerina's inability to bear children and Alexander's political unpopularity leaves the Saburovs in disgrace, which motivates Alexander to seek means to improve his reputation and support his wife's visions and beliefs as a Mistress.

At the beginning of the story, both he and Katerina happily adopt Clara, believing her to be a representation of prophecy.


Alexander has short grey hair that he brushes back, and stern grey eyes. He wears a double breasted grey leather coat with a secondary dark grey pattern across his collar and front, with silver buttons. The coat has folded cuffs with a trim similar to his collar. He wears a purple cravat tucked into his collar, which obscures his shirt beneath. He wears black pants and matching black leather shoes.

Portrait Quotes

YuliaHDportrait.jpg "He is a husband worthy of his wife. Whatever power each one of the ruling houses possesses is predicated upon a kind of dependable amalgamation between the preternatural power wielded by the Mistress and the magisterial injunctions issued by the head of the family. However, Katerina is known to be sterile, which leaves Saburov with nothing but brute domineering. As soon as the moment is right, Saburov will attempt to seize absolute administrative power. In doing so he will compensate himself for the debilitating misery of his spouse."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on him.
RubinHDportrait.jpg "Alexander is a hero. When fire broke out in the Skinners, he took a pike pole into his own hands to break into burning houses, save people, and put out fire. That's just how it was. Curiously enough, he kept his incognito back then and emerged from the ordeal unrecognized; neither did he flaunt his feat later. The truth came out accidentally. That is a very typical situation; Alexander is just that—an everyday hero who often demands no credit."

- Stanislav Rubin's take on him.
"He is a husband worthy of his wife. Whatever power each one of the ruling houses possesses is predicated upon a kind of dependable amalgamation between the preternatural power wielded by the Mistress and the magisterial injunctions issued by the head of the family. However, Katerina is known to be sterile, which leaves Saburov with nothing but brute domineering. As soon as the moment is right, Saburov will attempt to seize absolute administrative power. In doing so he will compensate himself for the debilitating misery of his spouse."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on him.
"Alexander is a hero. When fire broke out in the Skinners, he took a pike pole into his own hands to break into burning houses, save people, and put out fire. That's just how it was. Curiously enough, he kept his incognito back then and emerged from the ordeal unrecognized; neither did he flaunt his feat later. The truth came out accidentally. That is a very typical situation; Alexander is just that—an everyday hero who often demands no credit."

- Stanislav Rubin's take on him.


Bachelor Route

On Day 1, the Bachelor visits Alexander Saburov, as directed by the patrolmen outside of Isidor Burakh's House Saburov believes the Haruspex to be responsible for Isidor Burakh's murder, and advises Bachelor to visit Yulia Lyuricheva in order to discuss possible steps the Bachelor can take.

On Day 2, Saburov ask for proof of the outbreak. The Bachelor delivers him the key to the Burakh house, and also tells him about the infected house that Lara Ravel had intended to use for her House of the Living. These moves assist Saburov in gaining emergency powers over the Town, acting as the sovereign governor until the outbreak is eliminated.

On Day 3, the Bachelor requests permission from Saburov to perform autopsies and dissections to proceed with producing a vaccine. He is redirected to Aspity after Saburov speaks to him regarding local beliefs about cutting flesh. If the Bachelor tries to dissect a dead body before this, he will be brought to the Rod under arrest, where he will he berated by Saburov.

On Day 4, Saburov asks for the Bachelor's assistance in dealing with the criminals of the town, who has taken to looting houses in burned districts. He asks Bachelor to investigate the Warehouses, starting with Bad Grief.

On Day 5, Bachelor attempts an appeal to Alexander to release the Haruspex, as well as individuals unfairly incarcerated for causing the plague, although he is unsuccessful. The Bachelor instead speaks to Katerina in order to release the Haruspex.

On Day 6, Saburov helps identify possible carriers of the Plague among the women of the town who may have entered the Cathedral the night before by suggesting the Bachelor conduct blood tests on several women in Town.

On Day 7, during a search for an Executor's costume for the Haruspex, the Bachelor will be able to speak to Saburov about acquiring an Executor Mask. Saburov assigned Peter Stamatin in charge of burials, and believes he should be in possession of such a mask.

On Day 12, as Saburov is part of the Changeling's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside his wing at the Rod, infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must heal Alexander with a Shmowder or a Panacea.

Haruspex Route

Despite the vitriolic opinion Saburov has for the Haruspex, his appearance throughout his route is very limited. On Day 2, the Haruspex will need to appeal to Alexander Saburov to recover the keys to his family home. Saburov makes it clear he would rather arrest the Haruspex due to his wife's visions. He nevertheless will hand over the house key.

On Day 12, as Saburov is part of the Changeling's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside his wing at the Rod, infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must heal Alexander with a Shmowder or a Panacea.

Changeling Route

Throughout the Changeling route, he orders her to find the cause of the epidemic. He is eager to find the criminal responsible, believing that a punishment or execution can save more people if they act quickly. When the town begins a rumour that a girl resembling Changeling is responsible for the outbreak and is a carrier, he and Katerina cast her out and leave her at the mercy of the Inquisitor.

On Day 7, Saburov asks the Changeling to investigate the plans of The Powers That Be and why the Bachelor and the Inquisitor were sent to the Town. He suspects that the Town was doomed from the start. Upon confirming the situation with the Haruspex, the Changeling returns to Saburov to discuss the fate of the Town. Saburov accept judgements from the Inquisitor, and the Changeling can find him guilty of failing his people, or innocent.

Changeling approaches both of her parents, speaking of their sins and that in a sacrifice they can heal the town. Alexander does not consider himself a guilty man at the beginning of the epidemic, but accepts responsibility for destroying the city as the days go forward - as he believes, "the ruler is always responsible for the suffering of the population." Alexander is ready to answer for his actions and sacrifices himself by the end of the Changeling route, and can be chosen for the blood sacrifice.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Alexander Saburov/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original 2005 English translation of the game, Alexander is occasionally referred to as "Commandant Alexander".
  • As with all Humbles, Alexander can be chosen as a sacrifice in the Changeling Route, but may also be chosen to be of the surviving two Bound.
  • Alexander's appearance is based on Gennady Kozlov, a russian actor [2].
