Easter eggs and references

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A number of references and Easter eggs have been included in all Pathologic games.

Easter Eggs

  • In the Warehouse district of Pathologic 2 a voice speaking in Russian can be heard coming from one of the buildings. This is a recording of Ice-Pick Lodge's lead Nikolay Dybowski doing a reading of Alexander Grin's "The Ratcatcher".[1]

Pathologic 2

The following is a list of media referenced in Pathologic 2 and Pathologic: The Marble Nest.

Religion and Religious Texts

  • "And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it", said by Clara, references Matthew 16:18 verse. [2]
  • Peter Stamatin quotes Psalms 91:5-6: "Thou shalt not fear the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday." [3]
  • The console commands for Baby "Baby_Adam_Entity" and "Baby_Eva_Entity" are a reference to Adam and Eve, the first humans in the creation myth of the Abrahamic religions.

Books and Poetry

  • "Iron—Cold Iron—shall be master of you all!" Do you know that poem?, said by a child at the Train Station, is a reference to Cold Iron by Rudyard Kipling; "But Iron -- Cold Iron -- shall be master of you all!".
  • "Oh, Dad. "I shall not wholly vanish, no." Always the sly fox…", said by the Haruspex in reply to Capella, is likely a reference to Pushkin's imitation of Horace's Ode 3.30 which is in turn a parody of Derzhavin's Russian imitation of Horace's ode. The line in the original Russian is "Ох, отец. «Так, весь я не умру»... Всегда был хитёр.", is a quote from Derzhavin's version; ‎«Так! — весь я не умру».
  • "Not to go on all-Fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?" and "Not to suck up Drink; that is the Law. Are you not Men?", said by The Kin in a conversation in the Termitary, is a reference to The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells, where a creature named the Sayer of the Law recites a strange litany called the Law which is as follows:

Not to go on all-fours; that is the Law. Are we not men?

Not to suck up Drink; that is the Law. Are we not men?

Not to eat Fish or Flesh; that is the Law. Are we not men?

Not to claw the Bark of Trees; that is the Law. Are we not men?

Not to chase other Men; that is the Law. Are we not men?

  • Andrey quotes The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio [5]
"And this pestilence was the more virulent for that, by communication with those who were sick thereof, it gat hold upon the sound, no otherwise than fire upon things dry or greasy, whenas they are brought very near thereunto. Nay, the mischief was yet greater…" And why was that, I wonder?"
Andrey Stamatin

  • In all both the Diurnal and Nocturnal Ending Mark Immortell quotes Taliesin, a Brythonic poet, in one of his lines to Artemy; "I have been in a multitude of shapes, before I assumed a consistent form." [6]
  • "Strike, if you will, but hear!", said by both the Haruspex and the Changeling is a quote from Themistolcles, an Athenian politician and general. It was originally recorded by Greek historian Plutarch.

Film and Television

  • Bad Grief's line "There was this story of a besieged town. People were starvin' there. One of them says, "That's it, I'm seein' angels." An' the other replies, "Can we eat them?"" is a reference to the 1979 film Apocalypse Now; "I'm sorry, Captain. It was just a little story. And people starving during the war. They are all around the table, and there was a silence, somebody say "An angel is passing by." So somebody say "Let's eat it!"


  • “Tomorrow is cancelled, as well as all subsequent days.” found in the Late Ending is a reference to a line Hamletmachine; "Tomorrow is cancelled.".
  • The alpha touch quote for Blood, "Blood is one of the primal elements. It bears life and death. Blood is compulsory." is a reference to Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead; "Blood is compulsory- they're all blood, you see." The Feverish Feeling ARG quotes several lines from this play directly.

Other Ice-Pick Lodge Games and Media

"This is a game to be played in silence. Two hours before sunrise, gather the guests. Everybody chooses a human for themselves. After that, the guests should move silently through the house. All the guests are focused on their own business. Sooner or later you will hear a voice: 'Here birdies, gather around the marble nest.' Then everyone should freeze in place. If the rustling continues, that means the game is over and you should stop immediately. The invisible one is among you."
Summary displayed after completing the level 'Everything's Alive'

  • In the Trammel on Day 6 a girl called Voronika can be found. She was first introduced in the Pathologic Alternate-Reality-Game (ARG) Feverish Feeling. She shares a model with other sickly Starlings, likely a reference to the mysterious illness she details having contracted in her emails.
  • An ice pick can be seen in an out of bounds area within the Abattoir, located near the Herb Brides and hostile Blood Worms. It cannot be interacted with or used as a weapon, and pays homage to the name of Pathologic’s developers.


The following is a list of media referenced in Pathologic.

Religion and Religious Texts

  • Captain Longin's name is a possible reference to Longinus, the Roman Centurion who pierced the side of Jesus with a spear in the Christian tradition.

Books and Poetry

  • Captain Longin's name is a possible reference to Longinus, the Roman Centurion who pierced the side of Jesus with a spear in the Christian tradition. Longin also goes by the name Patrocles, a character from Greek mythology, mainly known for Homer's Iliad. [7]
  • The original Russian title Мор. Утопия, tr. Mor. Utopiya, lit. 'Pestilence. Utopia is a reference to Utopia by Thomas More.

Film and Television

  • In his line "I see ships aflame, traversing the islands of the Orion." Khan quotes a line from 1982 Ridley Scott film Blade Runner; "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."[8]

Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld

The Bound would occasionally quote maxims of Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld, a french essayist and writer.

Aglaya Lilich There is an eternal order that Fate itself has predetermined. It is due to this order that things happen the way they should, following a preordained path.
Alexander Block Luck and temper rule the world.
Alexander Saburov Neither the sun nor death can be looked at without winking.
Andrey Stamatin All which is counterfeit displeases us with the very things which charm us in the original.
Fortune appears so blind to none as to those to whom she has done no good.
Aspity He who distrusts himself is better off silent.
We frequently do good to enable us, with impunity, to do evil.
Bachelor Truth does not do as much good in the world as the appearance of truth does evil.
Big Vlad Fortune turns to all things to the advantage of those on whom she smiles.
Lucky people are bad hands at correcting their faults. They always believe that they're right when Fortune backs up their vice or folly.
Capella It's hard for us to believe in things that lie outside of our scope.
Changeling However astute, you are unable to fathom the extent of the evil you're doing.
Eva Yan We sometimes differ more widely from ourselves than we do from others.
Georgiy Kain Most men only die because they know not how to prevent dying.
In growing old, we become more foolish and more wise.

Few people know death. We only endure it, usually from determination and even from stupidity and custom.
However brilliant an action, it should not be esteemed great unless the result of a great motive.

Haruspex In truth, we're not powerless. Just will-less.
Katerina Saburova Only in things of small value; they usually are bold enough not to trust to appearances.
Lara Ravel Clemency is born not out of virtue, but rather of fear.
It is not so dangerous to do wrong to most men as to do them too much good.
Maria Kaina The caprice of our temper is even more whimsical than that of fortune.
Great souls are not those who have fewer passions and more virtues than the common, but only those who have greater designs.
Mark Immortell We have sufficient strength to support the misfortunes of others.
We find very few ungrateful people when we are able to confer favors.
It is sometimes necessary to play the fool to avoid being deceived by cunning men.
When we do not find peace of mind in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
A man would rather say evil of himself than say nothing.
Our disillusionment is often a delight to both friends and enemies.
There is great ability in knowing how to conceal one's ability.
Only knowing our fortune in advance could we predict our conduct.
Even the wisest of men may be so indifferent in ordinary matters, but they are seldom so in their most serious affairs.
Peter Stamatin Truth is foundation and the reason of the perfection of beauty.
We easily forget those faults which are known only to ourselves.
We fear everything as mortals do, and desire everything as if we were immortal.
There are fine things which are more brilliant when unfinished, than when finished too much.
Stanislav Rubin Perfect valor is to do without witness what one would do before all the world.
Victor Kain The true way to be deceived is to think oneself more knowing than others.
It is far easier to be wise for others than to be so for oneself.
If we conquer our passions, it is only from their weakness than from our strength.
Vlad the Younger It is easier to govern others than to prevent being governed.
Who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks.
Interests speaks all sorts of tongues and plays all kinds of characters, even that of disinterest.
We promise according to our hopes. We perform according to our fears.
Yulia Lyuricheva As the mind endeavors to reach one goal, the heart insensibly drags us toward another.
There are unseen connections looking through the capricity and tenuity that the world seems to be made of.
The most subtle folly grows out of the most subtle wisdom.


References to Pathologic in Other Media

The Void (Тургор)

  • In the Pharynx Mine, there is an entrance to a secret chamber that contains a sandbox, referencing the hidden room of The Powers That Be.
  • In the Memory and Hull Gardens, there is a doll - one who's appearance matches that of the default NPC portrait from Pathologic - hanging from a tree branch emitting faint murmuring sounds.
  • In the kitchen in Ole's Cradle, if you climb the stove and touch the kettle with a drop of colour, a cell with a bathtub full of brown twyre can be found.

This Is The Police

  • Alphyna Bering, the secondary antagonist of Rebel Cops (which is a spinoff of the This Is The Police series) is named after Alexandra "Alphyna" Golubeva, lead narrative designer of Wargaming and former narrative lead of Ice-Pick Lodge.[9]
  • In Rebel Cops, there is a collectible item called the "Ice-Pick Lodge Alarm Clock", which can be sold in game.[10]
