Bad Grief

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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Grigory Filin (Григорий Филин)
Bad Grief (Гриф)
Pawns (Marble Nest)
Deceased (Marble Nest)
Bad Grief's Nest
Russian Voice
Dmitry Polonsky
English Voice
Alex D'Attoma

Grigory Filin, better known as Bad Grief, is the head of the criminal underworld in Town and a smuggler. Officially, he's considered a "shopkeeper", as he works under the Olgimsky's administration. He sells weapons and illegally made twyrine in the Warehouses.


Grief dreams of not being ordered about by anyone (neither people nor, say, the steppe monsters, of which he has a slight superstitious fear). He prefers humiliating an enemy to really, reliably finishing them off (this isn’t humanism, just another side to his love of beauty). He’s a little playful in everything he does, but his is not an intellectual playfulness—more of the contrary, the natural antics of someone who is, in a certain sense, naïve. He’s an “anti-Immortell” who runs an “anti-Theatre” at the Warehouses, his outlaw domain.

A general air of mockery. He knows something highly compromising about you; he knows the nets you’ve let yourself get caught in—and he relishes knowing it before you do. He may sneer and grimace, cocking his head to one side and then the other, as if appraising you like merchandise.

From the game's design documents

Bad Grief is a poetic man who speaks in theatrics and metaphors. He is rarely serious and makes his job appear easy. Truthfully Bad Grief holds a tight grip over his reputation among his men - one that he occasionally finds slipping. Bad Grief has his finger on the pulse of the Town and is familiar with most of its gossip and rumour-mill.


During his childhood Bad Grief was friends with Lara Ravel (nicknamed Gravel), Artemy Burakh (the Haruspex), and Stanislav Rubin (more often called Stakh). Artemy claims that they used to disappear for weeks, enjoying their freedom in a way that children of the Town normally cannot, according to Khan. When they were children he used to be the one who would goad the Haruspex into doing "crazy stunts". Grief eventually became the leader of The Town's underground criminal element. He rules over the Warehouses, existing beyond Big Vlad's otherwise watchful eye. It is due to his chosen lifestyle that his relationship with Stakh Rubin and Lara Ravel became strained.

Bad Grief has been the ruler of the underground criminal element for some time. He has since fallen out with a faction of his gang, losing people to Barley the Barber as they disagreed with the superstition surrounding knives in the Town.

Before turning to crime, Bad Grief used to be a clocksmith.[1]


Bad Grief has bright red hair that sticks up from his head and grey eyes. He has freckles all across his face. He wears a heavy grey coat over a salmon-coloured button-up shirt, which is covered by a green damask vest patched with leather. He wears brown fingerless gloves and a green necktie, and his shirt is not tucked in. His trousers are brown with a green shade, and he wears heavy brown workboots.


Haruspex Route

My path was not called 'The Spider'. No, think wider. It was 'The Silkworm'! The end of a railroad, I pulled strings firm; unaware someone more cunning pulled mine upstairs.

As one of the Haruspex's childhood friends Bad Grief is one of the few people he can turn to upon his return to the Town. During the hunt for the Shabnak-Adyg one of Grief's men, Piecework, is injured with a Lockpick. Grief first asked for the aid of Stanislav Rubin, but was ignored. Instead, he requests that the Haruspex helps him. The Haruspex agrees, and says that he will bring back whatever it was that injured Piecework. Upon the Haruspex's return Bad Grief can either discover that the Haruspex saved Piecework and has returned with the bloody lockpick that was buried in his stomach, or, he may discover that the Haruspex killed Piecework. If he discovered the latter he remarks that he is now going to have to keep an eye on the Haruspex.

Following the Haruspex's reunion with all three of his childhood friends he, alongside Lara Ravel, decide to attempt to get them together again. He sets up a meeting place and time for them to meet - the old place by the Apple Road - and invites Grief to attend. Grief, with some reluctance due to his since strained relationship with Lara and Rubin, does show when midnight comes. He is concerned with how the outbreak of the Sand Plague will effect his gang and his work as he knows his grip on them will slip away with the upcoming chaos. He knows that a crisis such as theirs will cause hungry people to turn to burglary and murder, and he knows that the Town will quickly grow comfortable with death. Grief is familiar with the crude and dark sides of humanity, and sees trouble in his future.

When Rubin comes to him needing a place to hide from the eyes of the Kin Bad Grief allows him to stay in an abandoned Warehouse beside Bad Grief's Nest. When the Haruspex comes poking around looking for Rubin he accidentally gives Rubin's location away by referring to him as his neighbour.

On the day before the arrival of the Inquisitor the Haruspex asks Bad Grief to help him destroy the tracks so that the State Inquisitors train can never arrive. Though he initially agrees Grief later decides to light a signal fire by the tracks, summoning the train rather than deterring it. He desperately does not want the railroad destroyed. He also believes that the arrival of the Inquisitor will aid in cleaning up the Town and invites it, even despite the reality that he will be one of the first to show their guilt to an Inquisitor.

Following the arrival of the Inquisitor Bad Grief is called to the Cathedral. He speaks with the Inquisitor and, in doing so, appears to lose his mind. He believes that he has been uselessly struggling against his pre-determined fate his whole life, and is now exhausted, not wanting to fight it anymore. He believes that he is a puppet that some higher power plays with. He believes that he, unlike the Haruspex, only has one path to take. Wishing to turn over a new leaf and leave his old life behind Bad Grief asks the Haruspex to close his Warehouse and disperse the remaining members of his gang. The Haruspex does so, killing Barley the Barber - who did not want to leave - in the process. Grief laments that the Haruspex had to dirty his hands for his sake, but gives the Haruspex an old shotgun for his troubles. He claims it was one he used to carry for show and has never been fired.

In the Dirunal Ending Bad Grief sits alongside Lara, on the Stairway to Heaven above Rubin. He claims he has a new perspective on time.

In the Nocturnal Ending Bad Grief flees the Town with many of the Utopians and Humbles.

The Marble Nest

Bad Grief, a local thief, used to hide here. But one can't steal themselves from Death.

Bad Grief died prior to the events of The Marble Nest.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Bad Grief/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • His English nickname, "Bad Grief", is a play on the term "good grief", an exclamation of shock and disbelief.[2]
  • His Russian nickname, Гриф, translates to "vulture".[3] An alternative pronunciation is "Gryph", similar to his original translated name in Pathologic (2005). His hideout is called his nest, further reinforcing his bird motif.
  • Bad Grief will only appear at Aspity's Hospice on Day 5 if he was not infected at midnight.
  • Bad Grief is never seen standing, not even in the Theatre of Death or the meeting on Day 3 by the Apple Basket.


  1. I used to think that I understood it, but it's only now I truly do. I used to be the clocksmith, oilin' the Town's gears… and I'll stay a clocksmith, only a different kind. You see?
  2. Merriam Webster - Good Grief
  3. Russian Wikipedia - Грифы

Grigory Filin (Григорий Филин)
Bad Grief (Гриф)
Bad Grief's Lair
Russian Voice
Dmitry Polonsky
English Voice
Rob Corpuz (Pathologic Classic HD)

Grigory Filin, better known as Bad Grief, is the head of the criminal world in Town and a smuggler. He sells weapons and illegal twyrine tinctures.


In the novel this character doesn’t appear as significant as he truly is. He resembles Clopin Trouillefou: he is either the king of the underworld or the chief of a jesters feast. He sneers, grimaces, theatricalizes, speaks in riddles. Like Ivan the Terrible, he likes to poor-mouth and make a sight of himself, often acts as a wretched stupid and weak person while enjoying the fact that he is in the position to afford to pull this off. He always plays to the gallery.

Bad Grief is in the control of the Town’s underworld. In the underground catacombs beneath the warehouses he has the say-so, and while in town his power is hardly present, it slithers like invisible tentacles and seizes those who get into its way.

From original Pathologic character concepts [1]

Bad Grief is notorious in Town for his criminal activities, including weapons smuggling and alcohol distilling. However, he is not without principles; he and his associates never attack people with knives and razors, and they abide by a rule of no killing. As it turns out during the course of the game, it is revealed that it is Barley the Barber who is responsible for the night robberies. Grief seems to honor local traditions, only allowing flesh to be cut by those with special status, namely menkhu and butchers.

Spoiler warning: Significant plot details about the Changeling route follow.
However, in the Changeling's scenario this is revealed to be a lie: after using hypnosis on Bad Grief, he admits that he was behind the killings, but was able to place the blame on Barley. He explains that he wanted to see what it was like to take a life.
Significant plot details about the Changeling route end here.


Some time prior to the events of Pathologic, Barley the Barber broke away from Bad Grief's gang, and in so doing, became his enemy.


Bad Grief is an older man with short red hair cut short and bloodshoot grey eyes. He wears a black sleeved dress with cuffed sleevs and a short brown wool vest over his torso. A brown scarf is wrapped around his neck, and he wears black gloves. He wears what appear to be denim pants and laced brown boots.

In beta release screenshots of the original Pathologic, Bad Grief can be seen wearing a black suit with a dark blue shirt.

Portrait Quotes

PeterHDportrait.jpg "What is he? A store keeper that neither keeps nor stores. He's got a whole community of birds of his feather there. Somehow they manage the warehouse business past Big Vlad's pocket. They accept twyre-gatherers and throat-cutters as their brethren; uncharacteristically of the locals, sometimes they put their knives to use. But really, their twyrine is something else..."

- Peter Stamatin's take on him.
YoungvladHDportrait.jpg "His real name is Grigory Filin. The thieves call him Big Bad Grief, even though he's merely a nuisance. Grief is the kingpin of the shady world. Name any prohibited item—and rest assured they're selling it. Father has no choice but to tolerate him; somehow these loafers managed to get a firm grip over the workmen community. If only we had direct communication options with them, there would be no need for those parasite middlemen... or should I say meddlemen?"

- Vlad the Younger's take on him.
"What is he? A store keeper that neither keeps nor stores. He's got a whole community of birds of his feather there. Somehow they manage the warehouse business past Big Vlad's pocket. They accept twyre-gatherers and throat-cutters as their brethren; uncharacteristically of the locals, sometimes they put their knives to use. But really, their twyrine is something else..."

- Peter Stamatin's take on him.
"His real name is Grigory Filin. The thieves call him Big Bad Grief, even though he's merely a nuisance. Grief is the kingpin of the shady world. Name any prohibited item—and rest assured they're selling it. Father has no choice but to tolerate him; somehow these loafers managed to get a firm grip over the workmen community. If only we had direct communication options with them, there would be no need for those parasite middlemen... or should I say meddlemen?"

- Vlad the Younger's take on him.


Bachelor Route

On Day 2, as the Bachelor tries to help Eva Yan and the Stamatin brothers escape Town, Andrey tells him to retireve a Revolver from Bad Grief to protect themselves. The Bachelor speaks to Bad Grief in his lair and tells him “Andrey is going to the kennel" as some sort of password. Bad Grief laughs about the misfortune Andrey must have befallen, and hands over the revolver.

On Day 4, Bad Grief asks the Bachelor to deal with a former colleague, and directs him to the warehouse with Barley the Barber inside to deal with him, as he has been having complications with his former gang member.

On Day 5, as the Bachelor needs to break the Haruspex from the prison Alexander Saburov jailed him in, Bad Grief is able to provide a solution, where he sends several of his men to rush the building and stage a prison break. None of his men will survive the rush, but Bad Grief does not seem to hold ill harbour to the Bachelor for the occurrence.

On Day 12, as Bad Grief is one of the Changeling's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of Bad Grief's Nest] with Grief infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give Grief a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure him.

Haruspex Route

On Day 1, the Haruspex visits the lair and help Bad Grief with a troublesome Doghead. Depending on how the Haruspex chooses to deal with the Doghead, he will be rewarded by the criminals. Later in the day, Vlad the Younger will direct the Haruspex to Bad Grief's Nest to speak with him once more. Upon speaking with Bad Grief, Haruspex will learn that someone is looking for him.

On Day 2, if the Haruspex chooses, he may ask for Bad Grief's help with the muggers hanging around Notkin's warehouse. Bad Grief will allow the Haruspex to use some of his men for his task.

On Day 12, as Bad Grief is one of the Changeling's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of Bad Grief's Nest] with Grief infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give Grief a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure him.

Changeling Route

On Day 4, Alexander Saburov suspects Bad Grief was responsible for starting the Plague by dumping infected corpses in the river. When spoken to, Bad Grief insists upon his innocence, but refuses to answer honestly. He instead tells the Changeling to speak with Notkin for his alibi. Notkin remarks that Bad Grief - real name Grigory Filin - seems to be more involved in brewing illegal "black twyrine" rather than spreading the plague. However, with the newfound secret of his real name, the Changeling tries to hypnotize Bad Grief into cooperating, but Bad Grief wards away her magic with a special Steppe necklace that he wears. He will ask Changeling to steal a bag from Barley the Barber that will prove his innocence, and then he will decide to cooperate. The bag contains the severed head of Captain Wolf, the leading commander of Alexander Saburov's patrolmen. Upon this discovery, Alexander arranges for plans to arrest Barley the Barber.

With Bad Grief distracted, she is able to hypnotize him, and learns that while he is not responsible for dumping corpses in the river, it was him who killed Captain Wolf, as he and his men started the stabbings at night, claiming he couldn't resist the temptation. If the Changeling tells Saburov that Bad Grief is guilty of committing a crime, he will become infected at midnight and an Executor will be found standing in front of Bad Grief's Nest every day until the end of the game, unless he is cured with a Shmowder or Panacea.

On Day 11, as one of the Changeling's Bound, Bad Grief may be chosen to be spoken to in relation to the main quest. She will ask him if he is prepared to face what he has done, and promises him redemption in death. Bad Grief expresses concern that he will not be remembered as he wishes, but hopes that he will be redeemed in death no matter what.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Bad Grief/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original English translation of the game, his name was written as "Gryph".
  • Grief's surname, Filin, means 'eagle owl' in Russian; his nickname, Grief, is formed from the first syllables of his first and last names (Grigory Filin), and means 'vulture'.
  • His English name, 'Bad Grief', is a pun on the phrase 'good grief', an exclamation of surprise and dismay.
  • As with all Humbles, Bad Grief can be chosen as a sacrifice in the Changeling Route, but may also be chosen to be of the surviving two Bound.
  • Bad Grief's appearance is based on Yuri Reiser, who previously worked for Ice-Pick Lodge.
