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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

The sigil representing the Udurgh

The Udurgh (Удург), or 'the Eighth', is a body that contains a world. It is a concept represented by the Steppe Khandro sigil.[1]


The Udurgh is "the body that contains a world". It refers to something that consists of many parts. It is also likened to a big body, or a body that contains other things. The Udurgh is a living thing, and not simply an object. The Udurgh brand literally means "flesh" and pertains to a vessel that can carry a spirit around and allow it to walk the earth.

The Haruspex wishes to protect it due to the notes left by his father.



Bachelor Route

On Day 1, while exploring the Town, a Girl will tell the Bachelor that the Abattoir is dangerous because it houses an "unburied udurgh". She tells him that it is a large creature which produces sticky yellow tar that keeps the Sky attached to the Earth.

Haruspex Route

On Day 2, the Haruspex retrieves his inheritance from Aspity. The inheritance includes the ‹^› brand, and a passage from Isidor Burakh's diaries swearing protection to "[V], whose brand is in the box".

On Day 3, the Haruspex must learn the meaning of the brand. While he is unable to confirm this information, he learns that he must speak to Foreman Oyun to learn more.

On Day 8, the Haruspex discovers that the brand refers to an "Udurgh", or "The Body that Contains the World". While speaking to Aspity, Taya Tycheek, Oyun, and the Mistresses, the Haruspex learns that the term could apply to both the Town or to Simon Kain, whose spirit has entered the Polyhedron. In the case of the notes left by his father, it refers to the Town, fed and nurtured by living blood.

On Day 10, the Haruspex and Bachelor disagree on the meaning of the "Udurgh". Unlike Foreman Oyun who believes that Udurgh is the settlement, the Bachelor believes that the Udurgh was Simon Kain, who had such an influence on the Town he may as well have been called a "body that contains a world." He asks the Haruspex to ask the Mistresses about his theory. Capella is skeptical about the interpretation but does agree that it is a possible interpretation of an Udurgh. Katerina is much the same, implying that both interpretations are possible. Satisfied with the possibility that Simon may be his Udurgh, the Bachelor then concludes that there is a possibility that the Udurgh can therefore possibly be the Polyhedron, too (due to its use as a Focus).

Pathologic 2

Act 2

On Day 2, the Haruspex receives a note from Aspity along with his father's things, setting out a list of children his father met with before his death. The list also includes a strange symbol listed as the Eighth. The Haruspex does not recognise the symbol. During a dream, the Haruspex meets these children and discusses the Eighth. All they can advise is that the Udurgh is everywhere, and their fate is tied to his in some manner.

Act 3

On Day 4, the Haruspex tries to find the meaning of the "Udurgh". He visists Aspity, who explains that the meaning is a "body that contains the world", such as the legend of Bos Turokh. However, they agree that the symbol does not refer to the legendary bull, but likely something equally complex that could not otherwise be described. He also learns from Rubin that the symbol is used to brand bulls, and From Vlad the Younger that he believes the "udurgh" is a sacrificial bull. As Vlad understands, a bull's body mirrors the universe featured in the Steppe creation myth. However, Vlad admits that Foreman Oyun would be better suited to answering the question. Oyun is believed to be trapped in the locked Termitary, and is therefore unreachable.

On Day 5, after testing Bull's Blood with Daniil Dankovsky, the Haruspex dreams about Taya Tycheek. Taya cannot confirm anything he doesn't already know, and asks him to visit the Udurgh's Ear, located in Shekhen. After 07:30 on Day 6, he is able to do so. Living Blood is found spilling out of the ear. The blood allows two vials of prototype Panacea to be made, but the Haruspex is yet to confirm the identity of the Udurgh.

Act 4

On Day 7, the Haruspex is able to return to Shekhen and meet Oyun. Oyun is avoidant when answering any questions, and directs him to the Termitary. The Haruspex has little choice but to go along with this to learn anything else.

On Day 9, the Haruspex enters the Abattoir. Following the path opened to him on that day, he passes and fights Worms guarding wells of Living Blood they claim to be from the earth; finds Herb Brides, who dance with the Plague; forges and speaks to a heart, Zurkhen's small chamber, who advises him that the sacrificial bull blood poured into the earth gave it life; and jumps into a great pit, which leads him to tunnels of flesh. Upon following the tunnels, the Haruspex finds a giant heart. The heart is close to being speared by a metal spike, which is already blood-soaked from piercing the flesh surrounding it. He is able to speak to the heart, Zurkhen's big chamber, and confirm that it is the living heart of a giant creature. It is the heart of the Udurgh, the living town, and it is close to death.

On Day 11, the Haruspex is required to consider his definition of the Udurgh, and which he wants to save. To get more Living Blood for the Panacea, he would need to have the Polyhedron destroyed, removing the spike of its base from the soil and allowing blood to flow. This would kill the Living Earth. However, not doing this would ensure the death of a large number of living people. It is up to the Haruspex to choose which he wishes to save.

The udurgh is the Living Earth. I choose her. Ancient aurochs return from the depths of time.


The udurgh is living people. I choose them. The sand pest will be eradicated forever.
[The Haruspex]



Pathologic 2


  • The Udurgh remains in danger throughout Pathologic 2. In the Diurnal Ending, the Udurgh is listed as dead. In the Nocturnal Ending, the Udurgh is listed as alive.


  1. Do you know what an udurgh is? What does the Khandro sigil stand for? - Pathologic 2