Vlad the Younger

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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Vladislav Olgimsky Jr (Младший Владислав Ольгимский)
Vlad the Younger (Младший Влад)
Bull Enterprise
Pieces (Marble Nest)
Dilapidated Shack
The Broken Heart
The Lump*
Big Vlad (father)
Victoria Olgimskaya (mother)
Capella (younger sister)
Russian Voice
Alexander Dziuba
English Voice
Adam Wakeling

Vladislav Olgimsky Jr, also known as Vlad the Younger, is the oldest child and heir to the Olgimsky family.


A failed reformer and “luckless weaver”. His life’s goal is an attempt to turn the Kin into the Town. In other words, he’s similar to those naïve landowners who sought to “enlighten” the peasants, teaching them French and the use of handkerchiefs.

Vlad the Younger’s role in the plot is a middleman. His general manner is nervous, apprehensive and suspicious—but not cowardly, twitchy or paranoid. He’s clever, he’s the heir to the ruling family, and his selfcontrol is quite good.
From the game's design documents

Vlad the Younger is a cautious man, keeping his business close to his chest. He is generally polite, preferring to look and sound the part of a perfect businessman. To him, his duty and his business comes before anything else. He believes that respect and dignity are the most efficient ways to control a workforce. Many of the Townsfolk see him as pleasant, though incompetent. He shows a deep interest in the lore and customs of the Kin.


Vlad the Younger has ashy platinum blond hair, almost grey, that is brushed back over his scalp. He has dark brown eyes. He has a moustache over his upper lip, and often stares intensely at whoever he speaks with. He has a habit of touching his face when deep in thought. His jacket is a dark brown, with a dulled blue knit sweater underneath, with black gloves and heavy Western boots. He wears a large key as a necklace around his neck.


Vlad the Younger has a strained relationship with his family. He dislikes his father and is cited as one of the few people who did not love his mother[1]. He has been moulded by his father into an heir to continue their families capital, to uphold the reputation and income of the Bull Enterprise. He disagrees with his fathers rule and with many of his methods, causing tension in their relationship. Some time before the beginning of Pathologic 2 Vlad the Younger was put in charge of The Town's water distribution.[2]


Haruspex Route

My path was called "The Blood of the Earth."' Well, I found out what comes from where… and the conclusions are obvious.

On the second day Vlad the Younger is in Broken Heart. While speaking to the Haruspex he reveals that he holds some jealously over the Haruspex's positive relationship with his father Isidor, and that he wishes he did not have the obligations his family (namely, his father) imposes on him. If the Haruspex has already been to Isidor Burakh's House and found the Note, he'll reveal he was the one to allow Isidor access to the old factory building, and ask that he not talk about it to Big Vlad.

Vlad the Younger employs a number of his workers to build a well in a vacant house, curious to defy the taboo of digging within the Town. He becomes paranoid about what he may find beneath the soil, apprehensive of the Town's fears.

Prior to the outbreak Vlad the Younger locked up the Termitary, trapping the workers inside as he feared the wrath of an upcoming strike. Following the Sand Plague outbreak, however, unbeknownst to him, the Sand Plague has already infected the Termitary, killing most of the Kin inside. Following the arrival of the Inquisitor the Termitary is unlocked, revealing the fate of the Termitary to the Town. Upon finding this out Vlad the Younger goes gladly to the Termitary for judgement and, if he is not stopped by either Big Vlad or the Haruspex, will die.

In the Diurnal Ending Vlad the Younger can be found in the Cape, standing with Big Vlad by the statue of his mother Victoria Olgimskaya. He will reveal to the Haruspex that he plans to rework the Bull Enterprise by implementing eight-hour workday, forbidding child labour, giving his workers insurance, allowing for benefits for disabled workers, and increasing their pay.

In the Nocturnal Ending Vlad the Younger flees the Town with a number of the Utopians and Humbles.

Pathologic: The Marble Nest

Olgimsky's heir works for the Committee so much that I barely see him.

Vlad the Younger is stated to still be alive but in danger in The Marble Nest, and works for the Committee.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Vlad the Younger/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • His complete name is Vladislav.
  • Capella notices that her brother is a frequent visitor to Broken Heart ever since the death of their mother, implying Vlad Jr is struggling with alcoholism.[3]
  • Though it does not seem to have carried over to Pathologic 2, in Pathologic Young Vlad had the nickname "Charon", referring to the Greek and Roman ferryman of the dead, who requires a payment before he will take a soul down to the underworld.


  1. No. I don't think the words to describe her exist in any human language. Care? Protection? Concern? Warmth? Regard? Tenderness? Love? This is stupid. And wrong. Wrong. Personally, I've never been too close to her, you know. I guess you could even say I was the only person who did not love her...
  2. Vlad the Younger manages the water bearers now, but he's a simpleton.
  3. I think he's in the Broken Heart now. In the Earth district. Actually, he frequents the place… ever since Mother died.

Vladislav Olgimsky Jr (Младший Владислав Ольгимский)
Vlad the Younger (Младший Влад)
Charon (Харон)
Dilapidated Shack, Knots Quarter
Big Vlad (father)
Victoria Olgimskaya (mother)
Capella (younger sister)
Body Part
Map ID
Russian Voice
Dmitry Polonsky
English Voice
Rob Corpuz (Pathologic Classic HD)

Vladislav Olgimsky Jr, also known as Vlad the Younger, is the oldest child and heir to the Olgimsky family.


Appearance: He is not as big as his father, but he did inherit some robustness. Of average height, has a stocky build. A calm, resolute, inscrutable face. Large, heavy hands. Expressionless eyes. A large forehead. Vlad cuts his hair very short. Talks softly and insinuatingly.

Pose: Standing with his hands folded at his waist, head tilted slightly to the side.
Personality: Vlad's personality is a paradox. He loves money and measures everything by it, but at the same time, he is not a tightwad. He gambles, but always with an allotted amount of money. He doesn't dig himself into a hole. In his world view, money has remained true to its pure intent - an abstract system of putting a value to that which is dealt with on a daily basis. Vlad is one of the most willful characters in the game. He has phenomenal self-control. He has a very serious approach towards his responsibilities. He always keeps his word. If he decided to do something, he sees it through the end. Vlad is reliable. He is cynical, but very charming. He has a good sense of humor, though it’s tainted with cynicism. He often attracts the attention of women, and society generally views him as a pleasant fellow. He is very business-like.

From original Pathologic character concepts [1]

Despite being set to inherit his family's power, the younger Olgimsky and his father, Big Vlad, have a very strained relationship. He is quite estranged from his sister, too, but both siblings still love each other.

The cause of this tension is his relations with the Steppe people: Vlad the Younger studies the local culture and language, treating them respectfully (for example, local Worms regularly visit his home). Big Vlad believes that treating the "half-animal" workers politely will result in a loss of power and control, which is dangerous for a potential heir. Despite his father's hostility, he does not reciprocate the negative feelings.

Though he is more humane than his father, he is capable of pragmatic cruelty if he feels it necessary.[2]

Vlad Jr. shows a deep interest in the lore and customs of the local Steppe, and lives in the site of an ongoing archaeological dig.


Vlad the Younger was born far away from the Town, in a place somewhere in the eastern region. Years later he along with his mother moved to the Town, where they resided in the Lump.

Learning about the outbreak of the Sand Plague, and believing it might have originated from Termitary, Vlad the Younger attempted to convince his father to lock it up to prevent the outbreak from spreading. However, Big Vlad didn't believe there was an outbreak and refused to do so. Vlad the Younger then decided to take matters into his own hands, and fueled a riot inside the Termitary, resulting in a formal lock up that is implemented at times of unrest. This decision caused the death of many workers, who died of hunger or fell victims of cannibalism. The surviving workers disposed of the bodies by throwing them out the windows and into the river. Eventually, the Termitary is unlocked by order of the Inquisitor.

When Big Vlad learned of his son's scheming, he went into a rage, but in the event of having to give any explanation, he attributes the whole affair to himself.


Vlad the Younger has a square shaped face, grey eyes, short blond hair, and a wiry moustache on his upper lip. He wears a brown suit with a closed grey dress shirt beneath. He stands with his shoulders pushed back and has a very intense stare.

Portrait Quotes

LaraHDportrait.jpg "Why does nobody notice how hardworking he is? He works all the time. Everything he does, he does for the family, even if his father won't admit it. Yes, he chose to study the Kin instead of the intricacies of economy—and he already knows it way better than his father. He'll grow to be a better manager and a better ruler that would make do without a whip, violence, abuse, victims, and riots..."

- Lara Ravel's take on him.
BigvladHDportrait.jpg "A high-stepper. Instead of settling down and helping me manage the industry, he'd rather dabble in the local fairy tales. This loafer's most refined skill is wasting my money. He's rather quick-witted when it comes to business, I'll grant him that; all the more shame on him for casting everything on his father. And to think he took after me."

- Big Vlad's take on him.
"Why does nobody notice how hardworking he is? He works all the time. Everything he does, he does for the family, even if his father won't admit it. Yes, he chose to study the Kin instead of the intricacies of economy—and he already knows it way better than his father. He'll grow to be a better manager and a better ruler that would make do without a whip, violence, abuse, victims, and riots..."

- Lara Ravel's take on him.
"A high-stepper. Instead of settling down and helping me manage the industry, he'd rather dabble in the local fairy tales. This loafer's most refined skill is wasting my money. He's rather quick-witted when it comes to business, I'll grant him that; all the more shame on him for casting everything on his father. And to think he took after me."

- Big Vlad's take on him.


Bachelor Route

On Day 1, while investigating the deaths of Simon Kain and Isidor Burakh, the Bachelor will learn that Big Vlad has a son who knows more about the Kin. When exiting Big Vlad's Wing of the Lump, the Bachelor will see a Worm running down the roads. If he follows the Worm, he will arrive at the Dilapidated Shack, which is where Vlad Jr. is staying. Vlad Jr. is not surprised at having been found in a location that should have otherwise been a secret. Vlad Jr. tells the Bachelor of a peculiar incident that occurred in the Spleen where a group of children playing in a sandbox were found with bloody hands, though neither child was injured, nor distressed at all. He asks the Bachelor what he makes of the strange happening. The Bachelor approaches the situation with some scepticism, a trait Vlad Jr. admires for. Vlad Jr., knowing that the Bachelor is an outsider and therefore likely unused to the customs and locations in the Town, explains both the Termitary and the Bull Enterprise to him. He suspects that an uprising in the Termitary may be connected to the deaths of Isidor Burakh and Simon Kain. He informs the Bachelor that he locked the Termitary to quell the unrest and, suspecting that the disease begun in the Termitary, halt the spread of their unknown illness. Vlad Jr. then informs the Bachelor that one of the members of the Kin - a man he calls a Butcher - escaped from the lockdown. Vlad Jr. suspects the Butcher has something to do with the murders and, as such, directs the Bachelor to investigate. The Bachelor may choose to accept or refuse the request. If he accepts and kills the Butcher, he can return to Vlad Jr. for a monetary reward.

On Day 2, when asked by the Bachelor if he believes believes the Town is facing an epidemic hazard Vlad Jr. becomes sceptical, claiming that he wouldn't jump to conclusions to say that the disease that killed Simon Kain is contagious. He warns the Bachelor that if the disease is contagious and it is the Sand Plague the Town faced five years prior there will be no escaping it, nor any hope of stopping it. He urges the Bachelor leave the Town as even Isidor Burakh, a man with far more knowledge of the disease and the Town, could not find a true solution to the outbreak. He directs the Bachelor to his father for assistance. On the same day the Bachelor assists Lara Ravel in setting up her 'House of the Living' and one of the donors whom he can collect money from is Vlad Jr. Though he does not believe the Shelter will help he does provide the Bachelor with 4000 coins.

On Day 3, the Bachelor is asked by the Kains to investigate the disappearance of Simon Kain's body and Stanislav Rubin. Victor Kain suspects that Vlad Jr. knows something about where Simon's body may be found. Vlad Jr. will refuse to share any information until the Bachelor has talked to the Kains again and climbed the Polyhedron, after which the Bachelor can return to Vlad Jr. who will then tell the Bachelor of a house that he suspects houses both Simon's body and the Ripper. From Day 3 onwards Vlad Jr. will be able to provide the Bachelor of maps containing the locations of infected districts - for a price.

On Day 4, while working on preparing the Town for quarantine and setting up a hospital, the Bachelor learns from Lara Ravel that the water supply has been damaged and she asks him to talk to Vlad Jr. Vlad Jr. will tell the Bachelor that the Cathedral and the Theatre should still have access to fresh water, as they draw from different sources than the rest of the buildings in town. The Bachelor will also learn that Vlad Jr. has asked several women of the Town to test the efficacy of various medicines that were found in old supply boxes. The Bachelor becomes angry at the risk Vlad Jr. has put the women in and insists on testing them all himself. He visits all the women to retrieve the medicine and after completing the test, he returns to Vlad Jr. to discuss the efficacy of the medicine and Vlad Jr. will give him 3000 coins.

On Day 5, Vlad Jr. will tell the Bachelor that Alexander Saburov has been abusing his power and arrested innocent people, and asks for the Bachelor's help in freeing them. The guard will demand 10,000 coins per person, requiring a total of 60,000 to free all of the arrested people. The Bachelor returns to Vlad Jr. who will give him 20,000 coins and tells him to speak to the Kains who would likely also be willing to help. After freeing all of the people, the Bachelor can talk to Vlad Jr. and receive a reputation boost for completing the request.

On Day 6, Capella tells the Bachelor that some arsonists led by Var are planning to attack the Termitary. She asks him to warn her brother, Vlad Jr., who then requests the Bachelor help subdue the arsonists' attack. After the Bachelor handles the arsonists, Vlad Jr. will give him 10,000 coins.

On Day 8, the Bachelor receives a letter from Vlad Jr. who tells him that there are rumours of a false Panacea being spread around the Termitary using the Bachelor's name. The Bachelor investigates the rumours and finds several Worms who have been making the false cures. The Worms will beg for his forgiveness, and if pressed, will tell him that Vlad Jr. has been buying and re-selling all of the real Panacea. The Bachelor confronts Vlad Jr., who will admit to doing so, but insists that he distributed them for a minimal fee. On the same day the Inquisitor will ask the Bachelor to investigate the well inside of Vlad's shack as a possible source of the Plague. He can question Vlad Jr. who admits that it's possible the bacteria came from below the ground. Following this, the Bachelor decides to investigate the Abattoir. However, in order to do so, he must seek permission from the Mother Superior, Taya Tycheek, who asks for the head of the one who ordered the Termitary lockdown - Vlad Jr. If the Bachelor chooses to hand over Vlad Jr., the Bachelor must return to the Dilapidated Shack and tell Vlad Jr. that Taya has summoned him.

Haruspex Route

On Day 1, Big Vlad will tell the Haruspex to speak to his children, Capella and Vlad the Younger. The Haruspex will find Vlad Jr. at the Dilapidated Shack, and Vlad Jr. will tell him about how he can purchase various black market goods from Bad Grief. Vlad Jr. will also inform the Haruspex of the inheritance of Isidor Burakh, his father. By "inheritance" he does not mean money, however, and claims that the phrase it more about Isidor's legacy and his work than anything material. He believes that the legacy will be a great burden; a terrible obligation. He admired the Burakh sense of duty, but warns the Haruspex to think twice before accepting his father's legacy and he believes that the weight of such burden broke the back of Isidor Burakh. He concedes that these are only his obligations, rather than fact. He, and his family - the Olgimsky's, are watching out for the Haruspex.

On Day 2, after receiving his inheritance, the Haruspex can talk to Vlad Jr. who will then bring him to the warehouse that his father used to work in, the place that will become the Haruspex's Lair.

On Day 5, Vlad Jr. requests the Haruspex's presence at his house. He will ask the Haruspex to inspect the tunnels that have been dug underground through his well. Vlad Jr. will offer a significant amount of money for the Haruspex to do so. After investigating and returning Vlad Jr. will give the Haruspex his monetary reward, as well as Herbal Recipes #2 and #3.

On Day 8, Vlad Jr. will ask the Haruspex to once again explore the tunnels in order to retrieve a book he lost. However, the well has been blocked off, so the Haruspex must use the entrance near the Theatre. After finding Vlad the Younger's Notes, he returns to the Dilapidated Shack and Vlad Jr. gives him 4000 coins. During the day Georgiy Kain sends a letter asking the Haruspex to speak with him, advising that he gives up Vlad the Younger to Taya Tycheek and the furious Kin in the Termitary, suggesting that it is more beneficial to leave leadership of the Olgimskys to Big Vlad. The Haruspex can do this for a monetary reward from Georgiy, or give up Big Vlad instead.

On Day 11, if Vlad Jr. is still alive, the Haruspex can talk to him about Foreman Oyun. He will learn that Oyun was responsible for his father's death and he can use this information to skip the final trial and immediately fight Oyun.

Changeling Route

On Day 2, Alexander Saburov will ask the Changeling to investigate if Aspity was responsible for the outbreak of the Plague. In order to learn more information about Aspity, the Changeling talks to Vlad the Younger and Big Vlad. Whilst talking to Vlad Jr. about Aspity, he will tell her that Anna Angel has a large stockpile of medicine which is now needed for the Town in preparation for the outbreak. Anna Angel will tell the Changeling there are rumours that the Haruspex is capable of mixing tinctures with antibiotic properties. The Changeling can take the medicine from Anna and return to the Dilapidated Shack to tell Vlad Jr. what she learned.

On Day 3, Anna Angel will tell the Changeling that she is likely being blackmailed by Big Vlad and asks her to talk to Big Vlad's children. Although the Changeling can ask Vlad Jr. about the accusation, he will have very little to say, leading her to ask Capella instead.

On Day 5, Saburov asks the Changeling to investigate if Stanislav Rubin is responsible for the outbreak of the Plague. In order to learn how to gain Rubin's trust, the Changeling talks to Vlad Jr. He will tell her the location of Rubin's Prosectorium and asks her to bring Rubin several bottles of Twyrine and several pieces of Fresh Meat.

On Day 6, Katerina Saburova asks the Changeling to convince Vlad Jr. to become a Humble. Katerina notes that although Vlad Jr. seems to love money most of all, he must have other weaknesses, as he does not appear to be digging the well for profit. She tells the Changeling to speak with Capella first, as his sister's thoughts will fill Vlad Jr. with her sorrow, making him easier to convince. Capella tells the Changeling that Vlad Jr.'s only obsessions are with money and Steppe lore, and comments that the Changeling is a creature of Steppe lore as well.

When the Changeling speaks to Vlad Jr., he says that he is burdened by a heavy sin and the day before, was willing to open his heart to her to confess, but now believes she is a demon who has tricked everyone. The Changeling gives him a book of fairy-tales that Capella had children copy by hand which includes stories that aren't in his own copy of Tale of the Sons, nor the Ughun. Vlad Jr. laments that previously this gift would have made him happy, but now he thinks there's no use trying to understand things that people aren't meant to know and he is preparing himself to face the Worms in the Termitary. He says it will be a symbolic death, as the Inquisitor will arrive tomorrow and investigate, and discover it was indeed he who boarded off the Termitary. He wants to die of his own volition rather than being forced there by another to face the people he had subjected to torture and execution.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Vlad the Younger/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original English translation of the game, his name was written as "Young Vlad."
  • Vlad the Younger's nickname, Charon[3], refers to the Greek and Roman ferryman of the dead, who requires a payment before he will take a soul down to the underworld.
  • Much like his father, his full name is Vladislav.[4][5]
  • Vlad the Younger initially appeared among the Bachelor's Bound in the 2005 release of Pathologic. However, he was removed from the list in a patch, and his death no longer affects the Bachelor's ability to complete the game.


  1. https://vk.com/photo-147796_292115781
  2. Ice-Pick Lodge Wiki (Russian)
  3. Victor:[...] Olgimsky's son would be the first person I'd turn to. Young Vlad, nicknamed Charon.[...] - Bachelor Route, Day 3
  4. Vlad the Younger: Nice to meet a person of a sceptical mind. I am Vladislav Olgimsky. The younger one, of course. And you are, of course, Daniil Dankovsky. - Bachelor Route, Day 3
  5. Vlad the Heavy: Of course... My daughter lives with me, she is in the next wing. My son, Vladislav Jr., is currently staying in a building on the outskirts of the town... he's got some shady business there... - Haruspex Route, Day 1