Big Vlad/Spoken Dialogue

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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

List of dialogue spoken by Big Vlad. These lines are played when near a character, providing additional insight into the events and characters of the Town.

Dialogue spoken is dependent on both the day and chosen player character.

Pathologic (2005)


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • One pebble after another. No need to hurry.
  • I am suffocating. Not enough air. Just one breath of air.
  • It is heavy. It is so heavy!
  • For what am I punished by such children?
  • The girl is good, but the boy— oh! The boy is intolerable.
  • The destiny arranges all to benefit from those whom it patronizes.
  • Swines. Swines! No, their whims should never have been indulged.
  • Someone will have to take this sin.
  • Happy people are incorrigible. Destiny does not punish them for their sins, and they consequently think themselves innocent.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) Hey. So, my Haruspicus is that Ripper? Funny.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) No. I shall not believe in the existence of some clay murderer.
  • (Haruspex) For whom does he actually hunt, this Bachelor? Can he be an inspector?

Day 2

  • (Bachelor) Well, in such circumstances, any inheritance would be suitable.
  • (Haruspex) A wrong time to start the struggle.
  • (Bachelor / Changeling) So, Saburov wants the power. Pardon! Saburov has not created this town, he simply rules it.
  • (Haruspex) Who will take Simon's place? No. We'd better not ask for trouble now.
  • (Changeling) Who will take Simon's place? No. We'd better not seek for trouble now.

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) This girl is dangerous. She is very dangerous. Nobody can resist her.
  • (Bachelor) Who could think of that? So, we are threatened with the epidemic of plague?
  • (Haruspex) Who could imagine that? So, we are threatened with the epidemic of plague?
  • (Haruspex) Simon has disappeared. His death appears to be another practical joke. Well, we shall not make hasty conclusions.

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) Such fools are these boys! And Haruspicus is not better. In fact, he could dissuade them, and they would be alive now.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Ah, Isidor was lost so inopportunely. He is the one who would know what to do. (chuckle) A practical man.
  • (Haruspex) The Bachelor received the powers. Extraordinary powers! Well, we shall have a look at the fellow.

Day 5

  • (Bachelor) What did he, the fool, found inside of that well? Ah! Oh, the fool.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Losses, losses, only losses. The family is ruined. Ruined!
  • (Haruspex) They said the Bachelor made something terrible. He has caught the illness.

Day 6

  • (Bachelor) So, you have to catch a little girl that will come to the Inquisitor with the shield? Any girl, right?
  • (Bachelor) What who has dared to ruin the tomb of Victoria? Swines. Swines. I would strangle them if I were in force.
  • (Haruspex) The humpback, the Albino, the Devotress, the Rat-head, they are all on one rack. They are malicious spirits.
  • (Haruspex) The Bachelor has started a witch-hunt. Saburov has not succeeded. What is going on in the streets?

Day 7

  • (Bachelor) Clara will now go back to the heels of Haruspicus? All have caused a lot of harm.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Why did they send this Aglaja? No, it looks crooked.
  • (Haruspex) The Bachelor has agreed with Aglaja at once. The whole plot was exposed. Are the Authorities really guilty of everything?

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) What? Block has brought them, the murderers? The national hero? Bosh. Nonsense!
  • (Bachelor) What an elder. Bull-headed Oyun. He talked to Haruspicus as to an equal. Well, it will finish badly.
  • (Haruspex) So, the Inquisitor has turned her look to the Order. Well, we have already nothing to lose.
  • (Haruspex) The Bachelor was convinced that our bowels have no water. Probably, it is not too silly? All the same Kin blood.

Day 9

  • (Haruspex) Do not leave my daughter. I shall not live long. She's smart. The people will soon remember White Mistress.
  • (Haruspex) And my son, well, what about him, my son? How shall I rely on him? He does not trust his sister.

Day 10

  • (Haruspex) The thing that has appeared in the waste ground is the message, probably. But for whom?
  • (Haruspex) Georgiy waits for death. But he is not sick. Who has forced him to go on such?

Day 11

  • (Haruspex) So, this bull has disappeared as suddenly as appeared. A bad sign.
  • (Haruspex) And you do not trust everything that people say. Your father was a difficult person. Do not hurry with your conclusion.

Day 12

  • My branch was named 'Partition'. I thought I could freely dispose of the destiny of Order. But the destiny has decided differently.
  • My life henceforth will belong to my daughter. She knows what to do. She will give order.

Pathologic Classic


  • Yes?
  • What?
  • Many a mickle makes a muckle. There's no hurry.
  • I can't breathe. Not enough air.
  • Hard. It's hard.
  • Why are my children like this?
  • The girl is fine, but the boy—the boy is unbearable.
  • Fortune turns to all things to the advantage of those on whom she smiles.
  • Swine. Beasts. I shouldn't have indulged their whims.
  • Someone will have to be punished for this sin.
  • Lucky people are bad hands at correcting their faults. They always believe that they're right when Fortune backs up their vice or folly.

Day 1

  • (Bachelor) Hmm. So my Haruspex is the Ripper? Funny.
  • (Haruspex) Who is this Bachelor really after? Can he be an inspector?
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) No. I won't believe in some Earthen killer.

Day 2

  • (Bachelor) Well, under the circumstances, any inheritance, mm, would be opportune.
  • (Haruspex) The wrong time to start this fight.
  • (Bachelor / Changeling) So Saburov wants power. Pray forgive me! He had nothing to do with the foundation of this town, he's just.. managing it.
  • (Haruspex / Changeling) Who will take S-Simon's place? No. It's not the time for us to look for trouble.

Day 3

  • (Bachelor) This girl is dangerous. Very dangerous. No one can resist her.
  • (Haruspex) Simon has disappeared. So his death was another prank? Well, let's not be hasty in our judgment.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Who could have thought? So an outbreak is upon us?

Day 4

  • (Bachelor) Stupid whelps. And my Haruspex too. He could have talked them out of this. They could have lived.
  • (Haruspex) Bachelor's been granted extraordinary authority. We'll see how the lad fares.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) My, Isidor's death was so untimely. He would have known what to do. That was a man like no other.

Day 5

  • (Bachelor) What has that blunderhead found in the well? Ah... oh, the fool.
  • (Haruspex) They say Bachelor has done something horrible. Yet he managed to track the disease.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Losses, losses, losses everywhere. The business is brought to naught. We're ruined.

Day 6

  • (Bachelor) So. So you need to catch the girl? To come to the Inquisitor with the shield, so to speak? Or is it "a" girl, eh? Hahaha.
  • (Bachelor) Who dared defile Victoria's tomb? Beasts. Mindless swine. I would have strangled them if I could.
  • (Haruspex) The Hunchback, Albino, Changeling, Rat-head. They're all of the same pack. Evil spirits.
  • (Haruspex) Bachelor has recommended the witch-hunt that Saburov has failed. The streets are rumbling.

Day 7

  • (Bachelor) Will Clara follow in Haruspex's footsteps now? All of you have done much harm.
  • (Haruspex) Bachelor has made a quick deal with Aglaya. Uncovered a whole conspiracy. So it's the fault of the Powers That Be. Or something.
  • (Bachelor / Haruspex) Why did they send Aglaya? No, something doesn't feel right here.

Day 8

  • (Bachelor) What? These thugs were brought here by Block? The national hero? Rubbish. That doesn't make sense.
  • (Bachelor) A fine foreman he is. Oyun the bullhead. Talked to Haruspex head-to-head. It'll come to a head.
  • (Haruspex) So, the Inquisitor has turned her gaze to the Kin? Well, nothing to lose there anyway.
  • (Haruspex) Bachelor is positive there's no water beneath the Town. Can my offspring be... not that dumb? Kindred blood and all?

Day 9

  • (Haruspex) Don't you leave my daughter behind. I'm a goner now. And she's such a clever girl. The folk will be reminded of the White Mistress, soon.
  • (Haruspex) As for my son, well, who is he? A son of mine? How can I trust him? He doesn't trust his sister.

Day 10

  • (Haruspex) That thing in the Lot is a message, perhaps. But who is the addressee?
  • (Haruspex) Is Georgiy about to pass too? But he's not sick. Who made him do this?

Day 11

  • (Haruspex) So the bull's vanished just as suddenly as it appeared. A bad sign.
  • (Haruspex) Don't you believe everything they say. Your father used to be a complicated man. Don't be rash.

Day 12

  • My path was called 'The Diaphragm'. I thought I was free to decide the fate of the Kin. But fortune, heh, had something else in mind.
  • My life belongs to my daughter now. She knows what to do. She'll arrange it.

Pathologic 2

  • There is no temple but the temple of labor.
  • Grip. Grab. Rob. Grub.
  • The most important part of a barn is a good lock.
  • Huh, I don't waste resources on corpses. He-he-he-he. Even if they're still breathing. He-he.
  • No! I won't believe in a killer... made of clay.
  • If you pay what you owe, what you're worth, you'll know.
  • Might makes right.
  • Money is the sinews of war, hehehe. And love, too.
  • A wrong time... mmm... to start this fight.
  • Huh. Simon's disappeared? So his death was… another prank? Hmm… best not judge… without all the facts…
  • Huh. Losses everywhere—we're ruined, ruined, ruined! The whole Enterprise, brought to naught!
  • It's clear… there's no water beneath the Town. Perhaps my child… is not such a fool? Kindred blood and all…
  • Heads or tails? He-he. Tails. Always tails.
  • Who knocks on your door at night? Who screams down your chimney? A wight? No, just the wind.
  • Ho. Haha. I've heard of this "love" thing, all right. Never seen it, though.
  • Hmm. So my Haruspex is the Ripper? That's… amusing.
  • Huh. Well, under the circumstances… any inheritance would be… opportune.
  • Tell that to my daughter… let her lead the way…
  • What has that blockhead found in the well?!
  • So you need to catch the girl? To come to the Inquisitor with your shield, so to speak. Well, won't any girl do? Heh heh heh heh.
  • A sound steward doesn't fear mice… he doesn't fear anyone.
  • Yes?
  • What?
  • I can't breathe… not enough air…
  • Many a mickle… makes a muckle. There's no hurry…
  • Ahhh. Life is hard… ugh, so hard.
  • What have I done to be punished with children like these…?
  • The girl is all right, but the boy… the boy's unbearable.
  • Swine… beasts! I should never have indulged their whims!
  • Someone… must be punished for this sin.
  • Stupid! Stupid… oh, how stupid I was…
  • My path was called '"The Diaphragm."' I thought I was free to decide the fate of the Kin. But fortune… heh… had something else in mind.
