Georgiy Kain

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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Georgiy Kain (Георгий Каин)
The Judge (Cудья)
Pieces (Marble Nest)
The Crucible
Simon Kain (twin brother[1])
Victor Kain (younger brother)
Caspar "Khan" Kain (nephew)
Maria Kaina (niece)
Nina Kaina (sister-in-law)
Aglaya Lilich (extended family)
Russian Voice
Georgiy Martirosyan
English Voice
Armin Schwing

Georgiy Kain is the head of the Kain family and the town's judge.


A judge, philosopher and thinker, but above all, a Smith, a Sculptor. Following Simon’s death, he’s become the main embodiment of the Kain idea, the builder and creator: the Crucible is his crucible. This is why we see him in his workshop, engaged in quite literal sculpting; this is why he’s dressed like an architect. He has the large hands of someone who works with stone and clay.

This is, of course, symbolic: as a rock can be turned into a statue by chiseling away the unnecessary, so can a human be turned into a superhuman.
From the game's design documents

Georgiy Kain unconcerned with simplicity, instead preferring to look to the intangible for answers. He adored his brother and his ideas, continuing to cultivate them even after Simon's passing. He sees humans not as static individuals, but as potentials of a unlocked greatness.


As one of the patriarchs of the Kain family Georgiy Kain had a hand in the creation of the Town's buildings and architecture. He became the Town's Judge and oversaw, and continues to oversee, the possession of the Town's houses. Though he is Simon's twin brother, it is apparent knowledge that Georgiy is, somehow, twice as young as him.[2]


Georgiy has short white hair, greyed from age, and a white beard that he maintains well. He is an elderly man with wide brown eyes. He wears a long sleeved blue collared shirt, which he rolls the sleeves up to his elbows. He wears a bright red vest over the shirt, and wears a blue leather apron for projects in his workshop, which is embroidered with golden thread on his left side. A black scarf with white stripes sits around his neck. He wears plain black pants and black dress shoes.


Haruspex Route

My path was called '"Necrology."' Few can survive the trial of death… I did everything I could so that a handful might pass the test.

As the Town's Judge Georgiy Kain became the defacto owner of Isidor Burakh's House following Isidor Burakh's death and prior his son's arrival. Georgiy later returns the home to the Haruspex prior to outbreak of the Sand Plague.

Georgiy Kain is among The Ruling Families, and therefore contributes to the organisation of the Town's funds and systems to combat the outbreak. Georgiy is most of all concerned for the safety of the two Stamatin brothers: Peter Stamatin and Andrey Stamatin who he insists have minds that unlike anyone in the world. Georgiy generally seems to be less concerned with the plague than with the continuing existence of the Town and, more importantly, the Polyhedron.

In the Diurnal Ending, Georgiy Kain can be seen with Eva Yan and Victor Kain, overlooking the river. He is planning to cross it and build a new settlement on the other side.

In the Nocturnal Ending, Georgiy flees the unfamiliar Town with many of the Utopians and Humbles.

Pathologic: The Marble Nest

Birdies, birdies... gather ye here, round the marble nest...

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest. Read at your own risk.

The Judge's word is law.
The Bachelor's hover text over the Crucible

During the events of The Marble Nest, Georgiy receives a visit from one of the carriers. Following Bachelor's presumed death, Georgiy assumes authority and orders an end to the quarantine in the Stone Yard. Later, he tells Bachelor that he let the carrier go free and lifted the quarantine in order to put the Town through a test.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Georgiy Kain/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Georgiy's face model is shared with Isidor Burakh, though he has both facial hair and head hair.


  1. So why does Simon, my dear twin brother, still haunt me in my sleep? - Georgiy Kain, Diurnal Ending
  2. Time doesn't seem to be working properly in the town; there's no other explanation to the fact that Georgiy Kain, the Judge, is two times younger than his twin brother. The Kains' fascination with all things clockwork must have something to do with this. - Touch description for the Pocket Watch in Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest

This entry is painfully incomplete. Perhaps it is your fate to complete it.

Georgiy model.png
Georgiy Kain (Георгий Каин)
Georg Kain
Judge (Cудья)
Deceased (Bachelor Route)
The Crucible
Simon Kain (twin brother)
Victor Kain (younger brother)
Caspar "Khan" Kain (nephew)
Maria Kaina (niece)
Nina Kaina (sister-in-law)
Aglaya Lilich (extended family)*
Body Part
Russian Voice
Rogvold Sukhoverko
English Voice
Bruce Grant (Pathologic Classic HD)

Georgiy Kain is the head of the Kain family by the start of the first day. He is currently the oldest member of the family.[1]


Appearance: Sharp features, clean-shaven face with a wide and long chin, full gray hair, a large aquiline nose, a crack-like mouth, thin lips drawn into a taut line, his facial expression is slightly finicky, but full of energy.

Pose: Sitting and leaning towards the other party, hands on his knees, his chin drawn to his chest, eyes looking straight ahead, just like people who listen to others while making some calculations of their own.
Personality: Sick, tense, nervous mind. An energetic choleric disposition. He is a bit like Prince Bolkonsky. He thinks sharply and only voices his final decisions. Authoritative and blunt, he doesn't forgive mistakes and demands implicit submissiveness. He views his sibling as a powerful ally and a brother at the same time. His treatment towards his brother is fatherly, but respectful. Georgiy, while slightly out of his mind, devotes almost all of his time to the theory of occult art. Judging by some particular facts, he has succeeded.

From original Pathologic character concepts [2]

He has an unsettled and nervous mind—a choleric temperament. He is quick thinking, and voices only the decisively-planned end result. A harsh and authoritative man that is unforgiving of errors, and who requires complete subordination. He views his brother as both a powerful ally and beloved kin. He refers to others paternalistically, but with respect.

Georgiy, being "slightly unhinged", devotes almost all of his time to occult sciences and theories. He is considered to be a necromancer and sorcerer.[3]


Missing Background.


Georgiy is an elderly man who carries both age and wisdom in his face. He has white hair and a matching beard cut to his chin and wild, wide brown eyes. He wears a long sleeved purple robe with ornate red trimming on his shoulders and sleeve cuffs, with a similar maroon shirt under his long robes. His robes are tied around his waist by a thick rope. He wears nondescript brown boots.

Portrait Quotes

"A potent mind to say the least. Encyclopedically educated, well versed in Mathematics and Physics, has appreciable background in Astronomy. With all that, his chosen field of study is decidedly occult. And it is impossible to disregard how successful he is at that. However awkward it may appear at a first glance, the quotidian and the numinous often complement each other very well."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on him.
"Georgiy is no successor to Simon. Semblance in appearance doesn't necessarily imply internal likeness. Kain is too deranged to be a good ruler. Were he, say, to rule our country, he would have turned it into some kind of theocracy."

- Alexander Saburov's take on him.
YuliaHDportrait.jpg "A potent mind to say the least. Encyclopedically educated, well versed in Mathematics and Physics, has appreciable background in Astronomy. With all that, his chosen field of study is decidedly occult. And it is impossible to disregard how successful he is at that. However awkward it may appear at a first glance, the quotidian and the numinous often complement each other very well."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on him.
AlexanderHDportrait.jpg "Georgiy is no successor to Simon. Semblance in appearance doesn't necessarily imply internal likeness. Kain is too deranged to be a good ruler. Were he, say, to rule our country, he would have turned it into some kind of theocracy."

- Alexander Saburov's take on him.


Bachelor Route

On Day 1, after arriving in Town, the Bachelor goes to meet with Georgiy Kain. He will learn that Simon Kain died before he arrived, and is then sent to speak with Victor Kain and Maria Kaina.

The next day, the Bachelor must show Georgiy proof of the Plague to give Alexander Saburov emergency powers to assist in the upcoming outbreak. While assisting Lara Ravel with her 'House of the Living', the Bachelor can collect donations from Maria Kaina. If Alexander Saburov already has emergency powers, the Bachelor can also receive a donation from Victor Kain. The Bachelor can also visit Maria in order to learn about why the Stamatin brothers - Andrey Stamatin and Peter Stamatin - are unwilling to leave the Town.

On the third day, Georgiy asks for the Bachelor's help: Stanislav Rubin is missing, and so is Simon's body. Victor suspects Vlad the Younger knows more about the situation and the Bachelor must relay messages between Vlad the Younger and Victor until Vlad the Younger tells the Bachelor where he suspects the body to be. After investigating the location, the Bachelor returns to Georgiy to report his findings.

On Day 6, as the Bachelor investigates the quarantine break in the Cathedral, he speaks with Georgiy to try and get him to forgive Rubin for his actions with Simon's body. Georgiy instead speak cryptically about 'the lens of Focus' and believes his brother Simon is still alive, regardless of whatever guilt Rubin claims to have. He sends the Bachelor away, ruminating on the possibility of his brother's survival.

On Day 10, Katerina Saburova tells the Bachelor that she felt Simon Kain's presence at the Crucible. After talking to Rubin, the Bachelor decides to personally investigate and speak to the Kains. Maria and Georgiy speak as though they have become different people, Georgiy speaks directly to the Bachelor as Simon, acknowledging that they never had the chance to meet as their meeting was intended to be.. Victor will provide some explanation as to what is occurring - that the souls of those departed have been occupying spaces like the Polyhedron and the Cathedral, and that they are seeking to return to physical bodies. He asks the Bachelor to spread the rumour that Georgiy is going insane to cover for this phenomenon.

On Day 11, the Kains request the Bachelor to assist with Maria's transition into becoming a Mistress. Maria's Wing will be locked and inaccessible. Victor tells the Bachelor that new Mistresses need to be recognized and requests he bring tokens of acknowledgement from the other future Mistresses, Capella and the Changeling. After the Bachelor obtains the items, he will find a crowd of people in front of Maria's Wing. They will tell him to take the items to Nina's tomb. The following day, the decision about the Town will be made, and "Georgiy" and his fellow Kains will urge the Bachelor to preserve the Polyhedron.

It is heavily suggested that Simon remains in Georgiy's body following the end of the Bachelor Route, regardless if the Utopian Ending is chosen or not.

Haruspex Route

Georgiy only speaks with the Haruspex on Day 8. He sends a letter asking the Haruspex to speak with him, advising that he gives up Vlad the Younger to Taya Tycheek and the furious Kin in the Termitary, suggesting that it is more beneficial to leave leadership of the Olgimskys to Big Vlad. The Haruspex can do this for a monetary reward from Georgiy, or give up Big Vlad instead.

On Day 12, as all residents of the Crucible are members of the Bachelor's Bound, there is a chance that Georgiy will be one of the infected with an Executor stationed outside of his wing. If the player wishes for the Bachelor to join them in the Cathedral, they must cure him with a Shmowder or Panacea.

Changeling Route

On Day 1, Alexander Saburov asks the Changeling to question Georgiy Kain. Georgiy will refuse to speak to the Changeling until she has met with Maria Kaina. After talking to Maria, the Changeling can question Georgiy. As she leanrs the strength of her hypnosis powers, she comes to the discovery that Georgiy never truly loved his so called "twin brother" Simon, and that they were never as close as he proclaims them to have been.

On Day 3, after finding Stanislav Rubin, the Changeling can choose to betray him and tell the Kains where he is. Should she do this, she can tell the truth to Georgiy, who will be furious, and the Changeling will suffer a reputation loss.

On Day 5, the Changeling must find Georgiy and ask him to forgive Rubin taking Simon Kain's body in order to learn about the Vaccines that Rubin and the Bachelor have made. Georgiy says he will receive it for long as he surrenders himself after his medical success. Georgiy also says that he knows Katerina is vouching for her, and that the Changeling is being recognized as a future Mistress among the powers of the Town.

On Day 9, the Inquisitor asks the Changeling to investigate the Polyhedron and to speak to the Kains, and to claim that it is the cause of the epidemic. Georgiy will ask her to find out what happened to Simon Kain's blood. He will send her to the Termitary, to let Rubin know that he has ultimately been forgiven, and wants her to discover what has happened to Simon's blood. In exchange, Georgiy will help her into the Polyhedron.

On Day 12, as all residents of the Crucible are members of the Bachelor's Bound, there is a chance that Georgiy will be one of the infected with an Executor stationed outside of his wing. If the player wishes for the Bachelor to join them in the Cathedral, they must cure him with a Shmowder or Panacea.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Georgiy Kain/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original English translation of the game, his name was written as "George Kain".
  • While Georgiy Kain refers to Aglaya Lilich as his daughter-in-law[4] this doesn't appear to be a proper reflection his relationship to her, as she is his brother's wife's sister - a relationship that has no official term in English.
  • It is Georgiy's voice - or at least, Georgiy's voice actor - who is the voice of the narration.
  • Georgiy's appearance is based on Valery Dolzhenkov, a Russian actor [5].


  1. Ice-Pick Lodge Wiki (Russian)
  3. Концепты: Персонажи
  4. So what is it? Or did you hope to intimidate me by saying the name of my daughter-in-law? - Georigiy Kain, Changeling Route