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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Var (Вар)
Var the Scar-Faced (Одноглазый Вар)
Var the Usurer (Ростовщик Вар)
Deceased (Marble Nest)
The Bridge Square

Var is a man who lives in the Town. He serves as an alternative store, where he buys healthy organs and blood from the player character in exchange for money and medical supplies. Much like Bad Grief's Nest and the Broken Heart, his services are available regardless of player reputation. His practices are hidden behind a Pharmacy storefront operated by his Chemist, whose own inventory and reputation preferences are identical to those of typical Pharmacies.


Var is a no-nonsense, crass, and vulgar man who buys and trades organs in his store in the The Bridge Square. It is unclear what Var uses what the organs for, only that he is willing to pay handsomely for healthy kidneys, livers, hearts and brains. Many people fear Var's place, referring to it as the "Slicer House" where people are cut up and sold.[1]

Though Var insists that he is not a steppe man, he is familiar with the practices of Menkhu and the Lines.


Var's Place - Var the Scar-Faced buys and sells human organs.
The Haruspex's map hover

Var is first met by the Haruspex after he extracts a Lockpick from one of Bad Grief's thugs. When Haruspex leaves the Bad Grief's Nest, Var stops him to say that he used to work with his father in the organ trade. He lets Haruspex know that he is open to doing business with him, but he must prove his worth by growing into his name as a menkhu. After the Haruspex inherits his father's legacy, Var will begin trading with him.

On Day 5, Sticky tells the Haruspex that he was approached by a man in the Bridge Square about smuggling and hiding bodies. This man is the Chemist who operates the pharmacy that conceals Var's operation. Should the Haruspex report the Chemist to Victor Kain, the Chemist's pharmacy will be closed permanently, however Var will still offer his services in the back room. Var will berate the Haruspex for reporting the Chemist, but otherwise seems disinterested in his former acquaintance.

If the Haruspex has not found and tested the Panacea by the time the Inquisition arrives, he will be led to Var's place to ask about the provenance of the blood Rubin used to make it. Var will profess ignorance, but suggest the Haruspex investigate Shekhen.

The Marble Nest

Birdies, birdies... gather ye here, round the marble nest...

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest. Read at your own risk.

Var was taken to a talk with Captain Longin soon after the Army arrived.

When hovering over his shop on the map page, the Bachelor notes that Var hasn't been seen since the Army arrived. His shop location is the location where Cookaroo will offer to help the Bachelor smuggle medicine and items out of the shop from a second floor window, without the stationary guard noticing. In Var's shop, the Bachelor will find Haruspex's Panacea, but attempting to smuggle the panacea out will result in its bottle being destroyed.


Var will always trade with the player, regardless of reputation. The same cannot be said for his Chemist, who will deny business to the player if their reputation in the Bridge Square is too low. As with all stores, Var's prices plateau on Day 9.

Var sells a simplified version of what Pharmacies have to offer, and sells his Twyrine for 10% less than all other stores. As with all stores, each day he offers a random assortment of the items listed below, and his inventory and purse are refilled each day at midnight. Some items may not be available on particular days. All item prices gradually rise until they plateau on Day 9.

On Day 7, virtually all items sold by Var (excluding the Scalpel and Twyrine) will temporarily drop in their pricing, to eventually resume an upward climb on Day 8. This serves as a good opportunity to buy inexpensive Drugs (and applies to most goods also found in Pharmacies and Tailors).

Health Recovery Effect Price
NPC Player Day 1 Day 9+
- +20% HP ¤192 ¤525
- +10% HP ¤108 ¤334
-25% Pain
  • +5% HP
  • +10% Exhaustion
  • 2hr buff to HP recovery during sleep
¤181 ¤561
Prophylaxis NPC Player Price
Immunity Hunger Thirst Exhaustion Day 1 Day 9+
Immunity Boosters
+15% +25% - - - ¤100 ¤310
+10% +12.5% +10% +30% +5% ¤72 ¤460
& Autopsy
Attacks* Price
Light Heavy Backstab Day 1 Day 9+
43.5 85 84 ¤650 ¤1560
  • * These values do not account for loss in durability, the details of which can be reviewed on the Scalpel's individual page.

Var’s organ prices temporarily hit their maximum value on Day 3. Var does not buy infected organs.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
¤450 ¤720 ¤900 ¤612 ¤666 ¤720 ¤774 ¤828 ¤900
¤300 ¤480 ¤600 ¤408 ¤444 ¤480 ¤516 ¤552 ¤600
¤225 ¤360 ¤450 ¤306 ¤333 ¤360 ¤387 ¤414 ¤450
¤125 ¤200 ¤250 ¤170 ¤185 ¤200 ¤215 ¤230 ¤250
¤100 ¤160 ¤200 ¤136 ¤148 ¤160 ¤172 ¤184 ¤200
Organ Value 100% 160% 200% 136% 148% 160% 172% 184% 200%
Purse ¤2000 ¤2750 ¤2750 ¤3500 ¤3500 ¤3500 ¤4250 ¤4250 ¤5000



  • Though Var shares a similar model with the Pochard kinsmen NPC, he claims he is not of the Kin.


  1. Kinsfolk: Kharaalai, I'm in trouble. My sister disappeared. Have you seen her? She has four moles on her cheek. I fear she may have ended up in the Slicer House. They'll sell her piece by piece now...
    Haruspex: What Slicer House?
    Kinsfolk: A bad place in the Town, behind the Guzzle. Var lives there, a chemist. He buys body parts-sells them, too. Many know, but none act. - Pathologic 2

Var (Вар)
Usurer (Ростовщик)
The Hunchback (Горбун)
The Atrium
Willow Mellow (adopted daughter)
Map ID

Var is a man who lives in the Town. The Haruspex can trade blood and organs with him in exchange for medical supplies.


Var is a hunchbacked usurer and a former member of the Caravan. According to Anna Angel, he used to be either a fire eater or a snake charmer. When the Caravan persecutions and arrests started, his back was broken with an iron bar, leaving him disabled.


Bachelor Route

Var is present in the Bachelor's route as early as Day 5, where he is the target of Anna Angel's blackmailing. He requests that Bachelor assist him in finding his daughter, Willow Mellow, who is a dancer in Andrey Stamatin's Pub. It is revealed by his daughter that Var once worked in the Ace of Diamonds Caravan and kidnapped Willow from her real father, then killed him when he came for the rescue. Though Var claims to love Willow dearly, she is rightfully furious. Bachelor manages to arrange their meeting, and Var pays him a high sum of money.

However, it is discovered the girl that Bachelor found was also the target of a murder by Haruspex, who killed her after Bachelor requested he extract a heart from a victim of the Plague. From Day 6 onward, Var controls a team of arsonists who are dedicated to causing havoc in infected districts. The Bachelor has the opportunity to murder him when he plans an assault on the Termitary, but his supporters will continue their rampage through town for the rest of the game.

Haruspex Route

Var is present in the Haruspex's route starting from Day 1. He is needed to draw blood from Haruspex to help save a man at the Cemetery. The Haruspex can trade organs with him in exchange for healing items.

Var will no longer appear after Day 5 due to the death of his daughter.

Changeling Route

Var does not appear in the Changeling route, but his house can still be entered and looted.


Var only has a small, random amount of Bandages and Tourniquets and will not restock his inventory over the course of the game.

Item Description Trade Value
An elastic antiseptic bandage. Facilitates recovery after a traumatic injury. Closes and disinfects the wound, preventing inflammation. 4
A rubber tourniquet. Facilitates health recovery after a traumatic injury. Stops bleeding and immobilizes damaged tissue. 4

Item Description Value
A human heart. Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 1
Ui kidney b.png
Human kidney. Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 1
Human blood. Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 1
Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 1


Official Art


  • In the original 2005 release of Pathologic, Var is known as 'Var the Hunchback' and lives in a shack in a separate part of town. Only Haruspex is able to trade with him, selling organs for money.