Bad Grief's Gang

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This entry is painfully incomplete. Perhaps it is your fate to complete it.

This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

Gryph warehouse 2.jpg
The Warehouses
Bad Grief's Nest

Missing (Replace Infobox image).

Bad Grief's Gang are a collection of criminals under the leadership of Bad Grief. Bad Grief, and therefore by extension his gang, specialise in collecting and selling counterfeit goods. Bad Grief's Gang do not believe in carrying knives, agreeing with the Town on their superstitions regarding cutting bodies. They are a counter to Barley the Barber's men, who follow no such rules and are often found with knives. They do, however, still allow murder - for so long as a body is not cut in the process.

Bad Grief himself claims to be working alongside Big Vlad, responsible for maintaining peace and order in the Warehouses among the Bull Enterprise's workers. Whether this means he is selling contraband by Big Vlad's orders or not is unclear.


Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Bad Grief's Gang operate out of the Warehouses. In their Lair, Bad Grief sells weapons, Twyrine, and clothing. The gang claim to abide by the Town's laws against cutting others, but knives are still available for purchase by Bad Grief.

On Day 2 of Bachelor's Route, Andrey Stamatin tells the Bachelor to request a pistol from Bad Grief, using the code that "[Andrey Stamatin] has gone to the kennel". Bad Grief seems to understand this code, alluding to some kind of past connection between them. He gives Bachelor the pistol, free of charge.

On Day 5 of Bachelor's Route, the Bachelor can request the aid of Bad Grief's Gang in freeing the Haruspex from prison. It will cost ten thousand coins to do so.

On Day 3 of Haruspex's Route, the Haruspex is asked to intervene in the gang's actions against the Soul-and-a-Halves by Capella.

On Day 4 of Changeling's Route, the Changeling must investigate the rumours that the gang has been disposing of corpses in the Gorkhon river. Bad Grief informs her that it is Barley the Barber committing the crime, and she must deal with him instead.

Pathologic 2

Should the Haruspex die on the first day Bad Grief's Gang will pick him up and bring him to Bad Grief's Nest. The Haruspex will not receive any death penalties for dying in this manner.

On Day 1 Bad Grief will ask the Haruspex for his help as one of his gang members has been stabbed and is bleeding out in a house in the Tanners. The Haruspex can make his way to the house and finds two men inside, one severely injured. The Haruspex discovers that Piecework - the man with a lockpick in his stomach - was responsible for burning the woman in the Bone Stake Lot. The Haruspex may be angered by this and choose to kill the pair, or he may uphold his promise to Grief and save the dying criminal. The Haruspex can then report the bloody lockpick back to Grief.

On Day 8 the gang has been scattered and the Nest now belongs to Barley the Barber and his men. The Haruspex can choose to leave Barley alone and retain the shady storefront under new management, or kill the three inside and return to Bad Grief, who will reward him with a Shotgun.

Notable Members

Associated People

  • The Olgimskys -> Employs the gang in controlling the Warehouse workers. Appear to only speak with Big Vlad himself
  • Stanislav Rubin -> Given refuge by Bad Grief from angry Kinspeople and the Kains for desecrating Simon Kain's body
  • Bachelor, Haruspex and Changeling -> Regular customers to Bad Grief's storefront
  • Andrey Stamatin -> Is known to buy "Black twyrine" from the gang, which is an illegally made brew
  • Notkin and the Soul-and-a-Halves - Rivals to the adult gang in Pathologic. Seem to become simple nuisances in Pathologic 2
  • Var (Pathologic 2 only) -> Fellow criminal, loitering in the Nest on Day 1


Missing Pathologic Classic images of gang members in the wild.