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Rod p2.png

Katerina Interior.png

The Tanners
Map ID
cot_alexandr (Alexander's Wing) (Pathologic)
cot_katerina (Katerina's Wing) (Pathologic)
Alexander Saburov
Katerina Saburova
Changeling (formerly)
Spoiler: Click to reveal residents.
Rat Prophet
Save checkpointItem storage

The Rod (Стержень) is a mansion owned by Alexander Saburov and Katerina Saburova in the Tanners district.


The Rod is split into two wings: Alexander's Wing and Katerina's Wing.


All playable healers may rest in the bed in Alexander's Wing. The Changeling is also able to store items in the nightstand in Alexander's Wing.

Pathologic 2

The Haruspex is able to save at the clocks in both Alexander's Wing and Katerina's Wing. Inside of Katerina's Wing, there is a cabinet which will initially contain 1 Morphine, 1 Tourniquet, and 2 Broken Ampoules. The player is safe to store items in this cabinet indefinitely.



Bachelor Route

On Day 1, the Bachelor visits Alexander Saburov, as directed by the patrolmen outside of Isidor Burakh's House. Saburov believes the Haruspex to be responsible for Isidor Burakh's murder, and advises Bachelor to visit Yulia Lyuricheva.

On Day 2, Saburov will ask for proof of the Plague. The Bachelor can deliver him the key to the Burakh house or tell him about the infected house that Lara Ravel had intended to use for her 'House of the Living' to assist Saburov in gaining emergency powers.

On Day 3, the Bachelor will request permission from Saburov to perform autopsies and dissections to proceed with producing a vaccine. He will be redirected to Aspity after Saburov advises him regarding local beliefs about cutting flesh. He will also be brought to the Rod if he is arrested upon first trying to take a diseased blood sample from the corpse at the Cemetery.

On Day 4, Saburov will ask for the Bachelor's assistance in dealing with the criminal element of the town, which has taken to looting houses in burned districts. He asks Bachelor to investigate the Warehouses, starting with Bad Grief.

On Day 5, Bachelor can appeal to the Saburovs to release the Haruspex, although unsuccessfully. However, Katerina Saburova will let slip that Lara Ravel is somehow involved.

On Day 6, Saburov will help identify possible carriers of the Plague among the women of the town who may have entered the Cathedral the night before. Upon taking blood from Anna Angel, Bachelor is redirected to the Rod, and to Katerina's wing. The Changeling is also with Katerina, but will leave for the Cemetery before a blood sample can be taken.

On Day 7, during a search for an Executor's costume for the Haruspex, the Bachelor will be able to speak to Saburov about acquiring an Executor Mask. Saburov had assigned Peter Stamatin in charge of burials, and believes he should be in possession of such a mask.

On Day 10, the Bachelor will receive a letter from Katerina. She tells him that she felt the spirit of Simon Kain at the Crucible.

On Day 12, as Alexander Saburov and Katerina Saburova are both part of the Changeling's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of either or both of their wings at the Rod with the respective Bound infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must heal the infected person with a Shmowder or a Panacea.

Haruspex Route

On Day 2, the Haruspex will need to appeal to Alexander Saburov to recover the keys to his family home. Saburov makes it clear he would rather arrest the Haruspex due to his wife's visions. He nevertheless will hand over the house key.

On Day 8, Georgiy Kain will direct the Haruspex to Katerina to report Vlad the Younger's potential execution. Katerina will tell him that the Saburovs cannot intervene, and directs the Haruspex to Taya Tycheek.

On Day 10, the Haruspex can ask Katerina for her interpretation of the Udurgh, following a disagreement with the Bachelor.

On Day 12, as Alexander Saburov and Katerina Saburova are both part of the Changeling's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of either or both of their wings at the Rod with the respective Bound infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must heal the infected person with a Shmowder or a Panacea.

Changeling Route

On Day 1, the Changeling can visit Alexander Saburov at the Rod after healing the wounded man at the Willows. He will also direct Changeling to speak to Katerina Saburova in her wing. After proving herself to him, Saburov will ask her to visit Georgiy Kain and the Changeling will ask Katerina for help.

On Day 2, Alexander Saburov will request that the Changeling find out more about Aspity, and directs her to speak to Vlad the Younger. This is the first of several daily quests in which the Changeling will have to determine if her Bound are at fault for the Plague. Katerina will also have a request to speak to Grace to convince her of the ideology of the Humbles.

On Day 3, Saburov will ask the Changeling to investigate Anna Angel. Katerina will ask the Changeling to speak to Eva Yan, similar to her request the previous day.

On Day 4 Saburov will ask the Changeling to investigate Bad Grief. She will also need to present him with a sack from Barley the Barber's warehouse as part of the main quest. After speaking to Lara Ravel, Saburov will be able to advise her on where to find the Haruspex. Katerina will ask the Changeling to speak to Mark Immortell at the Theatre.

On Day 5, Saburov will want to investigate Stanislav Rubin. He will direct the Changeling to visit Vlad the Younger. Katerina will focus on converting Peter Stamatin, and will direct her to speak with him.

On Day 6, Katerina will ask the Changeling to speak to Capella to get close to Vlad the Younger. Alexander Saburov will direct the Changeling to find out about Yulia Lyuricheva.

On Day 7, Alexander Saburov will ask the Changeling to investigate the plans of The Powers That Be and why the Bachelor and the Inquisitor were sent to the Town. He suspects that the Town was doomed from the start. Upon confirming the situation with the Haruspex, the Changeling can return to Saburov and Katerina to discuss the fate of the town. They will accept judgement from the Inquisitor, and the Changeling can find them guilty or innocent.

On Day 11, as part of the Changeling's Bound, both Alexander Saburov and Katerina Saburov may be chosen to be spoken to in relation to the main quest.

Pathologic 2

The mansion of the Saburovs. This part belongs to Alexander, the Town's governor. Many doors are locked in this house.
Haruspex's map hover over Alexander's Wing

The mansion of the Saburovs. This part belongs to Katerina, a Dream Mistress. A surreptitious murmur can be heard from these doors sometimes.
Haruspex's map hover over Katerina's Wing

Day 4
On Day 4, the Haruspex will be informed by Alexander Saburov that Isidor Burakh's murderer has been and the Haruspex should see him in the Rod at his earliest convenience. Upon arriving at the Rod, the Haruspex will find a Kin man as the accused. He is not Isidor's murderer, but he does tell the Haruspex that he saw Isidor with Simon Kain together in the Steppe hours before their deaths, adding a new clue to the investigation. The Haruspex may ask Saburov to let the innocent man go, but Saburov will insist that it will be his decision whether or not to let the man go.
Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow.
Day 5
On Day 5, the Changeling will appear on the street and beg for the Haruspex's help with her "new parents." Her new parents are revealed to be the Saburovs, who she has since been forced to leave. When the Haruspex arrives at the Rod, the building will be crawling with both reflections and an angry crowd. Saburov will ask the Haruspex to disperse the crowd as they seem to want the Changeling. While speaking to the crowd, the Haruspex will discover that there is a carrier of the Sand Plague walking around, alive. He concludes that contrary to what he originally thought, not all those who contract the Sand Pest die of it.
Day 6
On Day 6, the Haruspex will receive a messenger from Saburov, asking him to come to the Rod as he has once again found Isidor's murderer. It is still the wrong man. He was a thief, but he did not kill Isidor Burakh. After the Haruspex arrives, Saburov will ask him to check on his wife Katerina Saburova, as she is being tormented by an affliction that he believes the Haruspex can help her with. While speaking to Katerina, she will speak of a strange being tormenting her. After speaking to Katerina, the Rat Prophet will appear in the corner and berate the Haruspex for not truly understanding the nature of the Sand Plague.
Significant plot details end here.

Residents of the Rod will be under threat of being infected with Sand Pest on Day 6 and Day 10.

Pathologic: The Marble Nest

Governor Saburov went down with this town.
Bachelor's Pathologic: The Marble Nest map hover over Alexander's Wing of the Rod.

Someone convinced Katerina Saburova, a local ruler, that she must save the Town. She promptly went across the river. And we had already evacuated her, too...
Bachelor's Pathologic: The Marble Nest map hover over Katerina's Wing of the Rod.

Located in the condemned part of Town, the Rod is inaccessible during The Marble Nest. When checking the map, Alexander Saburov will be noted as dead and Katerina Saburova will be noted as alive.


Alexander's Wing

Katerina's Wing

Alexander's Wing

Katerina's Wing

Official Art


  • The soundtrack that plays in Katerina's Wing of the Rod in Pathologic 2 is Deep Dreaming
  • In original Pathologic English translation the Rod was called Stem.