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Groceries are a type of store found in Pathologic 2.


Groceries are one of the three recurring stores found throughout the Town (the other two being Pharmacies and Tailors). They sell virtually all foods available in the game, however as with all other stores, each Grocery's daily inventory will offer just a random assortment of said food items. Groceries' inventory and purses are refilled each day at midnight. As with townsfolk who barter, Groceries will refuse to serve the player if their district reputation is too low.

Unlike other Grocery stores, the one located in the Warehouses (Gnarl's Shady Shop) will always accept the player's business regardless of reputation, for which it is aptly named the Shady Shop. In addition to Groceries, the Broken Heart is an alternative shop for buying foods, as it sells all 1-2 cell sized foods in addition to Milk and Tan (and also Twyrine).


Day 1
On Day 1, the Haruspex will learn that he may rely on the Grocery in the Warehouses district for food while his reputation is too low to shop elsewhere. This Grocery is uniquely titled the Shady Shop, and operated by Gnarl, whose prices are identical to those of regular grocers.
Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow.
Day 6
From 07:30 until midnight on Day 6, the Grocery in the Backbone district will emit piano music, and if the Haruspex approaches it, it will feature a map marker titled "Something's wrong with this shop." Big Vlad can be found inside the shop, where he is feeling wistful for his late wife. He explains that when he first met Victoria, she bought a brooch at the shop, as it originally sold "knick-knacks and mementos." The shop was eventually converted to a storefront for Vlad's meat enterprise, and abandoned its souvenir sales. Big Vlad asks the Haruspex whether the shop should continue to sell meat, or be closed in memory of his wife. Should the latter be chosen, the shop will be permanently locked shut and labled on the map as "This shop has been turned into a shrine," and the "More Than Meat" achievement will be unlocked.
Day 7
At the start of Day 7 (ie directly after midnight), Groceries will receive a refreshed inventory and purse (as per usual). At 07:30, after the arrival of the Inquisitor, their inventories will be refreshed again, and their normal grocers will be replaced by Hardhead NPCs who trade only for Inquisitorial Coupons rather than money. Once this has occurred, the only remaining stores where food can be purchased with money are the Broken Heart and the Shady Shop in the Warehouses district.
Significant plot details end here.


A map of all the Groceries in Pathologic 2

Grocery stores can be found in the following districts:

Earth Quarter

Knots Quarter

  • The Backbone, south of the Town Hall.
  • The Flank, south of Lara's Shelter.
  • The Maw, on the southern edge of the park.
  • The Warehouses, next to Bad Grief's Hideout. This Grocery (operated by Gnarl) will offer its services regardless of player reputation, and is referred to as the Shady Shop on the map.

Stone Yard Quarter

  • The Atrium, on the eastern side of the main road


As with all stores, each Grocery's daily inventory is generated at midnight each day, and will offer a random assortment of the foods listed below. Some items may not be available on particular days, or at particular shops. All food prices increase in unison until they plateau on Day 9, details of which can be seen within the Daily Purse section below.

Values shown under the "Coupon" column represent foods' respective trade values when trading with Hardhead NPCs via Inquisitorial Coupons (which Hardheads accept for 6 trade value).

Traditional Foods

Foods' hunger values listed below scale consistently with their respective monetary and coupon values, though foods that are 1-2 cells in size are ~15% more expensive relative to their hunger value, and Pemmican and Tan are abnormally expensive. Conversely, foods' thirst values do not appear to follow a set pattern. With this in mind, Apples and Milk hold especially good value, considering that their respective hunger values are on par while also reducing thirst rather than increasing it.

Item Storage Hunger Thirst Price
Cells Stack Day 1 Day 9+ Coupon
6 3 -50% +10% 350 2240 35
Army Ration*
4 5 -35% +15% - 1792 28
Canned Food
4 3 -42% +20% 294 1881 29
Fresh Meat
4 3 -65% +30% 455 2912 45
3 5 -33% +10% 231 1409 23
3 5 -30% -30% 210 1344 21
3 5 -15% -15% 130 832 6
Smoked Fish
2 5 -24% +20% 192 1228 19
Smoked Meat
2 5 -28% +25% 224 1433 22
2 5 -20% +30% 160 1024 16
1 10 -10% -5% 80 512 8
1 10 -15% +3% 120 768 12
1 10 -15% +10% 120 768 12
1 10 -22% +10% 216 1382 21
  • *On Day 9, Groceries will begin to offer Army Rations.


Snack foods hold a fractional amount of hunger value relative to their buying price, and should be traded to kids rather than eaten.

Item Storage Hunger Thirst Price
Cells Stack Day 1 Day 9+ Coupon
1 10 -3% +1% 53 339 2
1 10 -2% +1% 35 224 2
1 10 -1% -1% 15 96 1
1 10 -3.5% +1% 62 396 3
1 10 -1.5% +1% 26 166 1

Exhaustion Management

Foods listed below are consumed to reduce exhaustion.

Item Storage Hunger Exhaustion Health Price
Cells Stack Day 1 Day 9+ Coupon
1 10 +5% -20% -10% 200 1280 20
1 10 - -10% - 100 640 10

Daily Purse

Groceries' daily purses mirror those of Pharmacies and Tailors. Over the course of the game, all food prices scale up in unison, and exhibit greater price inflation than all other sold items.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Purse ¤500 ¤1000 ¤1000 ¤1500 ¤1500 ¤1500 ¤2000 ¤2000 ¤2500
Cost 100% 150% 270% 310% 340% 370% 590% 610% 640%



  • On Day 7, after the Inquisitor arrives, map hover text for the Shady Shop changes from "In this shop, even outcasts can buy food." to "In this shop, food is still sold for money."
  • Pocket Watches, Rings, and Bracelets sell for 33% less at Groceries compared to all other stores.
  • While not a formal Grocery store, the Broken Heart sells most foods found in Groceries, and its prices match those of Grocery stores.

This entry is painfully incomplete. Perhaps it is your fate to complete it.

Missing tables of what Groceries sell.

Groceries are a type of store found in Pathologic. The player is able to trade directly with shopkeepers to purchase wares. The majority of shopkeepers will refuse to trade with players if their reputation is below 50, but others will refuse only at lower amounts.


Groceries can be found only in the Knots and Earth, in the following districts:

Earth Quarter

  • The Crude Sprawl, near the Termitary (Trades at above 40 reputation)
  • The Hindquarters, near the bridge to the Knots (Trades at above 50 reputation)
  • The Skinners, also near the Termitary and north of the grocery in the Crude Sprawl (Trades at above 50 reputation)
  • The Tanners (Trades at above 50 reputation)

Knots Quarter

  • The Backbone, near the Town Hall (Trades at above 40 reputation)
  • The Flank, near the steps to the Marrow (Trades at above 50 reputation)
  • The Mouth, near the park (Trades at above 50 reputation)