Anna Angel

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This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.



Anna Angel (Анна Ангел)
Pawns (Marble Nest)
The Willows
Russian Voice
Nika Sarkisova
English Voice
Georgina Harrold

Anna Angel is a young woman living in The Willows, on the eastern side of Town. She is deeply mysophobic, and claims to be a former dance performer, though many in Town question the truthfulness of her story.


A former circus performer from the infamous traveling troupe known as the Ace of Diamonds Caravan. ... Anna is a rather shallow person, and entirely devoid of morals, but the paradoxical thing is, everybody likes her! Men, women and children all become irrationally fond of Anna from the first time they see her, which then grows into blind trust, attachment, even love—despite her not deserving even a small fraction of those feelings.

Anna is happy to use this love to her advantage; what's more, her need to feel loved is bordering on addiction at this point. She wants to be adored. This thirst for adoration has a remarkable consequence: Anna is afraid, to the point of panic, of townspeople finding out who she is—yet she can’t resist occasionally showing her performing talents: singing, juggling, doing acrobatics.

She takes this risk for the sake of a minute of rapt attention. Sometimes she slips up and does one of her “numbers” without meaning to (much to the delight of those present), only to spend the next few nights trembling in fear at having given away who she is.
From the game design's documents

As a former circus performer Anna Angel appears as though she is acting at all times. She lies often and it becomes difficult to believe anything she says. Anna has many things to hide and is reluctant to share even the basest of information with people. She appears to trust very few people in her life.


Prior to her arrival in The Town, Anna Angel was a part of the Ace of Diamonds Caravan: a famous roaming circus troupe. The Caravan was dismantled after it was discovered that they were trafficking children. While in the Caravan, Anna would steal children on the Caravan's behalf. It is implied that she regrets her time in the Caravan and wished to atone for her actions. This, however, could just be another one of Anna's many performances.

After arriving in the Town, Anna takes refuge with the Willows family in their mansion. Later, the Willows family all dies. It is unclear what happened to them, but many suspect that Anna had a hand in their deaths.


Anna is a very thin girl, with a gaunt face and bright blue eyes. Her blonde hair is tied in a small bun in the hood of her large coat. Her coat is beige with patches of different coloured fabric, such as orange and blue. It is held closed with several orange leather cords. The size and bulk of the coat resembles a sleeping bag wrapped around her body. Anna wears no shoes.

Whenever Anna is seen outside of the Willows during the Second Outbreak, she wears white stage makeup on her face, neck, and hands, with black circles painted around her eyes. It is similar to a Tragedian mask.


Haruspex Route

My path was called "The Angel of Death." I'm not sure, myself, why I was in the Caravan... forgive me, please! I promise I'll be good!

On the night following the murder of Isidor Burakh, Anna Angel goes to Isidor Burakh's House to observe the commotion and presumably pay her respects.

After the outbreak of the Sand Plague, Anna Angel, who is mysophobic, becomes terrified of venturing outside and paranoid about people bringing the disease into her home. On the request of Peter Stamatin, the Haruspex visits her to offer her medical assistance.

In the early days of the epidemic, the Town Hall puts out a call to anyone who is able to return a healthy baby taken from an infected family. They offer a large sum of money for any children given and promise that any individual who returns a healthy child will have their name cleared of any past misdoings.

At first it seems as though Anna, who carries a number of sins and has a questionable reputation in the Town, immediately jumps on the opportunity. Despite her fears, she enters infected homes to take their healthy children from the dying families. While doing so she is intercepted by the Haruspex. She begs him to allow her to return the child. The Haruspex is able to either return the child under Anna's name or return the child to the Town Hall himself, robbing Anna of the opportunity.

Later, she is stopped by a Kinswoman doing the same thing she is. She is attempting to clear the name of her husband who mistakenly killed a woman he believed to be a Shabnak-adyr earlier in the week. Anna and her argue over who the child should belong to and only reach a resolution should the Haruspex decide on it.

The Haruspex later learns that Anna Angel was not taking the children to the Town Hall, but instead to a group of people whom she claims are "good people" who do something with the children that results in a drug to fight the Sand Plague.

Following the arrival of the Inquisitor, Anna Angel becomes cursed by a false steppe haruspex, who she went to in an attempt to learn about her future, though she refuses to disclose the reasons to the Haruspex, Artemy Burakh. As the steppe haruspex was not allowed to cut open bodies, his client Anna Angel becomes cursed to always carry a beating heart with her. She attempts to bury it, drown it in both the Gullet and the Guzzle, and attempts to simply throw it away, but it always comes back. The Haruspex advises her that the only way to break her curse is to trade it away for an item specific to the individual - in Anna's case, a Spindle.

In the Diurnal Ending, Anna Angel is found in the Broken Heart, near the Bachelor, Yulia Lyuricheva, Peter Stamatin, and Andrey Stamatin. She continues to tell the Haruspex that she had nothing to do with the Caravan, nor their involvement in trafficking children.

In the Nocturnal Ending, Anna Angel flees the Town alongside many of the Utopians and Humbles.

The Marble Nest

Anna Angel is still alive during the events of The Marble Nest. The Bachelor's map hover text over the Willows states that he is positive she still resides there.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Anna Angel/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Anna Angel can be seen in her stage makeup during the second side quest involving rescuing babies from infected districts, as well as in the Theatre of Death.
  • Anna Angel and the infected houses with babies that can be rescued will only appear if Anna was not infected at midnight with the Plague.
  • A Tragedian will appear in Anna Angel's room on Day 3 if the player performs prophylaxis on her, as means to provide some guidance regarding healing mechanics throughout the game.

Anna Angel (Анна Ангел)
The Willows
Body Part
Russian Voice
Olga Krasko
English Voice
Jacqueline Vouga (Pathologic Classic HD)

Anna Angel is a young woman living in the Willows, on the eastern side of town. She claims to be a talented singer.


Appearance: A tall pale girl with copper red ginger hair coiled in massive curls. Her eyes have a golden tint to them, fair and bright. She has an agile neck. Anna wears a fine golden necklace and a pendant with the letter “Tau” engraved on it. She has a habit of biting her lips. Doesn’t use makeup. She doesn’t wipe tears or blood off her face and lips. Instead she lets it dry

Pose: Like Alyonushka from Vasnetsov’s painting.

Personality: Talented and dazzling. She has a rich voice. Those who weren’t exasperated by her would worship her, perhaps undeservedly. All her virtues considered (such as commitment and terrific fitness to work), Anna is too persistent in her demand to be admired, which brings her many good qualities to nought.

She is an actual angel, but one from the Old Testament: prideful and entranced in the awareness of own omnipotence. However, Anna isn’t wealthy, which means she can’t shine like Maria or Victoria and compete in influence over townsfolk with them. The paradox of the “well-earned pride” leads Anna to her tragedy. When the epidemic begins Anna is accused of letting the disease in through the mirror. The accusation is insane, but that makes it even more feasible. Anna refusing to explain herself on principle made the situation worse. It’s likely she will die in the end persecuted by Olgimsky.

Anna sees the Town and its beauty intertwined with her own beauty as a tragedy. Subconsciously, she thinks that the epidemic is an act of justice for everything that happened to her.

From original Pathologic character concepts [1]

Anna is a singer—however, no one has ever heard her sing. Rumor has it, Anna's past is closely linked with a terrible caravan called the Ace of Diamonds. However, many believe that this rumor is too obvious and that she must be covering some other secret.[2]

She does not trust anyone, especially children, calling them "the cause of all ills." She sees almost everyone as a threat.


The Caravan

Read the corpus:Ace of Diamonds Caravan.

Anna has not been proven to have associated with the Caravan, but everyone assumes that she was.

The "family of the Ace of Diamonds" was the living nightmare of the entire country for years before the Second Outbreak. It was a traveling circus made up of highly talented actors. The Caravan would arrive in a city and arrange a show: one during the day, for children, and one at night, for adults. During the day the Caravan sought out beautiful and talented kids and later, when they were sleeping, they were stolen to join the Caravan and be trained as gymnasts, jugglers, sex workers, singers and acrobats... and in the morning the parents found their children replaced by the circus freaks they had watched at night.

The caravan evaded arrest for a long time, but was finally caught near Orv. Many actors were killed during the interrogation, and all the survivors were sentenced to death. Since then, much time has passed, and the caravan has become the subject of many horrible rumors and legends.

The Willows

Six years prior to the start of the events of the game, Anna found a safe haven in Town. She was taken in by the Willow family, claiming to be a political exile. A few years later, the inhabitants of the house began to die off mysteriously—while their daughter, Willow, simply disappeared.

Only Anna remained, now the sole resident of the house, wearing the clothes, hair, and voice of Willow.


Anna has short blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She wears light pink makeup and has thin eyebrows. She wears a grey and red underbust corset over a grey and white dress. Over the bust, the dress is white and closes in front with clasps, and the sleeves are long and grey with red trim. The ends of the sleeves are turned up. The white skirt of the dress is flanked by grey and brown panels with one brass button on either side near the edge, and there is a vertical red stripe on the far side of each panel. She wears black stockings beneath grey thigh high boots with red trim around the tops, ankles, and soles. She wears a spiderweb collar as a separate piece: the top is turned up and gold, and the bottom is black with red trim. It closes in the middle with a single brass button.

In the beta of Pathologic, Anna wore a sleeveless red dress that wrapped around her shoulders with matching arm length gloves and red heels. In another development screenshot, she wore her current outfit with a tied bun around her hair, which seemed much darker.

Portrait Quotes

PeterHDportrait.jpg "The poor thing has lost her voice. I sympathize with her because she keeps her chin up, and I hate whiners. I am thoroughly convinced that she's paying the price for someone else's sin; a haunting visitor eager to rip out her soul is coming after her any day now. At least that's what she thinks. A lesser person wouldn't have managed to endure such torture."

- Peter Stamatin's take on her.
YuliaHDportrait.jpg "Anna affects to be suffering, but her hypocrisy is all to easy to see through. If she was genuinely wanted—for her involvement with the February Riots, or that Caravan of kidnappers—she would have been found years ago. She is able to trick her destiny for now, but her luck will run dry soon enough. The Ace of Diamonds Caravan has left a ghastly imprint on her, the way it did with everything it was linked to... yet the nature of the link between the caravan and Anna remains a mystery."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on her.
"The poor thing has lost her voice. I sympathize with her because she keeps her chin up, and I hate whiners. I am thoroughly convinced that she's paying the price for someone else's sin; a haunting visitor eager to rip out her soul is coming after her any day now. At least that's what she thinks. A lesser person wouldn't have managed to endure such torture."

- Peter Stamatin's take on her.
"Anna affects to be suffering, but her hypocrisy is all to easy to see through. If she was genuinely wanted—for her involvement with the February Riots, or that Caravan of kidnappers—she would have been found years ago. She is able to trick her destiny for now, but her luck will run dry soon enough. The Ace of Diamonds Caravan has left a ghastly imprint on her, the way it did with everything it was linked to... yet the nature of the link between the caravan and Anna remains a mystery."

- Yulia Lyuricheva's take on her.


Bachelor Route

On Day 1, the Bachelor will be told by Yulia Lyuricheva that there is something amiss at the Willows. Upon arriving, he finds a corpse on Anna's floor; she insists that she had nothing to do with the man, and that he is one of the individuals that was murdered by the Ripper. She asks him to help dispose the body. After assisting her, Anna rewards him with several pieces of jewellery and some money.

On Day 2, while in search of the "Silent House", the Bachelor may ask Anna for aid. Having heard children speaking of the house, Anna Angel will direct him to Capella to learn more.

On Day 4, Anna is tasked by Vlad the Younger to test a number of medications. The Bachelor may choose to test the medication himself, and takes the collection of pills from her.

The following day, the Bachelor will receive a letter from Anna, who asks him to meet her in the Willows. Upon arrival, Anna will ask him for aid in blackmailing Var, one of her previous partners in the Ace of Diamonds Caravan, as he once promised her money but did not deliver on his promise. He later returns with more information about Var and question Anna about the whereabouts of Willow Mellow, Var's adopted daughter. She behaves flippant towards him, claiming that she only knows Willow Mellow as a dancer.

On Day 6, the Bachelor discovers that the quarantine he placed on the Cathedral was broken by a mysterious woman, and several hundred people are dead. As Anna Angel is one of the suspects, the Bachelor requests some of her blood for a test. Despite putting on a preformative and very dramatic reaction to having her blood drawn, Anna cooperates. She is ultimately innocent of the quarantine breach.

The following day, while investigating Vlad the Younger's claims that he sold Panacea to individuals, the Bachelor asks Anna about where she received her bottle of the cure. She claims that Vlad the Younger sold it to her at a "fair price".

On Day 9, Lara Ravel will ask the Bachelor for a pistol. While Yulia request the Bachelor does not fulfill Lara's request, Anna encourages him to give her a damaged pistol that she owns instead. If the Bachelor agrees and takes her weapon to Lara, Anna will give him her bottle of Panacea.

On Day 12, so long as she did not already fall ill and perish, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of the Willows with Anna being infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, the Bachelor must give Anna either a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure her.

Haruspex Route

Anna makes a very limited appearance during the Haruspex's route.

On Day 5, she will send the Haruspex a letter to meet her in her house. She will request that he kill Willow Mellow. Depending on if he accepts her task, Anna will give him some money.

On Day 12, so long as she did not already fall ill and perish, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of the Willows with Anna being infected inside. If the player wishes for the Changeling to attend the Cathedral meeting, the Bachelor must give Anna either a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure her.

Changeling Route

On Day 1, the man wounded by the Haruspex can be found at the Willows, alongside the Bachelor. A crowd has gathered in the corner of the mansion and may function as witnesses for the Changeling's healing powers. While at the Willows, the Changeling may speak to Anna, who will ask her to discover what side the Haruspex is on, the Soul-and-a-Halves or the thieves. After finding the answer, the Changeling returns to the Willows for a reward.

On Day 2, the Changeling will be asked by Vlad the Younger to confiscate Anna Angel's medicine stock. Anna Angel will tell the Changeling about the Haruspex's brewing and tincture making abilities, which the Changeling can investigate and return to the Willows later to take Anna's medicine.

On Day 3, Alexander Saburov will ask the Changeling to investigate if Anna is responsible for the outbreak of the Plague. Anna will tell the Changeling she had nothing to do with it and then says she's being blackmailed. In order to get Anna to cooperate, she ventures across the river to the Olgimsky's homestead and speaks with Capella. Capella is initially furious that Anna would accuse her father of having nothing better to do than threaten her, but deduces that it may be Khan, another child in Town, who is threatening her. Anna is a former member of the Ace of Diamonds Caravan, it would seem, a former troupe that would kidnap children and turn them into performers. With her hypnosis powers, the Changeling questions Anna if she is responsible for causing the outbreak. Anna confesses to her activities in the Caravan and her actions since then, and agonizes over what she has done. If the Changeling tells Saburov that Anna Angel is guilty of committing a crime, Anna will become infected at midnight and an Executor will be found standing in front of the Willows every day until her death, unless she is cured with a Shmowder or Panacea.

On Day 11, as one of the Changeling's Bound, Anna Angel may be chosen to be spoken to in relation to the main quest. She will be asked if she is ready to give her life to cure the Town. Anna will ask if she will be remembered as a dancer, and not as a terrible person.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Anna Angel/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • As with all Humbles, Anna can be chosen as a sacrifice in the Changeling Route, but may also be chosen to be of the surviving two Bound.
