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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

A loading screen tip about bartering

Trading is vital to survival in Pathologic 2. As the value of currency fluctuates, trading with townsfolk is one of the guaranteed ways to obtain important items such as food, drugs, and clothes. A comprehensive list of shops that accept money in exchange for goods can be found on the Stores page.

Recurring Trades

Some trades are unique to specific types of NPCs or one specific NPC.


→ See Townsfolk

The player can trade with generic townsfolk if their district reputation is high enough. Some townsfolk can repair clothes or weapons, if the player can provide the necessary items.

Worms trade UI


→ See Worms

After healing the schism in the Kin within the Termitary, the Haruspex may travel to Shekhen and trade with Worms for herbs and other items in exchange for organs, ammo, and tinctures.

Catnip trade UI


→ See Catnip

Catnip gives the Haruspex food on Day 1 and can be traded with from then on. She trades food, drugs, clothes, and other items. Similar to stores, Catnip receives a new inventory at the start of each day.

Dandy trade UI


→ See Dandy

Dandy trades for ammo, Morphine, Needles, and Lockpicks. He also gives the Haruspex an Infection Map on Day 4 and will trade for another every subsequent day. Similar to stores, Dandy receives a new inventory at the start of each day.

The first Infection Map on Day 4 will be given to the Haruspex for free by talking to Dandy outside of the Soul-and-a-Half Fortress. Afterwards, the Haruspex must trade with Dandy to receive Infection Maps. The value of Infection Maps will increase daily.

Day Map Cost
4 Free
5 6
6 10
7 12
8 14
9 18
10 20
11 24

Similar to trading with other NPCs or selling to shops, Dandy's regard for weapons scales with their durability. The listed values reflect trades made at 100% durability.
While Dandy accepts Metal Scraps, Springs, and tinctures for higher values than anyone else in the game, his regard for drugs is exceptional.

Item Trade Value
Safety Pin
Metal Scrap
Straight Razor
Fishing Hooks
Broken Scissors
Immunity Boosters
Neomycinium (+)
Ferromycinium (+)
Monomycinium (+)
"Yas" Tincture
"Medrel" Tincture
"Zürkh" Tincture
"Yas" Tincture (+)
"Medrel" Tincture (+)
"Zürkh" Tincture (+)
Zakvaska1(water-liver) 800x800.pngZakvaska2(water-diseased) 800x800.pngZakvaska3(water-heart) 800x800.png
8 (blood) or 15
Zakvaska1(blood-heart) 800x800.pngZakvaska2(blood-mozg) 800x800.pngZakvaska3(blood-diseased) 800x800.png
"Medrel" Antibiotic
"Yas" Antibiotic
"Zürkh" Antibiotic
8 (blood) or 15
Rusty Scalpel
Menkhu finger.png
Menkhu's Finger

Unique Trades

Turotial trade UI


After completing the combat tutorial, the Haruspex can trade with the Kinsman that he was fighting. He must trade away his infected heart for the Kinsman's healthy heart.

Meat Kinsman trade UI

Meat Kinsman

The Meat Kinsman is a member of the Kin who the Haruspex finds on Day 1 sitting by the train tracks near the Factory. There will be several other people from the Kin standing near him and they will disperse when the Haruspex approaches. He asks if the Haruspex would like some meat and the Haruspex questions why he has it, as it isn't the right time of year for them to be eating meat. He tells the Haruspex that it was stolen from one of Big Vlad's storehouses that had been broken into the day before. He has exactly 3 Smoked Meat for trade, and will depart after having traded with the Haruspex, regardless of how much meat they exchanged.

In dialogue, the Meat Kinsman's name is simply written as "Khatangher".

Steeper trade UI


Steeper offers the Haruspex a Revolver on Day 1. The gun can be bought for ¤3000, and its condition is at 50% when purchased. Steeper's offer will remain available until the end of Day 3.

Item Price
Evergreen trade UI


Evergreen seeks out the Haruspex on Day 2 and gives him a quest about trading that can increase reputation across all districts.

Conveniently, Evergreen may be traded with after receiving her quest. However if the player's district reputation is too low, they will be unable to trade with her and will have to find another woman to trade with to complete that portion of the quest.

While Evergreen is a Starling NPC, her trade preferences are actually those of a Dove. The following table is an example of a Dove NPC's trade preferences.

Maera trade UI


During Act 3 (07:30 on Day 4 until 07:30 on Day 7), a Doghead named Maera can be found in the Nutshell and offers to trade a Shmowder in exchange for a Leash.

Item Trade Value

Anna Angel trade UI

Anna Angel

→ See Catnip

During Act 3 (07:30 on Day 4 until 07:30 on Day 7), Anna Angel tells the Haruspex that she has been cursed, and offers to trade a Spindle for a Heart.

Item Trade Value

Trading plays a much smaller role in Pathologic: The Marble Nest. There are only a small number of NPCs willing to trade with the Bachelor. During the events of Pathologic: The Marble Nest, no traditional stores are open.


Shrew trade UI


The Bachelor can choose to trade with Shrew during the events of the day. Doing so will leave him unable to trade with Sticky. Trading with Shrew is one of two possible ways to acquire lockpicks. To trade with Shrew, the Bachelor must have a snack of any kind.

Sticky trade UI


The Bachelor can choose to trade with Sticky during the events of the day. Doing so will leave him unable to trade with Shrew. To trade with Sticky, the Bachelor must have a snack of any kind.

The Shop trade UI

The Shop

The Bachelor can choose to open the Shop during the morning by speaking to the townsfolk outside, and then visiting the anti-epidemic committee outside the Crucible to request it. The shop sells various food items in exchange for money, and will also buy items from the Bachelor. The shop will always sell 2 types of nuts, but the types of nuts are random.


  • Some items that are not present in Pathologic: The Marble Nest are assigned a trading value and can be sold or traded if added via the console. For example, Soap can be traded to Sticky and Shrew, or sold to the shop. Sticky also accepts Straight Razors. The shop accepts multiple food items for trade.
  • Trade inventories will change if the Bachelor repeats the day, and will also differ between save files.

Trading is vital to survival in Pathologic. As the value of currency fluctuates, trading with townsfolk is one way to obtain important items such as food and healing items.


→ See Townsfolk

The player's ability to trade with townsfolk depends on their reputation, although some townsfolk will trade regardless of reputation. Townsfolk also offer different services, such as repairing clothes and weapons for money.

Special Trades

Some trades are unique to specific NPCs or are unique to certain playable characters.


→ See Worms

The Haruspex is able to trade organs and some food items to Worms in exchange for herbs. There are three Worms he can trade with, marked on the map with steppe sigils. Each Worm has a different selection of herbs.

Andrey Stamatin's Pub

→ See Andrey Stamatin's Pub

As well as being able to purchase and sell items from the barkeep at Andrey Stamatin's Pub, the player can trade herbs and twyrine with Andrey Stamatin for weapons, ammo, and twyrine extracts. Each protagonist has different options for what they can trade to and from Andrey.

Bad Grief

→ See Bad Grief's Nest

Bad Grief sells various protective clothing, weapons, and twyrine. He also purchases items from the player, often for less than other stores. Trading with him is the only way to purchase weapons and ammo with money.


→ See Var

The Haruspex can trade organs to Var in exchange for bandages and tourniquets. This inventory does not restock.


→ See Infection map

In the Haruspex's route, Notkin supplies a daily Infection Map. If he chooses not to supply Notkin with twyrine extracts on Day 3, the Haruspex will need to trade crowbars for these maps.
