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Tan is a ration in Pathologic 2. Consuming it reduces hunger by 15%, and reduces thirst by 15%. It can be purchased from groceries and the Broken Heart Pub, or looted from containers and bodies. It can also be traded for via sick Pochard and Worms.


Hover Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
A tasty dairy drink. Satisfies hunger, quenches thirst. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. A tasty and invigorating dairy drink.

Touch Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
The Kin once told me the best tan is made during thunderstorms, or by swearing at the milk as harsh as you can. I tried every cuss in the book, but never learned the art very well. Item is not present in The Marble Nest. Some things are sucked in with mother's milk. Others, taken in later with her tan. Any decent housewife of the Kin knows how to make tan.


  • Tan takes up 3x1 inventory slots. It stacks up to 5.
  • When bartering, Tan is worth 3 from sick Pochards.
  • Tan, or Doogh, as it is also commonly known, is a sweet drink originating from Central Asia, made from fermented milk, similar to yoghurt. It is often seasoned with mint and served cold. [1]
