Lara Ravel (Pathologic 2)

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This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Lara Ravel (Лара Равель)
Gravel (Форель)
Pawns (Marble Nest)
late 20s
Deceased (Marble Nest)
Captain Ravel (father)
Russian Voice
Tatiana Ermilova
English Voice
Jill Holwerda

Lara Ravel is a young woman who owns the Shelter in the Knots District.


A clever, dedicated and proud young woman. She’s still grieving over the recent loss of her beloved father. She looks you straight in the eye at almost all times—with a gaze that is fierce, nervous, and demanding. If she does lower her eyes for a while, she will raise them back. She’d try to smile (with a corner of her mouth), but the can’t. She just isn’t a smiler. This has to look touching, not malign.

Living alone in an empty house, she’s gradually awakening from her torpor and preparing to leave the town—to join the army field force and begin her vendetta.

From the game's design documents

A driven and compassionate woman, though weighted down by grief after the death of her father, Captain Ravel.


Lara is childhood friends with the Haruspex, Grigory Filin (better known as Bad Grief), and Stakh Rubin. The four of them used to disappear for weeks at a time, and used to have a hideout in the Warehouses district. Though people used to wonder at her spending time in their company, she was a willing accomplice, at times tempering them, but at others encouraging.

Little is known of what she did during the time the Haruspex was away. By the time of his return, Lara lives in the north of town, in her family mansion. After the death of her father, she has sealed the rest of her house and occupies only one wing of her childhood home.


Lara has long brown hair that she ties in a loose bun behind her back, and sad grey eyes. She wears a buttoned white shirt that she rolls up past her elbows and a blue scarf wrapped around her neck across her shoulders. She wears a grey folded skirt and has tall brown boots.


Haruspex Route

My path was called "A Home for the Living." Kindness guided me, but I could have never known I was to meet my father's murderer.

As one of three childhood friends the Haruspex thinks of when he returns to the Town, Lara first welcomes him with concern tempered by a certain reserve. She lets him rest and while he does so talks with people in the northern parts of the Town to spread the word that he had nothing to do with Isidor's death. She wakes him so he can investigate sounds of someone rummaging inside the house, at which point he encounters the Changeling, who broke in. When he informs Lara of her presence, she'll say to let her be, and that she'll provide care for her later if needed.

The next day she is seen in Stanislav Rubin's Apartment along with Rubin, having tried to calm him down. She enjoins the Haruspex not to take up his father's inheritance, speaking of Isidor's actions during the first outbreak of the Plague, where he walled off the entirety of the Crude Sprawl.

Not long after, she can accept the Haruspex's offer to get the four childhood friends together at the Basket, one of their childhood meeting spots. If he succeeds in inviting Bad Grief and Rubin, she will be present with them at night by a fire. Despite the Plague turning the Town on it's head earlier in the day the friends still gather at Apple Road, by the Basket, near midnight. Lara voices concerns about how the Plague will affect the Town, and acknowledges the Haruspex's role in holding them together.

On the first day that the Hospital is open, she can be found there along with Rubin, and she expresses her desire to be useful and help. As events unfold, Lara opens up her house as a shelter for the healthy homeless people in order to help protect them. While establishing her shelter, she inquires about the water supply around Town. A patrolman misunderstood Lara's concerns, and caused a mob to destroy the water pump in front of her home. She requests the Haruspex's help by having a water barrel brought to her home, but should he agree, he will only be able to provide an infected barrel, bringing the infection to the Flank.

After the arrival of military forces with Commander Alexander Block, Lara charges to the Town Hall to murder him, believing him to be responsible for her father's death. It is only with the Haruspex's intervention that she is not arrested or murdered for her actions, and he escorts her from the Town Hall back to the Shelter. If she is not stopped, she is executed during the night, and a soldier in the Town Hall will give the Haruspex her confession letter the next day.

In the Diurnal Ending she can be found on top of a Stairway to Heaven with Bad Grief and Rubin nearby. She offers to help take care of the Haruspex's children.

In the Nocturnal Ending, she flees the Town with many of the Utopians and Humbles.

The Marble Nest

Lara died prior to the events of The Marble Nest.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Lara Ravel/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Lara’s English childhood nickname, “Gravel”, is meant to be an English rhyme with her surname, Ravel. The Haruspex says she "always had an edge on us".[1]
  • In Russian, her childhood nickname is Форель, which means “proud trout”; this carries over into English with the Dried Fish hover.[2]
  • Lara mentions that she has a heart condition during a conversation with the Haruspex on Day 1.[3]


  1. "[...] We used to call her Gravel, because she always had an edge on us. [...]" - Shelter hover text.
  2. " Once, we tried to tease Lara by calling her "Proud Trout." Instead of becoming offended, she said she respects fish for their calm and focus."
  3. "You know I have a heart condition. And the air here is thick."

[[Category:Characters (Pathologic 2)]] [[Category:Humbles]]

[[ru:Лара Равель]]