Taya Tycheek

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Taya Tycheek (Тая Тычик)
Mother Superior (Мать Настоятельница)
Her Not-So-Highness (Небольшое величество)
Young child
Deceased (Marble Nest)
Overseer Tycheek (father)
Russian Voice
Vassilisa Savkina
English Voice
Daniel Wood

Taya Tycheek is the daughter of the Termitary's former Father Superior, and is its current leader.


A steppe girl, daughter to the Termitary janitor. An energetic and restive child.

At the Termitary, the Abattoir workers felt as if they were a composite being with many heads—or, more precisely, many hands, as hands were valued a lot more than heads in that little world. The butchers adore Taya, treating her like a talisman and a keeper of the Kin, a holy child. For now, this is only a part she’s acting—but the confidence with which she does it makes it clear that one day, she’ll move easily from this play-acting to actual power.

From the game's design documents

Living in the Termitary with her father and the Kin, Taya is the youngest of the Bound. She is one of the children on Isidor Burakh's List, which causes the Haruspex to seek her out.


As the daughter of "Father Superior", Taya Tycheek gained the title "Mother Superior". The title is used by both the Kin who adore her and the Town's children who call the title "cool as heck".[1] According to one of the Town's children, the idea was one presented to them by Capella. Taya used to reside in the Polyhedron among the other children, but has since left.


Taya is a very small child, with bright gold eyes and a mischievous smile. Her black hair is tied up and held together with a yellow headband. She wears a purple and maroon digil wrapped with a pink sash, with chunky gold jewellery decorated with bone charms hanging off her neck. She wears maroon pants under her digil and is barefoot.


Haruspex Route

My path was called… something or another. I forget. Had something… something to do with bulls.

Though mentioned early on as part of Isidor's List, Taya cannot be reached by the Haruspex right away as the Termitary has been locked under the Olgimskys' orders. She can be first seen during the Door Dream in the early days, and first spoken to during the Termitary Dream, in which she expresses her wish to leave the Termitary and directs the Haruspex to the abandoned village if he has advanced enough in his search for a cure for the Plague.

He is able to meet her in person after the Inquisition arrives, where he learns that in the wake of her father's death, she is the new leader of the Termitary Kin. Though he can offer to take her away to safety, she refuses to be separated from the others and says she will only leave when they all can.

This is only possible if the Haruspex can mend the schism in the Kin. Once that is done, Taya and the Kin will move to Shekhen, where they can be found for the rest of the story's duration.

On Day 10, she will be infected by the Plague along with all the other children of the List.

In the Diurnal Ending, she can be found near the Termitary along with Notkin, Aspity, and Oyun. Unlike the latter two, she seems at ease with the Haruspex's decision, and if spoken to is found to be contemplating new laws to guide the Kin with.

In the Nocturnal Ending, she is found sitting on the Polyhedron next to Grace and the Changeling, and reveals that she is to be Mistress of Bulls.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Mother Superior/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Taya's outfit is a child’s version of a Mongolian deel (дээл) known as a digil (Buryat: дэгэл) in Buryat. It is a unisex dress worn with trousers.


  1. Teensy:Taya Tycheek. But we call her the Mother Superior. Mother Superior! Isn't that cool as heck? It's Capella's idea!
    Haruspex:It's cool, all right. Cool as heck.

Taya model.png
Taya Tycheek (Тая Тычик)
Mother Superior (Мать Настоятельница)
Overseer Tycheek (father)
Body Part
Russian Voice
Nadezhda Ushanova

Taya Tycheek is the daughter of the Termitary's former Father Superior and is now its current leader.


Appearance: A little child with tiny hands and legs. Her head seems disproportionately huge because of her thick curly hair. Her face gets narrow near her chin like a triangular. Covered by her luscious hair, there are big shiny blue eyes with small irises. Taya smiles subtly, with the edges of her upper teeth slightly visible. Her nose is straight and the eyes are set close to her nose bridge.

Pose: Carried by two large men, dangling her feet.

Personality: From her early childhood Mother Superior (her real name being Taya Tycheek) was raised among people who had a very loose concept of individuality. Instead of the word “I” those people would use impersonal constructions, such as “the path was traveled”, “the water is drunk better”, “the Kin speak with the Earth”. In the Termitary people feel like a many-headed, or rather many-handed — as hands have more value than head in this world of theirs — creature made of all the Abattoir workers. The Butchers worship Taya, carry her in their arms and treat her as their periapt and the keeper of the Kin.
In the Polyhedron Taya assumed the same role of a holy child, regarded with reverence not out of duty but because caring for such a charming creature brings joy. The kids eagerly picked up Taya’s games because Mother Superior possessed the forbidden knowledge of the things far away from the Polyhedron. The Bull Project was off limits for children and the Abattoir seemed like something out of inferno. In the Polyhedron kids often played "The Bulls” and Mother Superior was their small queen irrevocably. Her best friend, champion and protector (Notkin would take this role usually) would play as her father or the Foreman of the Abattoir, the head of the butchers. After her father’s death, Taya willingly returned to the Termitary to support the orphaned dwellers.

From original Pathologic character concepts [2]

Since early childhood, Taya grew up surrounded by people with a vague idea of individualism. The Kin who raised her would always speak in impersonal terms when describing actions, creating an atmosphere where no singular person was emphasized. There is a strong sense of unity inside of the building, with the Termitary itself described as being akin to a "multi-headed organism". Because of this, while Taya is the "queen" at the head of the Kin, she still thinks of the residents as one big family.[3]

While very young, she displays natural charisma and leadership. Other children, Worms, and Butchers all flock around her to complete her every whim.


When her father was alive, she lived in the Polyhedron with many other children. Taya enjoyed great prestige among them, because she could explain things about the Termitary and the Abattoir that other children were not allowed to know. She held much power even at a young age. For example, she was able to oust Notkin from the tower after the two had a disagreement. However, after her father's death, the five-year-old Taya voluntarily left the Polyhedron to become Mother Superior.

Her old house is located in the Knots Quarter, above the park. Taya left in a hurry and accidentally left her beloved stuffed bull doll behind in the house, which the Bachelor may later retrieve.


Taya is a very small child, with dark brown eyes and a mischievous smile. She has dark brown hair cut at her chin with curled bangs. She wears a yellow long sleeved striped shirt under a brown bull hide dress, decorated with black and red stitching. She wears grey socks.

Portrait Quotes

CapellaHDportrait.jpg "She's very young, almost a baby... her game in the Polyhedron was generally the same; she also assumed the role of a divine child that was worshiped and looked after not out of duty, but simply because taking care of someone that lovely brings you satisfaction and joy."

And also:

"The children happily picked her game up because Mother had a lot of information about the Kin—the world that's always been poles apart from the Polyhedron..."

- Capella's takes on her.

"She's very young, almost a baby... her game in the Polyhedron was generally the same; she also assumed the role of a divine child that was worshiped and looked after not out of duty, but simply because taking care of someone that lovely brings you satisfaction and joy."

And also:

"The children happily picked her game up because Mother had a lot of information about the Kin—the world that's always been poles apart from the Polyhedron..."

- Capella's takes on her.


Bachelor Route

On Day 8, the Bachelor seeks out Taya to get permission to enter the Abattoir. She tells him that she'll let him into the Abattoir for inspection only if he brings the Kin the one responsible for locking them inside the Termitary, or if he finds her lost toy. Taya promises to open the door to the Abattoir thirty minutes to midnight, where the Bachelor then waits until late in the evening, and enters the Abattoir for inspection.

If the Bachelor wishes for the Haruspex to attend the Cathedral meeting, he may need to visit the Termitary to make sure Taya is healthy.

Haruspex Route

On Day 6, the Haruspex needs to obtain Bull's Blood for the Bachelor. In order to find a bull, he goes to the Termitary and meets with Taya Tycheek, surrounded by her Butcher attendants. She asks him for the steep price of 50 Alpha-Tablets in exchange for information on where to find a bull.

On Day 7, while looking for the Inquisitor, the Haruspex is sent to search the Termitary. He asks Taya if she has seen the Inquisitor, and Taya tells him that the she has already left. Taya will also ask the Haruspex to find some Worms who have been hiding in the Termitary, as they have been causing conflict and trouble.

Following the "Termite Ending", Capella states that Taya will become one of the rulers of the town. She remains Mother Superior, continuing to control the Kin's day-to-day life, with the Haruspex as the Elder. Her associated color will become "malachite-black".

Changeling Route

Taya is only spoken to by Changeling on Day 8,, where she asks Taya for permission to enter the Abattoir. Taya will only allow her to enter if the Changeling is able to tell her a story that she has never heard before. The Changeling has to ask Sticky for a good story, after which she can return and tell her the story: a story about a crystal flower being taken care of in a special garden. She promises to tell the story in two parts, and leaves Taya hanging as she enters the Abattoir to speak with Oyun.

If the Changeling wishes for the Haruspex to attend the Cathedral meeting, she may need to visit the Termitary to make sure Taya is healthy.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Mother Superior/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original 2005 English translation, her name was written as "Taya Tychik" and her title translated to "Mother Keeper".
  • The English localization team in Pathologic Classic HD chose the name Tycheek as a wordplay on the word "cheeky".
  • The surname Tycheek/Tychik resembles the name of the companion of Saint Paul the apostle, Saint Tychicus.[4]
  • Her title of Mother Superior (Мать-Настоятельница) is the term for a nun or abbess in charge of a religious community.[5]


  1. Capella: Taya Tycheek, for instance. A five-year-old kid worshipped by the Kin. They call her the Mother Superior. [...] - Bachelor Route, Day 8, Pathologic Classic HD
  2. https://vk.com/photo-147796_292115743
  3. Концепты: Персонажи
  4. Wikipedia - Tychicus
  5. Wikitonary.ru