Peter Stamatin

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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.



Peter Stamatin (Пётр Стаматин)
Pieces (Marble Nest)
Deceased (Marble Nest)
Stamatin's Loft (The Skinners)
Andrey Stamatin (twin brother)
Grace (adopted daughter)*
Russian Voice
Artur Ivanov
English Voice
Erik Hansen

Peter Stamatin is an architect from the Capital and the designer of the Polyhedron. He is the younger twin brother of Andrey Stamatin.


A genius architect in a state of artistic depression, he feels (and occasionally sees) things he cannot express in words, much to his own annoyance. At times, he seems to lose interest in what he’s talking about before finishing his sentence, as if he’s given up all hope of being understood.

Not to be turned into a drunken clown under any circumstances! This is a tragic character who must elicit sympathy and compassion.

From the game's design documents

Peter Stamatin is a calmer man than his twin brother, Andrey Stamatin. He is precise, careful and pedantic in his work. He is tormented by his genius mind, able to see creations that he cannot fully articulate. His home - a Loft in the Skinners - serves as a reflection of his soul, cluttered and covered in paint, and revealing traces of sleepless nights. Peter Stamatin is a heavy drinker and prefers the local beverage Twyrine.


Alongside his brother Andrey Stamatin Peter was a renowned architect from the Capital. They worked as a team, with Peter as the meticulous curator of their ideas. Some time before the beginning of Pathologic 2 the two Stamatin brothers were brought to the Town by the Kains[1]. Prior to the beginning of Pathologic 2 both Peter and his brother were tasked with building a genius structure on the Kain's behalf: the Polyhedron. Five years before the beginning of Pathologic 2 it was completed, brothers having succeed in creating something truly miraculous.

While working as an architect in The Town Peter worked with Farkhad who later died, and who Peter is heavily suspected of killing.[2]


Physically, Peter is strikingly similar to his twin brother. He is a tall man with a sallow face, long brown hair, and sullen grey eyes. He wears a loose white shirt with a string lace around the collar, and is usually seen with a heavy coat that resembles a knitted quilt. Different patches of fabric have been sewn into the coat, which he wears over his shoulders. He wears thin blue pants and plain laced brown boots. Peter is only ever seen without his coat if the player visits him after Grace's adoption, but will be wearing it once again following a chosen ending.


Haruspex Route

My path was called "The Calligrapher". They wouldn't let me forget what I'd done. But they couldn't kill me. That means this... is just the beginning.

On the day following the death of Isidor Burakh, Peter Stamatin is seen outside of Isidor Burakh's House, having come to pay his respects alongside Anna Angel. Later in the evening, he can be found along with his brother in the Broken Heart, where he will introduce himself and offer the Haruspex two bottles of Twyrine after discussing its effects on the senses, saying it allows the drinker to hear the Town's sounds.

Later, following the beginning of the Sand Plague outbreak, the Haruspex is asked to check on Peter by Georgiy Kain, who insists that both he and his brother must be kept alive. Upon finding him in his loft, Peter asks the Haruspex to pay a visit to Anna Angel, who he is worried is panicking because she is mysophobic.

In the early hours of the fifth day Peter Stamatin can be found at Aspity's Hospice waiting alongside the Kin and Bad Grief to speak with Aspity. He wonders how the Polyhedron will survive, alongside wondering if Farkhad forgave him, and if Andrey Stamatin is angry with him. He confesses to the Haruspex that he and Andrey were the killer of Farkhad.

When the Inquisitor arrives in the Town, Peter can be seen waiting outside of the Cathedral with his brother, awaiting interrogation.

Should Dora Feugel take Grace from the Cemetery to rehouse her in The Town, she will be placed under Peter's care. He will comment that she reminds him of his own project and ability to create life, and wishes to take care of her. He is uncertain how to properly do so, but shows a remarkable determination to learn. If at this point Peter is deceased, his spirit will communicate with her, and tell her to give a key to Andrey Stamatin for him.

In the Diurnal Ending, Peter can be found in the Broken Heart, drinking with his brother, the Bachelor, and Yulia Lyuricheva.

In the Nocturnal Ending, Peter flees the Town with many of the Utopians and Humbles.

Pathologic: The Marble Nest

Architect Peter Stamatin survives as long as the Polyhedron, the paramount of his creation, survives.
Bachelor's map hover in Pathologic: The Marble Nest

Peter Stamatin perished prior to the events of The Marble Nest.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Peter Stamatin/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • Peter Stamatin will only appear at Aspity's Hospice and the Cathedral on Day 5 and Day 7 respectively if he was not infected at midnight.
  • In the Pathologic 2 Alpha, Peter shared animations with the Chickadee character model. This made him do childish wiggles and fidget with his hands. He was since given new animations in the full release.[3]


  1. Georgiy Kain: Because you won't find minds like theirs anywhere else on the whole continent. We hunted them for much too long. My brother Simon collected many brilliant specimens in this town, you know. It is an ark..
  2. Haruspex: Who is Farkhad?
    Peter: A talented corpse. A capable architect, though far below my league. He built the Cathedral.
    Haruspex: Ah! I see./I remember his grave in the Cemetery. The one with the eye.
    Peter: My brother and I built it. Killed him ourselves, buried him ourselves.
  3. - Pathologic Alpha - Peter Stamatin Old Animation (Youtube)

Peter Stamatin (Пётр Стаматин)
Peter Stamatin's Studio
Andrey Stamatin (twin brother)
Body Part
Monitor Lizard
Russian Voice
Alexander Fisenko
English Voice
Rob Corpuz (Pathologic Classic HD)

Peter Stamatin is an architect from the Capital and the designer of the Polyhedron. He is the younger twin brother of Andrey Stamatin.


Appearance: Both twins have long legs, broad shoulders and lean bodies. They appear very strong physically. Both have sharp and derisive features, aquiline noses and narrow eyes. They smile in a similar manner, only with their lips, the smile seems to outline the unkind gaze. Long faces with narrow chins. Peter has long hair which reaches his shoulders. Pale eyebrows. Quiet, unfaltering voice.

Pose: Stretching.
Personality: Both brothers are Renaissance men, much like Benvenuto Cellini: well-educated, fierce, eager to taste the life, to create daring theories and carry them out. Each seems to have a spring of steel inside. “Possessed” describes them more accurate than anything else: clenched jaws, fiery eyes, flared nostrils. Architects by training, they work on different matters in different directions. The Polyhedron was their second collaborative project. Peter is calmer than his twin brother, he is more absorbed in the process of creation; he is more precise, careful and pedantic. Peter’s house serves as a studio, cluttered with blueprints, sketches and plans, piles of books on architecture in five different languages and his university notes on the theory of the strength of materials. The walls are covered in spots of wine, paint and blood, traces of sleepless nights and creative search.

From original Pathologic character concepts [1]

A seemingly "otherworldly" man. He is an alcoholic and drinks Twyrine incessantly. He is prone to hallucinations and paranoia. Much calmer than his brother, speaking in a "calm, even voice," and much less confident in practical matters. He is more passionate about creation and works with greater precision therein, yet is unable to translate his ideas into real projects without the help of his brother.

Peter is very dependent on his brother, leaving all decision-making to Andrey. However, Peter occasionally shows a certain level of disdain towards his brother, the origin of which is unknown, but could be connected to the murder of Farkhad.


Peter and his brother are both well-known architects from the Capital, and have designed famous buildings across the country. Peter and Andrey were brought to the town by Nina Kaina ten years prior to the events of the game and have lived there since. Together, they created the Polyhedron, among other constructions. Peter is responsible for the various Stairways to Heaven scattered around the town, which served as prototypes for the creation of the tower.

Peter was accused of the murder of a fellow architect, but somewhat unconvincingly denies any involvement in his death. Although he has received no penalty due to his mental state, Alexander Saburov is convinced he is guilty and takes any chance to hold him responsible for the crime. However this death came about, the brothers created a grave and monument for the architect together, referring to him as Farkhad[2] in an inscription praising him signed "from inconsolable colleagues, P. et A. Gemini."

Though Peter may have been involved in some of Andrey's work, he is known to have worked on the following projects:


Peter has long black hair cut to his chin, a large nose, and sullen grey eyes. He has a very uneven stubble across his face. He wears a white shirt with a deep V-neck collar, laced with a golden trim on both the collar and his shirt cuffs. His coat appears to be made of leather, which he wears over his shoulders unbuckled. He wears grey pants and dull brown dress shoes. Peter has a mild red flush across his cheeks, likely due to alcohol flush reaction.

Portrait Quotes

AnnaHDportrait.jpg "While it's common consensus that both of them are brilliant, you don't need to be the brightest tool in the shed to see that Peter is the real genius. Such people are only born once a century. Not that I deny Andrey has talent... But Peter has drowned his gift in twyrine long ago, and it's become glaringly obvious that Andrey is nothing without him. Now Andrey believes that it is his duty to protect Peter and serve as a middleman between the harsh reality and the drunkard brother."

- Anna Angel's take on him.
AlexanderHDportrait.jpg "Both of them are rabid villains. Bonus points to Peter for also being a murderer. No matter what his creative achievements are, I would have ended him long ago, were he not almost completely deranged. Wild, cruel, disruptive; four hundred years ago this type of artists were more than satisfied with using a knife for a brush and blood for paint. This is the kind of people that believe that creativity absolves any sin."

- Alexander Saburov's take on him.
"While it's common consensus that both of them are brilliant, you don't need to be the brightest tool in the shed to see that Peter is the real genius. Such people are only born once a century. Not that I deny Andrey has talent... But Peter has drowned his gift in twyrine long ago, and it's become glaringly obvious that Andrey is nothing without him. Now Andrey believes that it is his duty to protect Peter and serve as a middleman between the harsh reality and the drunkard brother."

- Anna Angel's take on him.
"Both of them are rabid villains. Bonus points to Peter for also being a murderer. No matter what his creative achievements are, I would have ended him long ago, were he not almost completely deranged. Wild, cruel, disruptive; four hundred years ago this type of artists were more than satisfied with using a knife for a brush and blood for paint. This is the kind of people that believe that creativity absolves any sin."

- Alexander Saburov's take on him.


Bachelor Route

On Day 2, Eva Yan asks the Bachelor to help her escape from the Town, due to her fear of the Plague. In order to do so, they need the help of Andrey Stamatin, but he refuses to leave without his brother Peter Stamatin. The Bachelor goes to Peter Stamatin's Loft to find Peter and tries to convince him to leave. However, Peter refuses to leave his creation - the Polyhedron - and does not want to give up access to Twyrine.

In order to convince Peter to leave, the Bachelor tells him that Alexander Saburov - who has a grudge against Peter - will soon gain emergency powers, putting Peter's life in danger. However, neither Peter nor his brother or Eva arrive at the Train Station. The Bachelor returns to the loft to find Peter - who has apparently been injured - and questions him about why they were unable to meet at the Station. Peter says that as quarantine measures have already been placed on the Town, he was unable to continue the escape, noting his injuries.

On Day 7, the Inquisitor will ask the Bachelor to help her meet and reconcile with her niece, Maria Kaina. The Bachelor will learn that Maria is visiting Peter at his Loft due to concerns about the Polyhedron. He can relay this information to Aglaya. When the Bachelor arrives at Peter Stamatin's Loft, he will find Maria on the first floor, furious that Aglaya is present and seemingly terrified of her presence. Aglaya will be upstairs, examining Peter's blueprints, as Peter seems to be barely coming to; he was sent into some kind of unfamiliar, hysterical state upon Aglaya's arrival, and passed out after Maria arrived and they began to argue. The Bachelor helps him come to his senses and leaves the studio with Aglaya.

On Day 10, the Inquisitor asks the Bachelor to retrieve Peter Stamatin's Blueprints of the Polyhedron. When the Bachelor arrives at Peter's Loft, he finds the place overrun with soldiers and learns that Peter has escaped and is in hiding. He finds him preparing a ritualistic suicide in the Chine, where he plans to burn himself alive alongside his blueprints. The Bachelor fulfills a request of his - to bring him five bottles of twyrine - and reminds Peter that there are still people waiting for him and of the Bachelor's own concern and care for him to persuade Peter not to hurt himself. Afterwards, Peter will give up his blueprints and return to his studio.

Haruspex Route

Peter is never interacted with during the Haruspex route. Only on Day 12 can he be directly spoken to, as he is one of the Bachelor's Bound. There is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of his Studio with Peter infected inside. If the player wishes for the Bachelor to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give Peter a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure him.

Changeling Route

On Day 5, Katerina Saburova asks the Changeling to convince Peter Stamatin to change from the Utopians to the Humbles. She will find Peter in his home. Peter will listen to what the Changeling has to say, but wishes to know his brother's thoughts on the matter first. Andrey will not be convinced by the Changeling's words and no matter what she says to Peter after returning to his Loft, he will also refuse to become a Humble. Peter will give her a bottle of Twyrine if the Changeling is honest about Andrey's reponses.

On Day 11, the Changeling must find the Bachelor in order to give him a package from the Inquisitor. After facilitating the rescue of Andrey Stamatin and the Bachelor at the Train Station, she will find them both at Peter Stamatin's Loft along with Peter. She will talk to Peter and Andrey about the Polyhedron and hand over the package to the Bachelor.

On Day 12, as Peter Stamatin is one of the Bachelor's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of his Loft with Peter infected inside. If the player wishes for the Bachelor to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give Peter a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure him.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Peter Stamatin/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original English translation of the game, his name was written as "Petr Stamatin."
  • Peter's appearance is based on Nikita Koledin, a Russian theatre actor and director [3]. Nikita's photo is used for both Andrey and Peter.
