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Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Sticky (Спичка)
Pawns (Marble Nest)
Haruspex's Lair
Unnamed parents
Artemy Burakh (adopted father)
Murky (adopted sister)
Russian Voice
Maxim Chikhachyov
English Voice
Jill Holwerda (Pathologic 2 Demo)

Sticky is a young orphan who knows the layout of the Town better than anyone and knows many of its secrets.


Sticky is a focused and determined young boy who belongs to neither the Soul-and-a-Halves nor the Dogheads. He, like Murky, tends to spend more time with the Soul-and-a-Halves but is never truly part of either gang. He is an urchin child who is an expert at getting into places he's not supposed to. He dreams of becoming a doctor.

Sticky is one of the children listed on Isidor Burakh's List.


The identity of Sticky's parents is unknown but it is implied that he has been on his own for quite some time. As an orphan Sticky survived through his wits and his ability to steal. He became the student of Isidor Burakh and assisted him with brewing tinctures. He was able to access the Haruspex's Lair without a key, implying that he has never needed one to enter.

Sticky likely used to play within the Polyhedron among the other children on Isidor Burakh's list.


Sticky is a young teen with short blond hair and hazel eyes. He has numerous freckles across his face, and often tries to look very serious, to appear more mature. He wears a plaid pastel green button up shirt with a tattered blue shirt beneath it. He wears regular jeans and brown shoes.

Spoiler warning: Significant plot details about one of the endings of Pathologic 2 follow.
= In the Nocturnal Ending, Sticky wears a traditional outfit of the Kin, with brown leather hide wrapped into a tunic with brown pants. He wears fingerless black gloves wrapped around his hands, and the same shoes he usually wears. He also seems to have a more stern complexion.
Significant plot details about one of the endings of Pathologic 2 end here.


Haruspex Route

My path was called "In Defiance." I almost tracked down that weird creature, but then I found a better goal. I'm going to become a real doctor.

Sticky is present outside of Isidor Burakh's House on the night following the healer's death, hidden away from the crowd. He is wary of the Haruspex upon meeting him as the surgeon is still covered in blood - a remanent of the ambush at the Train Station earlier in the day. Sticky vows to keep an eye on the Haruspex in the following days, concerned with his presence in the Town so close to Isidor's murder. He, like many others in the Town, think the Haruspex guilty of patricide.

Following the death of Isidor Sticky is left without his teacher, though he continues to attempt his work without him. He upholds the Haruspex's Lair in his teacher's absence. He is soon discovered by Isidor's son, the Haruspex, after he gains access to the factory building through Vlad the Younger's key left in Isidor Burakh's house. He is admonished by the Haruspex, who is shocked to see a child in his father's workshop.

Though not liking her to start with, after Murky begins to visit the Lair more often and spends more time around the Haruspex Sticky begins to think of her as a sister. On one notable occasion, he turns sugar into candy for her. Though they are close the rift of Isidor Burakh is still strong and they fight about Sticky's previous teacher with Murky insisting that he is a bad person and Sticky insisting that he was a good one.

A few days into the epidemic Sticky is approached by a chemist working in the Stone Yard who is hiring poor urchins to help him secretly embalm corpses. People are willing to pay for the illegal service as homes previously infected get boarded up and then the corpses are taken to the Cemetery and burned on the Bachelor's orders. Burning the dead is a taboo and as such, this practice has left the Townsfolk afraid to surrender their dead. The embalming allows families to hide the smell of the dead and keep the bodies of their families. It is implied Sticky took the job and the Chemist hinted to him to recruit the Haruspex into his scheme.

Sticky aids the Haruspex in the creation of the Panacea, helping him fix his father's machines and allowing him to talk over his theories. He even helps the Haruspex to steal a Toolkit from a store the the Atrium to fix the brewing machine requires to make antibiotic medicines and panacea.

Some time during the events of Pathologic 2 Sticky seeks out a strange Albino in the Steppe. Though he tries, the creature continues to elude him. It is unlikely he ever found a real Albino.

Sticky is among the children who retreat to the Polyhedron following the arrival of the Inquisitor and the Commander.

On the tenth day since the Haruspex's return, Sticky will be infected with Sand Plague alongside the rest of Isidor's List. He will insist that the Haruspex aid the other children first, as he is closer to the alembic and can hold off the infection longer than the other children.

Sticky will accompany the Haruspex in the Nocturnal Ending and will be one of the few people not being part of The Kin who doesn't leave the Town, along with Murky and Grace. His appearance and clothes change, indicating that he has begun to merge with the Kin and his father's chosen path.

In the Diurnal Ending Sticky will ask the Haruspex to become his tutor, much for the amusement of the Haruspex, who can note that they're a lot more like family now. He will live with Murky in Isidor Burakh's house.

The Marble Nest

Birdies, birdies... gather ye here, round the marble nest...

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest. Read at your own risk.

Sticky assists the Bachelor during the events of The Marble Nest, beginning by waking him from his nightmare. Sticky informs Bachelor that the Judge had come looking for him during his sleep and that his friend Blacky's stepfather is sick. Later, Bachelor finds Sticky, Sleepy Head, and Shrew standing near the Silent House, waiting to collect to souls of the sick carriers inside into nuts. Sticky urges Bachelor not to give any nuts to Shrew, as she wants to collect Bachelor's soul when he dies. Sticky then tells Bachelor that he's not at the Silent House, but rather in bed, ill. He begs Bachelor not to die, as he wants to learn how to be a doctor from him. At the end of the Marble Nest, Sticky indicates that he's at Bachelor's sickbed, and tries to reassure him that everything will be alright.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Sticky/Spoken Dialogue#Pathologic_2


Official Art

Animation Video


  • His Russian name, Spichka (Спичка), translates to "matchstick".[1]
  • In the Pathologic 2 demo, Sticky had a different voice, and shared a voice actress with Lara Ravel and Katerina Saburova.
  • The outfit that Sticky wears in the Nocturnal Ending is the same one he previously wore in the 2016 demo of Pathologic: The Marble Nest, with updated textures.


Sticky (Спичка)
Sticky's House
Unnamed parents
Body Part
Map ID
Russian Voice
Konstantin Abramov

Sticky is a young orphan boy who lives alone in the northern part of Town. He knows the layout of the Town better than anyone and knows many of its secrets.


Appearance: Round head, lean and thin body, the boy resembles a match stick. Small almond-shaped half-lidded dark eyes. Mouth shut tightly. He smiles as if he knows something about you that you yourself don’t even know. When he stands he sways his head and shifts from foot to foot.

Pose: Hanging down while clutching to a bar.
Personality: Sticky is a thief. He spends more time in town than in the Polyhedron. Obsessed with searching for buried treasures, he often goes to abandoned buildings and generally snoops around everywhere he wants. Sticky is stubborn, if faced with a taboo, he breaks it on principle; once accomplished, he mellows out and looks for a new adventure. While Sticky is well regarded around town, it’s mostly due to his sense of humor. The story about a mysterious creature that appears to Sticky from time to time in barren corners of the town had changed the boy and turned into an obsession. An emotional trauma led Sticky to the Humble ideology. When he realized how powerless and weak the creature he hunted for was, he decided that “it’s better for it to die” and later became a hypochondriac.

From original Pathologic character concepts [1]

Note: these notes are outdated design notes for the original concept of Pathologic. Like many other characters, Sticky has seen much change in development from his original concept.

Sticky is a very independent child, spending most of his time exploring the town and hunting for treasure. He regularly climbs into and investigates old buildings, and seems to always find what he's looking for.[2] However, once he finds something, he quickly loses interest and moves on.


Sticky is a young boy with blond hair kept cut above his ears with hazel eyes and a wide smile. He wears a beige plaid button shirt with a navy blue shirt underneath. He wears blue jeans and laced sneakers.


Shortly before the Second Outbreak, Sticky became focused on catching the elusive Albino, which he believes to be the source of the plague. Eventually, he develops an obsession with finding the creature that borders on mania. He is dismissive of his personal safety when searching, choosing to wander along the Steppe at dangerous times.

Both Khan and Notkin respect him, but Sticky considers them both to be arrogant, preferring to be alone. Because he won't join either of their gangs, the two leaders consider him a 'traitor', and refuse to invite him to gang activities.[3][4]

Portrait Quotes

BadgriefHDportrait.jpg "Now that's what I call a good thievin'. A nimble lad, he is. Snatchin' a ring off your finger like there's no tomorrow, knowin' all them ins n' outs everywhere... and the lockpicks he makes. Man can always recognize the hand of a true master, dontcha think? I'm totally makin' the lad my minion as soon as I get my hands on him. He's a snappish pup all right, all bark 'n bite both, tryin' to keep away from old Bad Grief... But who knows—perhaps one day he'll be the heir to the throne of the King of Thieves... it's anyone's guess if I'm really gonna do it."

- Bad Grief's take on him.
CapellaHDportrait.jpg "That cryptic creature that he had encountered in some desolated corner of the town has really changed him. It seems to have turned into a mania. The main goal of his adventures used to be a nonexistent hidden treasure, but now he's going crazy for that longneck monster. He's positive that it is the last vampire..."

- Capella's take on him.
"Now that's what I call a good thievin'. A nimble lad, he is. Snatchin' a ring off your finger like there's no tomorrow, knowin' all them ins n' outs everywhere... and the lockpicks he makes. Man can always recognize the hand of a true master, dontcha think? I'm totally makin' the lad my minion as soon as I get my hands on him. He's a snappish pup all right, all bark 'n bite both, tryin' to keep away from old Bad Grief... But who knows—perhaps one day he'll be the heir to the throne of the King of Thieves... it's anyone's guess if I'm really gonna do it."

- Bad Grief's take on him.
"That cryptic creature that he had encountered in some desolated corner of the town has really changed him. It seems to have turned into a mania. The main goal of his adventures used to be a nonexistent hidden treasure, but now he's going crazy for that longneck monster. He's positive that it is the last vampire..."

- Capella's take on him.


Bachelor Route

On Day 2, Capella will warn the Bachelor that Sticky knows how to identify infected houses, known as "silent houses". Sticky tells the Bachelor all about how to break into houses and keep hidden, even if someone is already inside. Sticky will tell The Bachelor that there is an infected house "just across the yard", which the Bachelor discovers is Isidor Burakh's house. He will also tell him about a "monster" that people are hunting, and tells him to speak with Grace if he wishes to learn more.

On Day 4, the Bachelor is able to purchase lockpicks from Sticky.

On Day 6, Sticky sends a letter to the Bachelor urging him to come to his house, where he tells him about that "monster" from before - it is a Shabnak-adyr, and it is the plague carrier. After dealing with the creature - either by speaking with it and fleeing, or choosing to kill it - he learns that Sticky was incorrect, and that the creature is not responsible for the plague.

On Day 12, as Sticky is one of the Haruspex's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of his house with Sticky infected inside. If the player wishes for the Haruspex to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give Sticky a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure him.

Haruspex Route

On Day 1, Sticky will be found standing on a table in Isidor Burakh's home, which is infested with rats and disease. Despite the Haruspex reprimanding him for being in a dangerous place, Sticky tells him that Grace can help the Haruspex learn about what happened to his father the previous night.

On Day 4, Sticky is visibly upset that Notkin won't allow him to join the Soul-and-a-Halves in mugging Barley the Barber's new gang. He even calls the men "bastards" for hurting other people, but Notkin called him "Khan's bootlicker" because he wouldn't join the gang before. The Haruspex will be asked by Sticky to help a boy named Stump break into an house and steal some weapons in there. After being mugged by bandits, the inside of the house is deeply infected, but the Haruspex finds a Shotgun with ammo. If the Haruspex tells Sticky about the infected house, Sticky appears surprised, and tells him to keep the weapons for himself.

On Day 9, The Haruspex, with the help of Stump, lights Signal Fires near the Steppe for Sticky. Sticky himself is ambushed by the Dog Heads but escapes and finds shelter with Capella. Sticky states that Capella has big plans from him, and he appreciates the Haruspex for looking out for him.

On Day 10, after finding an aurochs in the Bone Stake Lot surrounded by townsfolk, the Haruspex must speak to four of his Bound in order to take blood from the bull. He speaks with Sticky and tells him about the bull, which Sticky complains that he doesn't get to see it, as he has been trying to find a "Supreme One" for a long time. Sticky asks the Haruspex to make sure the bull is healed, because an injured bull affects all who stand around it.

Following the Termite Ending, Capella states that Sticky will become one of the rulers of the town, controlling the commerce and trade of the town. He will ensure that the town always has enough. His associated color will be "amber."

Changeling Route

The Changeling meets with Sticky on Day 8 at the request of Taya Tycheek, who says she will only allow the Changeling in the Abattoir if she tells the young Mother Superior an interesting story. Sticky insists on trying to trick Khan with the story instead, but the Changeling insists that it must be for Taya. Sticky tells her that she must listen to the Steppe, as it will tell her a story that Taya will appreciate. He admits to the Changeling that he does not believe her to be a plague carrier during their conversation.

On Day 12, as Sticky is one of the Haruspex's Bound, there is a chance that an Executor will be stationed outside of his house with Sticky infected inside. If the player wishes for the Haruspex to attend the Cathedral meeting, they must give Sticky a Shmowder or a Panacea to cure him.

Spoken Dialogue

→ See Sticky/Spoken Dialogue


Official Art


  • In the original English translation of the game, his name was written as "Spichka".
  • His Russian name—Спичка—means "matchstick."
  • According to the original character drafts for Pathologic, Sticky was meant to be a Humble, and comes off as much more a mature young boy with hypochondriasis. This was later changed to make him a Termite.


  2. Концепты: Персонажи
  3. Sticky: Now that's just dirty! The Soul-and-a-Halves, those pricks, say I lick Khan's boots! Call me a traitor... Now they won't take me with them to mug the barbers. Those stinkers... - Haruspex Route, Day 4, Pathologic Classic HD
  4. Haruspex: And so [your friends] are planning to attack them?
    Sticky: They ain't no friends of mine! Arrogant bastards, stinky turncoats... Ooh, I hate them... What did I do to them? - Haruspex Route, Day 4, Pathologic Classic HD