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these are base prices, need to search for MARKET_OPERATION_TYPE_SET_MARKET_PRICE_FACTOR in action.xml to find the price multiplicators, tied to game time. Note that the items are referred to by their storable id. commas indicate decimal points. Interesting note: Clothiers do, as hypothesized by ingame values, have separate buy/sell rates than any other shop

Foeless. Foeless. Why be foes? Why shun? Better to listen than to fight. Abiding and watchful is wisdom. Let the outlandish life dwell within you and you will unearth answers. Is this not the task of a healer?
Initial infection

Icon Name Base
need to get resource Antibiotics (Blood) 295
need to get resource Antibiotics (Brain) 395
need to get resource Antibiotics (Heart) 375
need to get resource Antibiotics (Kidney) 325
need to get resource Antibiotics (Liver) 345
Bandage.png Bandage 192
ImmunityBoosters.png Immunity Boosters 100
Morphine.png Morphine 181
need to get resource Painkiller (Blood) 144
need to get resource Painkiller (Brain) 174
need to get resource Painkiller (Heart) 224
need to get resource Painkiller (Kidney) 174
need to get resource Painkiller (Liver) 194
Panacea2016.png Panacea 1000
TinctureI.png "Medrel" Tincture 72
TinctureII.png "Yas" Tincture 72
TinctureIII.png "Zürkh" Tincture 72
TinctureIPlus.png "Medrel" Tincture (+) 100
TinctureIIPlus.png "Yas" Tincture (+) 100
TinctureIIIPlus.png "Zürkh" Tincture (+) 100
Tourniquet.png Tourniquet 180
Twyrine.png Twyrine 80

Barter Prices Rough Draft

First name is name in release. Second name is name in files. Most people have two barter lists, updating their inventory to carry more drugs after day 3 or day 4, but needs more research before I can separate them.

Carouser (Akulich)

Wants Value
Water Bottle 1
Gives Value
Bandage 3
Tourniquet 4

Chickadee (Nata)

Wants Value
Button 4
Candle End 4
Ring 6
Broken Scissors 3
Bracelet 6
Needle 3
Safety Pin 4
Charm 6
Thread 2
Thimble 3
Spindle 4
Match 1
Gives Value
Ferromycinium 8
Neomycinium (+) 9
Morphine 10
Smoked Fish 7
Fingernail 6

Crow (Izek)

Wants Value
Charm 6
Grindstone 3
Kashk 3
Match 1
Pocketwatch 8
Razor 4
Gives Value
Metal Scrap 4
Spring 3
Candle End 3
Toast 5
Peanuts 2

Infected Crow (Izek)

Wants Value
Any mycinium 7
Any mycinium (+) 10
Heart Antibiotics 8
Kidney Antibiotics 6
Liver Antibiotics 7
Brain Antibiotics 9
Blood Antibiotics 5
Kidney Painkillers 3
Heart Painkillers 5
Brain Painkillers 6
Liver Painkillers 4
Blood Painkillers 3
Immunity Booster 3
Morphine 4
Any Tincture 2
Any Tincture (+) 3
Gives Value
Pocket Watch 4
Razor 4
Spring 1
Candle End 1
Metal Scrap 2
Peanuts 1
Toast 5

Dove (Martha)

Wants Value
Charm 6
Ring 6
Bracelet 6
Soap 3
Spindle 5
Immunity Boosters 3
Tourniquet 3
Bandage 4
Gives Value
safety Pin 4
Thread 5
Thimble 3
Needle 3
Lemon 3
Egg 4

Infected Dove (Martha)

Wants Value
Any mycinium 7
Any mycinium (+) 10
Heart Antibiotics 8
Kidney Antibiotics 6
Liver Antibiotics 7
Brain Antibiotics 9
Blood Antibiotics 5
Kidney Painkillers 3
Heart Painkillers 5
Brain Painkillers 6
Liver Painkillers 4
Blood Painkillers 3
Immunity Booster 3
Morphine 4
Any Tincture 2
Any Tincture (+) 3
Gives Value
Ring 3
Egg 3
Soap 1
Thimble 1

Doghead who trades powder for leash

Wants Value
Leash 1
Gives Value
Powder 1

Finch (Nazlo)

Wants Value
Pocket Watch 7
Fishing Hooks 3
Charm 6
Match 1
Needle 2
Razor 5
Broken Scissors 4
Scrap Name 4
Gives Value
Fingernail 6
Rifle Ammo 8
Immunity Boosters 8
Smoked Fish 7

Swift (Gavrosh)

Wants Value
Spring 3
Safety Pin 2
Chestnut 2
beetle 3
Walnut 2
Hazelnut 3
Peanuts 4
Raisins 5
Broken Scissors 3
Thimble 4
Metal Scrap 1
Marbles 3
Gives Value
Immunity Boosters 6
Morphine 6
Needle 3
Soap 2
Egg 5
Apple 6
Fingernail 6

Goose (Marat)

Wants Value
Pocket Watch 8
Match 1
Razor 3
Fingernail 4
Gives Value
Coffee 7
Walnut 2
kashk 5

Infected Goose (Marat)

Wants Value
Any mycinium 7
Any mycinium+ 10
Immunity Boosters 3
Morphine 4
Gives Value
Apple 3
Coffee 6
Pocket Watch 3
Walnut 1

Herb Bride

Wants Value
Any Tincture 4
Any Tincture+ 6
Thread 4
Scrap Name 2
Bell 6
Package 3
Match 1
Candle End 2
Thimble 3
Razor 3
Gives Value
Pocket Watch 5
Grindstone 2
Spindle 3
Broken Scissors 2
Chalk 2
Charm 4
beetle 2
Pemmikan 6
Kashk 4

Kayura (Aigul)

Wants Value
Charm 5
Ring 6
Bracelet 6
Soap 4
Spindle 6
Bandage 6
Tourniquet 4
Immunity Boooster 4
Bell 4
Gives Value
Pemmikan 6
Kashk 4
Needle 3
Marbles 2
Thread 3
Thimble 4
Safety Pin 5

Infected Kayura (Aigul)

Wants Value
Heart Antibiotics 10
Heart Painkillers 7
Liver Antibiotics 9
Liver Painkillers 7
Kidney Antibiotics 8
Kidney Painkillers 6
Brain Painkillers 9
Brain Antibiotics 11
Blood Painkillers 5
Blood Antibiotic 7
Any Tincture 3
Any Tincture+ 4
Gives Value
Charm 3
Ring 3
Fingernail 1
Smoked Fish 7
Pemmikin 6
Kashk 4
Needle 3
Marbles 1


Wants Value
Any Tincture 3
Any Tincture+ 4
Brain Painkiller 8
Brain Antibiotics 10
Heart Painkiller 7
Heart Antibiotic 9
Liver Painkiller 6
Liver Antibiotic 8
Kidney Painkiller 5
Kidney Antibiotic 7
Blood Painkiller 4
Blood Antibiotic 6
Package 4
Brain 5
Heart 6
Liver 3
Kidney 2
Diseased Brain 6
Diseased Kidney 3
Diseased Liver 4
Diseased Heart 5
Blood Flask 1
Revolver Ammo 5
Rifle Ammo 9
Shotgun Ammo 7
Gives Value
Smoked Meat 8
Ashen Swish 7
Swevery 7
White Whip 7
Black Twyre 3
Blood Twyre 3
Brown Twyre 3
Bell 5
Scrap Name 3
Tan 4

Oriole (Klava)

Wants Value
Charm 6
Spindle 4
Ring 7
Bracelet 7
Soap 4
Bandage 5
Tourniquet 3
Immunity Boosters 3
Gives Value
Thread 2
Needle 3
Smoked Meat 8
Chestnut 2
Thread 4
Thimble 5
Safety Pin 3


Wants Value
Lockpick 12
Knife 24
Revolver 35
Rifle 55
Shotgun 45
Gives Value
Immunity Boosters 4
Revolver Ammo 4
Toast 5
Morphine 5

Pochard (Zakir)

Wants Value
Charm 6
Tweezers 4
Metal Scrap 3
Spring 2
Package 5
Candle End 4
Gives Value
Fishing Hooks 2
Match 2
Pemmikin 2
Hazelnut 2
Kashk 3
Grindstone 4

Infected Pochard (Zakir)

Wants Value
Heart Antibiotics 9
Kidney Antibiotics 7
Liver Antibiotics 8
Brain Antibiotics 10
Blood Antibiotics 6
Kidney Painkillers 4
Heart Painkillers 6
Brain Painkillers 7
Liver Painkillers 5
Blood Painkillers 3
Any Tincture 3
Any Tincture (+) 4
Gives Value
Package 4
Fish Hooks 1
Match 1
Tan 3
Pemmikan 5

Siskin (Beybars)

Wants Value
beetle 5
Marbles 4
Charm 6
Fishing Hooks 2
Thimble 3
Needle 1
Thread 3
Candle End 4
Broken Scissors 4
Gives Value
Neomycinium 8
Shotgun Ammo 6
Package 8
Fingernail 6
Tweezers 2
Kashk 6


Wants Value
Lockpick 8
Gives Value
Rifle Ammo 8
Immunity Boosters 4
Monomycinium (+) 9
Army Ration 9

Starling (Charlotte)

Wants Value
Candle End 3
Bracelet 10
Ring 10
Thread 2
Thimble 2
Spindle 3
Bandage 4
Tourniquet 3
Immunity Boosters 3
Fingernail 5
Gives Value
Apple 4
Raisins 3
Safety Pin 2

Infected Starling (Charlotte)

Wants Value
Immunity Booster 3
Morphine 4
Any mycinium 7
Any mycinium(+) 10
Gives Value
Bracelet 4
Ring 4
Apple 3
Raisins 2
Safety Pin 1

Teensy (Little Girl)

Wants Value
Bell 6
Safety Pin 3
Ring 7
Button 4
Spindle 5
Raisins 3
Peanuts 2
Chestnut 4
Walnut 5
Hazelnut 2
Chalk 3
beetle 2
Marbles 3
Gives Value
Immunity Boosters 6
Morphine 6
Monomycinium (+) 9
Ferromycinium 8
Neomycinium 8
Schmowder 35
Egg 5
Fingernail 6

Tot (Little Boy)

Wants Value
Metal Scrap 4
beetle 3
Bell 4
Walnut 2
Safety Pin 2
Button 4
Chestnut 3
Peanuts 2
Raisins 4
Hazelnut 5
Charm 5
Scrap Name 4
Marbles 2
Chalk 2
Gives Value
Monomycinium 8
Neomycinium 8
Ferromycinium (+) 9
Revolver Ammo 4
Egg 5
Fingernail 6

Bread Girl?

Wants Value
Bell 6
Thimble 3
Chalk 2
Scrap Name 3
Charm 6
Marbles 4
Spindle 5
Broken Scissors 4
Gives Value
DIY Boots 20
DIY Mask 18
DIY Gloves 18
Army Cloak 20
Neomycinium 10
Immunity Booster 5
Morphine 6
Bread 20
Canned Food 15
Milk 12
Needle 4
Fingernail 2

Barter Dude (literal name in files)

Wants Value
Broken Scissors 4
Safety Pin 2
Leash 10
Metal Scrap 6
Spring 4
Knife 10
Rusty Scalpel 8
Scalpel 12
new Scalpel 14
Menkhu's Finger 16
Razor 4
Fishing Hooks 3
Gives Value
Revolver Ammo 4
Lockpick 5
Immunity Boosters 4
Morphine 5
Needle 3

plague map kid

Wants Value
Knife 10
Rusty Scalpel 8
Scalpel 12
new Scalpel 14
Menkhu's Finger 16
Broken Scissors 4]
Razor 4
Fishing Hooks 3
Safety Pin 2
Leash 10
Metal Scrap 6
Spring 4
Immunity Boosters 4
Any mycinium 6
Any mycinium(+) 10
Brain Antibiotics 15
Heart Antibiotics 15
Liver Antibiotics 15
Kidney Antibiotics 15
Blood Antibiotics 8
Brain Painkillers 15
Heart Painkillers 15
Liver Painkillers 15
Kidney Painkillers 15
Blood Painkillers 8
Gives Value
Tinctures 6
Tinctures+ 10
Lockpick 5
Revolver Ammo 4
Shotgun Ammo 5
Morphine 5
Needle 3
Plague Map 6,10,12,14,18,20,24 (tied to quest progress)


Wants Value
Button 4
Candle End 4
Ring 6
Broken Scissors 3
Bracelet 6
Needle 3
Safety Pin 4
Charm 6
Thread 2
Thimble 3
Spindle 4
Match 1
Gives Value
Neomycinium 9
Ferromycinium 8
Morphine 10
Smoked Fish 7
Fingernail 6

Dead Item Shop

Item Value
Diseased Brain 10
Diseased Heart 8
Package 6
Blood Flask 3
Fishing Hooks 2
Broken Scissors 3
Bloody Bandages 6
Broken Ampule 3
Needle 2
Safety Pin 3
Bell 5
Scrap Name 3
Razor 3
Empty Bottle 1
Fingernail 3
Rotten Food 4
Lockpick 5
Candle End 4
Brain 8
Kidney 5
Heart 6
Liver 7
Gives Value
Canned Food 17
Twyrine 10
Schmowder 40
Ring 10
Pocket Watch 10
Bracelet 10
Any mycinium 16
Any mycinium(+) 18
Revlover Ammo 8
Rifle Ammo 12
Shotgun Ammo 10
Fresh Meat 20
Milk 18
Bread 19
Army Ration 15
Fresh Fish 16


maybe overwrites dead shop?

Wants Value
Bloody Bandages 10
Broken Ampule 5
Rotten Food 10

Food Trader

Wants Value
Menkhu's Finger 6
Gives Value
Apple 8
Egg 12
Pemmikin 21
Peanuts 1
Smoked Fish 19
Smoked Meat 22
Army Ration 28
Toast 16
Fresh Fish 23
Canned Food 29
Bread 35
Fresh Meat 45
Milk 21
Walnut 1
Hazelnut 2
Chestnut 2
Raisins 3
Kashk 12
Tan 6
Coffee 20
Lemon 10

Meat Kinsmen near railroad

Wants Value
Charm 6
Tweezers 4
Kashk 4
Metal Scrap 1
Spring 1
Grindstone 1
Pocketwatch 8
Water Bottle 1
Fishing Hooks 1
Package 5
Gives Value
Match 2
Pemmikan 6
Hazelnut 2
Smoked Meat 4

Kids, after catching them in the hide and seek event

Note that they basically give you their items e.g., letting you trade one peanut for two peanuts.

Wants Value
Chestnut 2
Fishing Hooks 2
Hazelnuts 2
Knife 5
Needle 2
Peanuts 2
Walnut 2
Gives Value
Chestnut 1
Fishing Hooks 2
Hazelnuts 1
Knife 5
Needle 2
Peanuts 1
Powder 5
Walnut 1