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Odonghe (Черви)
Dilapidated Shack (Pathologic 2)
Shekhen (Pathologic 2)

They're worms in the soil. They make it softer. Kinder.

Worms are humanoid creatures — "the Worms inside Boddho's body" — who are part of the Kin. Worms are described as "half-people, crude and unshapely and unfinished", "Not quite human. Made of soil and bones, glued together with sticky blood and inspired with thick twyrine".

According to local legends, The Earth moulds Worms out of her innards and then spits them out. They are a caste responsible for many tasks such as the harvesting of herbs, creating medicines, and trading. Many worms live in yurts near the border of the Steppe, however, according to townsfolk, Worms don't usually stay in place for long — they travel and break camps for the night. While herding cows and bulls in the Steppe, odonghs often live on water, kashk, and pemmican for months at a time.

Worms are often called odonghs, the Steppe word for a drover that has the duty of herding cattle between the Steppe and The Abattoir. It is translated as "he who holds Him by the horns". However, the meanings of the words aren't interchangeable and odongh can also refer to anyone of the Kin of the same profession.


To gather herbs Worms nourish the earth with blood and organs, which they are willing to trade their herbs for. Trading with humans and townsfolk led to some sort of 'internecine war' among the Worms which resulted in bloodshed. Andrey Stamatin is one of the people Worms trade herbs with regularly.

Traditionally, worms couple with Herb Brides, who they can buy and trade between each other. Odonghe profit from Herb Brides, as the Brides are the only ones who are able to nurture the herbs and provide a good harvest. Vlad the Younger - who has taken interest in The Steppe culture - often communicates with Worms, which is very uncommon for the townsfolk and even looked down upon. Worms hold Aspity in high regard, referring to her as Sahba-ötün, The Queen of Worms. Aspity created a haven for fugitive workmen of the Bull Enterprise where she helps butchers and Worms that have fallen out of boös Vlad's favour.

Pathologic 2

Can transport a passenger to any other improvised quay, which is sometimes faster than walking. But Charon won't even look at you unless you carry a coin or, in this case, a token.

In Pathologic 2 Worms serve as ferrymen. As their payment they ask for a fingernail. They use these tokens to line their boats to ensure a safe journey along the river. Worms employed as ferrymen can also tell the population of The Town through feeling the Earth grow heavier or lighter.

The relation between the Kin and the Plague is emphasised in Pathologic 2. Vlad the Younger invites Haruspex to examine the Worms and conclude whether Worms are immune to the Plague or not. Burakh deduces that Worms, as well as Herb Brides and other Children of Boddho, are chimeras, a blend of two kinds of matter.

It is implied that Aspity is the one who brokers work for odonghs in Town.


Once the Haruspex has healed the schism within the Kin, he may trade with Worms.

Worms will accept Tinctures, Ammo, Packages, and blood and organs. In exchange, they offer all varieties of Herbs, food, and other items important to the Kin.

Painkillers and antibiotic tinctures have different values based off what organ was used to create them.

There are three Worms located in the Steppe that can trade with the Haruspex in the original Pathologic. They require a vial of blood to initiate trading and will accept body parts and food in exchange for herbs.

Item Description Trade Value
Chernaya tvir.png
Black Twyre
A rare herb with unique properties. Is popularly called "woegrass". 14
Buraya tvir.png
Brown Twyre
One of the more fearsome species of twyre. The Steppe people believe that this herb is sentient and hostile to humans. The elders call it "The herb of Worms". 12
Krovavaya tvir.png
Blood Twyre
One of the more popular species of twyre. An essential component of the famous twyre infusions, which vary based on the age and amount of the herb. 10
Belaya plet.png
White Whip
A rare valuable herb. The people of the Steppe don't worship it as much as twyre (which, according to the legends, is how the earth gives back the souls of the dead), but they often use it in their potions, because it diminishes the danger of plucked twyre. 15
A rare herb. The people of the Steppe don't worship it as much as twyre (which, according to the legends, is how the earth gives back the souls of the dead), but they often use it in their potions, because it greatly amplifies the medicinal qualities of twyre... 20
Item Description Trade Value
A human heart. Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 5
Ui kidney b.png
Human kidney. Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 4
Human blood. Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 3
Extracting organs from a human body is seen as a horrible blasphemy in the local tribal community. Only the menkhu are allowed to do this because they have an ancestral right to cut living bodies. However, some gatherers and also the Hunchback from the Atrium district would be willing to trade for something this rare... 4
Ui svezhee myaso b.png
Fresh Meat
The meat of an animal slaughtered hours ago. The situation in the Abbatoir is unknown, its innards are closed off to common people, and any contact with the Termitary is temporarily cut off. In any case, fresh meat is nutritious and tasty if properly cooked. 80
Ui kopchenoe myaso b.png
Smoked Meat
This meat was cooked a month ago. Very nutritious and filling. Is very popular among townsfolk and thus relatively hard to come by nowadays. 40
Ui vyalenoe myaso b.png
Dried Meat
This meat was cooked three weeks ago. The risk of it being infected is negligible, but it is still the meat of a Steppe animal... Large shipments of dried meat have been prepared for transportation to the regional center and await the arrival of the freight train at the Beef Warehouses. 20
Ui svezhaya ryba b.png
Fresh Fish
This fish was caught today or yesterday. This indicates there is still live fish in the river, which inspires hope. Contains a lot of phosphorous and other useful nutrients. Some believe that consumption of fish stimulates the brain significantly. 80
Ui vyalenaya ryba b.png
Dried FIsh
The river has provided quite a few unpleasant surprises recently. Could this indicate a mass dying off of fish? Hundreds of dead fish have washed up during the past week, the banks are covered in scales. This has made the people wary of eating fresh fish and they now prefer preserved fish like this one. 20
Ui yaitso b.png
A fresh quail egg. Very nutritious. Especially good for an organism weakened by a serious disease. Chickens and chicken eggs are becoming rare nowadays, so the townspeople are eating quail eggs. 40
Ui moloko b.png
A bottle of cow's milk. Be careful with this product. Milk is very good for one's health but its origin means there is always a big risk. Women say that recently cows have been producing a clear ichor, and dark clots have been found in steamed milk. Farm animals cannot be trusted these days. 20
Ui suhar b.png
A piece of dried bread. Not very nutritious, but can be stored for a long time. The town doesn't have a bakery. The townsfolk bake their own bread, while the dwellers of the Termitary make unleavened cakes. Lately there hasn't been any fresh bread because of flour shortages. 4
Ui ovotshi b.png
Preserved vegetables. The jars are, as you can see, not labelled. At the warehouses the jars were packed together in crates, preventing a mixup. But this is stolen goods. This jar could contain tomatoes, young onion bulbs, peppers, or beans. All are good for one's health in different measure. 40

Animation Video


Official Art


  • The word odongh does not have a clear real-world origin, but may come from the name of a cryptid called the Mongolian Death Worm: olgoy-korkoy (олгой коркой), or 'intestine worm' [1]
  • The Kin elders call Brown Twyre "the herb of Worms" because of its qualities: the Steppe people believe that this herb is sentient and hostile to humans.
  • In Pathologic Classic HD a deaf-and-dumb odongh is the town's only train driver who can guide the train through the Steppe. Living people are forbidden to get on the train.
  • It is said it's forbidden for an odongh to couple with a woman from the Kin.
  • In Pathologic 2, if the Haruspex does an autopsy on any of the Worms in the Abattoir, their bodies will occasionally produce buttons instead of organs.
