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Apple is a ration in Pathologic 2. Consuming it reduces hunger by 10%, and reduces thirst by 5%. It can be purchased from groceries and the Broken Heart Pub, randomly obtained via Packages, or looted from containers and bodies. It can also be traded for via townsfolk.


Hover Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
Not too fresh, but still able to satisfy a little hunger and thirst. Not very fresh, but will still satisfy a little hunger and thirst. Not the freshest in the world, it can still somewhat sate hunger and quench thirst.

Touch Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
Each seed might one day become a tree, its roots permeating Earth. We'll grow apple tree gardens in the desert yet. Each seedling might become a tree one day, its roots piercing the entirety of the Earth.


  • When bartering, apples are worth 4 from Starlings and 6 from Swifts.
  • Apples take 1x1 inventory slots. They stack up to 10.