Abattoir Blood

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This entry refers to content from the original Pathologic (2005) and the Pathologic Classic HD remaster. It has nothing to do with the sequel.

Abattoir Blood
Quest Item
Item ID

Abattoir Blood is a quest item found in Pathologic that is obtained during the Haruspex Route. It is a vital component in manufacturing Panacea. To make a Panacea, the Haruspex combines a vial of Abattoir Blood with any Twyrine Extract.

According to the Foreman, it is harvested from a deep well beneath the Abattoir, and is the living blood of the earth - the body which contains us all.



A vessel with precious contents. Almost hot to the touch. The blood inside flows slowly and seems to be viscous and transparent, reminiscent of the rare twyre sap.
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