Bone Horn

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This entry refers to content from the original Pathologic (2005) and the Pathologic Classic HD remaster. It has nothing to do with the sequel.

Bone Horn
Quest Item
Item ID

The Bone Horn is a quest item in Pathologic that is obtained in the Haruspex Route. It is obtained by Haruspex on Day 8 from Aspity as part of the main quest "Whose Blood Was It?".

The horn is a so-called Udhey, a ritualistic bone of sorts that is of great importance to the Menkhu as a recognition of their supreme power. It used to belong to the previous Menkhu, Isidor Burakh.


Bos Primigenius, a beast from legend whose lines reflect all the intricacies and laws of the Universe, gave this bone to one of the first menkhu.
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  • The Horn's importance is strengthened by its supposed origin from the so called Bos Primigenius. The bones of such a creature of legend are also present in Capella's Necklace.