Pathologic Wiki:Style Guide/Items

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Nice Bottle.png
Item Name
Item Type
Item ID
Item ID (From the Console)

Item Name are a type of (Type) in Pathologic 2. Information on acquisition and trading. If the item is usable, list the effects.


Hover Quotes.
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
Haruspex's hover quote from the full release of Pathologic 2 Bachelor's hover quote from the full release of Marble Nest Haruspex's hover quote from the alpha/demo release of Pathologic 2

Touch Quotes.
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
Haruspex's touch quote from the full release of Pathologic 2 Bachelor's touch quote from the full release of Marble Nest Haruspex's touch quote from the alpha/demo release of Pathologic 2


  • List how large the item is in the inventory and if it stacks. If it stacks, list how higher it stacks to.
  • If possible list the value of the item in barter.
  • List any alternate names.

Ui klara ammo b.png
Item Name
Item Type
Item ID
Item ID (For console)

Item Name is an item in Pathologic. List the use and effects of the item. List any unique effects for Healers for example: For the Changeling, lockpicks stack.


Hover quote.


Image of the item in use, where applicable.


  • Notes and trivia.