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This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

Item ID

Toast is a ration in Pathologic 2. Consuming it reduces hunger by 20%, but increases thirst by 30%. It can be purchased from groceries and the Broken Heart Pub, or looted from containers and bodies. It can also be traded for via townsfolk.


Hover Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
Soldier food. It's better to eat fresh bread. Soldier food. There's no reason to prefer it to freshly baked bread. Soldier food. There's no reason to prefer it to freshly baked bread.

Touch Quotes
Haruspex The Marble Nest Alpha
HaruspexProfile.png BachelorProfile.png NPC Haruspex.png
Stale bread is bad news. It doesn't breathe. Letting bread turn stale is frowned upon. Toast arrived to the town with soldiers' rations and remains undesirable, despite being filling. Leaving bread to go stale or dry is heavily frowned upon. It doesn't breathe.


  • Toast takes up 1x2 inventory slots and stacks up to 5 times.
  • When bartering, toast is worth 5 from Militiamen, Nightjars, Pigeons, Crows, and infected Crows/Ouzels.

Ui suhar b.png
Item ID

Cracker is a type of ration in Pathologic. It may be bought from stores, stolen from homes or traded from patrolmen. Crackers decrease hunger by 2%.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Buying 7 82 40 45 51 90 30 38 80 66 60 44
Selling 6 67 33 27 33 40 20 25 40 35 40 29


A piece of dried bread. Not very nutritious, but can be stored for a long time. The town doesn't have a bakery. The townsfolk bake their own bread, while the dwellers of the Termitary make unleavened cakes. Lately there hasn't been any fresh bread because of flour shortages.