Blood Tests

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(Redirected from Yulia's Blood)
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This entry refers to content from the original Pathologic (2005) and the Pathologic Classic HD remaster. It has nothing to do with the sequel.

Aspity's Blood Test
Anna's Blood Test
Clara's Blood Test
Lara's Blood Test
Yulia's Blood Test
Quest Items
Item ID

Blood Tests are quest items found in Pathologic that are obtained in the Bachelor's Route on Day 6 for the main quest "Witch-Hunt".

Due to what happened in the Cathedral on the night of Day 5, several women of the Town are under suspicion of being Plague carriers and the Bachelor is tasked with investigating which of the women may be responsible.

The Bachelor will obtain multiple samples of blood from Clara the Changeling, Aspity, Anna Angel, Lara Ravel, and Yulia Lyuricheva. All of the women will be found in their respective homes, except for the Changeling, who will appear in different locations depending on the Bachelor's actions that day.


Clara's blood test.
Hover text for Clara's blood test

Aspity's blood test.
Hover text for Aspity's blood test

Anna Angel's blood test.
Hover text for Anna's blood test

Lara Ravel's blood test.
Hover text for Lara's blood test

Yulia Lyuricheva's blood test.
Hover text for Yulia's blood test